Author Topic: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Orange Skies  (Read 588012 times)

Offline azokka361

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Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Orange Skies
« on: January 24, 2013, 10:05:58 PM »
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Kidnapping And/Or "Encouraging Children in Artistic Pursuits"
Dating a Married Man--Oops!
Bachelorette of the Century
Let it Snow!
Welcome Baby ___
The Giving and Receiving of Presents
Love and the Toddler
An Altogether Confusing Love Day
Becoming a Child, Becoming an Elder (Twice!)
Words From Our Fisherman
It's My Life Now
It's About Time!
Nicky Takes Over
Spooky Day Surprises
Fading Peacefully
The First Immortal

Death and Life
L + N 4Ever
My Mom Was Offered Rulership of China, and All I Got Was This Lousy Axe
Are We Getting Married Or Not?
We're Havin' a Baby! My Baby and Me!
The Third Generation
It Flies By
Back in Business
A Real Family?
A Short Spooky Day
Adventures of Bree and Co.
Bree's Butt-Kicking Blog
Young(ish) Love
The Glue
How is My Mom More Rebellious?
Picnic Not Included
The First Week of University
Brandon and Bree, Sitting in a Tree
Bree Defeats Brandon
The Next Big Step
A Golden Life
The Second Immortal

Surprises Everywhere
My Radioactive Daughter
The Green Children
Botanical Boss
The Explanation
Hemmin's News Flash
Not the Sort to Fall in Love
Uptown Girl
The Only Person in the World
Let's Talk About Love
Awkward Silence
Bianca's Letter
And the Hearts Flew
Toddler and Elder
Only Yesterday
The Third Immortal

Message in a Potty
The Grandmother Rights
Rosetta Fan Club
The Other Bianca
Feeling Quite Alone
Changes--Mostly Bad
A Warm Winter Wedding
My Alien Stepmother
Waterslides and Wardrobes
Lonely Anubis
Shutting up the Genie
My Boy
Rosetta's Guide to Dealing With a Flirty Husband
Returning Firefighter
The Death of Iris Bianca
A New Arrival
An Interesting Life
The Fourth Immortal

Lavender Petals
For Bianca
The Elysi Version of a Soap Opera
Moping and Musing
My Great-Grandfather and Sister
A Little Strange
Brad, Rufus, and Jackie the Dark
The First Gnome Battle
The Alien Emperor
Great Apple Seed
Gnomish Storm
Mikayla's Teenage Wardrobe
Level B2
Rush of Energy
The Fifth Immortal

Panda Bears
Universal Plug
Orange Lights
The Resemblance
Feathery Voices
Who Do You Know
The Walk
The Revelation
Rainbow Wings and Schnauzers
No Regrets
Weight of the World
Mikayla (Indiana) Jones
Azokka's Tantrum
Not Enough
Sauna in the Snow
The Parenting Thing
Little Games
Perfect Component
Aliens Vs. Robots
Magical Bubble
Stallions and Stormy Grey Waters
Soaring Through
The Sixth Immortal

Scarred for Life
Just Because
Mission Complete
I Choose
Queen Nataliya
The Answer
Morning Mist
Parenting Style
The Better Day
Maximum Brightness
A Long Walk Down Memory Lane
Elysi of the Opera
Something of a Surprise
Keeping Busy
Second Chance
The Seventh Immortal

What to Wish For
Angel's Wings
Lovely Random Dynasty Facts
Forget About Numbers
The Sun Rose
Real Dream
Private Time
Live It Over Again
Perfect, Unattainable Happiness
Love You More . . .
Orange Skies

Immortal 1 - Serena Elysi
Traits - Natural Cook, Hopeless Romantic, Ambitious, Green Thumb, Family-Oriented, Lucky
Likes - Aqua, Indie
Spouse - Thornton Wolff
Unique LTW - 5-Star Chef
3 Unique LTRs - Born to Cook, Stone-Hearted, Fireproof Homestead
Career - Culinary
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking
Other Skills - Alchemy, Gardening
6 Black Ops - Burgerlicious, Overtime, Fresh Cookies for Sale!, Learn a Recipe, An Apple a Day, Burgers for Sims in Uniform, From One Chef to Another, Insider Dining, Working Alongside Friends
6 Unique Best Friends - Jared Frio, Abraham Finkel, Jade Allard, Jamie Jolina, Gustav Gusto, Hank Goddard, Thornton Elysi, Ian Bowler, Christopher Steel, Michael Bachelor, Nick Elysi
Owned Building - Serena's Bistro
Owned Property - Summer Hill Springs
YA Museum Pieces - Painting, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Painting, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture

Immortal 2 - Nicholas Elysi
Traits - Friendly, Savvy Sculptor, Good Sense of Humor, Family-Oriented, Excitable
Likes - Yellow
Spouse - Lolita Goth
Unique LTW - Living in the Lap of Luxury
3 Unique LTRs - Entrepreneurial Mindset, Artisan Crafter, Dirt Defiant
Career - Sculpting
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops - Personal Sculpting, Guitar Up!, Best Food in Town, Sims on Ice, Oh Scrap!, An Old Ruse
6 Unique Best Friends - Lolita Elysi, Jared Marcus, Seneca McIrish, Cornelia Goth, Claire Ursine, Kip McIrish, Bebe Hart, Marisol McIrish, Rosalie Noyes, Stacy Clemons, Sandi French, Serena Elysi
Owned Building - Elysi Towers
Owned Property - Papyrus Memorial Library
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo

Immortal 3 - Bree Elysi
Traits - Athletic, Disciplined, Ambitious, Adventurous, Loves the Outdoors, Brave
Likes - Red
Spouse - Brandon Langerak
Unique LTW - Physical Perfection
3 Unique LTRs - Immune to Heat, Simmunity, Steel Bladder
Career - Gardening
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Martial Arts
Other Skills - Athletic, Social Networking
6 Black Ops - Need Training, At the Health Seminar, Inter-Office League, Amateur Olympics, Secret Techniques, Agent Training
6 Unique Best Friends - Brain Ursine, Brandon Elysi, Janel Doss, Leighton Sekemoto, Marty Keaton, Elvin Shelton, Kara Elysi, Carson Louis, JoAnna Ursine, Cycl0n3 Sw0rd
Owned Building - Bree's All-Night Diner
Owned Property - Old Pier Beach
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Sculpture, Photo
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture

Immortal 4 - Kara Elysi
Traits - Artistic, Loves the Outdoors, Photographer's Eye, Avant Garde, Rebellious
Likes - Green
Spouse - Miles Forthright
Unique LTW - Visionary
3 Unique LTRs - Extra Creative, Suave Seller, ExtroardinAIRE-Inator
Career - Painting
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Painting
Other Skills - Street Art, Photography
6 Black Ops - Paint a Still Life, Paparazzi!, Commissioned Street Art, Deliver a Painting to France, The Sphinx, The Business of Decor
6 Unique Best Friends - Bianca Elysi, Bebe Hart, Donte Clemons, Elliot Batista, Sherman Lockwood, Brad Bond, Glen Waterman, Chris Lockwood, Arlo Bunch
Owned Building - K's Criminal Operations
Owned Property - Langraab Sell 'n' Swap
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture

Immortal 5 - Iris Bianca Elysi
Traits - Good, Genius, Workaholic, Ambitious, Lucky, Bookworm
Likes - Lilac
Spouse - Bubba Foley
Unique LTW - World-Renowned Surgeon
3 Unique LTRs - Competitive Eater, Excellent Groupie, Bookshop Bargainer
Career - Medical
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Logic
Other Skills -
6 Black Ops - Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements, Buoyant Bass, Riddle Away, Caring for the Careless, Bad Medical Cliques, You Don't Really Need It
6 Unique Best Friends - Mikayla Elysi, Bubba Elysi, Kirk Hamlin, Juana Hart, Roscoe Clemons, Cynthia Hatch
Owned Building - IBE Medical Center
Owned Property - Mick's Master Karaoke
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture

Immortal 6 - Mikayla Elysi
Traits - Brave, Athletic, Insane, Handy, Ambitious
Likes - Orange, Indie
Spouse - Jerry Hart
Unique LTW - Become an Astronaut
3 Unique LTRs - The Hustler, Fast Metabolism, Multi-Tasker
Career - Military
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Handiness
Other Skills - Athletic
6 Black Ops - Research Project, The Boiler Room, Frequent Fatigue, Flightless Birds, Broken Laptop, Bring Back the Jams
6 Unique Best Friends - Damien Hart, Clinton Cloud, Jerry Elysi, Bernice Croft, Nataliya Elysi, Nadine Stanley, Iris Bianca Elysi, Shelly Hart, Elton Hart, Vickie French
Owned Building - Alien Research Center
Owned Property - Port-a-Party Warehouse
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture

Immortal 7 - Nataliya Elysi
Traits - Workaholic, Perceptive, Friendly, Charismatic, Flirty, Excitable
Likes - Pink
Unique LTW - CEO of a Mega-Corporation
3 Unique LTRs - Observant, Attractive, Eye Candy
Career - Business
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Science
Other Skills - Charisma
6 Black Ops - Pile of Permission Slips, Outside Reading, The Wright Opinion, Broadway Cameo, A Charming Experiment, Merging Towards Overtime
6 Unique Best Friends - Raymond Early, Allen Battle, Hasan Varney, Bill Moody, Lionel Ursine, Ilene Azokka Elysi
Owned Building - Nataliya Memorial Stadium
Owned Property - Sunset Institute of Modern Art
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture

Immortal 8 - Ilene Azokka Elysi
Traits - Neurotic, Loner, Bookworm, Perfectionist, Couch Potato
Unique LTW - Professional Author
3 Unique LTRs - Acclaimed Author, Hardly Hungry, Meditative Trance Sleep
Career - Writing
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Writing
Other Skills - Social Networking
6 Black Ops - Stinky Bugs, Archaeology Exhibit, Scavenger Hunt: Beetle Quest, A Fishy Science Project, The Honor Roll, Networking is Key
6 Unique Best Friends - Ira Heere, Pete Pimentel, Arnuflo Pimentel, Meagan Leggett, Joss Sawyer, Lacy Torres
Owned Building - Azokka Memorial Bookstore
Owned Property - Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries
Toddler Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Child Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Teen Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
YA Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Adult Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
Elder Museum Pieces - Portrait, Photo, Sculpture
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 10:06:19 PM »
  Here I stand, on the most remote corner of my empty lot. Across from my desolate little patch of grass is a lovely pond, bordered by two opulent mansions--one old-fashioned, comfortable, and nearly barn-like in coloring. The other is cotton-candy pink, elegant and expensive, practically dripping with wealth.
 Oh, how rude I am--not even introducing myself!

 Hi, I'm Serena. My surname is Elysi--well, my parents' last name was Warthinghall, but who wants to read about the Warthinghall Immortal Dynasty? Besides, I think Elysi sounds like a magical last name, like an elf or dryad.

 Sadly, I am neither elf nor dryad, but it just so happens that I am a witch.

  Now, before you start calling me "the immortal witch" or "Her Witchiness," I would have you know that I prefer to be addressed as "She Who Is Gifted With Magical Capabilities." I mean, "witch" is such a derogatory term now, isn't it?

  Once, I was in line at the supermarket, and the rudest little man bumped into me! I tried to apologize, but he called me a witch and said I should watch where I am going. Naturally, I turned him into a toad.

  Regrettably, in order to come here and become the founder of an Immortal Dynasty I was forced to give up my magical and culinary
knowledge. I aspire to become a 5-Star Chef, and guide my descendants to the Hall of Fame.

After being stuck in the Sim Bin when my house in Starlight Shores burned down, I learned the story of the Immortal Dynasty from a talented young lady named Miranda Keye who arrived in the Sim Bin one evening. Her family had been "lost" in the midst of her dynasty, and only she had escaped.

  Another young woman soon arrived--a redheaded, green-loving girl named Hazel. Her husband and infant son had also vanished, while Hazel herself hardly made it out alive.

