Author Topic: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Latest Update: 12/9/14)  (Read 118342 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/18/13)
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2013, 10:04:50 PM »

Here's to hoping you get everything sorted out!

Good to see that Aurum has found another friend. Now she'll be getting her dynasty of the ground in no time.

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/18/13)
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2013, 11:59:59 AM »
Yup! But we're not really focusing on that at the moment: now we're having a small intermission for interpersonal drama!
...Sometimes I feel like I write too densely, but I also feel like I'm not doing the characters justice if I don't save some time for little personal moments in this early days, when everything's new. I dunno.

Part 2.5: This One's About Feelings

From the Journal of Jaycen Hendrix (Updated Infrequently)   
Ok, boys and girls. Confession time. I do not get women.
They’re splendid, beautiful, amazing creatures. They are the greatest source of joy on this earth except maybe a really nice slide.
But they’re all completely crazy.
Jaycen never really ever learned many lessons about activities suitable for people living in houses made of the world’s thinnest glass.
Wait, wait. Let me start at the beginning.

So one evening after I started this little vacation of mine started, I start feeling a little under the weather. Since I figured I wasn’t going to work tomorrow anyway, this was OK; I’d at least sound legit when I call in sick.
So I sit myself down on the rocking chair in Aurum’s study. She’s hard at work, so she’s not using it, and…

I get to watch her at work. And that’s. Wow. That’s something. Not all that bubbling vial stuff – that’s beyond me – but her expression. Like, I’ve seen her talk to people, and not smile. And she pets the cat, and she doesn’t smile. And she eats food, and she doesn’t smile. You become convinced that she is incapable of normal human emotions.

And then you see her work, and it’s crazy. She goes from this metal statue of a person to a benevolent goddess, full of love. Like, you see a picture of an angel or a saint, and that expression is a little bit sad and otherworldly, but it’s also graceful and tender, with a hint of a smile to it. That’s what this is: it’s a divine smile, getting teased out of her when she’s finally relaxed.

She doesn’t feel the need to talk if you don’t, or she’s working, so I just watch her…And…Maybe I nod off. For a second.

But when I wake up, she’s got this crazy metal probe in my mouth! She’s leaned forward close to me, and is looking at the big round thing at the end of it. I spit it out and it clatters across the room.
“What the plumbob are you doing? What is this crazy thing?”
She looks surprised.
”…It is a thermometer. It is normally used for taking the temperature of my solutions, but in this case, I applied it to you. You currently have a core temperature of 100.3. That is significantly higher than the standard deviation in temperature among humans.”

“You don’t go shoving things in people’s mouths without their permission!”
”Yes, it is an unfortunately poor way of assessing core temperature.”
“Not what I meant!”
She shrunk back.
”I…do not understand. Are you uninterested in matters of your health?”
“What even gave you the idea to do that?”
”…You were shivering. I wished to know if it was best to remove you to bed or not.”
Put like that, I stop putting up a fight. When I stand, I’m a bit dizzy from the flu…And then her arm’s linked around my back, and she’s helping me into bed.
”I will work up a medication. Perhaps some manner of soothing tonic…”
She mutters as she moves off. I fall asleep right away.

And wake up to a phone call.
”It’s Lina.”
Oh, joy. Women I particularly do not understand: Ladies you used to woohoo with. Everything’s going great until they’re all ‘do you love me, Jaycen?’ ‘Are you going to meet my parents, Jaycen?’ ‘Stop stealing my cushions to build couch-forts, Jaycen!’ Women. I swear. This particular girl’s the most recent, and, really, the chilliest with me. Here’s the skinny: she’s with a guy. A rich older guy named Eli, which means it’s all aboard the sugardaddy express in Lina Lancaster Land.
…Sure, you can say it’s scummy to snag another man’s girl… But it’s pretty scummy to be snagged by another man when you’re with someone, isn’t it? She got worried about her little charade of being love with her guy, so she we cut it off. No skin off my nose – not after I dated her mom, anyway. There’s a line of wildcats there.
That…Was actually an excellent recap. I thought I’d have more work to do. I’m impressed, Hendrix.

But today…Lina sounds kind of panicked.
“I thought you weren’t going to call ‘ever, ever again, at least not unless I need to get out because I found a new sugardaddy.’”
”…Shut up, Jaycen! This is important for once, you goon!”
There is, I swear, a solid minute of awkward silence.
”…I…I think I might be pregnant.”
I cough from shock.
“What? How?”
”…How do you think, genius?” Ok, so that was kind of a dumb one. But…Come on!
“…And…And it’s mine?”
”I think so. Listen, just don’t tell Eli, alright?! I’ve got a good thing…And I don’t want you to wreck it. Don’t even give a hint. In fact, don’t even come by. My little one’ll have a daddy, even if it’s not her daddy. And he’ll probably do a better job of it than you, too.” Then she hangs up.
Harsh, girl. Harsh. Still…It’s not like I’m all that interested in raising a kid, anyway. And Lina’s great fun, but she’s also kind of…Uhh…Evil.

