Chapter 41 - The Green Children Mummy and Daddy think I'm being shy and lonely, but really I'm just not interested in talking to people. Even at the library, when I just want to go play with the teddy bears, there's the random fairy asking me about the weather! Go outside and look yourself, woman!
At least she spends most of her time flirting with Marisol McIrish when she isn't bugging me. Marisol's really old, but Sandy's older because she's a fairy, so it's really creepy any way you look at it.
I like playing with the teddy bears at the library. Mummy and Daddy would've gotten me a bear if I asked for one, but it's much easier to just go to the library 'cause it's quieter. I don't mind noise, but--let me put it this way: the activity that goes on around my house has encouraged me to never get married.
Since Mummy's a really big sports star, she can get us into games for free! I go with her every Saturday, and we get the best seats right next to the field. She always waves to me when she goes out onto the field, and all the other players buy me hot dogs.
It's always really sad when I can't go because she's on a business trip. She goes to China, mostly, only for a few days--but still.
I really wish she'd at least take me with her! Not that I care about becoming a martial arts master like her, or anything, but--Chinese scenery. I hear they have beautiful sunsets, and imagine how epic it would be to capture something like that! Daddy says I'm a "photography prodigy," which means I'll probably be famous someday.
It's really nice when she gets home, and is there to help me out with my homework. She isn't much better at math than I am, but at least she'll always tell me I'm super smart!
Whenever she and Daddy disagree on anything--which barely ever happens--he sleeps in my room, and Mummy stays at her friend JoAnna's house. This makes Daddy nervous, because JoAnna really likes Mom, and she's really pretty. I don't think Mum likes her, though--as more than a friend, that is.
They always make up pretty fast and go out in the backyard to play ping pong with juice. I can't wait 'til I'm old enough to play juice pong--though I'm more excited for University! I'm really going to blossom there (Watcher's Note: Gah why can't I send her to University?!?!?!?!?).
Grandma's a really famous rock star! She's always signing autographs for her fans, even when she takes me out shopping. She takes me to rock concerts, which is really cool because the band buys me rainbow sparklers and the music is really loud. I like loud music.
Grandpa's been acting
really weird lately. I think he's been trying to liven up his "Woohoo" life a little--not that he needs it--or something. Or maybe his Woohoo life is keeping him from wearing pants?
I'm not sure that he himself knows what's going on!
Is there a draft in here? Oooh . . . unfortunate place for that bit of rock to go . . ."
Mummy and I had a joint birthday party! She got to go first, since she's going from young adult to adult.
She still looks fine to me, and Daddy's been an adult forever so it's not like that matters. It's not like she's been feeling old--if anything, she's psyched about becoming MVP for the Llamas!
As usual, I aged up into an excellent outfit. It's an art, I tell you--a hidden skill. Mum seemed a little frustrated by this, since she has a Zero in Aging Up. How cool am I?
I am seriously beautiful. Not trying to be stuck-up or anything, just stating the facts! I look a lot like Mom, I think, and Grandma Kaylynn.
My wardrobe is the perfect combination of edgy, rebellious, and artsy. Rosy said that the Watcher thinks my shirt suits more than than any other sim she's seen, but I think she's just making stuff up again.
For my birthday, Dad gave me a spray-painting kit and I started making my mark on the world.
I'm making some pretty impressive pieces that make my sad little tree look just that--sad. At least Grandpa commented on it when he took Rosa across the street to celebrate her child birthday.
I think she's a seriously cute kid--that must be what Grandma looked like as a kid! Except, y'know . . . green, with gold eyes.
She gave herself two everyday outfits--one "Plantsim," one "normal sim." Whenever she goes out in public, she wears gloves and tights and scarves, just trying to cover up her "abnormal" skin so she can pass for someone from Hidden Springs. No one in the family likes it, but we don't know how to make her stop!