Author Topic: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Orange Skies  (Read 587381 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Hemmin's News Flash
« Reply #345 on: March 31, 2013, 10:14:55 PM »

Yay for populating the town with adorable little Nickerboos! Out of curiosity, is Bree streaking autonomously? And if so, what trait would be responsible for that?

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Hemmin's News Flash
« Reply #346 on: March 31, 2013, 11:38:49 PM »
I think it's the 'Juiced' trait ;)
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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Hemmin's News Flash
« Reply #347 on: April 01, 2013, 06:57:26 PM »
Yay for populating the town with adorable little Nickerboos! Out of curiosity, is Bree streaking autonomously? And if so, what trait would be responsible for that?
I think it's the 'Juiced' trait ;)

She's a Jock, Athletic, Brave Daredevil who gets Super Juiced when I leave her alone for five minutes . . . it's really only a matter of time before Bree Elysi starts streaking!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - 4/1
« Reply #348 on: April 01, 2013, 07:38:00 PM »
Chapter 45 - Not the Sort to Fall in Love

  Okay, so I spent a night or two in the woods, the police were out looking for me, grandparents were worried sick . . . nah, I doubt anyone noticed besides Rosa and Great-Grandma Serena. Grandpa is busy with the triplets, and Mum and Dad are busy with other things.

  Believe it or not, Grandpa is no longer dating Sandi. She doesn't feel that there's enough space in her house for more kids--but don't worry, it was all very painless! Mum just changed their relationships from dating to best friends, then set Dad up with her friend, Tamsen Clemons.

  Just like with Sandi, he brought his new girlfriend 'round to meet the family, and she's practically living with us. I'm pretty sure she's expecting, too . . . because we just need more kids in this place . . .

  So, yeah, tons of love in the family lately. Which does nothing but remind me that I'm still not dating anyone--not that I need to. I still haven't decided whether I like girls or boys, and this whole "dynasty produce the heir" thing is just making me think that I maybe like girls, which could pose several problems. Technically, it is not yet possible to produce a baby with someone of the same gender, but . . . I can't think of a way to make this work!

  Dad was sitting outside, reminiscing about his wedding, when the sparkles hit him. I know Mum isn't happy about the age difference, but not for the usual reasons. She just wants more time with him before he goes off to the big sunflower field in the sky.

  He's a nice-looking elder, if you ask me. I can see why Mum's still in love with him.

  Like everyone else, I was pretty excited for my birthday--though, y'know, I'm too hipster to be excited. It's cool. Whatevs.

  See, people? THIS is a good aging-up outfit! Mum's really frustrated, because she doesn't know how I always look amazing on my birthday. Hidden skill, am I right?

  I know everyone thinks I look nothing like Mum, but I borrowed one of her headbands and a scrunchy, and even I'm a little surprised by the results. We have the same facial structure, and the nose and lips and cheekbones . . . it's just the eyes and hair that set us all off, and those are from Grandma Kaylynn.

  I kept the hat, and refused to put on any makeup, even though it's allowed now that I'm a young adult. I'm protesting the superficiality of modern society. And no, I put absolutely no effort into my athletic and swimsuit--it's not like I'll ever wear them!

  The plane had already been booked, and I left before the end of the party. Within moments, I had picked up my suitcase and was running out to the moving van.

*3 Days and many, many, many many many many Watcher breakdowns later*

  For the first term, I rented a little house at the edge of the campus. Not exactly my style, but better than sharing with a bunch of freshman losers.

  Mum had made it very obvious that I was going to college to find a boyfriend. Let's face it--there are nada interesting men in Sunset Valley, and I'm going to need someone to produce an heir with. Luckily, I met someone cute at the very first party.

  Miles Forthright, sophomore, business major. He's kind of "socially awkward," but interesting enough to keep me busy for an hour or two.

  Do I "love" him, so to speak? You mean the way Mum loves Dad, and Grandma loves Grandpa, and Great-Grandma loves Great-Grandpa? No! I don't think I'm at all the sort of girl who would fall in love. I like a little fun, some kissing with a friend, but I wouldn't call my affection for Miles "love." I'm going to marry him and have a kid, that's all.

  Anyway, since Mum didn't exactly specify what I could or could not do with the college boyfriend, we went into his room, locked the door, and stayed in there all night. Not a bad way to start the term.

  Classes were okay--there were some other rebels in my class, and one pretty girl I enjoyed flirting with. After all, I'm dating someone, not dead!

