Author Topic: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Orange Skies  (Read 587939 times)


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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #120 on: February 12, 2013, 02:10:58 PM »
I love finding unexpected original townie spouses too. Whoever this one is.

The museum room is awesome.

Offline cathyknits

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #121 on: February 12, 2013, 03:07:24 PM »
I'm down to Sandi French (but I think she's been used), and Unborn Baby Keaton Was A Girl This Time.... :)

Congrats on your first immortal!
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #122 on: February 12, 2013, 04:55:30 PM »
And townies never have nooboos! It's so irritating! You must be smarter than I am, because I have no idea for any of the spouses after Nick's!

It's true, they don't. I think they used to but it's been broken so long I don't remember. Not smarter, just more of a control freak. I can't stand not knowing exactly who my Sims are going to marry and what they are going to do, so I make plans :)
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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #123 on: February 12, 2013, 06:13:14 PM »
Congrats on your first immortal! The ambrosia room look awesome. ;D

Thanks! I'm very proud on both counts.

I love finding unexpected original townie spouses too. Whoever this one is.

The museum room is awesome.

She is certainly unexpected! I'm sure you all will love her . . . and welcome her with open arms . . . right?

Thank you, I did put lots of effort into this one!

I'm down to Sandi French (but I think she's been used), and Unborn Baby Keaton Was A Girl This Time.... :)

Congrats on your first immortal!

Sorry, Sandi French was a part of the Solaris Dynasty (if not the spouse). And unborn baby Keaton is a young man with a large nose who is actually a co-worker of Serena's!

Thank you, thank you, getting this far (for the 4th time) feels good. Let's just hope the 2nd generation doesn't mess this up--again . . .

It's true, they don't. I think they used to but it's been broken so long I don't remember. Not smarter, just more of a control freak. I can't stand not knowing exactly who my Sims are going to marry and what they are going to do, so I make plans :)

I'm so envious of the Dreamweavers (for many reasons) because all the townies were reproducing! Lisa and VJ had a Periwinkle's spouse (I think?) and Cinnamon's dad was a 4th generation Wolff . . . which would have been impossible this time, of course! It's still quite the accomplishment to have already picked out the spouses, while I usually start searching around Young Adult  :)
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #124 on: February 12, 2013, 06:41:50 PM »
Chapter 16 - The First Immortal

  As I take the first bite, a rush of sensation overcomes me. Oil sizzling in the pan, Thornton's deep voice, Nicholas giggling in his crib . . . my favorite song, "Little Talks" crackling on the old radio, and Zelda flirting with Chris, and that rare occasion when Agnes praised Alexander's work, and he flushed bright red, and Kaylynn immediately jumped in to protest that her painting was much better . . .

  My fork struck glass, as the ambrosia disappeared in a moment that lasted a thousand years. Now the glowing colors were in my self, and I could feel them surfacing . . .

  Colorful and vibrant, the light surrounded me and came from within me, the most wonderful and magical feeling of immortality I had ever experienced.

  Leaving the plate, as if in a trance, I rose and passed across the chamber to a door that had suddenly appeared to me.

  My young adult exhibit . . . the pictures of me pregnant with Nicholas, and that one of me giving birth is simply priceless! And here, my bachelorette party with Thornton just visible. When I was young, and new, and barely formed! How silly and funny and hopeful I had been. I certainly hope that I haven't changed from that first moment!

  And here I am as an adult--for some, the most tired part of life; for me, the most filled with life. The time that I gave birth to Nick, and Thornton and I were so in love it almost hurt. When I saw the change in Thornton that made him even more wonderful and lovable. While I watched Nicholas grow from baby to toddler, and toddler to child, and child to the strong young man he is today.

  And, finally, my elder exhibit. This one is not so full as the others--after all, we had to race to get all of my museum pieces done, let alone take pictures! But there is the one of Thornton and me, in love. Still in love. And look, there--my Spring Queen crown! That certainly brings back a few memories.

  The emptiness of this section represents not despair, but space to be filled. A long, long life to be filled with life and love and growth.

  Ah, well . . . I lie down on the old couch in my museum for a little nap. Yes, the old couch: we let Nicholas make over the living room in yellow. Which looks very interesting, I'm sure! As I sleep, I hear the Watcher's within my dreams.

  "Now that you've eaten Ambrosia, your mind is more open to my voice. The baton has been passed to your son, Nicholas, but he has not yet selected a spouse. If you want Nicholas to end up with his perfect other half, there are things you must do as well. Listen closely . . ."

The First Immortal

Immortal 1 - Serena Elysi
Traits - Natural Cook, Hopeless Romantic, Ambitious, Green Thumb, Family-Oriented
Likes - Aqua, Indie
Spouse - Thornton Wolff
Unique LTW - 5-Star Chef
3 Unique LTRs - Born to Cook, Stone-Hearted, Fireproof Homestead
Career - Culinary
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking
Other Skills - Alchemy
6 Black Ops - Burgerlicious, Overtime, Fresh Cookies for Sale!, Learn a Recipe, An Apple a Day, Burgers for Sims in Uniform, From One Chef to Another, Insider Dining, Working Alongside Friends
6 Unique Best Friends - Jared Frio, Abraham Finkel, Jade Allard, Jamie Jolina, Gustav Gusto, Hank Goddard, Thornton Elysi, Ian Bowler, Christopher Steel, Michael Bachelor, Nick Elysi
Owned Building - Serena's Bistro
Owned Property - Summer Hill Springs
YA Museum Pieces - Painting, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Painting, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty


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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #125 on: February 12, 2013, 06:46:52 PM »
Periwinkle's spouse was actually the son of VJ and some random townie, not Lisa. Though Banana had a cousin that was fathered by Ethan Bunch.

