Author Topic: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Latest Update: 12/9/14)  (Read 118176 times)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/14/13)
« Reply #90 on: March 18, 2013, 12:31:53 AM »
@ ombradellarosa: Oh, I just cannot stand free advertising. It is a loathsome thing. Just terrible. You're terrible. (/sarcasm) Who doesn't like a free plug?
Anyway, you're welcome to PM me with theories. I like seeing what occurs to people, even if it's not the case.

;D I figured as much.
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By samoht04

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/14/13)
« Reply #91 on: March 18, 2013, 04:24:03 PM »
Funny story from my play-time today. It's...A completely useless story, so I don't think it'll make it into the chapters, so it'll just go here.

So, Aurum's adult birthday was coming up, and I was doing some remodeling of the museum. All ducks were in a row. I looked back in it when I was re-wallpapering the new stretches of wall... And I didn't see her YA portrait. I figured I had put it on a wall I had deleted in the remodel, or something. I panicked and looked at her age bar. She had a day left. "Ok," I tell myself. "Make a new portrait. There's time. You can do this." So...I did. And the new portrait was done on her birthday morning. It was better than the old one, even.
And then as I place it I look and see, on a little wall in the corner, her original portrait. I facepalm.
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/14/13)
« Reply #92 on: March 23, 2013, 02:57:40 PM »
Part 9: On the Growth of Crystals[/u]

With two babies in the household, things were rather busy. Notes became a little sparse as even Aurum’s calm was completely broken by balancing two sets of little needs.

 Darren could feel himself relaxing as time went on, and he could enjoy the time spent cuddling and bathing his daughter. His daughter. In all his worries for a future… His little half-vision, half-dreams…The child Darleen left behind was a boy.
Somewhere along the line, he’d changed the current of history, the current his life was to be swept up in. In his own heart, he couldn’t help but sigh with relief.

Darren realized it most clearly and directly. The rest of them just sort of felt it, to greater or lesser extents.

 Aurum saw her fate as unchanging, with that monomaniacal focus towards her end-goal that made Aurum’s world made sense…But even she’s already admitted that the journey she’s taking isn’t the one she expected. Darleen didn’t weep for it; flexible as a snake, she shifted her goals to ride the changing winds, almost not noticing how much they changed.

And Jaycen?

To be honest, I don’t know how much of it he realized. Only that he felt he’d grown up. Was that inevitable, for him? Looking back, was that the way things were going to be, sooner or later? Well, it wasn’t what he’d wanted, back when this story began. But that’s not the same thing.
Being happy, playing with his boy, sculpting… Having a family, contented. That, too, was a change of the path his life could have taken. But he seemed happy enough in it.

One person arriving in a town…No, even earlier than that. One little fire. That’s what it takes to change the universe. I think I needed that reminder.

Neon located a rock requiring further study. Specifically, it seems to have an intense chrystalization growth rate. From a relatively small growth, like the piles created by my gem machine, I theorize it may be possible to train the growth of entirely new sections of crystal.

Since my Geiger counter informs me that the substance is rather dangerous to carbon-based lifeforms, the currently unused outer garden will serve as storage as I observe.

Within a few days, the growths were dramatic enough that I considered my trials a success and sold them off, netting extremely heavy profits from the three pieces I had. The financial security is a comfort.

I continue my elixir trials; a change to this ratio or that may have potent effects on my work, as well as reveal the true nature of the objects involved.

And anyway, it’s something I can share with Jaycen. I don’t have to tell him how my work is going; I can show him. It’s…The way I’ve always said hello after a long day, spent in the quiet corners of the house. I honestly do not believe he wants anything more or less from me. And I…
There is much I want from this world, from my life. So many things left to learn, so much knowledge left to chase…My greatest wishes are yet ahead of me.

But at the same time…This is a special happiness, that cannot be lessened or replaced. I will treasure this time, not just while it lasts, but always. My lifetime’s happiness.

…But I suppose a nature like mine is ill-suited to contentment. I find my mind wandering when I’m with Ferrus.

Looking at my little boy, I wonder: is this what my father felt? He never was really able to hold me like this, heavy with trust. I was never an infant, or a toddler, or a child. When he watched me sleep for the first time, was there the odd fear that arose from not knowing the difference between sleep and death, even for a second? The odd joy of seeing a peaceful murmur in the dead of night? The wondering if, for all this love, you will not be good enough?
Ferrus is very peaceful when I rock with him like this. Maybe he likes the feeling that I’m thinking of him.

Darren’s pursuing his own happiness; he’s begun writing children’s books. I wonder if he intends for Diane to read them one day.

My ingredient supply is no longer quite stable; tracking planting through the snow is difficult enough that we intent to put it off until Spring comes again, and I’m holding off on Chemistry to see if opportunities for further learning present themselves. But…I can’t stop and settle for that, either.

So in the meanwhile, I’m pursuing my studies of magic. Alchemy requires a bit of magic to get by; certainly, magic is essential for my unique existence.  I am also hoping I can supply us with some death fish, since all the local water is frozen over.

Perhaps the reason Darren’s been working on his lifetime wish particularly hard is…

That he’s getting older. I think he was nervous at first; he didn’t tell us, so perhaps he was unhappy with the whole notion.

Well, then again, it did mess with his hair. Maybe he resented this.

Darleen, however, managed to set things right with some kisses. I would have recommended therapy, personally; I’m told mid-life crises are rather common, and our hospital has an excellent program for them.

In the middle of the night, we received a rather odd visitor. I wonder if he’s connected to those men in black…Or if he’s just a very odd person. I suppose the costume is warm, anyway. He offered several services.
I would love to go to a university one day, study seriously with the best and brightest scientists available… All that knowledge. All those resources... It’s all so dreamy.
However, we’re unable to make use of his services at this unstable time. I will have to save his basket for later. Also, it appears that local social trends, referred to as the nerds, seem to have noticed me with some interest. I’ll pay them no heed, if I can help it. They even said I was socially awkward. Well… At least they agree with my assessment.

Particularly since the next morning was Ferrus and Diane’s birthdays. Diane, as the older child, went first.

How she ended up blonde, no one knows. I’d be interested in tracking the genetic anomaly that occurred there.

Still, she’s a darling girl.

Next up was my Ferrus.

Like Diane, his genetics are unusual; that eye color doesn’t exist anywhere in my family tree, nor in Jaycen’s…But it’s also very hard to see in that image. I note with some pleasure he has my ears.

As you can see, his eye color is very unusual…But also quite fetching, very bright against his skin (he’s paler than I am. I will require skin samples…But perhaps when he’s older.) The shape is mostly mine, but the inner corners are not; are they Jaycen’s? divorced from the rest of the shape, it’s hard to pinpoint.

Well, we will have a good deal of time for analysis, won’t we, my little sweetie?
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Offline Gwendy

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #93 on: March 23, 2013, 09:42:58 PM »
Omigosh, he's adorable;D
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #94 on: March 23, 2013, 09:58:30 PM »
I love his eye color!  What an adorable little boy.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #95 on: March 23, 2013, 11:13:38 PM »

Ack! The cuteness attack! Such a great combination of features; such great luck! I look forward to seeing what Ferrus's personality will be. Will he be anything like his mother, or completely human, or somewhere in between?!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #96 on: March 24, 2013, 03:44:34 AM »
I imagine he will have a unique journey. There are challenges for every mixed-race child that are unique. He is cute, for sure.

Happy birthday, Darren!
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By samoht04

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #97 on: March 25, 2013, 11:27:16 AM »
@ General Ferrus Cuteness: Yeah, he is adorable! There's something slightly unsettling to me about the shape of his inner eye-corner...But maybe it's just me, staring at his face for extended periods. Doesn't really detract from the cute, though, so that's the thing.

@ Gwendy: *mutual squee*

@ Tilia: I think his eyes are a custom color I have saved...Maybe. I think the custom color I have saved is greener, so I have no exact idea... Still, it's a pretty mutation, and looks great on his skin.

@ Rhoxi:  He's got his daddy's cheeks, I think. I occaisonally catch a bit more definition than is normal for a toddler when the camera's moving. As for his personality...Well, we'll see. I've got some nice plans for the kid; I'm not sure I'd want a dynasty that's all just like Aurum, though, XD

@ ombradellarosa: Poor Darren. He does so little of interest, that I never have much to say about him... And I think a unique journey is the one thing that can, pretty much spoiler-free, be assured.
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #98 on: March 25, 2013, 08:39:02 PM »
Oh my goodness, Ferrus is the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life! What a doll!
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #99 on: March 26, 2013, 10:35:54 PM »
Diane isn't getting nearly enough credit; she looks so sweet. Ferrus is, admittedly, adorable, though. By the way, is Aurum supposed to be gradually slipping into a faintly human (though still very analytical and inexperienced) tone?
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

Green Witch Legacy

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #100 on: March 27, 2013, 11:42:40 AM »
Well, I think she's learning and growing, and softening a bit as a result. Her tiny little world's certainly expanded a lot, hasn't it? I've never been entirely comfortable labeling her behavior as "human" or "inhuman," since it's got very little to do with her status as an artificial person; I prefer calling her "warped," personally.

I also think Diane's pretty darn cute, even if it's a more "normal" cute.
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #101 on: April 01, 2013, 06:56:38 PM »
I've never been entirely comfortable labeling her behavior as "human" or "inhuman," since it's got very little to do with her status as an artificial person; I prefer calling her "warped," personally.

When I said human, I wasn't really referring to Aurum's origin. I just couldn't come up with a better way to describe it. She sort of reminds me of an extremely precocious child, in that she's extremely intelligent, but neither wise nor experienced.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

Green Witch Legacy

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #102 on: April 03, 2013, 10:15:59 AM »
Eh, it wasn't your comment specifically; it's sort of a reoccurring thing that makes me go "err...."
That said, your description there is entirely apt. Aurum's pretty young, with all the inexperience implied; if you used Real Time measurements (as opposed to Sim-Time measurements, which are difficult to manage), at the start of the story she's less than 2 years old. To be honest, I'm dubious about her being 1, but I've got no definite feeling there. It's a bit of a mystery.

Anyway, apologies for the delays; I've been on vacation, and accidentally my notes-and-screenshots holding flashdrive at home.
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 3/23/13)
« Reply #103 on: April 06, 2013, 01:50:25 PM »
And now, on with part 10!

Part 10: Crystal Structure

I would not allow my child to remain untutored. However…I must admit, my studies in childrearing are rather incomplete. There’s the neurological development to consider, and competing theories of education…I’m behind on my Piaget, too. There should be a much clearer process for all of this…But I suppose that’s the way important things are. Alchemy, too, is a science arcane.

I myself was born with the knowledge through a careful mixture of spells. While I know quite a few of them, apparently it is unacceptable to feed a child goat’s blood. I’m not sure I understand why; goat’s blood is very nutritious. It’s full of iron. He’s still too young for me to determine his atomic structure, but my blood is an alloy that contains iron, so he’d need some regardless.

In the meanwhile, I’ll observe Darleen’s progress with Diane; she’s got some natural rapport with children, and has empirical data on child-rearing, having been a child herself.

I had resigned myself to not getting a young adult ice sculpture; it was just an unfortunate side-effect of other things being far more important than getting him to work with my alternate crystalline structure ices. Though, a solid test-run of their hardness and resulting ability to be sculpted was something I wanted… With my birthday so near, I had not really been hopeful of it.

As it turns out, I had underestimated him. We managed to get it properly installed in the museum, with even three days to spare.

A note on Darren:

His writing efforts have been tearing through computers. It appears that the general protocol for broken machines is to repair them or throw them away…But that reeks of inefficiency. No family of mine is going to not eventually have a person of mechanical talent (I am holding out hope for Ferrus eventually taking after his mother’s love for something scientific; it’s far more appropriate for a member of my dynasty, aiding my path to true immortality and inner perfection), and it’d save them strife if I preserved a few broken specimens for experimentation. It’s the duty of a parent (or grandparent) to protect her children from suffering, and provide them with excellent samples for their own path forward. Even if the rules of this ritual mean that I cannot raise a child as my father raised me, under the teachings of alchemy, I would like to offer at least this.

So I think Darren for his contribution and squirrel away it into storage. And buy him a new computer as well.

I’ve begun trying to teach Ferrus his skills. Having taken some time to compile notes both on the educational styles of the young and a few more off-beat notions, such as the training methods for other mammals that may prove useful on a simply structural level, I consider myself ready to try out a few models.

So far the observation model of education doesn’t seem to suit him; perhaps the anatomical differences make it less impactful, and I should bring his father in. Must experiment further.

…I refuse to comment on this. I refuse. I have my dignity, you know! In fact, I refuse to allow these notes to continue further for the remainder of this part!

Instead, why don’t we look at some more slightly savory events from this period, for the full measure of toddler cuteness?

I think it’s easy to forget that Aurum loves the fantastic (I’ve seen people do so, anyway; they’re usually pretty surprised), that her own science is mixed with magic and what most men would consign to science fiction. But it’s very cute to see her try – and to some extent, succeed – in passing it on a bit.

And Darren takes time off from nearly completing his lifetime Wish to teach his daughter to walk (where did that mirror come from? And where did it go? It just appears to be a random blip in the system, never mentioned in any records or notes. It may be ghost mirror…
Or it may have been something placed because the kids couldn’t access the dresser mirror. You know, whichever.)

Meanwhile, over the breakfast table...Plans were being made.

”You know… It’s Snowflake day. We should throw a get-together!” Jaycen exclaimed between overlarge bites of pancake
“Snowflake day?” Aurum asked. Breakfast was still one of the few times the family schedule synced. Anyway…Her father had never had much stock in holidays, for the time they’d been together.
”You’ve never celebrated snowflake day? Baby, you are some kind of sheltered. Well, leave it to me! We’ll have a killer first snowflake day!”

Aurum considered that, whatever excitement had overtaken her husband, at least she would have more test subject. She’d always have more test subjects.

She watched with withdrawn curiosity and copious note-taking  – but I’m not sure anyone wants to read misguided anthropology notes about the setting up of mysterious piles of offerings to unknown plumbobs – perhaps in order to burn them so they’d reach…So we’ll go with my version of events, in which something resembling an actual snowflake day party occurs.

Sheila and her mother are in attendance, as are Darleen’s parents; as a result, it’s the first of what could properly be called a family Snowflake Day for this unusual bunch.

Aurum’s present from Jaycen was a new chess set. It was perhaps no fancier than her current model, and a sentimental gift at best… Aurum was on the whole a little startled by the notion that the gifts were to be opened, and even more that this was hers.
But if Aurum was not moved by sentiment, then why was that the chess set, and no other, with which I played with her, even after all that time?  I’ll believe my version, and you may believe whatever you like.

”…Oh…It’s…a lawn flamingo?”
“In accordance with your preferences, it is colorful…And I assumed you to like birds.”
Aurum explained. Birds were on the nursery wallpaper. It wasn’t a terrible assumption… But seriously, Aurum? A plastic lawn flamingo? Well, she was new to the whole gift-giving thing.
”…It’s…Lovely, dear.”

Since it’s not in the inventory of items brought into the household (Aurum kept a pretty, but not entirely, exact column on that in her notes), I’ll sadly never be able to know what Jaycen gave his daughter… I’m personally guessing it was a toy of some sorts, and I think a large one. It was the sort of extravagant-but-useful gift that he enjoyed giving. If you couldn’t play a game with it, it was no good!

Though, of course…Someone had anonymously given him mistletoe; and there was a game you could play with that. Kisses not included.

Before he could hang it, though, Aurum pulled him out into the snowy night. Behind them, the party wound down. There hadn’t been time to toss elixirs, and the test-subject loss would just have to be endured.

”What’dya think of Snowflake day, Aurum?”
”As a solstice-celebrating occasion, it rather lacks the correct symbolic aspects.” She leaned back and gave a little thought to the day, where guests had laughed over appetizers and triumphed in the flutter of wrapping paper…Where she was now snuggled against the cold with the one she loved…
”All the same…I rather liked it.

It was back to work the next day.

With a full party hangover, Darleen wearily wrapped up teaching Diane how to speak. Diane was already picking up on that.

Ferrus, meanwhile, was much more skeptical about his father’s opinions on athletics. A lot of effort for not enough result.

Of course, with the weariness of the household, raising two toddlers, growing… Aurum felt it best to recruit some help.

What, hire a normal maid? What part of ‘slightly unbalanced alchemist’ don’t you people get? It was more practical, since she doesn’t have to eat.

Aurum’s called out of the house the next day by someone looking for her aid in an argument. It was a strange request, given Aurum had the subtlety of a rock… But it was an argument about logic, so she would fare well enough.

As she lambasted the man for his ignorance and slung together as many polysyllabic insults as she could fit into a sentence, she realized that she, too, had completed her basic training in logic…
And that such an increase in skill corresponded to an increase in her job, rocketing her up to the maximum level of her career – Aurum had some new devices to gather Spirits with as a paranormal profiteer.

To celebrate, she wandered for a while, investigating her new toy via her own brand of personalized spirit-hunting justice.

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 4/6/13)
« Reply #104 on: April 06, 2013, 02:32:53 PM »
Aha! I have new ideas on the identity of the editor!

This story is so unique among Immortal Dynasties. I enjoy the unique perspective.
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By samoht04

