Author Topic: The Victor Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please  (Read 11026 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2013, 12:58:41 AM »
The Update which introduces the first immortal and may include pictures, if my computer allows me to get them, that is :)

The Victor household is moving on.

Founder Cosette Victor has become an immortal and is sculpting away at ice sculptures, a lot of sculptures, paintings and photographs are in her future. She has so far had two ambrosia meals - my plan is to do it each Monday to the immortals.

Cosette's qualifying stats are as follows:
Life Stage: Immortal
Traits: Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist.
Husband: Hugh Jack Victor (nee Wolff)
Unique LTW - Renaissance Sim (Sculpting, Painting, Photographing) achieved
Unique LTRs - Moodlet Manager, Artisan Crafter, Fast Learner
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor - Level 10 achieved
6 Black Ops - Sculpture for a friend, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, High Quality Delivery,  Fresco Fest, Broadway Cameo, An Old Ruse
6 Best Friends - Hugh Victor (Husband), Gavroche Victor (Son), Thornton Wolff (Father-In-Law), Morganna Wolff (Mother-In-Law), Xander Clavell (Black Op), Ayesha Ansari (Black Op)
Building - Gypsy Wagon
Property - Summer Hill Springs (upgraded to level 3)
Museum Pieces - All three done for YA, Adult and Elder

Gavroche is now a teen and picked up Natural Cook to go with Artistic, Excitable and Friendly. Even though he didn't attend a single day of school (Friday was also declared a snow day), he got an A due to home tutoring from Granny and Gramps. His unique supermax is going to be cooking, and he is going to have self employed painter as his unique career. He also took his ex-imaginary friend, Nicole Childguy, to the prom as his date and they are now an item. Gavroche was so pleased that his uncle Rusty got a date at the prom and copied Nicole's dance moves.

Gavroche's current stats are as follows:
Life Stage: Teen
Traits: Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook
Romantic Interest: Nicole Childguy Victor
Unique LTW - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous (4 star celebrity, well and truly worth more than 100,000 simeloens)
Unique LTRs -
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking - working on it
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter
6 Black Ops - None Yet
6 Best Friends - Cosette Victor (mother), Rusty Galah Wolff (uncle), Nicole Childguy Victor (romantic interest), 3 to go
Building -
Property -
Museum Pieces - All three done for Toddler, Child and Teen

Thornton and Morganna are filling in time as they wait for Grim. Sculpt, Sculpt, Sculpt, Motive Mobile is Thornton's life and Write, Paint, Sculpt, Motive Mobile is Morganna's life.

Nicole Childguy is a teenager as well as Gavroche, and went to the prom with him. They are definitely an item. She is basically doing whatever and having fun doing it. Nicole was deeply impressed with Gavroche's dance moves.

Rusty Galah Wolff, Gavroche's younger uncle, is focusing on handiness and logic at the moment, like his brother and mother, he's also doing some writing, but handiness and logic are his main focus points. He is also a teen, went to the prom alone, was named prom king (fist pump) hooked up with someone else at the prom, fell madly in love with her, then got into a fight when someone else tried to take his date off his hands. When he tried to get a kiss from his date, she refused. But she looks interesting, and could be a potential out of family mate for him.

As I said above, pictures may get added if my computer permits me to get to them.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2013, 09:33:55 AM »
Shame the computer is not allowing you access to your pictures. I would like to see the characters. Nonetheless I am pleased to see how much progress they are making! Congratulations to Cosette fro becoming immortal!
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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2013, 01:00:36 PM »
Congrats on the immortal! I hope your computer behave. :)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2013, 04:04:40 AM »
The Update Which Features Graduations, Birthdays, Promotions, Supermaxes, Visits from Grim, a Wedding and the Gen 3 Victor Nooboo.

The Victors are currently at Week 9 - Day 6, and as the title suggests, a lot has happened since my last update just over a week ago.

Graduations - Gavroche, Nicole and Rusty all Graduated from High School. Gavroche was Valedictorian and Most Popular, Nicole was Most Likely to be Electrocuted and Rusty was Most Likely to Rule the World.

