Chapter 12 - It's About Time! (Yes, Two Chapters in One Day. I Got Bored.) Nick came down with the flu and was too sick to go to school, so we kept him home for a few days. Thus, he spent his last days as a child posing for ice sculptures and portraits. I would feel guilty, but I think he enjoys it!

The problem here was that Nicholas only had a "B," while an "A" was required to choose a trait. Thornton wasn't as career-oriented, since he's achieved his lifetime wish, so he called in sick and went to the library to level up in logic.

Oh, remember that whole Christopher-stress-gaining-weight I talked about a few chapters ago? Well, it appears the same thing has affected Bella Bachelor!

Meanwhile, Nicholas finished posing and threw a little slumber party with a few of his classmates! The kid with a yellow shirt is Nick (of course), the girl with the pink helmet is Rosalie Noyes, and the teenager is Armando, I think. The young adult dressed in white is Kaylynn--she couldn't resist joining the fun.

After coming home from work, I turned on all the stage lights for the kids' enjoyment and decided to de-stress with a little partying.

And what's more de-stressifying than casting good luck charms on teenagers with cornrows? Nothing!

Of course, Nicholas and Rosalie went to bed at 11:15. Armando snuck inside to play with the sculpting station--I think he's a babysitter, which could account for his less-than-exemplary behavior.

Alex has been very busy tracking down his two toddler daughters, Donna and Marisol. Here he is attacking Marisol with
the Claw. Aren't they so alike? The only thing she inherited from River is her eye color, but I suppose her features may become more aligned with her mother's as she ages.

And then Madam Curie slipped out of the laboratory, leaving the plastic realistic dummy behind, and took her secret space shuttle to the moon to freeze her age and take over the world . . . because she was so very smart and wanted to have a profit . . .
Thornton took a trip to the bathroom . . .

For whatever reason, he had decided to queue up going to the bathroom before having his birthday.

Thornton is still my slightly-silver fox.

And besides, having a younger wife boosts his self-esteem!

My husband tutored my son up to an A the next day. My husband . . . my son. Such wonderful words that make up beautiful phrases that can be inserted into glorious sentences! Teehee. Rainbow.

Nicholas then regaled his loyal subjects with the tale of the defeat of "the B-Menkotites."

He has such a wonderful imagination! The moment Agnes told him to stop disturbing her concentration and go to his room, Nick tiptoed over to the sitting area and drag-raced Michael Jackson on the living chair.
I'm gonna beat you! Beat you! You've been hit by--you've been hit by--a smooth racer named Nicky-las! Michael are you okay . . . are you okay . . . are you okay, Mikey? Seriously, bro, you okay? Left the bloodstains--on the racetrack! Then Nicky ran into his bedroom--he was arrested--and jumped out a window like James Bond, YOLO!"

Seeing that I had only 5 or so best friends, I threw a little house party to boost my relationship with a few good friends. However, I spent little of the time actually
socializing with guests.

Kaylynn has an "Eternally Faithful" reputation. Because she's been in love with Michael since high school. But . . .

The night after the party, she even took Michael out on a date to the bistro.

Thornton and I may or may not have gone out to the same restaurant just to spy on them.

We ended up getting a little sidetracked . . .

But I did dis-engage from Thornton just long enough to scream "
Finally!" before returning to the action.

Michael agreed to dump Claire on the spot, and he and Kaylynn are now boyfriend-girlfriend. I have one thing to say:
It's about time. Oh, but I must admit that they are a lovely couple!

Since Michael is one of my best friends, I invited him to Nicholas's birthday party!

Of course, you all want to see Teen Nick but--oh, no! Picture limit!