Author Topic: The Soup Dynasty  (Read 15990 times)

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2013, 05:26:23 AM »
@Tilia & ombradellarosa : Even sims on the other side of the house complains from the noise, its rather annoying. I changed the dishwasher because I don't want to bother with the upgrade.
@Rhoxi & cathyknits : Yeah, I wasted a few batch of money bags because of that. As for Potato's career, all I need are some money trees and a patch of life fruit plants to sell. I'll start growing more plants after she hits ambrosia though.
@Audren : Thank you for reading! And enjoy your Soup.

Potato Gets Wrinkles

Potato followed the glowbug's (harsh) advice and started to spend her times doing something not related to gardening. Like playing with her little Chicken.

Potato feeds Chicken. Wait, do chickens eat potatoes? Speaking of eating...

She also decided to improve her cooking skill, so she may one day teach the little soupboo the art of Soup cooking.

Potato : Yeah, my first soup!
Glowbug : ...isn't that mac and cheese --
Potato : Its in a bowl, so its a soup.

Guess why she's so happy?

Well, its her birthday!

Glowbug : *snickers* Potato has evolved into Doris.
Potato : Not funny! Give me a mirror!

Five minutes later...

Potato : I see why you decided to put a mirror and a dresser in here.
Glowbug : I think of everything.
Potato : Well, time to grab a bowl of soup.
Glowbug : You mean mac and cheese.

Potato : I'm starving!
Glowbug : *giggle* Then why are you putting the bowl in the other side of the table?
Potato : Quit giggling, its creepy. Just, do me a favor and grab the bowl here.
Glowbug : You mean you can't just grab the bowl yourself?
Potato : Without standing up? Yes.

Meanwhile, Theresa was hitting her prom date. Oh yeah, she was chosen the Prom Queen from the last prom.

This is Erik Mosqueda. Maybe he'll be Theresa's boyfriend one day.

Finn, on the other hand, decided not to join the party, and focuses on his sculpting station.

Glowbug : Congrats. Finally made five sculptures for each material?
Finn : Yeah. A shame I can't finish it before Potato's Adult birthday. It was so close too.
Glowbug : Well, we can't have everything. Anything you'd like for your prize?
Finn : Larger studio.
Glowbug : Oh, so four stations aren't enough?
Finn : No, I mean I need space. I have to go outside so Potato can pose for her ice sculpture.

Glowbug : Better?
Finn : Very.

The next day, Doris received the Stir Crazy moodlet. She has been working on painting all day since we got here, and she has the wish to get married. I think she deserves a break and I sent her to the Winter Festival in a search for a potential spouse.

She met Carlos Mosqueda in the park.

They were attracted to each other, has compatible sign, and shared the Family-Oriented trait. Sadly, he's married. She also met a firefighter named Simon Stones, but so far there's no attraction between them. I wonder if she'll get the right man before she turns elder...

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2013, 09:09:29 AM »
Well if he is related to Erik then Theresa could not be his girlfriend! So it works out, right?
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2013, 10:59:38 PM »

Silly Potato! If it's in a bowl, it's all soup to her!

Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2013, 11:08:01 PM »
I love how she thinks mac and cheese is soup!

Offline cathyknits

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2013, 06:08:29 AM »
...very, very thick soup?
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

Offline Gwendy

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2013, 07:12:27 AM »
It's a soup the way I make it. I always wind up putting a little too much milk in it.  :P
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
-Shirin's roommate's Seal of Approval

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2013, 03:25:30 AM »
Our Potato is very thick skinned. Do not question her logic.  ;D

Potato Plays Matchmaker

I didn't realized whose birthday is coming.

Cross-eyed Chicken. Happy birthday!

Hmm, so far he's gotten Potato's skin and eyes. That nose and lips are probably from his dad. Still adorable though.

Glowbug : Chicken wet his pants. Go change the diaper.
Potato : Yessir.
Glowbug : Wait. What in the world are you wearing?
Potato : Its my new career outfit.
Glowbug : Change.