Birthdays - Gavroche, Nicole and Rusty all became Young Adults. Gavroche, having grown up with parents who were celebrities wanted to become famous himself, it only seemed natural that he had a bit of Star Quality about him. Nicole developed the Angler Trait and became a self employed Fisherman, while Rusty became a computer whiz and also followed his father's footsteps into the world of being a male witch. He took over the production of friendship elixirs.

Promotions - Hugh Jack is a Celebrated Five Star Chef at the Diner, Gavroche is a level 7 painter. Nicole reached level 2 self employed fisherwoman before her attention was drawn to other issues. Rusty is unemployed at the moment.

Supermaxes - A number of skills have been supermaxed/close to supermaxed by immortals and non-immortals. Cosette supermaxed sculpting prior to her becoming an immortal, is well on the way to supermaxing painting and is along the path towards supermaxing painting. Gavroche has 31 meals to prepare before he supermaxes Cooking (he is already a menu maven). Thornton supermaxed sculpting, Morgana supermaxed painting and was on her way towards supermaxing logic, Hugh Jack supermaxed gardening and is on his way to supermaxing painting, writing and cooking. He also maxed fishing. Nicole has almost maxed handiness and has started on the road to do the same thing with fishing. Rusty has maxed alchemy and plays around with logic and handiness.

Visits from Grim - I've spotted Grim a few times around the town of Sunset Valley. The first time was at Summer Hills Springs with a random townie. The second time was at the Victor home, when Grim came for Thornton. Thornton was 98 days old. The third time was at the town hall at the graduation for Gavroche, Nicole and Rusty. That time, Grim came for Tamara Donner. The fourth time was at the house again, and this time Grim came for Morgana.

Wedding - Gavroche and Nicole both aged up to YA on the Saturday of week 8. On the Sunday am he asked her to marry him, and she accepted. That night she was force feeding herself apples. They both agreed to have a quiet and personal wedding, to the chagrin of Cosette - she really wanted a photo! :D

Gen 3 Nooboo - A very pregnant Nicole graduated on the Tuesday of week 9. On Wednesday, week 9, she gave birth to a boy nooboo that Nicole and Gavroche named Javert. He started life with Genius and Artistic (I'm making Artistic into a family trait) and I'm intending his supermax to be logic. His career will be photography - so I'll be giving him photographic eye at some point.

Gen 1 - Cosette Victor
Life Stage - IMMORTAL
Traits - Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist.
Husband - Hugh Jack Victor (nee Wolff)
Unique LTW - Renaissance Sim (Sculpting, Painting, Photographing) achieved
Unique LTRs - Moodlet Manager, Artisan Crafter, Fast Learner
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor - Level 10 achieved
6 Black Ops - Sculpture for a friend, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, High Quality Delivery,  Fresco Fest, Broadway Cameo, An Old Ruse
6 Best Friends - Hugh Victor (Husband), Gavroche Victor (Son), Thornton Wolff (Father-In-Law), Morganna Wolff (Mother-In-Law), Xander Clavell (Black Op), Ayesha Ansari (Black Op)
Building - Gypsy Wagon
Property - Summer Hill Springs (upgraded to level 3)
Museum Pieces - All three done for YA, Adult and Elder

Gen 2 - Gavroche Victor
Life Stage - Young Adult (15 from adult)
Traits - Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook, Star Quality
Wife - Nicole Childguy Victor (ex-imaginary friend)
Unique LTW - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous - achieved
Unique LTRs - Fireproof Homestead, Born to Cook, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking (Level 10; Menu Maven achieved; Star Chef achieved; 54 meals prepared)
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter - Level 7
6 Black Ops - That's Outstanding,
6 Best Friends - Cosette Victor (mother), Rusty Galah Wolff (uncle), Nicole Childguy Victor (wife), 3 to go
Building - Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner
Property - Crystal Springs
Museum Pieces - All three done for Toddler, Child, Teen and Young Adult

Gen 3 - Javert Victor
Life Stage - Nooboo (1 from toddler)
Traits - Artistic, Genius
Romantic Interest - None
Unique LTW - ? (Possibly Visionary)
Unique LTRs - ?, ?, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Logic
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Photographer
6 Black Ops -
6 Best Friends -
Building -
Property -
Museum Pieces - None Yet

