Author Topic: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Bedtime Story (55)  (Read 111224 times)

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Rise of the Drake (40)
« Reply #180 on: June 12, 2013, 10:18:01 AM »
Welcome back, Loki!  Very nice update, and I like your screenshots.  Oh, and this made me laugh:

Something about the fact that everybody's dead kind of puts a damper on the partying.

Yeah, I think all the party guests being dead might not lead to an epic party.  ;D
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Rise of the Drake (40)
« Reply #181 on: June 12, 2013, 11:17:12 AM »
Awesome updates! I wonder what kind of homecoming Loki will get?

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Rise of the Drake (40)
« Reply #182 on: June 12, 2013, 04:44:48 PM »
Classic Loki. Coming back from the dead on his brother's potion. *shakes head*
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Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Rise of the Drake (40)
« Reply #183 on: June 13, 2013, 04:21:53 PM »
Welcome back, Loki!  Very nice update, and I like your screenshots.  Oh, and this made me laugh:

Yeah, I think all the party guests being dead might not lead to an epic party.  ;D

You'd be surprised how often I've seen somebody die at a party and everybody still have a blast. Sims are weird that way.

Awesome updates! I wonder what kind of homecoming Loki will get?

Hmm. Loki's homecoming will be... quite interesting.

Classic Loki. Coming back from the dead on his brother's potion. *shakes head*

Hey! If it works, why not? But did it work? That's the real question...  ;)

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: A New Threat (41)
« Reply #184 on: June 13, 2013, 05:09:11 PM »
A New Threat

Gillian: I'm confused; why are we in Union Cove again?
Valerie: I figured it'd be a good idea to put some distance between us and Starlight Shores. You know how it is.
Gillian: Not really, no.
Valerie: *sigh* Let's just watch some TV.

Kid Dinosaurs: Tra-la-la! Dinosaurs are awesom! Can you say Dinosaur?
Gillian: I can! Di-no... wait, this is kind of tough.

Meanwhile, at the local Internet cafe, Murdoch plots his revenge.

Murdoch: Just gotta hook up these LAN connections, and we're good.
Murdoch: Hey look! It worked!

Androgynous Cow: Tra-la-la! Tra-la-la!
Gillian: Wait. How do we know the cow is androgynous? He's in a costume!
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Murdoch: We would like to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for a special announcement.

Murdoch: I know you're watching this, A. Simself! After all, it's not like you have anything better to do with your time now! I hoep I didn't cut your favourite TV show ever short just when it was getting started! Oh, wait. Who cares!? Not you, apparently, since you did the exact same thing to me! ME! MURDOCH!!

Murdoch: I put all my hopes and dreams getting onto your show! That could've been my chance to shine! But no! Apparently! You had better things to do! It's perfectly alright to let some family STARVE to death because YOU got bored! Well, no more of that! NONE!
Chase: We weren't starving, Dad.
Murdoch: Now now, Chase. Daddy's on camera.
Chase: But you're lying! Lying's bad!
Murdoch: Haven't you learned this by now? There's no room for truth on TV!

Murdoch: Anyway, do you see this kitchen, A! THIS is OUR kitchen! Our filthy, disgusting kitchen! Could you imagine somebody having to cook your children dinner in here? They'd get the plague, I tell you! THE PLAGUE!

Murdoch: THIS is where my family has had to SQUAT for the past 7 months because of YOU! We can barely even keep the house TOGETHER anymore, while YOU'RE off getting another house built! Don't you have enough already? Let the public see this new construction project!

Murdoch: What do you mean we don't have any images of it?
Melanie: Sorry, Dad, but we just don't have anything.
Murdoch: Bah! It doesn't matter! A. Simself will feel my vengeance regardless!

Murdoch: Ever since The Mole was cancelled, I've been plotting my revenge! My retribution! When I go to the club, I can't stop thinking about you and your miserable show.

Murdoch: When I nap by the pool, I can't stop dreaming about your putrid show!

Murdoch: You can't escape my wrath even while I brush my TEETH!

Murdoch: But let's pause for a moment, you and I. What's the point of me hating you if I don't do something about it? POINTLESS, isn't it? Well, NO longer! Now, I AM taking action! You better sleep well tonight, A!

Murdoch: You SEE this statue here? You're gonna WISH this was you once I'M finished with you!

Murdoch: So every time you turn on your LOATHSOME television, you'll have to do knowing that you're not ALONE anymore!

Murdoch: 'Cause MURDOCH'S in town, now!
*end recording*

Valerie: Oh bother, not that guy.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: A New Threat (41)
« Reply #185 on: June 13, 2013, 06:06:49 PM »
Murdoch seems like a nice lively, crazy and totally wanting revenge sort of character. I just wonder what trouble he has caused and is going to cause...
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: A New Threat (41)
« Reply #186 on: June 14, 2013, 10:41:08 AM »
Hahaha, I agree, how dare A. cancel the Mole? So rude and obviously directed out of pure spite at this Murdoch fellow!
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Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: A New Threat (41)
« Reply #187 on: June 15, 2013, 01:22:12 PM »
Murdoch seems like a nice lively, crazy and totally wanting revenge sort of character. I just wonder what trouble he has caused and is going to cause...

He certainly is driven by his thirst for vengeance. One can't help but wonder what form it will take.

Hahaha, I agree, how dare A. cancel the Mole? So rude and obviously directed out of pure spite at this Murdoch fellow!

Murdoch: Obviously A. had nothing but ill intentions with his cancellation! Giving no thought to how it might affect somebody who depended on it!

*ahem* Sorry, Murdoch hacked my computer.

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Back to the Veil (42)
« Reply #188 on: June 15, 2013, 02:02:42 PM »
Back to the Veil

Thor rather liked being dead.

Odd thing to be fond of, one might say, but how couldn't he like it? The Afterworld was beautiful, and the people were mostly pleasant. (the funny thing about dying is that it puts one's problems in perspective) He could even still lend a helping hand in the fight against the aliens every so often.

Thor spent a lot of time at the local art museum. He wasn't entirely sure how these artifacts even made it to the museum, (again, being dead and all) but Thor wasn't one to pass up an opportunity. Thor had to admit that museum touring was a lot more fun with his brother then by himself.

Where was Loki, anyway? Thor hadn't seen him since he got back from Moonlight Falls. Maybe the Admiral would know.

Llama Man: Hey! You look uneducated!
Thor: You're quite a charmer, aren't you?
Llama Man: No! I mean, you look like somebody who would benefit from some University learning!
Thor: Aren't you dead?
Llama Man: Well, yes, but somebody's got to do the advertising. So, how about it?
Thor: I'll pass.

The Admiral: Ah. Hello, Thor. We've been waiting for you to come back.
Thor: Waiting for me? What do you mean?
The Admiral: Please, just have a seat. We'll explain everything.
Arabella: And we expect the same from you.

Thor: Explain? I just want to know if you've seen my brother anywhere.
Arabella: Have we seen your brother anywhere? Not here, that's for sure!
Thor: What do you mean?
Arabella: If your little living friends hadn't cooked up that potion, none of this would be happening.
Thor: Potion? What are you talking about?
The Admiral: What Arabella is trying to say is that your brother Loki drank the potion your friends made for you.

Thor: Well, that's good, isn't it? He was never as content about dying as I was.
Arabella: No, that most certainly is not good! Do you realize what this means!?
Thor: Clearly I don't. Care to explain, or are you just going to yell at me some more?
Arabella: Why, you little-
The Admiral: Now, now, Arabella. This is not the place for obscenities. She does have a point though, I'm afraid. Loki drinking that potion is anything but a good thing.

The Admiral: Sims are not meant to be coming back from the dead, you see. Crossing the Veil is a one-way street for us. Trying to get back is difficult and dangerous, and most people who try it don't make it. For those few who have escaped back to the world of the living, however, their lives are forever changed.
Thor: I don't understand  There's all sorts of ways for Sims to come back to life! How could that be a bad thing?
The Admiral: There's all sorts of ways for one to rob a bank or cheat on a spouse, but does that mean one should do it? Why do you think resurrecting Sims is banned in those clever little Dynasties so many people attempt? Even the Challenge Team knows better than to send somebody back to life.
Thor: Well, what happens to those who do?
The Admiral: The journey back to the land of the living is... ardous, and it doesn't leave one's mental state completely intact. Once a Sim crosses back over the Veil, they aren't really the same Sim they used to be. They are changed, for the worst.

Arabella: And by worst, we generally mean insane, psychotic, and probably evil.
Thor: What!? You're telling me Loki's some kind of bad guy now?
The Admiral: Not permanently, thank goodness. If somebody can convince that Sim to come back to the Afterworld, they'll be back to their normal self. Getting them back is usually the tough part.
Thor: Well, I have to stop him.
The Admiral: You'll need help. You can't do this alone. A ghost, for all the power they have, can only meddle so much in the affairs of the living. I think you'll find that you have some unlikely assistance, however.
Thor: But if you and Arabella know that coming back is bad, why did Loki do it?

The Admiral: This is what I don't understand, either. Loki did know that crossing back was a bad idea. I can't imagine why he thought it'd be safe to try anyway. My only guess is that somebody managed to convince him that there was a safer way to do it. Who that might be, though, I have no idea.
Thor: I suppose I'll just have to ask him, then.
The Admiral: If you really plan on bringing Loki back, you best be on your way. Who knows what Loki could get himself into before he's back to his normal self?

Arabella: And you better make sure he does come back, or one of us will have to get involved in it.
Thor: You worry too much, Arabella. I got this under control.
Arabella: Humpf.

Thor himself wasn't so certain about his odds, though. He had faced off against many threats before, of course. But his own brother? Thor was secretly glad he wouldn't be alone on this, for he wasn't quite sure he'd be able to handle it by himself.

AFter all, what would it take to convince a newly-living soul to come back to the realm of the dead?

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Back to the Veil (42)
« Reply #189 on: June 15, 2013, 02:48:43 PM »
Oh no, I should have known there would be dire consequences! It was just too easy. I like Thor's attitude on the matter, though--'Oh, how nice.'
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By samoht04

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Back to the Veil (42)
« Reply #190 on: June 17, 2013, 01:02:15 AM »
Uh oh. I come back from a work conference to not just one, but multiple threats? Do you do all of your evil plotting & scheming while I'm gone? So many thoughts...where to begin? I guess I'll start with the most important questions/comments and work my way down.

1. How does one tell if it's an androgynous cow?

2. Just when I thought you were streamlining the threats lobbed in your direction by reconciling Katherine & Fenris, you decide to introduce us to Crazy in the form of Murdoch? And Loki?!

3. Speaking of Loki, he really should have known better than to attempt to resurrect himself! None of the living know that he is doing this so there won't be anyone there to put his, if Arabella is to be believed, "insane, psychotic, & possibly evil" impulses in check.

4. Random question - If one is psychotic, aren't they, by definition, evil? No possibly about it?

5. I find it interesting that Not-Valerie is aware of who Murdoch is...Of course, we still don't know who she really is...Still waiting on that hint. Just sayin'

6. I'm pretty sure that there is something I've forgotten but I think "6" is a nice, even number so I'll stop here. All in all, very enjoyable updates to return home to. Looking forward to more!!  8)
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Back to the Veil (42)
« Reply #191 on: June 17, 2013, 03:11:09 AM »
I'm not Audren (obviously) but androgynous cow is by definition an oxymoron. Cow means female. Except in the very loose definition of cow as a domesticated bovine animal. But 80% of cow definitions in the Oxford Dictionary include the concept 'female'. Only female bovines have udders. But considering that is not actually a cow but an Evil Mascot, the person inside the costume could well be male, making him more or less androgynous.

Yeah, all right, I'm done.
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By samoht04

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Back to the Veil (42)
« Reply #192 on: June 17, 2013, 08:14:38 AM »
Oh no, I should have known there would be dire consequences! It was just too easy. I like Thor's attitude on the matter, though--'Oh, how nice.'

Yeah, since when were things easy for the good guys? It never works like that.  :P

Uh oh. I come back from a work conference to not just one, but multiple threats? Do you do all of your evil plotting & scheming while I'm gone? So many thoughts...where to begin? I guess I'll start with the most important questions/comments and work my way down.

1. How does one tell if it's an androgynous cow?

2. Just when I thought you were streamlining the threats lobbed in your direction by reconciling Katherine & Fenris, you decide to introduce us to Crazy in the form of Murdoch? And Loki?!

