Author Topic: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Bedtime Story (55)  (Read 107286 times)

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Confronting His Past (35)
« Reply #150 on: May 21, 2013, 06:24:22 PM »
Confronting His Past

Ronin: You have got to stop doing this, A! How many times do I have to say it? I want nothing to do with your alien crusade! Nothing!
A: I'm not here about that, Ro.
Ronin: Don't call me that!
A: Fine, Ronin. I just want to talk to you.
Ronin: What do you have to say to me? Did you "just want to talk" to her, too?

Kin separated by flame

A: Don't even think about that! You know that's not true!
Ronin: Do I? Do I!? You were never there! How could I know what you said?
A: You know why I had to leave-
Ronin: And we're back to this alien nonsense! It's been twenty years, A! Let. It. GO!!

A: I did it for the two of you. I didn't like it any more than you did.
Ronin: "Any more than we did?" Do you understand how much pain you put us through? How much pain you put her through!
A: But-
Ronin: If you wanted to actually do something for us, you wouldn't have gone into the blue chasing aliens around while we needed you!

The ageless fire

A: Look. I know what I did wasn't good for any of us, and I know that it will take time for us to be back to the way we used to be. You have to know that I will always be sorry for the fire. But, please. I'm not here about any of that. Can't I just spend a little time with you, here?
Ronin: *sigh* Okay. Sit down.

A: For the record, I know you're more interested in this than you're letting on.
Ronin: Oh? Please do tell. I'm dripping with anticipation.
A: Project Lazarus? Pretty clever name, though I figured you'd have gone with something Nordic, all things considered.
Ronin: Thor died way too young. I know we can't save everyone, but... I have to try whenever I can

Must confront his past

Ronin: How'd you know where to find me, anyway?
A: Well, I found The Castle, and I knew that you'd be here overseeing the project yourself. You can't trust a mere assistant with a project like this. Certainly not somebody like... Valerie, is it?
Ronin: Is there anything you don't know?
A: *pause* Not really, no.

Ronin: I take it you also assumed I'd still practice my piano skills?
A: But of course! What else would you do for fun around here? This isn't Appaloosa, after all.
Ronin: You always did like that town a little too much. You know, I still remember that crazy lady with all the cats. Don't you?
A: *silence*
Ronin: What is it, A?
A: Oh, nothing. I just think I figured out his riddle.

And the Secret Fire

Ronin: His what?
A: *nervous* You know... the riddles.
Ronin: Whose riddles?
A: *looks down*
Ronin: Get. Out.

A: At least-
Ronin: Don't try to weasel your way out of this one! Gosh, I try to have one conversation with you! Just one!
A: We were-
Ronin: And you have to ruin it with more alien business! That's why she's gone now, you know. Not the fire. Your zealousness!

A: My zealousness! You're the one who freaks out if somebody so much as breaths the word "alien!" Why do you hate talking about this so much? Can't you see that's why all of this happened?
Ronin: You are not trying to blame this on the aliens!
A: And why shouldn't I?
Ronin: Because you're the whole reason why they even wanted anything to do with us! If you hadn't gone poking around where you shouldn't have been, she'd still be alive!
A: Like I'm the only one who is poking around where they don't belong!

Ronin: So now this is about Thor? I will bring him back! He didn't deserve to die!
A: Deserve to die? Nobody deserves to die! Not all who die deserve death, and not who live deserve life! Can you make that choice for them?
Ronin: Is that why you gave up on her?
A: Gave up!? I tried to bring her back for years! I drank that Youth Again potion to give me more time, but it cannot be done! Do you think I want her to be dead? Do you think I want Thor to be dead? It's not our choice.

A: Why are we arguing about this, anyway?
Ronin: Why are we arguing? We are arguing because you are incapable of understanding that you have caused all of the problems between us, not some magical alien people!
A: Yes, Ronin! I screwed up! It's my fault she's dead now! Don't you think I already know that!? I left you after the fire so that wouldn't happen to you, too! You know that I love you, right Ro?
Ronin: You love me? After all these years, you think you can just waltz right back here and say that you love me? What is wrong with you!?
A: I just want things to be good between us again.
Ronin: Well, you had your chance, and you blew it!