Thanks Louise and Rosa.
I am trying my best to get to the pictures, my computer doesn't want me to get to them, however. I apologise for that.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2013, 06:15:25 AM »
So much progress! Congratulations, and keep up the good work!
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By samoht04

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2013, 05:02:37 AM »
I've been enjoying reading this updates as this story is different from what I am used to. Not sure what it is. Congrats on your first Immortal.
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty - End of Week 10 Update
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2013, 01:58:06 AM »
The update in which Nicole Childguy Victor gives her perspective on things.

Hi, I am Nicole Childguy Victor, and I am married to the cutest sim ever, his name is Gavroche Victor and I've known him for a long time, ever since he was a toddler, and I was ... well I was a doll, if you must know.

I remember him giving me my real name when he was a nooboo, I was Bubbles, but he changed it to Nicole Childguy, and I love that name, almost as much as him. I remember him growing up and starting to sing to me and play with me. He never slept with me though, he always had a soft toy he slept with. An Imaginary Friend Bear. Bagh! That wasn't real, it was just full of stuffing. Then he grew up again, and I told him to put me on the ground and I became a bit more real and ran around and played with him and helped him clean up and got him snacks and I even walked in on him when he was in the bath once and that embarrassed him. I was always sad when he went to school because I turned back into a toy and couldn't play with him any more.

Then his grandmother, Morgana Wolff, made a potion using a formula I had left lying around for her to find. Morgana gave it to my Gavroche and Gavroche gave it to me. I became a real sim, and all of Gavroche's family, his parents, his uncle and his grandparents were all amazed to see that I was not just made up at all.

As kids, it snowed everyday and we didn't have to go to school at all. However Thornton and Morgana taught us at home how to do reading, writing and arithmetic and we all got A's in primary school. Then we went to high school, and we had prom to go to. I hoped that Gavroche would want to go with me, and he did! He asked me. I demurely and thoughtfully told him I'd have to think about it ... the thinking about it took about 5 seconds, but it looked like he was in agony for that time, and I said to him YES! I would and he smiled and kissed me and I melted in his arms.

We had a great night at the prom. Rusty, Gavroche's younger uncle, went too, how does that happen, how does an uncle get to be younger than his nephew? We impressed each other with our dance moves (Gavroche did the chicken dance) and Rusty became Prom King. We all graduated with top honours and my Gavroche was named Valedictorian. The day after we finished school, Gavroche asked me to marry him, and I said yes, then we went and slept in the same bed together and had flower petals fall around us, music played and I had a craving for apples. I was pregnant at my graduation and I went to hospital. I had a little boy sim named Javert. How I loved to play with him and cuddle him when he was a nooboo. I was such a good mother and taught him to talk, potty and walk, although everyone helped with that and we also got him a peg box to play with and read logic and painting books with him.

He then aged up to child and developed an interest in photography, which I think was Cosette's influence on him. I don't mind, no not at all. I love every bit of my little Javert, and I love the fact that he has an imaginary friend doll that he plays with, he calls her Cate Bleachsmall. I know that there's another one of those imaginary friend potions around somewhere and hopefully Javert will get to make Cate real as well. Being real is a lot more fun than being imaginary. I mean, I never could have imagined that food would taste as good as it does taste.

Anyway, while all of that was going on, my Gavroche cooked lots and lots of meals and put them in the fridge that his father got when he became a Celebrated 5 Star Chef. There's at least 75 in there, and so he has completed all the skill challenges associated with cooking. He returned to painting at that point, and became an acryllic ace, he said that there is now only one level left until he's at the top of the self-employed painter career path. He's also expressed a desire to follow his father's footsteps as a chef. Like me, he's a few days away from Adult, so he does have the time for it. Oh, he's got lots of fans as he is a five star celebrity. Businesses are forever sending him stuff. Excuse me, that's the doorbell.

