Chapter 26 - A Real Family? "
Yes, the name was Mom's idea. Please, please don't ask.

Brandon celebrated his teenage birthday in an anticlimactic celebration of uno. I would have preferred for him to stay a child forever, despite violating dynasty rules and so on. After all, since he's a teenager--hormones. And the only underage girl is my daughter--who is
way out of his league, by the way!

I know Mom is in favor of him, if only because he likes the color blue and helps her with her voodoo, but . . . no. Just, no. If he so much as
looks at my daughter, I will have a chainsaw through his middle before he can say, "
No! I am unworthy!"

We immediately took a trip to France--
we meaning Kaylynn, Brandon, and I. Kaylynn started tutoring her son in logic and sculpting, since he maxed painting as a child.

Meanwhile, I got down to supermaxing sculpting for once and for all, but my mind was on my family, and Bree especially. Being in the house I once hoped to build our family in didn't help matters.

Soon enough, they joined me in the studio for sculpting challenges. Brandon and I worked on becoming Ice Personalities, while Kaylynn finished up making five of each medium. Soon enough, Langerak the Younger achieved his lifetime wish as a teenager--a wish that had taken Kaylynn until the elder stage to achieve. Insane, isn't it?

Incidentally, our sculpting made us enough money to buy this castle! I'm sure Mom will love it when I show her the pictures--she always was one for the fairytales.

Have I mentioned how freaky French paparazzi are? This one just sat outside all day.

And then there's the French
maid. I won't even explain this one.

We stayed in France for weeks and, just as I had foreseen, Brandon made a beeline for my daughter the moment we got home! Never mind that she was hungry and screaming with her precious little lungs--no, I am not being irrational!

Mom has no right to accuse me of being irrational--she's the one with a new hobby!

We celebrated Bree's birthday on a bright and sunny autumn day.

She still has most of her mother's features, which I couldn't be happier about. Her pretty brown hair has golden highlights, even though it's tricky to see with her hair pulled back. Bree has a decidedly . . .
unique Roman style. You will never know how hard it was for Mom and 'Lita to put her in a dress!

Meanwhile, a not-quite-as-important celebration went on inside.

The evening then descended into party confusion, with the two elderly lovebirds making out all night by the photo booth!

There were plenty of pretty young women at our house, but I only had eyes for one. And she wasn't Marisol McIrish.

Speaking of pretty young women (not really), Alexander and Anne's older son, Lionel, age into a young fairy with pink wings! He's bald, just like his sister.

Kip McIrish finally aged up. Here he is, and there's Marisol reading in the background.

The world forgot it wasn't summer for a few days, and we spent the time playing and having water balloon fights. Of course, all the games were started by Bree--she's an active child and loves nothing more than throwing things at Brandon and her old man!

For lunch, we hung out at the diner every day. The four of us are almost like a real family--mother and father with teenage son and child daughter.