The Update Which Features Graduations, Birthdays, Promotions, Supermaxes, Visits from Grim, a Wedding and the Gen 3 Victor Nooboo.
The Victors are currently at Week 9 - Day 6, and as the title suggests, a lot has happened since my last update just over a week ago.
Graduations - Gavroche, Nicole and Rusty all Graduated from High School. Gavroche was Valedictorian and Most Popular, Nicole was Most Likely to be Electrocuted and Rusty was Most Likely to Rule the World.
Birthdays - Gavroche, Nicole and Rusty all became Young Adults. Gavroche, having grown up with parents who were celebrities wanted to become famous himself, it only seemed natural that he had a bit of
Star Quality about him. Nicole developed the
Angler Trait and became a self employed Fisherman, while Rusty became a computer whiz and also followed his father's footsteps into the world of being a male witch. He took over the production of friendship elixirs.
Promotions - Hugh Jack is a Celebrated Five Star Chef at the Diner, Gavroche is a level 7 painter. Nicole reached level 2 self employed fisherwoman before her attention was drawn to other issues. Rusty is unemployed at the moment.
Supermaxes - A number of skills have been supermaxed/close to supermaxed by immortals and non-immortals. Cosette supermaxed sculpting prior to her becoming an immortal, is well on the way to supermaxing painting and is along the path towards supermaxing painting. Gavroche has 31 meals to prepare before he supermaxes Cooking (he is already a menu maven). Thornton supermaxed sculpting, Morgana supermaxed painting and was on her way towards supermaxing logic, Hugh Jack supermaxed gardening and is on his way to supermaxing painting, writing and cooking. He also maxed fishing. Nicole has almost maxed handiness and has started on the road to do the same thing with fishing. Rusty has maxed alchemy and plays around with logic and handiness.
Visits from Grim - I've spotted Grim a few times around the town of Sunset Valley. The first time was at Summer Hills Springs with a random townie. The second time was at the Victor home, when Grim came for Thornton. Thornton was 98 days old. The third time was at the town hall at the graduation for Gavroche, Nicole and Rusty. That time, Grim came for Tamara Donner. The fourth time was at the house again, and this time Grim came for Morgana.
Wedding - Gavroche and Nicole both aged up to YA on the Saturday of week 8. On the Sunday am he asked her to marry him, and she accepted. That night she was force feeding herself apples. They both agreed to have a quiet and personal wedding, to the chagrin of Cosette - she really wanted a photo!
Gen 3 Nooboo - A very pregnant Nicole graduated on the Tuesday of week 9. On Wednesday, week 9, she gave birth to a boy nooboo that Nicole and Gavroche named Javert. He started life with Genius and Artistic (I'm making Artistic into a family trait) and I'm intending his supermax to be logic. His career will be photography - so I'll be giving him photographic eye at some point.
Gen 1 - Cosette Victor
Life Stage - IMMORTAL
Traits - Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist.
Husband - Hugh Jack Victor (nee Wolff)
Unique LTW - Renaissance Sim (Sculpting, Painting, Photographing) achieved
Unique LTRs - Moodlet Manager, Artisan Crafter, Fast Learner
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor - Level 10 achieved
6 Black Ops - Sculpture for a friend, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, High Quality Delivery, Fresco Fest, Broadway Cameo, An Old Ruse
6 Best Friends - Hugh Victor (Husband), Gavroche Victor (Son), Thornton Wolff (Father-In-Law), Morganna Wolff (Mother-In-Law), Xander Clavell (Black Op), Ayesha Ansari (Black Op)
Building - Gypsy Wagon
Property - Summer Hill Springs (upgraded to level 3)
Museum Pieces - All three done for YA, Adult and Elder
Gen 2 - Gavroche Victor
Life Stage - Young Adult (15 from adult)
Traits - Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook, Star Quality
Wife - Nicole Childguy Victor (ex-imaginary friend)
Unique LTW - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous - achieved
Unique LTRs - Fireproof Homestead, Born to Cook, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking (Level 10; Menu Maven achieved; Star Chef achieved; 54 meals prepared)
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter - Level 7
6 Black Ops - That's Outstanding,
6 Best Friends - Cosette Victor (mother), Rusty Galah Wolff (uncle), Nicole Childguy Victor (wife), 3 to go
Building - Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner
Property - Crystal Springs
Museum Pieces - All three done for Toddler, Child, Teen and Young Adult
Gen 3 - Javert Victor
Life Stage - Nooboo (1 from toddler)
Traits - Artistic, Genius
Romantic Interest - None
Unique LTW - ? (Possibly Visionary)
Unique LTRs - ?, ?, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Logic
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Photographer
6 Black Ops -
6 Best Friends -
Building -
Property -
Museum Pieces - None Yet
Thanks Louise and Rosa.
I am trying my best to get to the pictures, my computer doesn't want me to get to them, however. I apologise for that.