I'm back. It was another manufacturer sending us something. They sent me a maelstrom hot tub. It can go out the back with our other maelstrom hot tub and serenity hot tub. We've also got a whole lot of Mad Llama Foosball tables around somewhere as well as a veritable orchestra of iconic jam guitars. Thankfully we have a flat roof so they can all go up there.

We've also been getting replicators and I need to upgrade them. Excuse me, I must go for now. Thank you for reading. The watcher told me he's going to put up stats on all of us now. Enjoy!

Nicole Childguy Victor

Gen 1 - Cosette Victor
Life Stage - IMMORTAL
Traits - Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist.
Husband - Hugh Jack Victor (nee Wolff)
Unique LTW - Renaissance Sim (Sculpting, Painting, Photographing) achieved
Unique LTRs - Moodlet Manager, Artisan Crafter, Fast Learner
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor - Level 10 achieved
6 Black Ops - Sculpture for a friend, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, High Quality Delivery,  Fresco Fest, Broadway Cameo, An Old Ruse
6 Best Friends - Hugh Victor (Husband), Gavroche Victor (Son), Thornton Wolff (Father-In-Law), Morganna Wolff (Mother-In-Law), Xander Clavell (Black Op), Ayesha Ansari (Black Op)
Building - Gypsy Wagon
Property - Summer Hill Springs (upgraded to level 3)
Museum Pieces - All three done for YA, Adult and Elder

Gen 2 - Gavroche Victor
Life Stage - Young Adult (15 from adult)
Traits - Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook, Star Quality
Wife - Nicole Childguy Victor (ex-imaginary friend)
Unique LTW - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous - achieved
Unique LTRs - Fireproof Homestead, Born to Cook, Replicator
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking (Level 10; Menu Maven achieved; Star Chef achieved; World Class Chef Achieved)
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter - Level 9
6 Black Ops - That's Outstanding,
6 Best Friends - Cosette Victor (mother), Rusty Galah Wolff (uncle), Nicole Childguy Victor (wife), 3 to go
Building - Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner
Property - Crystal Springs
Museum Pieces - All three done for Toddler, Child, Teen and Young Adult

Gen 3 - Javert Victor
Life Stage - Child
Traits - Artistic, Genius, Photographic Eye
Romantic Interest - None yet
Unique LTW - ? (Possibly Visionary)
Unique LTRs - ?, ?, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Logic
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Photographer
6 Black Ops - Stinky Bugs (Primary School),
6 Best Friends -
Building -
Property -
Museum Pieces - All three from Toddler, Child

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2013, 05:01:29 AM »
Is painting a family skill then? It seems like everyone is learning it.

Nicole's perspective was sweet to read. I like the new IF's name too, Cate Bleachsmall, ha. Are all your lot going to marry imaginary friends? I hope it doesn't bug on you! I've heard they have problems sometimes.

I've heard people have problems with self-employed photography, selling the photos. If he's going to learn logic and painting, you could consider the Forensic Analyst branch of LAw Enforcement. Just an idea.

You're doing really well! Keep it up!
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By samoht04

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2013, 09:30:43 PM »
The update of the week that (seemed to) never end. - Rusty Galah Wolff

Hello, you haven't heard from me before, so allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rusty Galah Wolff, and I am a young adult. I am the natural son of Thornton and Morgana Wolff, my (adopted and much older) brother is Hugh Jack Victor. He is married to my sister-in-law, Cosette Victor. They are the parents of my (older) nephew, Gavroche Victor. Gavroche is married to his ex-imaginary friend, Nicole Childguy Victor. I went to school with the two of them, it isn't often that an uncle gets to be a classmate with his own nephew. Gavroche and Nicole had a son that they named Javert. Javert and had his birthday yesterday. My brother and sister-in-law are painting and sculpting him for the museum. My brother's sculpture is also up in the mortal wing of the museum along with his portrait and photos. He is 85 now.

