The file has been reloaded, the miracle has occurred, and my Sunset Valley Elysi's are back! The Monte Vista dynasty is on hiatus, since I don't want to officially move it to the graveyard--after all, it's nowhere near dead!
Chapter 25 - Back in Business At the Consignment Store the other day, I spotted a cute little werewolf teddy bear and immediately thought of Bree! Is that weird? Nah . . . anyway, she is currently practicing her judo on poor Fang! And yes, she was the one who named him Fang.
According to Mom (and Lolita, and Kaylynn, and Alexander, and Fang) I'm a
little overprotective when it comes to my daughter. Just because of that one time--okay, Bree somehow got the door to stick and I couldn't get it open . . . so, obviously, I panicked, grabbed my chainsaw, and tried to break through to the nursery. How is
that overprotective?

'Lita is definitely Bree's most rational parent! She spends lots of time with her daughter--walking, talking, pottying, and "girl stuff." Guess which one I'm not allowed to sit in on? Really, I tried to listen at the door, but one of them threw a rubber ducky at my face . . . still trying to figure out which . . .

Mom also gets up nice and early to beat us to the nursery! Having another nooboo in the house makes her want to start a daycare with Kaylynn--something about a weird alternate life dream thingy?

Speaking of cats (we weren't really speaking of cats, it was just a seamless transition), we built them a nice little enclosure! This way, everything they need will be right there, and Bonehilda won't be able to torture them when they're trying to sleep.

Remember Anne Ursine? The one Alex impregnated? Well, she gave birth! Here's her mom, Claire, holding baby JoAnna. She's a kleptomaniac and hydrophobic.

His second child with Anne, Brain, is hydrophobic and clumsy. He has quite a set of lungs on him!

It looks like they'll be expecting another one soon, despite Claire's disapproval. Single ladies of Sunset Valley, beware!

Kaylynn took advantage of a renovation at the Ursine house to outfit it for all the babies. She received a horrible review, but was willing to take the blow for Alexander. I always wondered if there was something romantic going on between them . . .

This somehow reminded me of something
very important I still had to do with my wife. Something that is literally the core of the Elysi family.

Wow, Mom was right when she said this place was magical! Best. Woohoo. Ever. Whoops, too much info-mation!

Kaylynn celebrated her last moment as a beautiful, flawless adult . . .

Wowza! She may not be my type, but Kaylynn is still a knockout. She and Michael Bachelor having been dating since they were teenagers, and have no sign of letting up. Literally--she's known around town as Eternally Faithful--while I'm the Kid-Who-Somehow-Got-Married-To-Deceased-Heiress-Lolita-Goth.

Mom says I read this notecard out loud . . . let's see . . .
Kaylynn Langerak kept the Chinese theme in her wardrobe but recolored it to suit her personal style. Wink! Wait, I wasn't actually supposed to wink there . . . her other styles include medieval, classic, and old lady."

Have I mentioned that my wife not only enjoys teaching our daughter, but playing with her? She especially loves the toy car--it's yellow, you see.

She also reenacts our romance with the playhouse dolls for Bree's amusement! Including the Woohoo bits. Bree asked me "
How many times Mommy and Daddy piwwo-fight evawy week."
Naturally, Mom and Lolita are both worried sick that I'll catch on fire while sculpting with metal! I'm perfectly calm, of course, being a master sculptologist and all. OH MY HOT AIR BALLOON--false alarm, it was just a lightbulb.

Bree's parents only took one night off in the week of her toddlerhood. This was to see
Of Simmers and Sims play at the Holloi Polloi--they're Mom's favorite band, and she insisted that we go. Spoiler: It was awesome!

You're all probably wondering about Brandon, Kaylynn's adopted son. He spends most of his time painting in the studio, but he and Mom are very close. Normally, I would be perfectly happy with this, but . . . she's teaching him weird things. Every once in a while, they go up to Simhenge to collect gems and watch the moon and so on.

They've been catching lots of fireflies--something to do with the magical power of the firefly's glow. Of course, the fireflies end up going into Mom's elixirs.