3. Speaking of Loki, he really should have known better than to attempt to resurrect himself! None of the living know that he is doing this so there won't be anyone there to put his, if Arabella is to be believed, "insane, psychotic, & possibly evil" impulses in check.

4. Random question - If one is psychotic, aren't they, by definition, evil? No possibly about it?

5. I find it interesting that Not-Valerie is aware of who Murdoch is...Of course, we still don't know who she really is...Still waiting on that hint. Just sayin'

6. I'm pretty sure that there is something I've forgotten but I think "6" is a nice, even number so I'll stop here. All in all, very enjoyable updates to return home to. Looking forward to more!!  8)

1. Well, I'd like to say I had Rosa's theory all thought out and threw in a pre-mature hint that the cow was not what it seemed. However, I subscribed to the absolute loosest definition of the word "cow." Instead, I simply found the combination of words to be somewhat quirky.

2. While there are new threats out there, I think it would be unwise to assume that the streamlining isn't finished yet.

3. Yes, Loki really ought to have known better. But even the poorest decision can seem wise if persuaded by the proper individual...

4. Without getting into the extensive psychology, I think there is a small percentage of psychopaths who are completely peaceful. Or maybe that's sociopaths, I'm not sure. Either way, it's far from the norm.

5. Not-Valerie is aware of who Murdoch is, and if Murdoch really is keeping up with the story of A. Simself, perhaps he is aware of her!

6. Well, 6 is the base root of a number of ancient mathematical systems, like Egypt and Babylon. (Hence why we have 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour) So you might be on to something.

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Planning and Catching (43)
« Reply #193 on: June 17, 2013, 11:25:22 AM »
Planning and Catching

Gillian: Well, he seems nice.
Valerie: You're joking, right?
Gillian: Who is that guy anyway? You sound like you know him.
Valerie: That guy applied to be one of the contestants on The Mole back before it got cancelled. He didn't make it, so now he blames us for ruining his life.
Gillian: Us?
Valerie: *pause*

Valerie: Anyway, I better go call A, just in case he didn't see this.
Gillian: Then what?
Valerie: I'm not sure. Murdoch is spiteful and bitter, but I don't think he's that dangerous. We'll figure it out.

Truth be told, Valerie was a little more worried about Murdoch then she let on. Murdoch was quite clear with his threats back when The Mole was cancelled, but he had never delivered on them. Valerie hoped that he would continue his reign of inaction, but with the television broadcast, she wasn't so sure. Time to call A.

Valerie: Hey, A!
A: What's up, "Valerie?" If that's still what you're calling yourself.
Valerie: Wow. Is my voice that distinctive?
A: Not really, but I'd know that voice anywhere. What's up?
Valerie: I take it you saw-
A: Oh, poo! That's cheese! No way that should happen?
Valerie: Are you busy?
A: No, not at all!

A: Okay, maybe a little. But that's not the point.

Valerie: I take it you heard about Murdoch.
A: Unfortunately. He interrupted Jeopardy! Inexcusable!
Valerie: Yeah, woe to you. What should we do about him? We all remember what he did back in December.
A: If I recall correctly, all he did was make a bunch of empty threats. I doubt he'll do anything different. He is a Coward, you must remember.

Valerie: Maybe, but he's already done something different; the broadcast! He's letting the world know about his problems. He must have a plan.
A: Hmm. You might have a point.
Valerie: So, what's our plan?
A: I'll come over and we'll discuss it. Is Gillian with you?
Valerie: Yeah.
A: Good, she'll be useful.

A: I'll be there in a few.
Valerie: We'll be here. Bye.

Bah! The rain's getting heavier. Time to go inside. But Valerie wasn't expecting what she'd see inside.

Gillian: Look, Valerie! I caught an Elf!

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Planning and Catching (43)
« Reply #194 on: June 17, 2013, 03:53:08 PM »
What? An Elf? What? Gillian is so insane, I love her. This is getting more twisty and interesting. Is A playing pool with Blue Artie? Because he looks like Blue Artie!

And I am honour-bound to point out that 6 is also, mathematically, a perfect number: the factors of 6 (3,2,1) add up to six.
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