I am an excitable handy genius who is also a computer whiz and bookworm. I have maxed logic, writing and alchemy and am working out in martial arts and athletics with Nicole. Although I'm handy, handiness isn't a big focus of mine, Nicole has really taken a shine to that, and I'm spending a lot of time writing. I am the author of the fantasy series "The Money Making Series - Books 1 - 3" as well as the book about the series "Guide to The Money Making Series". Currently, I'm working on book 4 of the series. Earlier in my career, I wrote some fiction and science fiction books and a horror book. But I'm really focusing on writing fantasy books these days. My brother specialised in children's books, but he has also been writing a fantasy series. Look us up if you haven't already - we're Rusty Galah Wolff and Hugh Jack Victor.

This last week seems to have gone on forever. That is because Cosette has taken two trips to Shang Simla. On the first trip she took Hugh and myself. She completed a couple of tombs and took photographs of the place. I purchased stuff for martial arts and Hugh purchased books for cooking and fishing. Hugh bought pairs of each of the cooking books so that both himself and Gav can learn those recipes. We also did some sightseeing on our trip. Cosette managed to move into a level 1 visa as a result of her adventures and picked up some relics on display around our house. Later in the week, Cosette took Nicole and Gav with her to Shang Simla. Cosette did a bit more exploring of tombs and the Chinese mausoleum, Nicole upgraded various things and Gav searched for gemstones, metals and space rocks. They said that it was a fun visit. I am surprised that despite our combined holiday time of 6 days, that our calendars are still saying we are in week 11.

Now onto some additional matters about the immortals. Gav has maxed his career of self employed painter, and he has completed five of his six opportunities. Jav (he hates that, but I like calling him that anyway) has expressed a desire to become a visionary and knows he'll have to work on painting and photography as well as his supermaxed skill of logic. He calls me uncle, which isn't exactly true, but why correct him? Cossy (don't let her know I call her that) has had five or six meals of ambrosia to date. The three replicators (one picked up by dad and two by Gav) have all been upgraded by Nicky (once again, don't tell her I call her that, she is better than me at Martial Arts and kicks my butt easily) and are all programmed to replicate the ambrosia that Gav cooks.

Anyway, that's it for now. I understand another trip to Shang Simla is on the cards. I've been asked to smuggle a book of mine into China, hope I don't get caught by customs.

Rusty Galah Wolff


Gen 1 - Cosette Victor
Life Stage - IMMORTAL
Traits - Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist.
Husband - Hugh Jack Victor (nee Wolff)
Unique LTW - Renaissance Sim (Sculpting, Painting, Photographing) achieved
Unique LTRs - Moodlet Manager, Artisan Crafter, Fast Learner
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor - Level 10 achieved
6 Black Ops - Sculpture for a friend, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, High Quality Delivery,  Fresco Fest, Broadway Cameo, An Old Ruse
6 Best Friends - Hugh Victor (Husband), Gavroche Victor (Son), Thornton Wolff (Father-In-Law), Morganna Wolff (Mother-In-Law), Xander Clavell (Black Op), Ayesha Ansari (Black Op)
Building - Gypsy Wagon
Property - Summer Hill Springs (upgraded to level 3)
Museum Pieces - All three done for YA, Adult and Elder

Gen 2 - Gavroche Victor
Life Stage - Young Adult (1 from adult)
Traits - Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook, Star Quality
Wife - Nicole Childguy Victor (ex-imaginary friend)
Unique LTW - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous - achieved
Unique LTRs - Fireproof Homestead, Born to Cook, Replicator
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking (Level 10; Menu Maven achieved; Star Chef achieved; World Class Chef Achieved)
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter - Level 10 - achieved
6 Black Ops - That's Outstanding, Tear Up The Dance Floor, Business Model, Surprise Cameo, Authorized Biography, Super Stir-Fry - achieved
6 Best Friends - Cosette Victor (mother), Rusty Galah Wolff (uncle), Nicole Childguy Victor (wife), 3 to go
Building - Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner
Property - Crystal Springs
Museum Pieces - All three done for Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult and Adult

Gen 3 - Javert Victor
Life Stage - Teenager
Traits - Artistic, Genius, Photographic Eye, Adventurous
Romantic Interest - None yet
Unique LTW - Visionary
Unique LTRs - ?, ?, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Logic
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Photographer
6 Black Ops - Stinky Bugs (Primary School), Archeology Exhibit
6 Best Friends -
Building -
Property -
Museum Pieces - All three from Toddler, Child