I get ambushed by

”What is your current temperature? I’ve whipped up a few excellent medicine ideas, though a first test ideally shouldn’t be on a human subject, ” I cut her off at the pass.
“Please, no, I’m fine.” Not exactly true, though, is it?

“ …Man, I’m just getting pelted with bad luck. First I get sick, and then it turns out I’m going to be a dad. It never rains, but it hails.”
”You’re going to be a father? What wonderful luck!” She gives me this bright, beaming smile. And then she starts talking practically a mile a minute. I almost think her voice has, like, tone and stuff. ”Will your offspring be a boy or a girl? Have you worked out custody arrangements with her mother, since they do – she does have a mother, correct? Because I have not seen sufficient supplies for –“

I don’t even know how that sentence would have ended; I almost wish I hadn’t interrupted it.
Yeah, me too.
“There is no custody.”
She stops.
”…None at all?”
“Zip. Lina’s being a massive harpy…And there are some things we don’t agree on, so she’s all ‘No way am I letting you near the kid.’”
For a moment, Aurum looks like a small, lost child.
“So…She will not even allow her child to know its father? Your child will grow up without knowing you, Because Miss Lina has become a harpy?”
“Basically.” I catch her expression, looking like she’s trying very hard not to show her own worry. “Hey, don’t get upset. I don’t really mind that much, if that’s the way it has to be.”
Her eyes go electric, and her posture changes to some sort of mad-scientist warrior.
”…But what if it isn’t? I’m sure there is the power in my alchemy to reverse her harpy-like condition. I am sure I can make such a concoction, one way or another, and allow her to permit you to meet the child one day. So please, please, do not abandon it.
The bond between a child and her father…Is a wonderful thing. Please, do not forsake your own.”

She takes my hands in hers.
“…Well, if it’s possible…I guess I should, huh?”
I…Get the impression she didn’t understand what I meant, but…
”I will get to work. You will see; it will not hail at all.”

Still, it’s cute to see that human side of her. To see someone get worked up for me, for once.

Man, what is up with me lately? I follow one girl on a crazy mission, and I end up…Watering plants in a sunny little garden. And kind of enjoying it. And, even if it’s just something to do because we are seriously lacking in the fun department, I’m not minding the sculpting.
Still, it’s nice to have something cool to do while I think of my next move. Do I move on Aurum, or go home, or go back to work, or get a different, less lame job? Gotta plan my steps.

That Dreamer guy who moved in is a step ahead of me there: he’s decided to be an architect. I certainly don’t mind the discount – maybe I can get a new car on the cheap since he’s at it.

And Aurum’s…Trying some weird potions she’s making on herself.
She’s not…seriously…thinking that Lina’s actually, literally a harpy, right?
No one would do that, unless I guess they were raised in a cabin in the woods by a crazy but benevolent scientist or something.
Hendrix occasionally displays an oddly exact level of insight. Where this goes in his self-analysis…I have my theories, first of which being that Jaycen’s personality, cultivated over the years, leaves little room for introspection. Or maybe stopped clocks can be right twice a day.

Because I really hope that’s not anti-harpy potion she’s trying out. Or what if it’s actually harpy potion, so she can cure it? Wait, Aurum, no!

Of course, by the time I get the chance to ask… She’s throwing stuff at me!

 “Ok, Aurum. What the plumbob was that?” I say that, but, you know…I feel much better. Like, energized.
”It is an invigorating potion. Two parts of aqua vitae to one-point-three parts Wolfsbane seed-pods, crushed and blended with [redacted as before– Your Editor. I thought you might enjoy additional…And…It’s to thank you, for your assistance.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, Aurum.  I don’t do anything if I don’t want to do it – that’s the Hendrix way!... I’m glad to help you; you kind of looked like you needed it.”
She nods in agreement.
”Then I shall return to my study. Have a good evening, Jaycen.”

…She really is a sweet girl, even if she is odd. Maybe what she said earlier is still in my head.

Because I find myself reading a book about childrearing, just in case... I mean, if someone could actually make Lina come around…It’d probably be Aurum.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

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Offline Tilia

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2013, 01:20:16 PM »
Aw, he's getting some small seeds of maturity!  I love it.  I think he'd have great fun as a daddy and if he had a little girl, maybe he'd stop being such a jerk to his woohoo victims.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2013, 10:13:54 PM »

What a great update! I liked seeing Jaycen's point of view as he slowly evolves into something more human himself. Aurum's not the only one on a journey to better themselves, although I don't think Jaycen realizes that yet. Her comments from his perspective are quite amusing too, as she works to find a literal "harpy cure elixer".