   At last, just a few nights ago, a (rather handsome) young man known as "Ron Wyn" appeared in the Bin. He told the story of how he had been trapped in China for weeks, not knowing the fate of his family at home. Poor Ron soon became morose, discontented, and wandered out of the Sim Bin. We don't know where he went, but hopefully 'twas to a happy, peaceful life somewhere.

  Quite honestly? I was incredibly bored with my life at the time of Ron's arrival. There's only so many sims in the Sim Bin to change into toads, after all! And so, when I heard another sim would be sent out into the world to attempt an Immortal Dynasty, I knew 'twas my time to act.

  I think that's quite enough introduction, don't you? Now I feel quite close to you all, despite not really knowing any of your names or backstories! Care to go out for hot chocolate sometime? Oh, wait--dynasty. Right.

  Hopping onto my broom, I took a spin out into the town, looking for a bistro at which to acquire a job. Not being entirely used to--well, anywhere besides Starlight Shores, really--I somehow missed the bistro completely and ended up outside a rather sad, angular little house. Thoroughly confused at this point, I climbed up the front steps and knocked on the front door for directions.

  A woman, looking even sadder than the house in which she resided, invited me inside. The interior of the house was somewhat nicer than the exterior (blue! blue! blue!), but still rather severe, and I could sense the sorrow crammed into every corner. The same sense lingered near Agnes--or perhaps that was just all the black getting to me.

  The grim mood of the house was beginning to seriously dampen my aura, so I asked Agnes to visit my home, instead. Her car, despite being black and white, was decidedly luxurious. And a little more comfortable than a broom, perhaps.

  We stood outside of my house (well, there wasn't really a house to speak of, so just outside) and chatted for some time. Every word Agnes said was so weighed down with loss that I felt overcome with sorrow myself! At last, I could not take the loneliness etched in her face any longer.

  "Agnes, dear," I said with finality, "I do believe that you are simply too lonely and sad in that big, fancy house. I know I don't even have a house, but I insist that you come live with me--and we can be roommates!"

  Agnes agreed, of course, and decided to sell her car. The resulting funds allowed me to build this nice little house! I couldn't help but be a little reminiscent of Starlight Shores, but I like to think that Sunset Valley was an influence in the design.

Through the front doors is a little hallway with just a bar and a few stools.

  On either side of the bar is a bathroom, each one a little different.

  And here is the nice little sitting area, with nice blue furniture! I also purchased an Alchemy Station, so that I will be able to embrace the culture surrounding my magical abilities for the good of the dynasty. I quite like this area--it makes me think of my little beach bungalow in the Shores, but I digress.

  On the other side of the long room is a nice little kitchen (A.K.A. MY DOMAIN!) and a blue-themed dining room with a few branches I
enchanted to serve as candles.

  To the right of the house is my nice, cozy little room. I stuck to the wood-and-blue theme here, as it really does remind me of home and make me far more comfortable. My room opens up into my master bathroom, which will be used by no one else! I hope.

  Here is the "singles" bedroom, where the unmarried helpers of the dynasty will sleep. I would have liked a larger room for them, but Agnes was quite firm on this count. According to her, making dynasty helpers feel important is the first step towards having a non-Immortal steal a bit of Ambrosia--and poof, there goes the dynasty!

  And, naturally, the large art room. We added windows later for a nicer backdrop.

  I gave Agnes a makeover (slightly against her will) to keep her dim aura from depressing me. I think she looks far nicer now, and certainly more cheerful! Red really does suit her, as does that pretty short hairstyle and headband.

  Immediately, while I went to bed early, she raced to the sculpting station and began to practice with clay. Having read the previous attempts of my Watcher, I fear for my friend's sanity over the next few weeks!

Author's Note:
Oh, I do miss the Wyn's so much! Sadly, it appears that Ron is forever trapped in China with no way back to Jason and Emma. I plan to use his spouse later in this dynasty, too!

In other news, here's a picture of Emma from this file. She's not looking too good--so sorry, Emma!

Chapter 1
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 10:10:58 PM »
I fear for any sculptor's sanity!

Oh, and nice house too. I hope that things don't go as pear-shaped this time. :)

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 10:25:41 PM »
I fear for any sculptor's sanity!