Author's notes
- yeah, I'm making painting a family skill, trying to get as many immortals as possible to max/supermax it. if that happens, athletics is the other family skill.
- I've got Forensic Analyst as a back up to the photography career, thanks for the suggestion, Rosa.
- Family has hit over 1,000,000 in household funds.
- Thanks for the encouragement.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2013, 12:35:01 AM »
Always nice to hear from a spare's perspective. Such an interesting family dynamic you have going on here. I like that bit about "Money Making Series" it's very honest and to the point.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2013, 05:49:37 AM »
<sad>le sigh</sad>

Well, I got hit by a travelling bug. One that I had never received before, but that apparently has affected others. Read all about it in the Immortal Dynasty Challenge Thread, if you are interested. Anyway Rica gave me permission to go to an earlier save (thanks Rica) which thanks to me saving everything for the past week as the same file name until AFTER I travelled overseas, I was forced to return to a save that was made on March 2 2013, which means that my last update hasn't officially happened in this version of the game yet.

Anyway, Cosette has been complaining a fair bit lately about her life and has asked to express her feelings, me being the nice Watcher I am, have agreed to let her do so.

*Cosette crosses the stage to a microphone and taps it a few time.*

Cosette: Watcher, is this thing on?
Me: Yes, dearest Cosette.
Cosette: Don't you dearest me, Watcher, I am aggrieved, I am annoyed, I am peeved!
Me: Whatever is the matter dear... *noticing glare from Cosette* why don't you tell us what the matter is, Cosette.
Cosette: Whatever happened to my part?
It was exciting at the start!
But now we're close to immortal two
And there's naught but sculpting for me to do!

My watcher's had me sculpting for far too long
Its been too many posts since I had a song
This is one most unhappy founder
The watcher has deceived her
There's been nothing I can sing from my heart.
Whatever happened to My Part?

I am sick of the sculpting skill
To learn logic would be a thrill
But you can't, that's the skill of Gen three
I don't want to sculpt in ice or stone
To all hours outside alone
I'd much rather be away from birds and bees; birds and bees

Whatever happened to my opps?
I had many but now it stops!
I'm with a bunch of younger blokes
Who will die like normal folks

I should go to a bar or pub
Perhaps dance at a club
Gavroche's working as a cook
I feel like a headless chook
I think my Watcher has really lost the plot.

Whatever happened to my
Gimme a new Watcher, drat it
Whatever happened to my
Not Gavroches, Not Javert's
But my, Part.

Me: Did you really have to choose Diva's Lament from Spamalot, Cosette?

Cosette: Well, you've been playing it non-stop, Watcher, I've been having electronic dreams about it, so yes, I really did have to choose it.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2013, 07:19:53 AM »
That's the way to have a good sense of humour about glitches! I have much to learn from you.
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Offline azokka361

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2013, 02:00:11 PM »
Oh, no! The travel bug ruined . . . let's see . . . two dynasties for me, so I feel your pain. Good luck going on with the earlier save!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2013, 10:53:28 PM »
The Update With a few Adoptions, a Grim Visit, a 2nd Real Imaginary Friend,  a Uni Graduation - Week 13 day 4
Thanks Azokka and Rosa.

Adoptions 1 and 2. Although they didn't occur first in the time since last update, the Victors adopted two cats. First of all Grizabella, who was a bit of a glamour cat. Then, because Grizabella wanted companionship, (and because Gavroche rolled up a wish to adopt a second cat) Skimbleshanks was found near the railway and was adopted as well. Grizabella came to us with Adventurous, and was trained to be neat and non destructive, while Skimbleshanks is rather playful. Both felines are adults.

Adoption 3. Rusty Galah, younger brother of Hugh Jack, and natural son of Thornton and Morganna adopted a girl, named Georgy Jumper Wolff. She was adopted as a child and has since grown into a teenager, two or so days younger than Javert. She and Javert are an item (they did Prom together and were named Prom King and Queen). Her traits are Great Kisser, Computer Whiz, Loves the Outdoors and Disciplined. Georgy is the cousin of Gavroche and, if things work out as they should, the future wife of Javert (they are currently boy friend and girl friend).

