Author Topic: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Orange Skies  (Read 586725 times)

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #300 on: March 25, 2013, 11:33:13 PM »
Of course. It was very subtle though.

Thank you, thank you. I try  ;)

Congratulations on immortal number two! This part was so bittersweet--the accomplishment of immortality, yet the realization that many of his loved ones will not be able to share in it. The way that you conveyed his thoughts was simply superb.

Thanks! It's an especially huge compliment from you, since your writing is so amazing! Can't wait for the next installment of Second Chances.

Haha, Nick's tattoo is quite suitable. A lovely trip down memory lane, as always!

I was searching for the perfect tattoo to give him, then just stopped and thought--Wait. There's a giant smiling yellow heart right there. What am I doing?

Ooh, do I get to join the club on the last one?

And congrats on your second immortal. I love Nick's new tattoo.

Of course! The Using Male Sims to Impregnate Entire Towns club welcomes all members--after all, we share the same goal!

I try on the last one, but I don't seem to be very good.

Nonsense! It takes practice, patience, and utter lack of empathy for female sims, that's all!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #301 on: March 25, 2013, 11:38:53 PM »
I think Rhoxi needs to join the club as well. ;)
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Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #302 on: March 25, 2013, 11:42:45 PM »
I think Rhoxi needs to join the club as well. ;)

Without a doubt! Did you see that family photo at the end of her dynasty? Seriously . . .

This is not actually a club. We don't have a webpage somewhere or secret handshake or anything. Technically we are all in the club, since it's not an actual "club" . . . and, yeah.)

Welcome to the club, Rhoxi!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline maisie

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #303 on: March 26, 2013, 03:06:46 PM »
I can't believe how many updates I've missed in the last days.  :-[
Congratulations on your second immortal! That museum is incredible, you managed to get so many great photos.
You were doing really well, Bree and Brandon are so cute together. I enjoyed to read about their university time. You did a great job with their bedroom, by the way. They will certainly have an adorable nooboo! So please, don't let us wait too long.

P.S.: Are there any empty places in your "club that's not actually a club"?  ;D

P.P.S.: I'm sorry that my post seems to be a little bit...confused. ^^"

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #304 on: March 26, 2013, 03:43:36 PM »
Congrats on immortality Nick! Welcome nooboo Kara. I love Bree and Brandons bedroom :)
P.S As well as a heart being perfect for Nick, in the Sims 2 that particular heart was a symbol for woohoo! ;D

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #305 on: March 26, 2013, 09:07:16 PM »
I can't believe how many updates I've missed in the last days.  :-[
Congratulations on your second immortal! That museum is incredible, you managed to get so many great photos.
You were doing really well, Bree and Brandon are so cute together. I enjoyed to read about their university time. You did a great job with their bedroom, by the way. They will certainly have an adorable nooboo! So please, don't let us wait too long.

P.S.: Are there any empty places in your "club that's not actually a club"?  ;D

P.P.S.: I'm sorry that my post seems to be a little bit...confused. ^^"

Thanks! Bree and Brandon are a pair of adorable little chipmunks (don't ask), and I LOVE University! I try, I try, despite being a less-than-good builder! The nooboo is the cutest little thingamajig ever--I'm sure you all will be kept very busy once I'm posted her toddler years!

Congrats on immortality Nick! Welcome nooboo Kara. I love Bree and Brandons bedroom :)
P.S As well as a heart being perfect for Nick, in the Sims 2 that particular heart was a symbol for woohoo! ;D

I know--I just now realized how many big events have happened in the past few updates!

Oh, my. I did NOT know that, but it certainly suits him!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - The Second Immortal
« Reply #306 on: March 26, 2013, 09:57:52 PM »
Thanks! Bree and Brandon are a pair of adorable little chipmunks (don't ask), and I LOVE University! I try, I try, despite being a less-than-good builder! The nooboo is the cutest little thingamajig ever--I'm sure you all will be kept very busy once I'm posted her toddler years!

I know--I just now realized how many big events have happened in the past few updates!

Oh, my. I did NOT know that, but it certainly suits him!

Well why else would a heart be grinning insanely?  ;D

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Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - 3/26
« Reply #307 on: March 26, 2013, 09:59:33 PM »
Chapter 39 - Surprises Everywhere

  Since Dad has officially "graduated" from being the current heir, I got to make over the living room and kitchen! I had Brandon spray-paint all the walls after this, which is why it's looking a little bare.

  Mom and Dad have been . . . interesting, lately. I think she's turned on by the tattoo or something.

  Naturally, the grandparents are all lined up in the nursery to spend time with their little Kara-bear. She seems to enjoy all the attention, the little imp!