Outfits from Katy Perry cracks me up.

Here's Potato, training Chicken how to use his claw legs to walk. Still in her sleepwear. By the way, do you know a dish that cooks chicken's claw into a soup?

And after a long training, every chicken needs its meal.

Glowbug : *snickers* That's one cranky rooster.
Potato : Well, but he's my cranky rooster.

Doris : Why are you looking at my butt, Potato?
Potato : I did not. Here's Chicken by the way.
Doris : Got it. I'll paint his portrait after this.
Potato : Many thanks.

Potato knew Doris is rather tired. Her attempt to find a spouse isn't working too well, so she decided to play matchmaker for her. In her sleepwear, again.

Here's Theo Cardamom, acquaintance of Potato and Wayne's BFF. He's already an elder, but there's a spark going between them so... why not?

Compatible sign! What are you waiting for, Doris?

Aaw, yeah! Going steady in two sim hours!

...they're going a bit quick, aren't they? And I swore I heard a lullaby.

Here's Theo leaving the Soup residence. I never had someone walking this way before, its hilarious. The proposal and wedding might need to wait 'till tommorow.

It seems Potato's attempt is working, and she scored a Masterpiece after the intimate moment with her new boyfriend. I wouldn't believe it though. I guess true art is incomprehensible.


Finn : ...what is this shower doing here?
Glowbug : This shower saved your life, remember?
Finn : I'm not sculpting metals anymore, why are you putting this again?
Glowbug : So your sister wouldn't catch on fire.
Finn : Huh?

Theresa's been having a lot of free time, especially when Doris takes over most of the easel to paint immortal's portraits. It suits her Genius trait, and maybe Renaissance Sim will be her LTW. She already maxed Photography, and almost maxed Painting. I say this is Perfect.

Oh my, look who's having a baby? Doris sure is excited, and she can't wait to call over Theo. But she decided to call him after finishing the last batch of Chicken's portraits.

If only she decided to do that sooner.

And I end this update with Potato attempting to use the tanning booth.

I belatedly decided that Potato is too pale, even more compared to Wayne. That's why I bought the tanning booth. It doesn't work as smooth as I thought.
Glowbug : You looked like a turkey overcooked for four hours.
Potato : Shut up. You stole that line from the moodlet description.

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Offline Audren

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2013, 06:40:55 AM »
No, Oathbear! You burnt the Potato Soup!  :P

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2013, 02:10:48 PM »
Indeed! Very burnt. Poor Potato. Chicken looks adorable.
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By samoht04

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2013, 02:26:00 PM »
I've been reading this for a while now and I can't believe I haven't left a comment yet. This is so cute and clever! I love the glowbug, and Chicken is just adorable!

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2013, 01:52:03 AM »
But I didn't mean to burn her... *bawls*
And glad to know that someone is liking the glowbug.  ;D

Bittersweet Soup (Or Drama Soup)

It was about 18 hours from their first meeting, 16 hours after they went steady and tried for baby.

Theo Cardamom passed away due to his old age, just when Doris was about to call him over to tie the knot. Depressing. And tragic, too.

She quickly went to the graveyard to get his grave. The violet firefly had sternly told her that mourning will do her no good, but allowed one ghost visit before locking up the grave.

Though soon after, she's officially pregnant, and this eased her pain for a bit. The baby will be of Theo's namesake, she decided.

Glowbug : You done?
Doris : No, I'm not. Don't make me use the Moodlet Manager.
Glowbug : Keep this up, and I'll send that grave back to the graveyard.
Doris : What, you want me to get a new boyfriend or something?
Glowbug : Maybe, its up to you. But you will use the Moodlet Manager. Its supposed to be a happy day for your daughter.
Doris : What day?
Glowbug : *grumble* Theresa's birthday, good lord.