Ronin: Just because you're finally willing to accept the fact that I'm your daughter doesn't mean I am!
A: Ro-
Ronin: No, I'm leaving! But I never want to see you again!

Ronin: Never. Again.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Fusion of the Past (34)
« Reply #151 on: May 21, 2013, 11:02:47 PM »
Whaaaaaaat? Well, that was a Wham Line. I was thinking sister, ex maybe, but daughter? Yeah, that was very unexpected.

I want to commend you for introducing the alien story line before you could have even know we were going to get aliens as a life state. Prophetic.
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Confronting His Past (35)
« Reply #152 on: May 22, 2013, 06:50:58 AM »
Um, what! That's a big big big twist! I definitely suspected her being his ex but daughter! Now I'm sure if I retread the chapter a million times I'll understand the riddle.
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Confronting His Past (35)
« Reply #153 on: May 22, 2013, 10:49:16 AM »
His daughter! I didn't expect that at all. Awesome update. ;D

Offline cathyknits

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Confronting His Past (35)
« Reply #154 on: May 22, 2013, 04:20:11 PM »
I just found this story and read it all the way through. It's wonderful!
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Confronting His Past (35)
« Reply #155 on: May 22, 2013, 04:56:44 PM »
Whoa! In a story that has been nothing but twists and turns I certainly never expected this!

Offline edenfluffy1

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire
« Reply #156 on: May 26, 2013, 04:08:19 PM »
Thankyou verymuch for writing that story it was great

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Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Fusion of the Past (34)
« Reply #157 on: May 27, 2013, 07:49:16 PM »
I want to commend you for introducing the alien story line before you could have even know we were going to get aliens as a life state. Prophetic.

Well, this alien plot line started way back in the original Mole story, nearly a year ago. I'm just lucky that I got aliens by the time I'd need to actually show them. That's part of the reason The Riddlemaster has that helmet on. I wanted an actual alien to use.

Whaaaaaaat? Well, that was a Wham Line. I was thinking sister, ex maybe, but daughter? Yeah, that was very unexpected.

Um, what! That's a big big big twist! I definitely suspected her being his ex but daughter! Now I'm sure if I retread the chapter a million times I'll understand the riddle.

His daughter! I didn't expect that at all. Awesome update. ;D

Whoa! In a story that has been nothing but twists and turns I certainly never expected this!

I'm certainly glad that this was such a surprise, though I hope that, like any good mystery, that it all makes sense now. This scene right here was the original concept of the whole story, and the rest of it grew out of trying to bring A and Ronin's relationship to this violent crescendo.

I'm laughing that so many of you picked up on the ex subtext. I realized at some point in the story that the dialogue I was writing sounded like an entirely different relationship. Even worse, since A. and Ronin aren't technically related in the game itself, they ended up being attracted to each other in one of the save files. Certainly not my intention!  :P

I just found this story and read it all the way through. It's wonderful!

Thankyou verymuch for writing that story it was great

I'm always happy to see new readers! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and hopefully you'll like the upcoming update.  :D

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Pursuit (36)
« Reply #158 on: May 27, 2013, 08:11:06 PM »

Katherine: Spread out around the house! Don't let them escape!

Katherine: Alfred! Go in first! Sniff out the thief and bring her out here!
Alfred: Of course, ma'am!

Alfred: You better give us the baby, or we'll be having witch for dinner! I hope I don't get any of that magic dust stuck in my teeth! Do you know how long it takes to floss that stuff out?
Katherine: Alfred! More threatening!
Alfred: Oh, uh, right. *growl* Come out, come out, wherever you are!

DeeDee, of course, knew that nothing the werewolf was saying was actually true. Could you imagine, a werewolf actually eating somebody? A bird, maybe, or perhaps a raw fish, but everybody knew werewolves didn't eat Sims. Still, DeeDee knew it was best to hide, and eventually to escape.

She could hear the werewolves clawing their way through the furniture, searching desparately for her and, more importantly, Fenris. Judging from the sound of the scratches, there were already two werewolves on her floor, though one of them seemed to be heading up the stairs. Now, if only she could slip past the other one.

Katherine: Where is he!? WHERE!?!
Matthew: He's not downstairs, ma'am!
Katherine: No, NO! He has to be here somewhere! Guard the front door, Matthew! Don't let that wicked thief escape!

But Fenris wasn't here at all, DeeDee thought. She had left him behind with that babysitter. Only for a few hours, of course, then she'd be right back. Or she would've if not for these werewolves. DeeDee would have wanted to reason with them, but she could hear the hysteric screams of their leader, and knew there could be no negotiations. Deftly sneaking past the one werewolf on her floor, DeeDee swiftly descended to the ground floor.

Now all she had to do was crack open the window and crawl out. She was in the home stretch. Soon she'd be out of danger. The coast seemed clear. What could go wrong?

Matthew: You're not going anywhere! Give us the baby!?!
DeeDee: AHH!!!
Matthew: No use for screaming. Just give us the baby, and we'll leave you with most of your limbs.
DeeDee: *whimper*

Frida: BOO!!
Matthew: Oh my!! What is that!?
Frida: Frida to the rescue! Hah ha!
Matthew: Ghosts? This place is haunted! *faint*
Frida: Now, get out of here, DeeDee!

And run she did. Right past the staircase and the dining room she sprinted, and out the front door. She had accounted for three of the werewolves, but where was the last one? The leader?

Katherine: WHERE! IS! MY! SON!?!
DeeDee: AHH!
Katherine: ANSWER ME!!!

DeeDee: No, stay back! Fear the power of my mighty newspaper!
Katherine: *growl* I will have my son back! GIVE HIM TO ME!!!
DeeDee: I told you, I don't have him! He's not here!


Fenris: Mummy!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Pursuit (36)
« Reply #159 on: May 27, 2013, 08:25:53 PM »
Wait, how did Thor end up with him in the first place? Now I'm all confused. And yes, it does make sense now but very strong ex vibes. Haha
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Pursuit (36)
« Reply #160 on: May 28, 2013, 06:11:21 PM »
So, who DID steal Fenris? (I bet it was the aliens though.) I hope Thor didn't have anything to do with it...
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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Pursuit (36)
« Reply #161 on: May 30, 2013, 07:56:26 AM »
I love the humor with the werewolfs. One faints, the other get wacked with the newspaper. So funny lol! Can't wait to find ou more about the Fenris mystery.

Offline Audren

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Pursuit (36)
« Reply #162 on: June 01, 2013, 07:33:33 PM »
Wait, how did Thor end up with him in the first place? Now I'm all confused. And yes, it does make sense now but very strong ex vibes. Haha

No doubt Thor came across Fenris during one of the many, many times Fenris has managed to wander off. As for why they haven't found him sooner, that remains to be seen...

So, who DID steal Fenris? (I bet it was the aliens though.) I hope Thor didn't have anything to do with it...


I love the humor with the werewolfs. One faints, the other get wacked with the newspaper. So funny lol! Can't wait to find ou more about the Fenris mystery.

I think Matthew is one of my favourite werewolves, mainly because of the humour he has. He once fainted at the sight of his own transformation! Cowardice at its finest.  :D

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Jimmy Lemmon (37)
« Reply #163 on: June 01, 2013, 08:11:31 PM »
Jimmy Lemmon

This time, Gillian was the one left waiting.

It wasn't for a mere luncheon, either. This was the night; the night they would bring Thor back. Gillian had handed over her ingredients to Valerie a few days ago. Apparently, it was quite a hassle making the potion, but it was done. Ronin was supposed to bring the potion to the meeting point, and then they'd be off to the graveyard.

If only she would show up.

Gillian: Where's Ronin?
Valerie: She's... indisposed at the moment. Personal life. She won't be able to make it tonight.
Gillian: No, no, of course. Can't keep those ladybugs waiting on you, after all.
Valerie: Uh, sure.

Valerie: She did give me the potion before she left, though, so we can continue unimpaired.
Gillian: Maybe we should wait until Ronin comes back?
Valerie: Oh, no no no! Uh, I mean, she said she'd be gone a while, so she wants us to get started.
Gillian: *raised eyebrow*
Valerie: How about you get some rest? I'll set up at the graveyard, and I'll call you when it's ready.
Gillian: Okay, then.

Valerie walked to the graveyard with a heavy heart. It was imperative that Thor be successfully brought back. Whatever Ronin may think about it, Thor was important in the alien struggle, and Valerie wouldn't let him stay dead if she could help it.

It had been quite the hassle getting Thor's remains from Moonlight Falls to Starlight Shores. The graves were dug deep in Moonlight Falls, probably to deter zombies, and Valerie was glad she wasn't the poor soul whose job it was to dig Thor back up. Now he was resting in peace in this graveyard, though hopefully not for much longer.

Gillian: *yawn* Hello?
Valerie: Gillian! It's time to get over here.
Gillian: I'm sorry, but you interrupted me in the middle of a very important job!
Valerie: Were you napping again?
Gillian: No!

Gillian: Well, maybe. But that's not the point!
Valerie: Just get over here!
Gillian: Now now, Valerie! The sparklebugs don't like it when people are rude.
Valerie: *sigh* I'll see you when you get here.
Gillian: Of course you will! How could you see me before I get here? Unless you're a telepath. Oh! Are you a telepath!? What number am I thinking of right now?
Valerie *hangs up*

Jimmy Lemmon: Boy. She's a handful, isn't she?
Valerie: Tell me about it.
Jimmy Lemmon: You know, I saw her in the Vault once.
Valerie: Vault? What Vault?
Jimmy Lemmon: In Moonlight Falls. Horrible place. Can only imagine what she went through. At least I was already dead when I went in there.
Valerie: What was it like?
Jimmy Lemmon: Oops, sorry. Gotta go. Apparently I'm getting sued for being too much like some sort of beetle.
Valerie: No, don't go! Ugh.

Gillian: Did somebody say beetles? I love beetles! Almost as much as I love ladybugs. And lions. And tigers. But not bears. Bears are scary.

Valerie: Is that lamp supposed to float?
Gillian: Nah. It's probably ol' Jimmy again. Boy, is he a trip.
Valerie: Funny you mention Jimmy.

Gillian: What about Jimmy? *sigh* Did he go off looking for Starrs again! I told him they weren't getting back together, but he didn't listen.
Valerie: No, he mentioned something about a Vault. Know anything about it?
Gillian: Vault? Like a bank vault?
Valerie: I don't think so. It sounded nightmarish, whatever it was. He said it was in Moonlight Falls.
Gillian: Oh, that Vault! Yeah, that vault sucks. Worse than a room full of sharks, if you ask me.

Valerie: Well, what happened in there?
Gillian: Let's just say there are things in there no Sim is meant to see. Some things are beyond our comprehension. Only our Elders could understand.
Valerie: Elders? What are you talking about?
Gillian: I was talking about bees. What are you talking about?
Valerie: *sigh* Let's just head outside.

Gillian: So, uh, what are we supposed to do here?
Valerie: Ronin said we just have the mourn the tombstone. Something about tears tend to bring the spirits out. Especially spirits that didn't want to die.
Gillian: Well, time's ticking. If we wait too long, the ladybugs will get us. As cute as those things are, they do not taste good. Trust me.
Valerie: Did you eat a ladybug?
Gillian: *pause* I dunno...

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Re: Chronicles of the Secret Fire: Jimmy Lemmon (37)
« Reply #164 on: June 01, 2013, 11:58:18 PM »
So many thoughts...

1. I just love the look of total and complete calm that DeeDee has on her face throughout her escape from the Werewolves! Right up until she runs into Katherine and wields the awesomely terrifying Weapon of Words in Print!!

2. Have I mentioned how much I appreciate and adore the fact that the Alpha is a female!?! Perfect!! No one should ever go up against a Mother Bear, uh Wolf, protecting her Cub/Pup...

3. Aaah Gillian, how I've missed you!! Although, I must admit, your attempt at denying the fact that you were napping and your often whimsical thoughts remind me of someone...Or maybe I'm just paranoid. ;)

4. Ronin needs to get over her anger at A. and get on with bringing Thor back!! Personal Issues need to be set aside for the good of all simkind!

5. Finally, & most importantly, I'm still reading all of my favorite stories but it is very difficult to post from my phone...I didn't want anyone to think I'd given up on them! :)
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