Chapter 11 - It's My Life Now 'Ello, guess who this is? That's right, it's Ron . . . Ronnie-llama . . . Ron-da-Ton-in-the-Con-Son-Lon. Ugh, I'm too depressed to rhyme nonsensically! I've lost all my swag . . .
At any rate, my dashing self ended up standing on the sidewalk in an unfamiliar town. You see, I'd been stuck in the Sim Bin for ages, and after Mom and Dad didn't show up I got bored and walked out.
Obviously, I hadn't taken the entire family fortune to China, where the
accident happened, but I still had enough money to buy this cute little house. Yep . . . it's yellow, with flowers . . . definitely my style.
Out of habit, I went inside and started cooking. The familiar motions were now difficult, and I couldn't remember half the recipes I used to excel in. Just one more thing to miss about my old life.
I know that if Dad had been here, he would have cracked a few jokes and given me a sports car or something. But that's the thing--he's not here, with me. Neither is Mom. Not even Kaylynn, or Agnes, or Zelda! They're not with each other, either. All of Sunset Valley has disappeared, and it's all my fault. And the dynasty my family worked so hard for? Gone!
On the other hand . . . maybe it's time I stretched my wings. Decided what to do with my second chance at life. The very best part about showing up in Starlight Shores? My ex-girlfriend, Teri, isn't here. But someone else is . . .
Now, most guys wouldn't have bothered going after a married woman. But I have the Wyn blood, genes, and jeans! And right now, all of those things were going for Mrs. Priscilla Singh . . .
That sounded wrong in retrospect, but I refuse to edit!
I persuaded Priscilla to come with me to the nearest bar, and she agreed to break up with her husband after one quick kiss.
Now I understand why Mom and Dad spent so much time making out! It's even more fun than I remember from Teri . . . and the fact that I don't have to rush home immediately to cook 75 meals makes the experience even better.
Pris and I hung out every day over the next few weeks. Of course, we were dating, but it's so much more than that. We were best friends who loved each other, and that was all we really needed. She was still living with her ex-husband, and that bugged me. A lot.
So, one day, I invited her out to the beach. We watched the stars together . . .
And stood on the beach. The sun had already disappeared, but the air was still pleasantly warm. Have I mentioned that, during the day, it's quite hot? Certainly hard to adjust to after rainy Sunset Valley! Ah, but I digress.
I had planned only to ask her to move into my little house. But, looking into her eyes, I knew there was one thing I couldn't live without any more.
We were married right there on the beach--me in the university shirt I'd gotten for being Valedictorian, Pris in her magician work outfit.
Mattheo(?) Singh agreed to move into my little hut, so Pris and I ended up in her house. She immediately hurried to the mirror, and we celebrated our marriage in style.
Over the next few weeks, our love didn't dim. If anything, our love only strengthened and bloomed, growing from the passion of two young people to something adult and real.
Priscilla pursued her career as "Mystic Blue," and was soon receiving gigs all over Starlight Shores!
I always watch her perform at Simfests, and am there to tell her just how wonderful her performance was.
In my spare time, between shifts at the local diner, I harvest and gather gemstones. Remembering my father's secret to immortality, I hunted for a Death Flower but found none. Perhaps immortality is less blessing than curse, anyway . . . I'd rather die when the Watcher ordained it than live to see Priscilla and our children die before me.
Children, you ask? Well, Priscilla admitted that she felt nauseous while performing and, as a former dynasty heir, I know all too well what that means. Kids!? I can't have kids! Pris and I barely have enough income to buy bed for our room!
Despite my deathly fear of travel, I visited Egypt in search of riches. Well, not "riches" so much as a few thousand simoleons. Oh no . . . what if they're twins!? Panicking panicking panicking panicking panicking . . . and Priscilla wants FIVE of them! One at a time, one at a time . . .