Adoption 4. (Yes, 4 adoptions - it is me, after all) Cosette and Hugh Jack wanted a little bundle of joy, but as Cosette was an elder, that wasn't possible, unless they adopted. And so that's what they did. They adopted a little boy nooboo by the name of Eric Flag Victor. As well as being their son, Eric is the brother of Gavroche, Cousin of Georgy, nephew of Rusty, grandson of Morganna and Thornton and uncle of Javert. Like his brother and nephew before him, Eric was sent an imaginary friend doll. Eric named this doll Jordan Febboy, a boy's name.

At the time of the adoption of Eric Flag Victor, the household consisted of (oldest to youngest):

Hugh Jack Victor (Cosette's husband, adopted son of Morganna and Thornton Wolff - elder)
Cosette Victor (Founder - immortal)
Nicole Childguy Victor (Gavroche's wife and ex-imaginary friend - adult)
Gavroche Victor (Generation 2 - adult)
Rusty Galah Wolff (Hugh Jack's brother and natural son of Morganna and Thornton Wolff - adult)
Javert Victor (Generation 3 - teenager)
Georgy Parker Wolff (Rusty Galah's adopted daughter and girlfriend of Javert - teenager)
Eric Flag Victor (Cosette's adopted son - child)

Grizabella "Glamour" Victor (Adult Cat (female))
Skimbleshanks "Railway" Victor (Adult Cat (male))
8 Sims + 2 Cats

A Grim Visit
It happened on Saturday of Week 12 and as he did most days, Hugh Jack sat down at his computer to type out another children's book. He did write a fantasy book, but he returned to his first love, writing for children. He was fast approaching 30k in lifetime royalties to become a speed writer when he felt all light and floaty and sparkly. No, he wasn't auditioning for a part in a bad 'Vampire' movie, he was being visited by Grim. The family all gathered. Cosette and Gavroche were both stone hearted and Eric was a toddler, all the others were distraught, however. Cosette's moodlet manager soon put an end to the sadness of all the sim members of the household, Grizabella though was lost in her Memory and was broken inside.

Cosette had a song for the occasion, but that might wait for a later post. For a day or so, the household had a spare spot, but then Eric Flag aged into a child and his imaginary friend (Jordan Febboy) asked to see the world.

A 2nd Real Imaginary Friend
Eric placed Jordan on the ground and had someone to play with, a special someone that only he could see, not even Nicole, his sister-in-law, who had been an imaginary friend at one stage, or his brother, Gavroche believed that he had an imaginary friend. Javert, who was skilled at all things logical and chemical wasn't totally sure himself, after all his imaginary friend remained a doll, but he made the potion. After becoming best friends with Jordan, Eric was able to make Jordan real, and he had a playmate and when Gen 4 (female) is able to be born (on the death of either Nicole or Rusty) there are two options for her spouse). Yes, it is a risk, but it is me, so what do you expect?

So, current household is
Cosette Victor (Founder - immortal) - Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist
Nicole Childguy Victor (Gavroche's wife and ex-imaginary friend - adult) - Gatherer (top social group), Animal Lover, Handy, Lucky, Angler, Neat
Gavroche Victor (Generation 2 - adult) - Cat Person (top social group), Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook, Star Quality
Rusty Galah Wolff (Hugh Jack's brother and natural son of Morganna and Thornton Wolff - adult) - Irresistible (university degree), Green Thumb (top social group), Computer Whiz, Excitable, Handy, Bookworm, Genius
Javert Victor (Generation 3 - teenager) - Adventurous, Genius, Photographers Eye, Artistic
Georgy Parker Wolff (Rusty Galah's adopted daughter and girlfriend of Javert - teenager) - Great Kisser, Loves the Outdoors, Disciplined, Computer Whiz
Jordan Febboy (Eric's ex-imaginary friend - child) - Supernatural Fan, Party Animal, Cat Person
Eric Flag Victor (Cosette's adopted son - child) - Virtuoso, Heavy Sleeper, Friendly

Grizabella "Glamour" Victor (Adult Cat (female)) - Adventurous, Neat (learned), Non-Destructive (learned)
Skimbleshanks "Railway" Victor (Adult Cat (male)) - Playful
8 Sims + 2 Cats

Uni Graduation
Rusty Galah Wolff went to uni for 14 days. He picked up a lot of credit and so forth for a communications degree and took that on. He opted to rent one of the houses rather than move into a dorm or a fraternity. He got on well with his professor and got to best friends with her. He graduated with a perfect GPA and so forth and I sent him out to gather lots of metals and gems and rocks on weekends, I also sent him to purchase as many of the new plantables as possible.

I also sent him with one of the moodlet managers and that meant he was able to not worry about sleep. So yes, he graduated really well and picked up a trait that I'm not sure why that one was picked now ... irresistible. He also picked up Green Thumb due to him being at the top of the nerd social group. Gavroche also topped the nerds and picked up cat person and Nicole picked up gatherer for topping the nerds.

Gen 1 - Cosette Victor
Life Stage - IMMORTAL
Traits - Photographic Eyes, Hates the Outdoors, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor, Perfectionist.
Husband - Hugh Jack Victor (nee Wolff)
Unique LTW - Renaissance Sim (Sculpting, Painting, Photographing) achieved
Unique LTRs - Moodlet Manager, Artisan Crafter, Fast Learner
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Sculpting - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Sculptor - Level 10 achieved
6 Black Ops - Sculpture for a friend, Larger than Necessary Doorstop, High Quality Delivery,  Fresco Fest, Broadway Cameo, An Old Ruse
6 Best Friends - Hugh Victor (Husband), Gavroche Victor (Son), Thornton Wolff (Father-In-Law), Morganna Wolff (Mother-In-Law), Xander Clavell (Black Op), Ayesha Ansari (Black Op)
Building - Gypsy Wagon - purchased
Property - Summer Hill Springs (upgraded to level 3)
Museum Pieces - All three done for YA, Adult and Elder

Gen 2 - Gavroche Victor
Life Stage - Adult (12 from Elder)
Traits - Artistic, Friendly, Excitable, Natural Cook, Star Quality, Cat Person (Social Group Bonus Trait)
Wife - Nicole Childguy Victor (ex-imaginary friend)
Unique LTW - Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous - achieved
Unique LTRs - Fireproof Homestead, Born to Cook, Replicator
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Cooking - achieved
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Painter - Level 10 - achieved; Currently at Level 5 - Culinary (just for fun/a 2nd fancy fridge)
6 Black Ops - That's Outstanding, Tear Up The Dance Floor, Business Model, Surprise Cameo, Authorized Biography, Super Stir-Fry - achieved
6 Best Friends - Cosette Victor (mother), Rusty Galah Wolff (uncle), Nicole Childguy Victor (wife), 3 to go
Building - Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner - purchased
Property - Crystal Springs - upgraded to level 3
Museum Pieces - All three done for Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult and Adult

Gen 3 - Javert Victor
Life Stage - Teenager
Traits - Artistic, Genius, Photographic Eye, Adventurous
Romantic Interest - (Georgy Jumper Wolff - adopted daughter of Rusty Galah Wolff, Hugh Jack Victor's brother - she is a couple of days younger than Javert)
Unique LTW - Visionary - achieved
Unique LTRs - Learned Relic Hunter, Collection Helper, ?
Unique Supermaxed Skill - Logic (Grand Master 3/5, Celestial Explorer 5/20, Teacher Extraordinaire - achieved, Skill Professor 0/30, Master Chemist - achieved)
Unique Maxed Career - Self Employed Photographer (7/10)
6 Black Ops - Stinky Bugs (Primary School), Archaeology Exhibit, 4 to go
6 Best Friends - Georgy Jumper Wolff, 5 to go
Building - Llama Memorial Stadium - purchased
Property - Landgraab's Swap and Sell - upgraded to level 3
Museum Pieces - All three from Toddler, Child, Teenager

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Re: The Victor Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2013, 03:48:41 AM »
You're making me nervous with all these people, Dek! But I have my fingers crossed it will work out for you. RIP Hugh Jack.
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By samoht04