Author Topic: The Soup Dynasty  (Read 15994 times)

Offline cathyknits

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2013, 10:52:35 AM »
There always was the "Midlife Crisis" lifetime happiness reward that allows you to change your traits (at any point, except it's banned for immortals, I think?). Then the Generations expansion pack introduced the "Midlife Crisis", well, umm, crisis, where you get extra lifetime happiness points for completing wishes like "divorce", "buy an expensive car", "quit your job", "new wardrobe", etc.  I wish they had called one or the other something else, because it does seem to cause confusion.
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2013, 01:58:10 PM »
Agreed. I was going to say something similar. Same name, completely different. I think calling the actual Midlife Crisis that makes sense, but the trait-changing not as much.
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Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2013, 04:07:09 AM »
Yeah, its probably the same name that got us confused.  ;D
Sorry for the wait, got school.

Incoming New (Bowl of) Soup

At the Graduation Day Finn was declared the Class Valedictorian and the Most Likely To Write Best-Seller. Oh yeah, I neglected traits, haven't I? Finn gained the Savvy Sculptor trait. And upon aging up to Teenager, I gave Theresa the Artistic trait.

Fast forward to the night. And, what do we have here...

Potato : I don't feel so good... *vomits*
Glowbug : Disgusting. Can't be bothered to find a toilet?
Potato : I would, but the grocery store had the bright idea not to have a toilet.

Meanwhile Potato was out, Wayne had his birthday! And guess who's that teen dressed in pink, laughing at him. You have three guesses.

Wayne : Oof. My back!
Glowbug : Happy Elder Day. You have ten seconds to go to the wardrobe.

After a quick change of attire, Potato came home and gave her husband his well-deserved birthday kiss.
Wayne : (What's this yucky...)
Potato : (Ack! I forgot to wash my mouth!)


Aand, the next day we have...

Look at that! She's finally bringing the second Soup!

And she didn't hesitate to tell Wayne, who's overjoyed with the wonderful news.

Glowbug : What, pray tell, are you doing?
Finn : Can't you tell?
Glowbug : Kids shouldn't play with fire.
Finn : Get some glasses, glowbug. I'm a legal adult.
Glowbug : Physically, yes. Mentally, I doubt it. *summons a shower*
Finn : I won't need that.

(What trait did Finn had again?)

Finn : Why does my behind feel so hot? Like its on fire...
Glowbug : *pfft* That sounds so wrong, but I'll humor you. Its because your behind is on fire.
Finn : What.
Glowbug : Be grateful I got you that shower.

My first butt-fire, how anti-climatic.

One trouble finished, another started.

Potato? What's with your tummy? Oh wait...

Potato : Oof! Ouch! Ungh! Help!
Glowbug : *sigh* What is it now... Oh.
Potato : Don't "oh" me! Ngh...
Glowbug : Well, what can I do? Just sit tight.
Potato : Oh come on -- ouch, it kicked my tummy!
Glowbug : Bite your tongue.
Potato : Can't you be any help? Or just ask for help!

Glowbug : Can't do. They got their hands full. How convenient.
Potato : *doubles over*
Glowbug : Whoa, stand up, Soup. I'm sure after Wayne finishes his shower, he'll come over for the sprinklers.

True enough, when Wayne comes to the greenhouse for the sprinklers, he noticed that "The Baby is Coming!" and started to panic. Seriously?

Potato finally had it with her tummy, the ignorant glowbug, and her panicky husband. She decided to go to the hospital, and Wayne regained his wits to drive her there.

And I finish this update with Wayne tasting snow. Hello? Your Potato's inside, not going in?


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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2013, 10:22:32 AM »
Very funny update lol. I can't wait to meet the new(bowl of) soup or spoupboo. :P

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2013, 10:32:50 AM »
Wayne appears to have temporarily left the building in his panic.  Right now it's just an empty-brained old guy tasting snow and waiting for his mind to return, haha.


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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2013, 11:18:09 AM »
Loving the story so far, what kind of soup will the nooboo be, Pea soup maybe? :)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2013, 03:36:32 PM »
Tomato soup!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2013, 11:52:02 PM »

Welcome to the soupboo, whatever flavor it is!

Based on the colors of your house, I'd say Potato had a hand in the decorating: yellows, browns, neutrals. Maybe the next generation will be a little more colorful?  ;D

Offline Gwendy

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2013, 12:26:50 AM »
I would like to suggest the name "Borscht."
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
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Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2013, 07:30:03 AM »
Thank you for the nice comments! Yeah, I tried to use potato colors for furnishing, I might change it according to the next heir's flavor name and favorite colors, though.
And I googled for Borscht, it looks delicious! Though for the first 4 generations I'm going for simple flavoring for names. I'll keep that name in mind.

Welcome Our Delicious Little Soup

Here's Potato, proudly carrying her newborn baby out of the hospital.

Potato : Aaw, a baby boy! What should I name this new Soup? *turns to Wayne* Any ideas?
Wayne : Eh, I was thinking Janice.
Potato : That's not a manly name. Nor is it soupy.
Wayne : I was hoping for a girl... *stomach grumbles* Well, we better hurry. I'm going to cook meaty soup for dinner.
Potato : Meaty... *snaps finger* That's it. We'll name him Chicken. Chicken Soup.
Wayne : Brilliant! Maybe he'll be a writer.