I always forgot birthdays, hence I rarely throw parties. I'll try to fix that habit.

She won't be laughing at anyone now.

Happy birthday, Theresa! No more school for you. And that's Chicken in his diaper. Now off to the wardrobe and mirror.


The next day's the graduation party! She's the class Valedictorian, and The Most Likely to Offend Others. How (in)appropriate.

Meanwhile, Potato has been teaching Chicken the basic toddler skills. She didn't bother changing his clothes to everyday, keeping him in his sleepwear the way she likes it.
Yes, I had her boiled for a bit so her skin is rather brown.

She also bought him a book so he can read it whenever he's alone and raise his painting skill.


Glowbug : So that's what the light is all about. Surprised me.
Theresa : new clothes.
Glowbug : Its official then, I'm adding that shower to the Lucas household museum one day.

The next night, Theo's ghost came for a visit, and Doris wasted no time to meet him. She announced pregnancy to him and he congratulated her, though he refuses to feel her tummy.

Then they sat together to watch the stars, to make up for the moment they never experienced when Theo was alive.

Glowbug : I forgot to put some windows here... hmm? Oh, hello to both of you. Feeling good?
Doris : Sort of. No more ghostly visits after this?
Glowbug : Yep, so take your time. Maybe one day we'll turn a property to a family graveyard.
Theo : I can't say I like that though. Netherworld is boring.
Glowbug : Pssh, you haven't been in there for too long. Its fun after you get used to it.
Doris : What, you've been there?
Glowbug : Something like that.

Few hours later...

Aaw, emergency, I say! Sadly no one's around to do "The Babies Are Coming!" panic dance. Wait, plural?

Here we have Thea Lucas (named after her father), and Sweetpea Lucas... wait what?

Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2013, 02:00:40 AM »
Indeed! Very burnt. Poor Potato. Chicken looks adorable.

It just means that she now looks like a potato LOL

I love the glowbug-ness...but how in hemba do you do it?  :o

Sweetpea to be the wifey of Chicken of course!  ;)

Offline Audren

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2013, 06:47:09 AM »
Aw, rest in peace, Theo.  :'(

I've had that happen before. I was about to marry a Sim, and she goes home and starves to death. Very sad. :(

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2013, 08:58:50 AM »
@ladyaya :The glowbug thing was done in GIMP. ;D I'm rooting for Sweetpea too, but we'll see.

@Audren : Aaw, starvation? This one day happiness thing sounds like a soup soap opera. Gotta love EA's Story Progression.

I've never mentioned how fun it is to have a toddler named Chicken. "Put Chicken in Crib", "Let Chicken Out", "Feed Chicken On Floor", "Toss Chicken in Air", etc. Had me giggling non-stop.

Chicken Grows Old

Doris giving birth two baby nooboos definitely gave me a surprise. She had the Family-Oriented trait, but that's it. No kids TV, kids stereo, pregnancy book, no. Its both blessing and a curse. I don't need to look anywhere for Chicken's bride but controlling 8 sims... And this means Doris' wish to get married is out of the question. *removes wish*

Wayne is getting old oh go die already and save me some headache. Seeing Doris' boyfriend got taken away so soon made her feel wary and scared. She needs some comfort.

Read : Intimate moment.

Doris : Hey, I just finished all of Chicken's portrait, which one do you... aah. I would say 'get a room', but you two already did. Remember to lock the room next time.

Doris had helped Potato in many ways. Her family helping with her Dynasty requirements, even helping little Chicken with his toddler skills. Potato taking care of her twins while she busied herself with Writing (Her LTW is Illustrious Author) is nothing compared to those.

Glowbug : Sorry, got business to do, just got back now. Is this the twins I heard about?
Potato : Yup, Thea and Sweetpea. This one is Thea... or is it Sweetpea?
Glowbug : So you didn't know.
Potato : They're twins! How am I supposed to know?
Glowbug : You should have different cribs. It'll be easier to identify them.
Potato : Well, I wasn't expecting twins. Why don't you change the color?