Oh, and nice house too. I hope that things don't go as pear-shaped this time. :)

It's the first-ever house I've built that isn't a complete box! I'm so proud  ;D.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 11:53:38 PM »
You are persistent indeed! It was sad to see the Wyn family go, but I do wish you the best of luck with miss Serena.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 11:57:09 PM »
You are persistent indeed! It was sad to see the Wyn family go, but I do wish you the best of luck with miss Serena.

This is my . . . 4th attempt, I believe, the previous 3 having failed due to computer errors! Sad, isn't it? Hopefully the Elysi's won't be cursed with another glitch!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Tilia

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2013, 12:11:34 AM »
So glad to see you jump right back in!  Here's to a successful dynasty ahead.

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2013, 12:51:19 AM »

What a pretty new founder! I look forward to seeing where you go with the story this time, and good luck!

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2013, 10:46:45 PM »
So glad to see you jump right back in!  Here's to a successful dynasty ahead.

I can never feel at peace unless I'm playing a dynasty--thus, I can't help but immediately begin again! Thanks for the good wishes--I will need them.

What a pretty new founder! I look forward to seeing where you go with the story this time, and good luck!

I couldn't resist going with the blonde, blue-eyed girl this time around  :). Thanks!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Prologue
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2013, 11:26:54 PM »
Chapter 1 - Kidnapping and/or "Encouraging Children in Artistic Pursuits"

 I began the next day with a smile on my face, optimism in that smile, hands outstretched to embrace life as it came--and tofu dogs in the microwave. Despite not being a vegetarian, I simply can't stand to think of those poor little . . . erm . . . whatever animals that go into hot dogs, dying! It's unsimstitutional, I tell you.

 Meanwhile, Agnes began a lovely self-portrait of me. I told her to take a nap, or perhaps an outing to Mick's, but she just rolled her eyes and muttered something about goody-two-shoes dynasty founders.

 I decided a trip to the beach was in order to repair my emotional damage from Agnes's snub, and met the most lovely gentleman! We connected immediately, but I soon had to run off to work! I learned later that he had randomly morphed into a fairy. Pooh.

 After completing the portrait, Agnes called an organization (something to do with a crumpled metal and sharks, I believe?) and adopted a nice little boy named Alexander. He's extremely bright, but kept asking me for money. I shall have to cure him of this regrettable habit through kind words and candy.

 Isn't he rather cute? I suppose I know why he goes around asking the neighbors for things--one look from those sweet purple eyes melts even the hardest heart!

 Agnes "encouraged" Alex to set himself up at a nearby easel, so that the future of portraits to come will be assured. I don't believe that he enjoys painting very much, so I will have to make other arrangements . . .

 Thus, I ended up at a very clean, modern house on the northern end of the city, chatting with this wild, bleach-blond young woman. We discovered a shared love of gardening and talked for hours!

 Soon I invited Zelda back to our house, and asked her to move in. The unsteady, party animal, irresponsible young woman jumped at the chance to turn over a new leaf, so to speak. She also picked up her niece, Kaylynn, after the child left school, and brought her back to our house.

 Zelda also decided to wash the dye out of her hair, and return to her natural color--black. I think she looks far lovelier with dark hair, and her aura is certainly much pinker and more vibrant!

 Zelda adopted an almost fairylike, carefree wardrobe that I heartily approve of. Finally, another free spirit in this house!

 As for Kaylynn . . . well, she's a little simple. Not dumb, of course--it's just that she was born missing a trait. Thus, she has limited interactions and actions, the poor little dear. At any rate, she aged up practically the moment she stepped through the door.

 The poor child's empty trait slot caused her to age up in this fashion. I mean--the hair, the un-matching sweatshirt and skirt, cross-eyed expression . . . how very unfortunate.

 Isn't she quite lovely? I admire her headband--and that button-up shirt is darling on her! Hopefully she's saving up for a Mid-Life Crisis, so that her mind will be able to operate at its full capacity soon.

 I'm not entirely sure that she's thrilled by her new sleepwear, but Alex certainly is. Oh, that boy is just too funny!