Glowbug : Well, gratz for the new baby gi-- aah, a boy. Its probably the apples you secretly stuff in your mouth.
Potato : *shrugs* I was hoping for a boy.
Glowbug : *to self* And I was hoping it'll be my favorite little girl coming.
Potato : Huh?
Glowbug : Hmm?
Wayne : Say, will my son be a writer?
Glowbug : *checks* Hmm. Not sure. He has Artistic and Genius, if you're interested.
Wayne : Oh...
Glowbug : That aside~ *steals Wayne's car*
Potato & Wayne : What!
Glowbug : Go home with a taxi, if you would. I need some extra time. *poofs*
Wayne : *checks his pockets* No car! What is... it thinking?
Potato : I can guess one...

Potato : ...I thought so. A nursery room. He stole the car to buy more time.
Theresa : *from outside* What! Our home has windows now?
Glowbug : *also outside* And a new baby. Potato's, to be exact.

Theresa wasted no time to check out the newborn Soupboo. She feels like having a little brother now.

Daddy Wayne also took care of Chicken, he probably won't last to see him grow up. He wanted to spent his remaining days with his son.

Meanwhile, Potato went to the Library to finish a Gardening opportunity.

She likes her sleepwear very much.

Seriously, Potato. You're in a library. Not in your own garden. Speaking of which, you still have plants to tend.

Potato : Aaw, yeah, my Perfect Garden!
Glowbug : And a perfect life plant. Congratulations. Throw a party?
Potato : Thanks, but no. Still need to tend more plants.
Glowbug : ...

Theresa was about to go to prom, waiting for the limo.

Glowbug : Reading newspaper? How unlikely of you.
Theresa : *shrugs* You always keep today's newspaper on the table, I thought I'll make use of it.
Glowbug : *snickers* Well, I'm glad.
Theresa : Oh yeah, I heard from Finn you picked my clothes, I kind of liked it -- wait, chicken's on the news.
Glowbug : Beg your pardon?
Theresa : Potato's baby Chicken. Its on the news. "The new addition to Soup household."
Glowbug : *laughs* Probably his name. Who names their baby Chicken?

Soon after, the limo came and Theresa left for the prom (not forgetting to take a picture of the limo for her photography journal). But what's this? Potato looks sad.

Glowbug : Tired?
Potato : Kind of.
Glowbug : Well, I think Chicken's going to wet his diaper soon, gonna check him out?
Potato : *sigh* No, I'm still not finished with my garden.
Glowbug : ...
Potato : Yeah, to be honest I'm kind of tired, but its really hard to advance in gardening career.
Glowbug : Well, excuse me for a bit.
Potato : Where are you going?
Glowbug : Around.
Potato : ...nothing good can come from this.

An hour later...

Potato : Time to work again! Wait, where did the other two garden patches gone... Wait -- you mindless glowbug! Come here!

Glowbug : *chuckles* Something bothering you?
Potato : Stop laughing! What did you do to my garden?
Glowbug : Oh. I removed the excess plants. Don't worry, you still have at least one of each plant.
Potato : Are you crazy! You're cutting off my earnings by half!
Glowbug : Right. What is Chicken's favorite color?
Potato : Don't change the topic! Look --
Glowbug : Oh, sorry I asked. You wouldn't know, would you? Being tied to your garden and all.
Potato : *pauses* Well, how am I --
Glowbug : Oh yeah, Chicken's a newborn. You haven't asked me. Too busy with the garden, I reckon. I'll change to something easier. Where's your husband's workplace -- nah, too hard. What's his favorite food?
Potato was flabbergast; as the violet firefly keeps firing questions about her housemates, all which she could not answer. Ever so slowly, she realized what is he trying to say, and keeps her mouth shut.

Glowbug : No, I'm not going to make you pity yourself. But Theresa spends a whole lot more time than you with your baby, I won't be surprised if the chicken started calling her his "mother hen". And what about Wayne? He's in his elder days.
Potato : I know, I know! But I'm required to reach the top in my career! That's why...
Glowbug : Ah, for that? That's why I'm suggesting you to start growing life fruits. And more money trees.
Potato : You have a point. ...Thanks, by the way.
Glowbug : You're welcome.
Potato : By the way, what's Wayne's favorite food.
Glowbug : Soup Stu Surprise, the same as you. Why do you think he cooks nothing but soups?

Eh, enough drama. True story though. All Potato does is gardening and nothing else. She only started taking care of Chicken after I got rid half of her oversized garden. And I end this update with this.

How noisy can a dishwasher get? By the way, she's running towards the dishwasher.

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2013, 11:28:23 AM »
I have the SAME THING with the dishwasher!  It's so irritating, so I just switched it back to the chrome-looking one.  Ah well.

Bad Potato.  You're being a workaholic.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2013, 09:50:13 PM »
She has to cover her ears in preparation. You can upgrade it to Silent Running, no?
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2013, 10:41:51 PM »

Welcome, little Chicken soupboo! I wonder if he'll get the cowardly trait as he grows up (har har).

I've never tried the gardening career, but I've heard there's something weird about selling money tree bags. Drag and sell in inventory, instead of clicking to turn into money, to get credit for career, I think.

Offline Audren

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2013, 06:54:05 AM »
I don't think I've ever heard a Dynasty name quite so fun as "Soup." You have a very funny and wacky story, and I look forward to having more soup for dinner.  :D

Offline cathyknits

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2013, 11:34:18 AM »
I've never tried the gardening career, but I've heard there's something weird about selling money tree bags. Drag and sell in inventory, instead of clicking to turn into money, to get credit for career, I think.

That's definitely the case. As you hit the top level of the career it's almost not worthwhile to spend time tending anything but money trees and maybe lifefruits - and the only way moneybags count for the career is if you drag them to the "sell" spot from your inventory panel.
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