Yeah, I get a twinge of jealousy when I read old dynasties with naturally-occurring townie offspring too. I have to do all that dirty work myself.

Oh, and congrats to Serena! That was beautiful.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #126 on: February 12, 2013, 06:51:58 PM »

Aw, what a nice walk down memory lane. You've got a great looking museum, with all of those pieces. It makes me wish I'd done more with mine.

I also wish townies would reproduce to provide spouses. But hey, if they won't do it themselves, you can always make them reproduce with one of your own! Not as good perhaps, but I suspect that's part of Alexander's job: making future spouses! Plus all the nooboos are just cute.

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #127 on: February 12, 2013, 06:55:31 PM »
Your writing in this chapter was simply superb! Congratulations on immortal number one, and best of luck for more immortals to come!

Offline Tilia

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #128 on: February 12, 2013, 07:00:06 PM »
Yay!  Congratulations on your first immortal!  I love your museum.  She's got this literal memory lane to visit whenever she wants to reflect.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15, 2/11
« Reply #129 on: February 12, 2013, 07:04:27 PM »
Periwinkle's spouse was actually the son of VJ and some random townie, not Lisa. Though Banana had a cousin that was fathered by Ethan Bunch.

Yeah, I get a twinge of jealousy when I read old dynasties with naturally-occurring townie offspring too. I have to do all that dirty work myself.

Oh, and congrats to Serena! That was beautiful.

Okay, I was close. At least. I'm planning to have Serena running around casting love charms on everyone--hopefully that will produce a few more offspring that Alexander doesn't have to father . . .

Serena accepts your congratulations, and hopes you are having a wonderful day  ;D.

Aw, what a nice walk down memory lane. You've got a great looking museum, with all of those pieces. It makes me wish I'd done more with mine.

I also wish townies would reproduce to provide spouses. But hey, if they won't do it themselves, you can always make them reproduce with one of your own! Not as good perhaps, but I suspect that's part of Alexander's job: making future spouses! Plus all the nooboos are just cute.

Just between you and me, all those pictures were just to level Kaylynn up in photography  ;). But yes, it was fun.

I suppose we should just be thankful that Arlo Bunch doesn't do any reproducing . . . although he's a fairy in my game, so there will be plenty of time to start a nose-mutated family! And Alexander's children may be integrated into the family at some point, I'm sure. And nooboos are very cute indeed, especially when they live in a different household and you don't have to deal with diaper changes!

Your writing in this chapter was simply superb! Congratulations on immortal number one, and best of luck for more immortals to come!

Thank you very much on both counts! Or all three, I suppose. Now, let's just hope future immortals won't need all that extra luck! *Shudders*

Yay!  Congratulations on your first immortal!  I love your museum.  She's got this literal memory lane to visit whenever she wants to reflect.

Thanks! I was quite inspired by the Classics' museum, with all those lovely pictures.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #130 on: February 12, 2013, 08:57:07 PM »
Congratulations - we shall see if Nicky can carry the weight of second generation all the way to immortality <3

.....Is the song Serena refers to Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men?


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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #131 on: February 12, 2013, 09:04:26 PM »
Congratulations - we shall see if Nicky can carry the weight of second generation all the way to immortality <3

.....Is the song Serena refers to Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men?


Indeed, it is! Her favorite music is Indie, I'm constantly hearing that song on the Indie channel on the Sims radio, and it just happens to be one of my favorite songs. 'Twas fate, I tell you!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #132 on: February 12, 2013, 10:37:13 PM »
Congratulations, Serena! But can you please reveal Nick's spouse soon? I keep crossing my fingers and hoping it's Pauline Wan before realizing she's too old. It's getting painful!
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #133 on: February 12, 2013, 10:51:09 PM »
Indeed, it is! Her favorite music is Indie, I'm constantly hearing that song on the Indie channel on the Sims radio, and it just happens to be one of my favorite songs. 'Twas fate, I tell you!

I really need to have my sims listen to that channel more when the stereo is playing...but the dark wave channel works so's one of my favourite songs too by the way^^ Have you heard King and Lionheart by the same band?

And I don't think it's Pauline either - she's being used in Wiry's Braun Dynasty, and Azo-chan said she believes the mysterious lady hasn't been used in any dynasty.

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16, 2/12
« Reply #134 on: February 12, 2013, 11:03:10 PM »
Congratulations, Serena! But can you please reveal Nick's spouse soon? I keep crossing my fingers and hoping it's Pauline Wan before realizing she's too old. It's getting painful!

I would LOVE to reveal her now, but . . . I'm really going for the WOW factor when I do reveal her identity. Don't worry, you need suffer only a few more updates.

I really need to have my sims listen to that channel more when the stereo is playing...but the dark wave channel works so's one of my favourite songs too by the way^^ Have you heard King and Lionheart by the same band?

And I don't think it's Pauline either - she's being used in Wiry's Braun Dynasty, and Azo-chan said she believes the mysterious lady hasn't been used in any dynasty.

Dark Wave channel is super awesome, but I've recently started listening to Indie more just out of hope that "Little Talks" will come on! Sadly, I haven't yet heard any more songs by Of Men and Monsters (always thinking "Of Mice and Men") because at the moment I'm obsessed with Imagine Dragons. I am planning to look them up on Youtube tomorrow, hit "All Videos for Of Men and Monsters," and listen for a couple hours!

And no, it isn't Pauline, although I am a huge fan of hers! She and Emma Hatch are perhaps my two top SV townies . . . and excellent use of the "chan."  ;)
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

