Chapter 6. Gladsten goes gallivanting around the globeGladsten makes a trip to the cemetery, and for some reason these two tourists decided hanging out in the cemetery after midnight was the thing to do.
He maxes his fishing skill, and starts catching death fish.
He meets a unicorn while searching for gems.
Pep gets annoyed that living a werewolf means that your parsole is always chewed up no matter how many times you replace it.
Gladsten gets his 3rd tattoo.
And then I don't know if it was the stress of the engagement or what, but Gladsten just sets off. They hadn't even set a date yet.
Meanwhile, at home, Pep lounges in and around the pool.
First, he finds himself in Egypt. He starts out by fishing for crocs.
He explores a tomb.
The special items merchant tells a scary story.
Next up on his itinerary is China. He chills in the fountain while waiting for the shop keepers to show up.
He catches his first dragon fish.
He starts training in the martial arts.
He buys the supplies to continue training at home.
Apparently there are zombies in China too. You just can't escape them.
He picks some fruit to bring back home to his lover.
This lady thinks he's a ghost?
Get it right lady. I'm a werewolf!In France, Gladsten calls up Pep to ask her for one of her nectar recipes so can deliver a nice bottle to a local.
He explores some more tombs and almost gets lost.
He swims across the river to a little island.
He picks the grapes to bring back home to his lover. Pep has been desiring these grapes for forever.
Between the market, the nectary, and the little island he is able to bring home five out of the six types of grapes home to Pep. He was just shy of having the Visa requirements to buy the last type from the special items merchant.
Back at home with all the present from Glasten, Pep is able to max out the nectar making skill, completing her second 5000 point wish.
Now she wants to make a $150 bottle of nectar for another 5000 points. I'm surprised she hasn't accomplished this already.