 Nowadays, I join Zelda in the garden upon waking up. I won't be seriously pursuing gardening until Zelda is gone, but we'll need a gardener when . . . but why think about that now?

 She often joins Alex at the pond across the street, although I think Alexander finds her apparent lack of serious commitment to fishing "disgusting and gross in every possible aspect." Alex is jut a bit too smart for his own good!

 Zelda has been a bit busy for fishing lately, as she happened to discover a certain, very powerful and wonderful elixir at the Elixir Consignment Store. I have already transferred all power over the family funds to her.

 She decided her work was far too important to head inside for use of the bathroom. The Altos are still calling us to complain about that one.

 We didn't exactly become millionaires overnight, but $600,000 is comfortable enough at this stage. I purchased Summer Hill Springs and the bistro (which I renamed to Serena's Bistro), and capped off my victory by napping in the rocking chair to the soothing lullaby of Agnes's chainsaw.

I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Tilia

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1, 1/25
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2013, 11:47:12 PM »
Zelda really does look amazingly good with her natural haircolor!

Wanted to let you know that you're totally allowed to use testingcheats to give Kaylynn her missing trait, as is stated in #2 of the rules here:

You also do not need to ask for permission to open the cheats panel (Press Ctrl-Shift-C) and use a cheat for the following circumstances:
1. Your Sim is stuck .
2. Your Sim loses a trait or has an empty trait slot.
3. Your Sim has a stuck moodlet that will not go away — such as the Hunted moodlet when no vampires are in the area.
4. Your Sim ages to an incorrect life stage.

Can't wait to see more!

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1, 1/25
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2013, 11:49:57 PM »
Zelda really does look amazingly good with her natural haircolor!

Wanted to let you know that you're totally allowed to use testingcheats to give Kaylynn her missing trait, as is stated in #2 of the rules here:

You also do not need to ask for permission to open the cheats panel (Press Ctrl-Shift-C) and use a cheat for the following circumstances:
1. Your Sim is stuck .
2. Your Sim loses a trait or has an empty trait slot.
3. Your Sim has a stuck moodlet that will not go away — such as the Hunted moodlet when no vampires are in the area.
4. Your Sim ages to an incorrect life stage.

Can't wait to see more!

I asked Rica about it on the challenge board, and she said that since EA designated Kaylynn to have a missing trait, I would need to fill her empty slot the "legal" way. And yes, I first got the idea to dye Zelda's hair when I was researching on the Sims Wikia and it said that she had dark roots, implying that she had dyed her hair. Doesn't she look so different with dark hair?
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Tilia

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1, 1/25
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2013, 11:53:15 PM »
She looks much better than usual!  If I ever play Zelda, I will immediately be making her brunette. 

Every time I read a Sunset Valley dynasty, I kinda hope to see Jamie move into the house, but she never seems to.  I need to use her for a story one of these days.

Oh, sorry for the poor info on the testingcheats!  Glad you checked and I didn't ruin your dynasty!   :-X

Offline azokka361

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1, 1/25
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2013, 12:02:45 AM »
She looks much better than usual!  If I ever play Zelda, I will immediately be making her brunette. 

Every time I read a Sunset Valley dynasty, I kinda hope to see Jamie move into the house, but she never seems to.  I need to use her for a story one of these days.

Oh, sorry for the poor info on the testingcheats!  Glad you checked and I didn't ruin your dynasty!   :-X

Hmmm . . . a brunette Zelda . . . I like her black-haired look too much to change it, but I would love to see her with another previously unused hair color!

As for Jamie--I like her, but she doesn't really have a space in my dynasty. I mean, I don't really need a logic person at the early stage of the dynasty, but maybe if she's still living in a few generations (which is surprisingly likely, considering she always changes into a long-lived life state in my games) a logical, blonde doctor may be in order as a spouse!

No problem-o, I thought the same thing until I checked with Rica.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Elysi Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1, 1/25
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2013, 12:36:56 AM »
Your new founder is quite lovely and charming in every aspect! I quite adore her! Although Pam would point out that she needs stockings for her sleepwear. I see you're following much the same strategy as before, I can't wait to see who becomes the spouse!
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