Your writing may be a bit "dense" as you say, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much readers enjoy seeing a more personal insight into the characters. You have a good writing style, and it works well.

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2013, 01:02:51 AM »
How did I not see this story immediately? At least I found it now. So yay, a Deme story! Just what I needed to get me out of this funk. It is absolutely brilliant so far, where do you get all these ideas?
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #35 on: January 23, 2013, 06:48:12 AM »
I love how you write, your characters feel real to me. I hope it make sense. It look like Jaycen will change, at least I hope so. I love Aurum's innocence.

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2013, 04:23:22 PM »
This is a wonderful start to a dynasty! I really love Aurum and Jaycen. Both have unique voices and their relationship is funny. And don't worry about if your writing is "dense" or not. I think the entries have bee a great length, providing all the fun things that readers like: characters with personalities and an interesting story. There is obviously no filler.

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2013, 08:41:38 PM »
@Tilia: May not be a bad idea; he's certainly got a lot of growing still to do with these seeds of maturity here.

@Rhoxi: I'm glad. I enjoy writing it, but I also find it's very different from a lot of the other stories here, which tend to be a bit snappier. It's something where I enjoy feeling out an audience.

@ombradellarosa: Glad to help you out. As for ideas... It's less a matter of finding, more a matter of sifting. You've got to go through "You know what would be great? An LP of Fire Emblem 7 using Fire Emblem 4's Dragon-Zombie-Levin as the tactician!" to get anything, you know...Not terrible.

@Louise56: Thank you!

@forever_mone: And thank you, too. They're a good pair, so I'm glad their relationship dynamic is fun.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Deme

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2013, 10:59:53 AM »
Part 3: Molecular Bonds (You May Want to Adjust Your Screen's Brightness for Some of These)

Jaycen reports his child was born, according to hospital staff. It is a girl named Sheila. A girl named girl…Then again, it is possible to consider me a gold named gold.

I grew aware that evening of Quicksilver’s growing loneliness. While he has been content at the library, at that juncture I had had far more time to engage in the socialization necessary for a happy cat. I would need to find a remedy.

Unfortunately, such remedying would need to wait; I first needed to go around and collect materials for alchemy and gardening, as well as scouting out further information.

…Particularly at the local consignment shop. Although I had said I could create the potion to help Jaycen, with my own alchemy… That sort of concoction is still beyond me. But I thought the store might have a recipe. It did not, but it did have in its wares such a potion; a potion to cure the greatest of ills. I bought it with a mix of joy and shame. I failed. I was not the alchemist my good friend needs me to be.

“You know, babe,” he said as I got home and tossed his way another invigorating elixir, “I’m starting to get used to you announcing yourself like that.”
“Excellent. I will continue doing so.”
He blinked. “Anyway, what’s up?”
“…I’m sorry.”
“You deserve the aid of a great alchemist for your efforts on my behalf…But you will have to make due with the assistance of the local consignment store.” I bowed to apologize, but when I met his eyes again, I found them confused.
“…Take this.”

“It is the elixir I promised, to help change your former associate’s harpy-like state, and allow you access to your daughter.”
He looked at it in surprise.
”…You’re really worked up about this, aren’t you?”
“I am not at all worked up. I have barely worked at all. I must redouble my studies.” That’s why my current mood levels are at an unusual low.
”I mean, this is very important to you, huh? Well, I can never refuse a pretty lady…But, listen…I wasn’t being… Oh, nevermind. I’ll try and stop by tomorrow.” He sighs fondly, as if he has been defeated.
I feel relieved. I think I do, anyway, except…
”You’re right. I guess I need to step up a bit. I never got along with my father, but… It’d be a shame for that kid not to have hers. Thanks for reminding me.”
When he said that, it occurred to me that I may have caught his fever. My temperature definitely felt higher than when I was out shopping. I need to prepare some medicine for myself.

In the meanwhile, Jaycen will use a handy device we have installed over the garden; he reports no life fruit seeds. Regretful.

Aurum wasn’t here for most of this, and to be honest, I don’t know if the Aurum who’d have been writing about it would have cared. Rather than leave it undocumented, I’ll step in, using what I do know:

There she was, the girl of that Dreamer’s dreams (I’ll use that cliché only once, I swear.).  He’d come over to her place, where her parents were sort of driving her crazy. Well, if she needs to get out of the house…

“Why don’t we go get dinner?”

They go out to a bistro – Darren hesitantly, at first, since the seating is outdoors, and it’s a full moon besides… However, the way the light plays in Darleen’s hair, he can’t refuse her. She laughs, knowing this. Not the cruel little giggle of the seductress, designed down to its pitch, but the warm belly laugh of someone happy in the realization of “wow, he must love me, if he’s doing it for me.” The laugh of someone jumping and finding a cushion at the bottom.

From the Personal Records of Aurum Alchimia
While Mr. Darren was on his frivolous outing, both Jaycen and I were attending to important matters.
Jaycen’s latent interest in sculpting has led to a development that gives me great pleasure to report: he can now produce ice sculptures.

I hope deeply that he will be able to produce 25 in the next 19 days, to better record my life…And…I am quite pleased to see him happy, even if it comes in the form of a whirring chainsaw.

But it is late, and I am growing weary…However, my release is at hand! I have discovered the highest form of the invigorating elixir: through careful balances of chemicals, I have found a concoction that removes weariness or a need to rest entirely.

I no longer require sleep, and while I never required much socialization, I require no other entertainment. If I develop a series of chemicals to remove the entirety of digestive needs, nothing will ever be able to keep me from my studies. I will be complete.
I am sure that this discovery is the most important event of the evening. Now, the recipe…

Over  dinner,  they discussed… Futures.

”I’ve always kind of wanted a big family; being an only child was kind of lonely… I don’t want our kid – I mean, my kid, I mean -- Yeah, a bit house with a lot of children in it.” Darleen laughs, nervously. Darren’s always been a perfect gentleman. Slightly too perfect, and it made it hard for her to read his intentions.
”Our kid, you were saying?” Darren slides forward. The dreams occur to him again, rattling around in his brain. ”Hey, remember…Remember that fortune teller? How true do you think any of her predictions are?”
”I was just kidding! I thought it’d be fun. But you…You’ve been off-kilter since then, huh? Listen, if you don’t like your prediction or anything…” She leans forward and takes both his hands, the polite notion that this is a meal forgotten.
”Why don’t we smash it? I’ll help, of course! There’s not a prediction in the world that’s prepared for Darleen!” She grins that big, warm grin, pushing up her round cheeks and casting moonlight into her dazzling eyes. Darren wanted to save her. To protect that smile she had…What was the point in having a future without that, without even just knowing it existed?

”Would you do that, even if it meant…Losing something precious from that future?”
She shook her head.
”An either-or statement’s no fun. We’re artistic types; we’re not bound by the idea that there’s only one way. I’m sure you can think up a way to get away… I have…Every faith in you.”

What she says there inspires him. To kiss her. To take her in his arms.
“The only part of that future worth saving…Is the part where you and I are part of a family together.”
“That sounds like a wonderful future.”
“…Darleen…Marry me.”

”Ohmiplumbob yes! I will!”
Whether this would break through the walls of fate, he didn’t know; no one ever really does. Still… With Darleen beside him... the future felt like it could wait, and his worries were, at least a little bit lifted.
Enough that it was time to do something completely on impulse.

”…No, Darleen. I mean, marry me right now. With this zombie as our witness, with this full moon above us.”
Sometimes you have to run with the fact that life is completely bizzare. Darren was a few steps ahead of this.
Darleen nodded, giggling at the joy an absurdity of it all. Her heart pounded in her chest.

”With this ring, I thee wed.”

”With this ring, I thee wed.”
The happy couple embraced under the moonlight. All the world was each other’s lips, each other’s arms, each other’s eyes. There was nothing in their private galaxies but the other one, and they could have spun along like this until the death of the universe.

”…Shut up, zombie. Let’s get out of this creepy moonlight.”
Darren took his wife by the hand, and they drove back to the little golden house…Together. I suppose we’ll see what fate has in store for them.

 It naturally included makeovers. Darleen’s sleepwear stayed the same, as it was just perfect for her.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Tilia

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/27/13)
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2013, 01:31:48 PM »
Ooh, Darleen is just gorgeous with her makeover.  What pretty eyes!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/27/13)
« Reply #40 on: January 27, 2013, 07:08:44 PM »
Yay marriage! I love how clueless Aurum is, it's cute.
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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/27/13)
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2013, 07:19:33 PM »
Ooh, pretty^^

What is used for Darleen's...swimwear? Athletic wear? that's inbetween her formal and outdoor wear?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/27/13)
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2013, 08:30:42 PM »

Yup, bizarre but sweet. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/21/13)
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2013, 08:36:45 PM »
”…Shut up, zombie. Let’s get out of this creepy moonlight.”
This just made me laugh. I loved the update!

Offline Deme

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Re: A Path to Gold: The Alchimia Immortal Dynasty (Newest Chapter 1/27/13)
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2013, 09:07:39 PM »
What is used for Darleen's...swimwear? Athletic wear? that's inbetween her formal and outdoor wear?

It's swimwear (I apparently totally forgot her athletic wear, or forgot to screenshot. It couldn't have been that great.)...And I think it's from the store.

Anyway, glad y'all enjoyed this one, and Darleen's makeover. She really is quite pretty, and I had a lot of fun with it (also, with Aurum's advanced state of unawares).
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty