My game keeps freezing at 6pm exactly. I tried to play the game having both my sims working the same schedule (3pm to 6pm). I also tried with one working that schedule and the other unemployed, if both are out of the house the game freezes. I'm noticing that other things keep moving (the fountains and my mouse, for example) and I can hear the music. All the sims I can see (like the pianist and mixologists) don't move. And I can't do anything to the sim I've selected or the others on my household. I used ResetSim * and it worked until both sims left the house, it was 6:05pm when it froze again.
Anyone has an idea that can help me fix the freezing problem?
Notes about the Mods:
I'm using:
1. NRaas Master Controller
2. NRaas Master Controller Cheats
3. NRaas No CD
4. NRaas Dreamer
5. NRaas Error Trap
6. NRaas Overwatch
7. NRaas Relativity
8. NRaas Once Read
9. NRaas Saver
10. NRaas Written Word
Thinking about adding:
1. NRaas Woohooer