Alright, now officially introducing Doris' and Theo's twin daughter. The one on the left crib is Thea Lucas, named after Theo, and her favorite color is violet. The other one is Sweetpea Lucas. Sweetpea was the first thing popped out in my mind when the game demands another name. Her favorite color is, you guessed it, orange.

Glowbug : Look who just fulfilled her LTW. Congrats.
Theresa : You don't sound excited at all.
Glowbug : Well, I should say : Its about time you finish your LTW. Finn already finished his.
Theresa : Duh. His LTW was, what? Swimming in Cash?
Glowbug : Living in the Lap of Luxury, actually. So, what are you going to do now?
Theresa : Eh, dunno. Get me the old chemistry station.

Just like Doris, Finn didn't do anything else other than sculpting, so I think its about time for him to run loose for a day. He called his romantic interest, Christa Landgraab. But she can't come. Working and don't know when she'll be done? I think I know where to find her.

I knew it. The consignment store.

To start it off, Finn talked about the weather with her.

Rekindling the old flames of romance, they shared their first kiss.

And then they went steady. Now to hope she won't die the day after.

He have to get home quick, though. Guess why? Hint : title.

Aww yea, its birthday party! Chicken birthday party! But no one's paying attention to the Chicken here. How rude.

Here's Potato holding chicken. You can see the resemblance between them, except for the skin. Potato smothered herself with gravy a spray tan again.

Blow the candle...

Last toddler shot. He's adorable, sadly I didn't take many pictures of him.

Happy birthday, Chicken! Wait, that sounds so wrong.

Glowbug : *checks favorite color* Pink? I'll have to deal with a pinky boy?
Chicken : Whoa! So you weren't my imagination or something?
Glowbug : Excuse me?
Chicken : I saw you talking with my mom sometimes. I thought I was imagining it.
Glowbug : *snickers* And what if I'm just a childish imagination of yours?
Chicken : Nah, can't be. I saw you summoning a shower, and big brother Finn didn't freak out or anything.
Glowbug : Well, aren't you a smart kid.
Chicken : So, what are you really? A firefly? Magic? That's it! A fairy!
Glowbug : Actually --
Chicken : You're a fairy! I knew it!
Glowbug : *sarcastically* Bravo. You win.
Chicken : Yay! What do I win?
Glowbug : A girly pink pair of slippers for your outfit.

Chicken's traits are Artistic and Genius and now he's also a Perfectionist. He'll be doing chicken arts and make chicken sculptures and chicken photos and chicken paintings and he'll be the Soup dynasty chicken artist. The genius trait is kind of useless now, I wished I picked Coward (ha ha, he's a chicken, right Rhoxi?) back then.

By the way, did you wonder why there's three birthday cakes?

Yup, its the twins' birthday! We're having a triple birthday party! First is Thea. Who's that inappropriate girl in pink laughing?

So cute! Happy birthday, Thea!

She quickly makes her presence known with her cries.

Last but not least, its Sweetpea's turn!

Happy birthday to you too, Sweetpea!

And I end this update with pictures of clothes. I've been giving my sims clothes that they never got a chance to wear (like Theresa's teen swimwear and athletic clothes), so like many others, I'm showing them.

Chicken's wardrobe. Notice his everyday's slippers. The glowbug fulfills its promise.

Thea's and Sweetpea's wardrobe. I kept their toddler hairs, and gave them clothes based on their favorite color.
They're still adorable that I can't pick between them, but look at Sweetpea's eyes! Doris didn't have that. If I remember right, Theo didn't. Its beautiful, one of the reasons I'm rooting for Sweetpea to be the chicken bride.

Offline Audren

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2013, 09:10:17 AM »
Thea has some very colorful hair! Did that come from Theo? Kind of funny that it's her sister who's favourite color is orange, yet Thea's the one with the fiery head.  :P