  After class, I visited the Grotto and had a little wonderpetal tea before getting to work. I study outside because of all the people hanging around in the cafe. Sometimes, a girl just needs to concentrate.

  I know I have a full course load, and all my classes are sooooo important, but . . . sometimes I just have to blow it off and stand outside with a stereo and easel. My professor was pretty mad, but I brought in a few paintings to show him and he gave me extra credit!

  Some nights, when I'm already stressed out, I go to one of Miles's many parties.

  I usually stay over there, being too wiped out to drive my motorcycle home, but Miles has been really irritating lately. I mean, it's three in the morning, I have classes at eight, but he just wants to Woohoo until I don't have enough time to get dressed before leaving--which lead to quite a few letters from the administration office! And then he acts so self-righteous and mad--I thought we were dating! You should make more time for me! Sheesh . . .

  He's always waiting outside with a bouquet of roses and a bonfire at my first class after one of these nights, for reconciliation and apology. I'm not the biggest fan of roses, but I guess I should just appreciate the gesture.

  On these days, I'm in a better mood after classes. And sometimes I'm the one to text him, rather than the other way around. It's one way to pass the time.

Watcher's Note:
I've spent about 20 minutes putting together the family tree--oh, and all of Alexander's kids are in there now! Check it out . . .Elysi Family Tree
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Not the Sort to Fall in Love
« Reply #349 on: April 01, 2013, 08:05:13 PM »
I never noticed Miles when my sims went to Uni. I'm glad Kara likes him, though. He looks cute!

And the family tree is a work of art, all thanks to Alex. His pollination efforts were beautiful. :'(
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Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - 4/1
« Reply #350 on: April 01, 2013, 09:18:51 PM »
I never noticed Miles when my sims went to Uni. I'm glad Kara likes him, though. He looks cute!

And the family tree is a work of art, all thanks to Alex. His pollination efforts were beautiful. :'(

I never really had him focus on pollination--he was more of a fisherman--so I'm surprised he had so many kids! I blame the Fertility Treatment . . .

Anyway, I know this is the second update in, like an hour, but I'm all hopped up on University drama!

Chapter 46 - Uptown Girl

  Truth be told? I spend a lot of time on my computer outside the Grotto . . . but usually I'm checking out dating websites, not studying. I send a few messages, reply to a few requests, check out a few pictures. Sometimes I just sit with the blank screen and think.

  I've also started getting into guitar. I've always been interested, mostly because of this silly romantic fantasy I had when I was a teenager. I always imagined that I'd be at university, just walking through the park after class, and see a cute guy playing guitar. He'd glance up at me, wink, and start playing Uptown Girl or something.

  I'd drop a five dollar bill in his guitar case, and he'd stop playing, pick it up, and say, "Can I buy you some coffee?" I never really imagined anything past that--we'd just walk away, and our hands would touch and hold. This really proves that every teenage girl has a romantic fantasy.

  Did you know that the University has a library? I discovered it recently, and decided to spend a little quality time getting to know the place. Maybe catch up on studying, or reading, or spray-painting . . .

  The exams were practically effortless, and I passed with flying colors and a perfect GPA! Mum and Dad were super proud, even though I stayed with Miles over the weekend and enrolled in the next term, instead of coming home.

  He actually graduated, already, and earned his business degree! His overall grade as a C, for some reason--how is it possible to fail this stuff? I'm still proud, though.

  For the next week, I decided to stay in a dorm, just for the heck of it. There were only a few other people standing around outside, so I texted Miles to come help break the place in. He's also going for a Fine Arts degree this time around, but really just for fun.

  Our antics gave me unrivaled control of the only real bedroom in the place, since no one wanted to sleep there afterwards. I'm going to need to redecorate soon . . . maybe a little black wallpaper . . .

  I like Miles. I really do. He's nice, sweet, and funny. He's very muscular, and good-looking--symmetric features and all. He's a little goody-two-shoes, but never turns me in for whatever vandalism I committed. Once the police were after me, and he pretended to break his ankle on the front porch while I snuck out the back! Miles is a great person, and a wonderful boyfriend. I couldn't ask for anyone better.

  But then I saw her . . . this girl who I saw at the Student Union one day. She wasn't doing anything special, just passing through. But she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I felt something in that moment, and it was a thousand times more powerful than anything I had ever felt before. I drew sketch after sketch, trying to get every feature of her face perfectly on the paper.

  Bianca was her name. She had dark hair, light blue-green skin, beautiful eyes, lips, and nose, and a voice that seemed to echo when she said my name.

  That night, far past midnight, I called Bianca and asked her out. She agreed immediately, and I don't know what the best part of our date was. Maybe it's when we realized that we were made for each other--compatible signs and everything.

  Maybe it's when I spoke, with uncharacteristic shyness, of love. And she smiled.

  Maybe it's when I held her close, and she held me closer still.

  Perhaps my heart glowed the most when I stepped forward and kissed her, and the world burst into the rainbow fantasy Rosa and Great-Grandma Serena always seem to see.

  But as the elderly zombies popped up around us under the full moon, and Bianca and I stood with our arms around each other and kissed, again and again, I wanted to be living in that moment forever.

  At the park the next afternoon, I looked around at the other students and envied them. What happy, normal people with happy, normal lives! They don't know how very, very lucky they are . . .

  I'm ignoring my first three classes of the day and playing electric guitar. On thinking days, I paint, and on emotion days, I play guitar. This is, without a doubt, an emotion day. Though I feel less emotional than numb, now. I feel like I've just discovered happiness, and it's about to slip away.

  Finally, I drop the guitar and go to the Grotto. I open my laptop and type in the link Great-Grandma gave me. And I start reading, whispering the words softly as I read them.

  "I said some stuff to Eunice about eternal love and immortality and another life together and junk.  I called her my queen and my love and said I could even look past her ugly dress in the face of true passion.

She told me I was amazing and had changed her life.  That I'd rescued her from a curse, just like a real fairy tale, and that we'd be happy forever.

  Quietly, I watched the computer screen and daydreamed. It will never work for us, I know. There are too many people with us--and how will Miles feel? For me to move him in, only to marry Bianca . . . if only Rosa had been a handsome male hippie--but I don't mean that. It doesn't matter, anyway.

  She cornered me after I left class the next day. "How could you do this to me? I thought we had something special--but I heard that you have a boyfriend! Was this all some kind of joke? What, you think it's funny to kiss the weird girl?"

  "Please believe me," I begged, "I never meant for any of this to happen! I don't love Miles at all, I love you, but I don't know how to deal with any of this!" I froze as the words left my mouth, realizing they were true. Bianca walked away, and I couldn't do anything but watch her go.

  The next moment, I was panicked. Miles! What if he heard rumors about Bianca and me? I changed quickly and hurried to his swimsuit party at the fraternity.

  "Hey, babe," he greeted me, pulling me into a kiss. "You don't usually come to parties. What's up?"

  "Nothing," I said, casual as possible. "There are just some rumors going around campus about me, because my family's so famous. I know you're not shallow enough to think they're true!"

  Every morning, afternoon, and night I texted Bianca. The messages varied--some were rambling declarations of love, some plead for her to forgive me, and one or two were just the brief but effective Call me.

  "Bianca? You picked up! I just . . . I . . . I really, really want to apologize. And--I don't know what to say, honestly. Maybe we can't be together, but--hello?"

  At least class activities are improving. I formed a band with a couple other students and the teacher, but of course they're all attracted to me so it's one big flirt-fest.

  "I know this is, like, the millionth message I've left you--and I swear this isn't even exaggerating, I've been counting!--but please listen. I'm so incredibly sorry, and I love you. That's all I can say. If you're willing to try hanging out with me again, I'll be waiting down by the lake all night. And all day, too, if you're late or something. Look, exams are tomorrow--this is our last chance to be together."

I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Dextra2

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #351 on: April 01, 2013, 09:32:27 PM »
If only Rosa had been some handsom male hippie....
*falls over laughing*  Ahh, Kara would love Freddie.
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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #352 on: April 01, 2013, 09:40:01 PM »
Hello, long-time lurker here, I just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your Immortal Dynasty story and cannot wait for more updates :o)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #353 on: April 01, 2013, 10:03:47 PM »

Aw, what a great update! "Rainbow fantasy" being a particularly appropriate description! Anyway, it was really sweet to see Kara getting all mushy over someone. Miles will make for some good baby-donating-genes, I think, but I really wish there was room in the household to add Bianca! I also really loved the reference to the Classics.

And omg, you found a rainbow sim on campus?? How? What? Why? Zomg!

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #354 on: April 01, 2013, 10:09:33 PM »
*falls over laughing*  Ahh, Kara would love Freddie.

Let's face it--everyone would love Freddie. I have plans to pair every single one of my Elysi's up with him to see how the genetics play out, including Nick.

Hello, long-time lurker here, I just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your Immortal Dynasty story and cannot wait for more updates :o)

Thanks so much! I always love it when a long-time lurker comments--it feels like Christmas came early and gave me snow in California! Hopefully you won't have to wait long for the next update.

Aw, what a great update! "Rainbow fantasy" being a particularly appropriate description! Anyway, it was really sweet to see Kara getting all mushy over someone. Miles will make for some good baby-donating-genes, I think, but I really wish there was room in the household to add Bianca! I also really loved the reference to the Classics.

And omg, you found a rainbow sim on campus?? How? What? Why? Zomg!

I'm honestly just echoing Kara's wishes and actions. She's constantly wishing to kiss Bianca, slow dance with Bianca, watch the stars with Bianca, go out on a date with Bianca--and before she met her, she popped tons of wishes for Miles. After that first date--nada. I felt so horrible trying to figure out how to make all of this happen! I'm so torn between moving in them both and waiting for Brandon to die, and just moving in Miles and having the baby right away. Sigh. I still feel so guilty.

Bianca is a true mystery. She's a human, but on the gray-green slider, and her voice echoes like a ghost. Maybe she's part alien? I seriously love her, though, I think she might be the most unique and beautiful in-game sims I've ever seen, and just the sort of person Kara would fall in love with.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Dextra2

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #355 on: April 01, 2013, 10:18:22 PM »
Let's face it--everyone would love Freddie. I have plans to pair every single one of my Elysi's up with him to see how the genetics play out, including Nick.
You. Must. Post. Those. Pictures.

Bianca is a true mystery. She's a human, but on the gray-green slider, and her voice echoes like a ghost. Maybe she's part alien? I seriously love her, though, I think she might be the most unique and beautiful in-game sims I've ever seen, and just the sort of person Kara would fall in love with.
I believe the answer is quite clear then. Die, Brandon, DIIEEEE!
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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #356 on: April 02, 2013, 10:44:22 AM »
I believe the answer is quite clear then. Die, Brandon, DIIEEEE!

  Wow, someone's excited! I'm actually hoping Brandon doesn't die, because Rosa still has 7 ice sculptures to go. And even if he does, I'll probably just leave the space open for Gen 5's spouse and kids! Although, I do have a kinda-spoiler that may work out.

You see, Miles is actually only a few days younger than Bree, and so I could technically work him in the same way I would Bree's spouse, and fill the empty space left by dead-Brandon with Bianca. However, this may or may not be a good thing in the end, so . . . yeah.

Anyone, please PM me if you have an opinion that must be shared because I am super-conflicted in this love triangle and need as much help as possible!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #357 on: April 02, 2013, 02:06:07 PM »
Haha!  Sorry I'm late to the party on this.  Freddie and Nick would make a lovely couple, lol.  I do hope that Eunice and Eden can serve as inspiration for Kara to go after what truly makes her happy ... and if Bianca can also somehow have a lovely green nooboo, well, that'd be just spectacular too!

Always super flattered and such to see my story referenced :)

Offline KateBubbles

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #358 on: April 02, 2013, 02:09:06 PM »
Ahh! Kara is so very lovely as a young adult. And I love love LOVE her college life. It's so dramatic! I do feel sorry for her though. She just needs to follow her heart, though I can't exactly say I know what she should do since I am not part of an immortal dynasty. Following your heart must be hard in a dynasty. :c She needs a nooboo though. Ahh! I can't wait to see how it all comes together.

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Uptown Girl
« Reply #359 on: April 02, 2013, 05:40:55 PM »
Haha!  Sorry I'm late to the party on this.  Freddie and Nick would make a lovely couple, lol.  I do hope that Eunice and Eden can serve as inspiration for Kara to go after what truly makes her happy ... and if Bianca can also somehow have a lovely green nooboo, well, that'd be just spectacular too!

Always super flattered and such to see my story referenced :)

I wish I had a situation with a guy already living in the house (although I LOVE Rosa!) so that I could save space . . . grrrr . . . and Eden and Eunice were a huge inspiration to Kara (and me, too) although she (A.K.A. I) am not quite sure of how to deal with all of this!

Ahh! Kara is so very lovely as a young adult. And I love love LOVE her college life. It's so dramatic! I do feel sorry for her though. She just needs to follow her heart, though I can't exactly say I know what she should do since I am not part of an immortal dynasty. Following your heart must be hard in a dynasty. :c She needs a nooboo though. Ahh! I can't wait to see how it all comes together.

She definitely had an exciting time in college, if somewhat less than productive  ;) . She's probably the most dramatically inclined sim I've ever had, but I feel so guilty for making her be with Miles instead of Bianca . . . sigh. I hope it all just works out in the end!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty