Author Topic: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Bedtime Story (55)  (Read 111003 times)

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Importance of Being Petty (48)
« Reply #210 on: July 07, 2013, 09:28:07 AM »
The Importance of Being Petty

Thor: Oh, look. He's finally here!
The Riddlemaster: So it would seem.
Thor: Well, let's go get him!
The Riddlemaster: Have some patience, Drake. Let us see what your podmate does.
Thor: From all the way over here?
The Riddlemaster: I have eyes and ears everywhere, Drake.

The Riddlemaster: Well, he doesn't look very happy.
Thor: Very observant of you.
The Riddlemaster: No doubt he'll take his petty anger out on some nearby townie. One working for me.

Loki: Really? A Supernatural hair style? At least keep up with the times, you fool!
Joanie: You're wearing a Generations hair style. I fail to see the distinction.
Loki: The distinction is that my hair makes me look distinguished, while yours only serves to accentuate your rampant ugliness.
Joanie: What's your problem, man? Just go away!
Thor: I assume she's one of your lackeys?
The Riddlemaster: Very observant of you.

Loki: No, I don't wanna go away! You go away! I was here first!
Joanie: Um, actually-
Loki: No, I get it. You don't want me. Nobody wants me!
Joanie: Well-

Loki: Well, the joke's on you, Joanie MacDuff! You are now my nemesis! Tremble before my power!
Joanie: *pause* No.
Loki: TOO BAD! Now I'm going to steal your flip-flops! What are you gonna do about it!
Joanie: But I'm not wearing-
Loki: Nope! No more talking! Good-bye!

Loki: I hope you don't mind me helping myself to your picnic dinner! I haven't had real food in so long!
Thor: Wow, you sure were right about being petty. He sure is a jerk.
The Riddlemaster: Personally, we haven't noticed any difference in him.
Thor: You don't know him as well as I do.
The Riddlemaster: Is that so?

Thor: Well, I've had enough of this. I'm taking action!
The Riddlemaster: We wouldn't advise that, Drake.
Thor: Since when do I do what you'd advise me to?
The Riddlemaster: Touché.

Townie: Hey, you're a ghost!
Thor: If I'm the strangest thing you've seen in town, you must be new here.
Townie: G-g-ghost.
Thor: Anyway, you see that man over there? Could you help me figure out where he lives?

Townie: No way, Jose! I'm not getting involved in some creepy ghost business. Good day!

The Riddlemaster: Good job taking action there.
Thor: Shut up.
The Riddlemaster: Perhaps you'd like to listen in to what we've dug up. Listen here to what the woman's saying.

Joanie: ... and then he just sat down and started eating my hot dog!
Mr. MacDuff: What'd you do after that?
Joanie: Well, I got up and walked away! I'm not sticking around while some strange guy steals my food and starts babbling about toddlers.
Thor: Toddlers? What on Earth is he-

Thor: Fenris...

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Importance of Being Petty (48)
« Reply #211 on: July 07, 2013, 10:53:27 AM »
You couldn't have possibly picked a better title for this chapter. "Petty" fits Loki like a glove. :P

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Offline Blayzen

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Importance of Being Petty (48)
« Reply #212 on: July 08, 2013, 12:51:14 AM »
A. has decided to get himself involved in the real estate business. And not just any real estate, mind you. Only the very best builder was contracted for this house.
Hmmm, I think I know the builder that A. used to design this new house of his...I can't wait to see if I'm right! Perhaps a bigger source of curiosity is the reason why A. needed a new house at all? ::) It must be important if he was forced to get "the entire athletic sports stadium bulldozed." Sounds exciting!!

Loki: Well, the joke's on you, Joanie MacDuff! You are now my nemesis! Tremble before my power!
Joanie: *pause* No.
Loki: TOO BAD! Now I'm going to steal your flip-flops! What are you gonna do about it!
Joanie: But I'm not wearing-
Loki: Nope! No more talking! Good-bye!
Just thought I'd mention that Loki seems as delightfully insane as Gillian! I think they'd make a perfect couple...if not for the fact that Loki is already married. And, oh yeah, dead!

I really can't wait to see where you go with this...I love reading the interactions between the Riddlemaster and Thor & always find myself giggling when the Riddlemaster refers to Loki as Thor's "podmate."  ;D

P.S. Run, Fenris, RUN!!
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Importance of Being Petty (48)
« Reply #213 on: July 08, 2013, 05:04:16 AM »
Poor Loki. :( So misunderstood.
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Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Importance of Being Petty (48)
« Reply #214 on: July 08, 2013, 08:45:40 AM »
You couldn't have possibly picked a better title for this chapter. "Petty" fits Loki like a glove. :P

Defining character trait of a new villain, plus a pun based on the already punny Oscar Wilde play. If anyone can resist that title, it isn't me.  :P

Hmmm, I think I know the builder that A. used to design this new house of his...I can't wait to see if I'm right! Perhaps a bigger source of curiosity is the reason why A. needed a new house at all? ::) It must be important if he was forced to get "the entire athletic sports stadium bulldozed." Sounds exciting!!
Just thought I'd mention that Loki seems as delightfully insane as Gillian! I think they'd make a perfect couple...if not for the fact that Loki is already married. And, oh yeah, dead!

I really can't wait to see where you go with this...I love reading the interactions between the Riddlemaster and Thor & always find myself giggling when the Riddlemaster refers to Loki as Thor's "podmate."  ;D

P.S. Run, Fenris, RUN!!

A. could just have had a bout of spite on him. Maybe his favourite Simball team lost, and he took revenge by bulldozing the stadium. Or maybe I just don't want to tell you.  ;)

Somehow, I think the fact that Loki is Evil and Gillian is Good might put a damper on their relationship. (though I think one of Artie's wives might've been Good, I can't remember.)

Poor Loki. :( So misunderstood.

This sums it all up. I really treat him as a whole other character in life and in death. Hopefully we'll get to see him get back to his normal self.

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Madhouse (49)
« Reply #215 on: July 08, 2013, 10:39:24 AM »
The Madhouse

A. didn't mind a little rain here and there, but it'd been pouring for hours. How was he supposed to get in touch with Gillian and her friend in the middle of this downpour? No way. Unfortunately, A. found himself in one of the worst places to hide out during a rainstorm. He wasn't happy about it, but where else could he go? Too bad the nearest shelter was a madhouse.

The Cat Palace. Ah! The very name reeked with insanity! A. briefly wondered if anyone else would be unlucky enough to be forced to hide out here. He quickly decided that no one else would be that desperate. He was wrong, of course, otherwise there'd be no plot.

On the plus side, A's only companion here wasn't any happier about the situation then he was.

*awkward silence*

A: Uh, long time no see?
 Murdoch: I think I'm supposed to come up with some sort of villainous line, but I'm coming up blank.
 A: Don't worry, it's not you. The author just can't think of anything for us to do.
 Murdoch: Is that you're just staring at a plant?
 A: Probably.

A: This is ridiculous. I've been all over the world, and I still don't like cats.
 Murdoch: Tell me about it! My son's always like, "Daddy! Can we get a kitty!" I want to tell him, "The day you get a cat is the day we have sharks in The Sims 3!" but then he'd start crying. Plus I think we actually do have sharks now.
 A: You should've seen my little girl when I had to tell her that only rabbits could travel through time. Oh, she was devastated! At least until we went for ice cream.
 Murdoch: *chuckle* Ah, kids.

Murdoch: But I think we're getting a little off-topic. I'm here to maliciously taunt you, after all, not bond over fatherhood.
 A: Now, Murdoch, you know what happened. I couldn't do anything about that.
 Murdoch: You're the one who runs The Mole! The fate of the show was in your hands! Why couldn't you do anything?
 A: I feel like I should say something here, but I'm coming up blank.
 Murdoch: I already used that joke, A! Write your own jokes.
 A: Drat.

Murdoch: Do you have any idea what's happened to be my family since you cancelled The Mole? That could've been our chance at a good life, you know. Now look at us. Stuck in some slum while all of the forum stars live out their happy, successful lives. You're even getting a mansion built, and you don't even like mansions!
 A: Murdoch, listen to me. Nothing I did was meant to hurt anybody. Do you think I'm ignorant about suffering, Murdoch? I know what it's like to lose all your hopes in life, to be forced into poverty and obscurity. To have nothing left. But you did have something, Murdoch! You had a family to care for, and a family to care for you. I lost my family. They're gone now, except for one person.
 Murdoch: Your daughter?
 A: Yes. She's all I have left of a good life. When things were peaceful. Before I had all this alien rubbish to worry about. I cancelled the show for her, you know. As horrible the circumstance we had to live through were, she's been through so much worse. She had to grow up without a mother, and without a father who cared about her. I can't fix everything that happened back then, but there is one thing I can fix. I will not sit back and relax while my daughter thinks her father doesn't love her. That's why I cancelled the show, Murdoch. I had to put family first.

Murdoch: Wow. I, I had no idea.
 A: Nobody does. Nobody but me and Ronin. And now you.
 Murdoch: Are the two of you better now?
 A: No, not really. It'll take a long time for us to reconcile. I'm not even sure we can reconcile. But I'm not going to stop trying. She thinks I care more about the aliens then about my family, and maybe I used to. But not anymore.

A: I want you to know that I'm sorry, Murdoch, for all of the pain I've caused your family. I know that's not enough to make up for all the dark things you had to go through, but I hope that you understand, if nothing else.
Murdoch: Understand? Of course I understand, A. I can see that you care a lot about your daughter, and that you care more about her then anything else in the world, even The Mole.
A: Are you angry?
Murdoch: No. I was, back then. "How could that slimeball do that to us?" I asked myself. Now I see you did it for family. And I realize that I would've done the same thing in your shoes.

A: And I promise you this, Murdoch: One of these days I'm going to repay you. I'll make it up to you. Deal?
Murdoch: Deal.
A: Cool. Is there anything else, or can we give our author a break?
Murdoch: Uh...
A: What? What's wrong?
Murdoch: There is one thing I ought to tell you.

A: Well, what is it? What's the problem?
Murdoch: I may have had a friend of mine distract your friends so I could kidnap them and hold them ransom.
A: WHAT!?! How could you!?
Murdoch: To be fair, I thought of that while I still hated you!
A:Oh, good grief!
Murdoch: But it's not too late!

Murdoch: If we can get to the salon fast enough, we can stop them before they try anything.
A: They'd better not hurt them. You have no idea what's at stake there!
Murdoch: Relax, A. Even in my revenge, I wouldn't have wanted to actually hurt anybody! Come on, let's go!
A: I'll be right there.

A: I hope we can get there in time. It's all I have left.


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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Madhouse (49)
« Reply #216 on: July 08, 2013, 10:54:35 AM »
I feel sorry for A! The madhouse is very purple lol :P

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Madhouse (49)
« Reply #217 on: July 08, 2013, 11:16:45 AM »
I enjoyed reading A and Murdoch's heart-to-heart talk.  But I think A should be very cautious about Murdoch - don't trust him too far, A!  ;)
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Offline Blayzen

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Madhouse (49)
« Reply #218 on: July 09, 2013, 12:45:53 AM »
A. could just have had a bout of spite on him. Maybe his favourite Simball team lost, and he took revenge by bulldozing the stadium. Or maybe I just don't want to tell you.  ;)
Or perhaps that certain Simball team refused to allow A. sell their team apparel in his shoe store? I suppose anything is possible...especially since it appears that A. and Murdoch have been bonding, of all things, while I was slaving away at work!  :o

Somehow, I think the fact that Loki is Evil and Gillian is Good might put a damper on their relationship.
Again...anything is possible. Haven't you ever heard the phrase, "Opposites Attract?" One can always hope.

I feel sorry for A! The madhouse is very purple lol :P

I think someone designed that purple room just for ME! I don't know about A. & Murdoch but I love it! It makes me feel all warm and snuggly inside! If it were up to me, the whole world would be purple and populated with cats!!

Aside from the above-mentioned comments, I don't have too much to say other than the fact that I agree with Schip...I'm not too sure that trusting Murdoch is the smartest thing for A. to be doing. Sure, it would very neatly wrap up that aspect of the storyline but something tells me that things are not going to be that easy! Looking forward to the next update!!
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Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: The Madhouse (49)
« Reply #219 on: July 11, 2013, 09:29:57 AM »
I feel sorry for A! The madhouse is very purple lol :P

A. certainly has a very checkered and traumatic past. Perhaps we'll find out more about it soon?

I enjoyed reading A and Murdoch's heart-to-heart talk.  But I think A should be very cautious about Murdoch - don't trust him too far, A!  ;)

I've always considered A. and Murdoch to be two sides of the same coin. It really just makes sense for the first person that A. spills the beans to would be Murdoch. As for Murdoch's trustworthiness, your guess is as good as mine.

Or perhaps that certain Simball team refused to allow A. sell their team apparel in his shoe store? I suppose anything is possible...especially since it appears that A. and Murdoch have been bonding, of all things, while I was slaving away at work!  :o
Again...anything is possible. Haven't you ever heard the phrase, "Opposites Attract?" One can always hope.

I think someone designed that purple room just for ME! I don't know about A. & Murdoch but I love it! It makes me feel all warm and snuggly inside! If it were up to me, the whole world would be purple and populated with cats!!

Aside from the above-mentioned comments, I don't have too much to say other than the fact that I agree with Schip...I'm not too sure that trusting Murdoch is the smartest thing for A. to be doing. Sure, it would very neatly wrap up that aspect of the storyline but something tells me that things are not going to be that easy! Looking forward to the next update!!

Well, that "madhouse" is Pam's Cat Palace from Union Cove, so I'm not entirely sure who built it. Pam might've furnished it, but somebody else built it (like her own house down the street) or something else. I don't know for sure.

I hope you would know me well enough not to expect an aspect to the story to be "very nearly wrapped up." It's never that easy!  :P

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Long Road Ahead (50)
« Reply #220 on: July 18, 2013, 12:05:12 PM »
Long Road Ahead

(Before we begin, if anybody gets the reference in the title, you'll win... well, you won't win anything, but I'll be happy)

Blasted rain. If Loki had anything nice to say about the Afterlife, it was the weather. Nobody ever got poured on while they're dead. That's what life's for, after all. If it rained in the Afterlife, everyone would be trying Immortal Dynasties, and poor Grim would be out of a job. And that's bad.

Oh, how lucky Loki was to be back here. Spending some nice quality time with his son, not to be bothered by Ranting Mark or Jellygut Lucy. Loki could still remember that nice man who gave him this opportunity in the first place. What a pleasant man he was.

Blasted rain. At least back on Maxis Prime, the rain froze into delightful little white specks. Why couldn't rain do that here on SimEarth? It wouldn't be that hard. That'll be one of the first things The Riddlemaster would do once the baby united the Sims under his banner.

Everything was going splendidly for him. Thor was still oblivious to the true plan of the Oracles, and the fool was playing right into their hands. Once he found the treacherous podmate, it would be a simple matter of enacting the next step. It has all been leading up to this moment.

Except the rain, of course. That was a buzzkill if there ever was one.

Blasted rain. Always getting in the hunter's eyes as they stalk their prey. Katherine wouldn't let a touch of water get in the way of her goal. Her son had already been taken from her once. Never again.

Loki wasn't the man he used to be. That much was clear. Katherine hoped Thor's plan would work, but to be honest, she had no idea. If things went wrong, though, Katherine would find that red-headed fool and have a little chat. It'd be fun! For her, at least. Loki might not like it so much. It wouldn't be any old deep and meaningful, after all.

Loki was here. Here they would hide out, hoping to lose anybody who might be following them. Once they got away, they'd be safe. It'd just be Loki and his boy, just like the old times. It'd be so much fun! For him, at least.

Little Patrick might have a problem with it. As would his uncle.

Thor: Blasted rain. *chuckle* That's why you should've stayed a ghost, Loki.

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Long Road Ahead (500)
« Reply #221 on: July 18, 2013, 12:23:49 PM »
Finally, nicely caught. *Blasted rain*:D
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Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Long Road Ahead (500)
« Reply #222 on: July 19, 2013, 09:04:48 AM »
Finally, nicely caught. *Blasted rain*:D

One can never have enough rain in a dramatically appropriate scene. That just worked out perfectly.

As an aside, it seems I've accidently labeled this as my 500th update, not 50. Oops.  :P

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Long Road Ahead (500)
« Reply #223 on: July 19, 2013, 12:46:50 PM »
One can never have enough rain in a dramatically appropriate scene. That just worked out perfectly.

As an aside, it seems I've accidently labeled this as my 500th update, not 50. Oops.  :P

Yes, I was wondering about that. (It did confuse me for a moment, but I found it funny enough not to tell.)
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Long Road Ahead (500)
« Reply #224 on: July 20, 2013, 02:32:08 PM »
Yes, I was wondering about that. (It did confuse me for a moment, but I found it funny enough not to tell.)

It was almost funny enough for me not to change it.  :P

I've reached the point where I can safely say that I will putting this story on hiatus for a little bit, starting Monday. I intended to start my next story after finishing this one, but this story ballooned far beyond my original intentions. I'd imagine it would take me about another month to finish up Secret Fire as planned, and I'd rather not start my next story in August. Once that project is finished, I will return to this story. I hope you guys can stay strong during the wait, and hopefully you might check out my new story as well.

On the plus-side, I still have 3 updates to post, so you'll be getting them at an increased pace before we black out.  :D