  Brandon has been spending as much time as possible with little Kara. I do hope she looks like him--after all, I'm practically a clone of Mom, so Dad will have a image of her for the rest of eternity. Don't I deserve the same luxury?

  Don't worry, I can still steal him away for an hour or two. After all, we're not that old!

  Speaking of old, Mom celebrated her elder birthday! She still looks fantastic, I think--let's hope I'm so pretty as an elder!

  "Am I still pretty?"

  "You are, and always will be, the smartest, sweetest, most talented, and most beautiful girl to ever grace the world with her presence."

  Awww . . . not that I was listening in or anything!

  Mom got herself a new toy to play with! She's the only one with any idea of how it works, although Brandon started foaming at the mouth when the truck dumped it in our backyard. They started rattling at each other in techno-gibberish, which I took as my cue to run away.

  She chose a pretty good time to test it out, though . . . right in the middle of the birthday party!

  Dad (once he woke up) was very impressed, and they started doing inappropriate things autonomously. There are children present!

  Kara did make it to the birthday cake--I held her, of course. Brandon was a little miffed about this, as you can see in this picture, but he started cheering the moment I held her to blow out the candles.

  He then asked, in a very serious voice, "Honey, did you cheat in me while you were in China?"

  "Of course not! Why would you--oh."

  I think she has my square little toddler face--and look at how beautifully I grew up!--but everything else is foreign. We would have thought the hair came from Dad, but she doesn't have gray tips. Her dark eyes are the real mystery, but I quite like them.

  Mom claimed Grandma Initiative to begin teaching Kara about the importance of friendship, rainbows, and unicorns. She and Grandma are so alike sometimes!

  I soon swooped in to make sure that she knows that her boyfriends must treat her with respect. That's right--he pays the bill, opens the door, and buys the expensive roses!

  Sometimes, I just close my eyes and hug her close. I know I'm not quite "parenting material"--not nearly so much as my predecessors--but that doesn't stop me from loving my little girl, and I'm trying my best.

  I can't stop myself from scaring her with The Claw, though. There are some things you just can't resist!

  Brandon may suspect that she isn't his daughter (I'm not sure how serious he is about that), but he certainly loves her. And she's Daddy's Little Girl.

  I think Grandma may be getting a little senile in her old age. When she isn't playing with Kara, she's out in the garden ranting to the plants.

  Mom, on the other hand, hasn't changed a bit! "You see, sweetheart, when two grown-up sims love each other very much and want to have a baby, they lock their bedroom door and--"


  "Darling, she needs to learn at some point. Remember how distraught you were?"

  "Mummy Daddy Woohoo!"

  "That's right! Mummy Daddy, Granny Grandpa, Kara Kara-Husband--"


  Brandon loves taking her on long walks in the snow, and tells her all about how a snow picture is white and black, which makes shading especially important. I don't know how much of this stuff she's absorbing, but hopefully it'll make her future supermax a little easier!

  Mom and Dad are loving the new hot tub . . .

  A little too much. At least Brandon and I have some decorum! We know we're not in university anymore, thank you very much . . .

  And if he sometimes leaves his robes on and we run into each other--well, it's his own fault for making me think that we're still in college!

  Have I mentioned that Grandma grew a baby? We honestly didn't think it was possible, but . . . yeah. Grandma. There's no telling what she'll do next!

  She named the baby "Rosalia," Rosa for short, because (according to her) "Uncle Nathaniel has some serious sucking-up to do if he wants to win this competition."

I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Surprises Everywhere
« Reply #308 on: March 27, 2013, 02:29:44 AM »
I must admit I just made a rather loud 'Aww!' noise. It's not exactly everyone-is-awake time, either.  :-[
I can't wait to see what little Rosa looks like! Adorable, no doubt!

But seriously, you do know that sucking up doesn't help, right? ;)

Okay, I vaguely recall other things happening in the update. Hang on. Oh, yes. The living room looks nice. Happy birthday, Lolita. Yes, you're still pretty. Kara is cute although I guess no Brandon clone, which is sad, and my goodness, who teaches a toddler about WooHoo! Only Elysis, that's who.
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Surprises Everywhere
« Reply #309 on: March 27, 2013, 02:51:37 AM »
A plantsim! Oh wow! This ought to be interesting. :)

Kara is completely cute.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Surprises Everywhere
« Reply #310 on: March 27, 2013, 02:34:17 PM »
I must admit I just made a rather loud 'Aww!' noise. It's not exactly everyone-is-awake time, either.  :-[
I can't wait to see what little Rosa looks like! Adorable, no doubt!

But seriously, you do know that sucking up doesn't help, right? ;)

Okay, I vaguely recall other things happening in the update. Hang on. Oh, yes. The living room looks nice. Happy birthday, Lolita. Yes, you're still pretty. Kara is cute although I guess no Brandon clone, which is sad, and my goodness, who teaches a toddler about WooHoo! Only Elysis, that's who.

Of course not! Nathaniel judges others based on his own feelings  ;) and Rosa is SO cute!

My Elysi grandmothers feel that they have very specific duties when it comes to their grandchildren . . .

A plantsim! Oh wow! This ought to be interesting. :)

Kara is completely cute.

Just wait! I am loving having a plantsim--they're the perfect slaves dynasty helpers!

I was very surprised when she first aged up--she could be in a totally different family from the others!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - 3/27
« Reply #311 on: March 27, 2013, 03:06:19 PM »
Chapter 40 - My Radioactive Daughter

  Everyone's a little freaked out by Grandma having a baby, except Dad. He jokes that he always wanted a little sister to play pranks on!

  Brandon, being a little older than I am, became an adult all too quickly. He looks exactly the same, of course, but I don't like to think of him being older than I am, for obvious reasons.

  On an unrelated note, is there anything cuter than a toddler hiding in a toy box? She has the most mischievous little grin--my Kara is quite a handful!

  Sadly, this will be the last adorable toddler picture of Kara that you will see, because she celebrated her birthday that same day. She insisted on blowing out the candles herself, and nearly fell headfirst into the cake!

  Why did she age up in such a normal outfit? Of course, I always get a mixture of freakish and grisly on my birthday, but my daughter has pajamas! Life isn't fair.

  She also insisted on dying her hair green ("It's Radioactive, Mummy!") and brushed it out.

  Oh, and I finally achieved my lifetime wish! I could have easily done so a long time ago, but--waiting for BlackOps, and such. It feels very nice . . . Brandon!

  Grandma jokes that it's a good thing she's on the opposite side of the house from us and my parents, or she wouldn't get any sleep at all with "all the banging that goes on at night." I know they can get a bit loud sometimes!

  For some reason, Mom kidnapped Rosa and took her across the street for her birthday. I suppose it's nice of her to not want to wake us up, but it's still just a little weird!

  Naturally, Rosa is a perfectly adorable toddler! Isn't it strange that we have two green children--one who loves green, and one who is green! In any case, Rosa's favorite color is lavender, and Grandma made sure to dress her in only the clothing the little toddler chose. She has a surprisingly developed sense of style!

  Grandma was very excited to have her own baby again, and trained Rosa almost exclusively.

  Brandon took this very sweet picture of the two of them that Grandma had hung in her bedroom. I hope it reminds her of Rosa when she . . . y'know . . .

  Kara was an interesting child--very quiet, but very talented. Brandon swears that she's a photography prodigy, and has great potential for the arts. For the moment, she seems content to play in the bathtub and take a photo or two in her free time.

  She's very responsible, too, always playing peek-a-boo with Rosa and making sure she isn't hungry. The two girls are already fast friends, perhaps because Rosa is telling Kara all about her ability to see through the fabric of space and time.

  Mom can always coax her granddaughter outside to play in the snow, building snowmen and igloos and who knows what else!

  Brandon and I take her out almost every night for "family" dinner at the diner, just as y parents always treated us to lunch. Here, she tells us all about school--and how she hasn't been to school at all because of the snow--and how she and "Grandma Serena" built a fort out of snow.

  At the moment, my life is absolutely  perfect. I have my daughter whispering about the crush she has on some boy she saw at the supermarket, and Brandon waiting for me when I get home from work at three in the morning . . . what more could a girl want?

  Oh, and Grandma insists that next time is Kara's turn to narrate, since my tasks are pretty much completed already. Now, I'm off to the snowball arena--ouch! Brandon, no head shots!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - My Radioactive Daughter
« Reply #312 on: March 27, 2013, 03:14:54 PM »
Radioactive? Uh oh, where is that going? Haha

Rosa is so adorable! Haha, I'm pleased my namesake has mysterious supernatural abilities.

Who is this boy? We will see more of him, no doubt...(laughing because I once had a crush on a boy at the supermarket. That was in high school, though...)
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Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - My Radioactive Daughter
« Reply #313 on: March 27, 2013, 03:26:31 PM »
So much cuteness! I love how many updates you are doing at the moment, by the way, keep 'em coming!
I have a weird theory about Kara. . . Brandon was adopted by Kaylynn, right?


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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - My Radioactive Daughter
« Reply #314 on: March 27, 2013, 04:24:36 PM »
It is a really good job there is no death by adorableness. We would have all caught it by now if there was. :D

