Author Topic: The Soup Dynasty  (Read 15996 times)

Offline Oathbear

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The Soup Dynasty
« on: January 06, 2013, 11:50:35 PM »
I never liked soup very much. Sure, there are some exception, but I would rather cook myself an egg and some chicken nuggets  *cough*carnivore*cough* rather than helping myself with the warm soup my mother cooked up this morning.
But this time, a Soup will make a dynasty.

The Soup Dynasty
(a.k.a : Dynasty running-out-of-original-names)

*grumbles* I don't know why you decided to place me on the moon, of all places.
Shut it, Potato.

Founder : Potato Soup
Traits : Green Thumb, Eco-Friendly, Charismatic, Over-Emotional, Natural Cook
Lifetime Wish : The Perfect Garden

You can say Potato is not very good in fashion thingamajig. Her clothes are all in dusty yellow! The shirt was given by her late grandmother for her namesake (potato's black spots?), and a pair of short shorts and boots to make her movements in gardening easier.

"You know, for a Soup Dynasty, I was thinking the founder would SuperMax Cooking." You say?

No way. This is Soup Dynasty, all heirs have to master the art of the family : Soup Cooking. Even though Potato has no cooking skills at the moment. She will, eventually.

Potato wastes no time as the moment she was plopped down to her house (I mean, empty lot), she got herself a bicycle and went to Lucas' household.

Doris : You must be new here in Lunar Lakes, welcome!
Potato : Yeah, yeah, thanks. I heard you're a good painter. Let's talk about cooking.

After Potato repeats Enthuse about Cooking for the nth time (I love Charismatic so much), she was Best Friends by the afternoon, and then...

Potato : If you're that bored, come with me and live in my empty lot. I'll prepare an easel for you. Or two.
Doris : Don't forget my kids.
Potato : Oh, yeah.

Lucas household joined the team family!

The Lucas Family Bank wasn't as loaded compared to the Crumplebottom's or the Cross', but its still enough to fill in basic (and art) needs. Now proudly presenting, the new Soup domain!

Room? What room? Now to hope the meteors are in a good mood.

This is Theresa Lucas. I'm so glad that a child was around. I don't have to buy an expensive stove, as with practice, this kiddie toy oven will dish out a perfect meal faster than ever.
Potato : No soup? Good lord, no!

First few days were hard and long and boring for the new Dynasty (if it can be called such), with Doris and Theresa practicing painting and Finn (the boy teen) busy with his sculpting station. Potato's garden wasn't so big at the moment, so she had enough free time to hunt for special seeds.

She also found a cute turtle on her way, but it seems that turtles and potatoes don't get along very well.

Potato : My finger!

Finally deciding that yes, a room with a roof is important because the temperature was boiling hot, she decided to find a way for some cash enough to build a room. And a spouse, of course!

Wayne Ahmadyar : You like cooking? Also gardening? I think we'll be best friend.
Potato : I know. Fate, I say. Wanna move to my house?
Wayne : Sure, sounds fun.

Potato : Then move along, mister. I'm craving for a bowl of soup and we don't have all day.

The five thousand cash was very welcomed (Yay for a roof! Suck it, meteor!), but what's this? Wayne had a car of his own, and its not any Sloppy Jalopy or Big Lemon! It's the Tofunda Wagon, worth around 19400 but I decided not to sell it. Taxis are slow.

And this is the upgraded Soup domain.

And Wayne is not impressed.

But alas, even though they're broke, a burglar still had the bright mind to invade the cheap home. And I was thinking about placing burglar alarms, too! The toilet, a stereo and a sculpture went kaput. The police came just one minute too late. *sigh* Must've been Doris' Unlucky trait. (Finn had the Lucky trait though, I don't know if they cancel each other out).

So, learning from that mistake, I decided to invest some of the simoleons...

For this! *evil laugh* Come, burglars, I dare you!

AN : I think I had an old dynasty story somewhere in the graveyard. I lost the save file though, and had to start over. So, its my second attempt. The only reason I picked the Lucas household to join is Doris' high painting skill, and the two kids she had with her.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 12:07:36 AM »

The Soup Dynasty? Haha, I had to give it a whirl! It looks like you're off to a great start, and good luck with your second attempt!

Good thing you got your sims indoors so fast, those meteors really are quite a pain!

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Offline azokka361

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 12:30:39 AM »
Very original dynasty! Good luck avoiding meteors--I've never had one pop up, personally, but they are a dynasty plague indeed! I can't wait to see what soup names will be used for the next 7 generations . . .
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 01:20:04 AM »
Thanks to both of you! Actually, I've played for awhile and the second generation is already a toddler. I have many pictures to sort out and post, so, yeah.  ;D
I've never had a meteor strike. But people seems to be getting them often, so being the paranoid person I am, I had to get them indoors quickly. Wouldn't want Potato turned into a mashed potato.

Boiling Pot Hot Romance

A day after Wayne settled in the Soup household, Potato decided to sharpen her knife and called over the hopeless romantic to her garden for a more... intimate moment.

But I just find her mouth hilarious here.

Potato asked Wayne out for a date, and he readily agreed.
Wayne : Okay, kiddie. Stop with the sprinkler and back to your easel. We're having a moment here.

Potato quickly stole his first kiss.

And they watched the stars together, exchanging sweet words along the moment.

Wayne : I've grown many sort of vegetables, but you're the best potato I've ever seen.
Potato : I am above all potatoes.

Doris seemed rather tired with her painting job, and being the kind soul (vegetable?), Potato gave her some encouragement.

Potato : I know you're very talented. No need to worry. That apple painting is awesome.
Doris : Thank you for the kind words, Potato. But that's not an apple, its a tomato.
Potato : Ah, my old pal Tomato. It's been awhile since I saw her. I hope she's not diced yet. We promised to have french fries with ketchup together.

I just noticed that Wayne only had around ten days left before he turns Elder, so I had him take five days unpaid time off and sent him fishing. His LTW is the perfect aquarium, and with his Angler trait, I'm confident he'll fulfill his LTW in no time.

Meanwhile, Potato expands her garden with few rows of Banana trees. She'll start growing a patch of her namesake later.

"So, with 100000$ investment, you will get an insurance policy from us and gain some profit..."
Potato : I told you to leave me out of that rotten vegetables!

Doris had an opportunity to deliver a painting, and after she finished, I sent her to the Consignment Store...

Doris : I was wondering if you're selling cameras.
Saleswoman : What kind of camera? If you just wanted to take a picture, you can always use your cellphone. If you're taking butt shots, I don't recommend using a camera with a flash because you'll probably got find out, and you don't want that. By the way, our camera can't be used to banish ghost. You ask Ghost Hunters for that. And...
Doris : *grumbles* I want Hikon.
Saleswoman : Don't buy camera because it looks cool, because it doesn't -- oh my, you're looking for a Hikon. You're in luck, we have one in stock. It is really an amazing product. For a small camera --
Doris : How much?
Saleswoman : ...even if you're new -- aah, its 2500. Where was I? Oh, even if you're new in...
Doris : I'll have that.
Saleswoman : Thank you for the purchase. Now, about the filter...
Doris : *runs off*

Doris : Here's a gift for being a good girl.
Theresa : Yay, what is it? A whoope cushion? Shower dye? Tinkering set?
Doris : Why would you want those things?
Theresa : *giggles*

And, lastly...

Okay, guys, seriously. I know the chairs were cheap and uncomfortable. But its better than standing up while watching or eating, right?
Theresa : You had no idea.
Potato : It made my behind itchy.

AN : How do you type the symbol simoleons in windows?

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 04:55:00 AM »
Cold, Bland Soupy Days

After all the hassle fishing for Alley Catfish and Angelfish, Wayne eventually caught the jackpot -- a Deathfish. After two failed attempts to reel the black thing in.

Wayne : What kind of soup can I turn this thing to?

Meanwhile, Doris had her birthday in front of the easel. Happy adult birthday, Doris!

But I had no idea why Theresa was laughing at her mother. Maybe because she just got midlife crisis? Oh boi, my first midlife crisis!

I hardly mentioned anything about sculpting slave Finn. Well, he's busy with his chainsaw.

Fish Finn : 23 ice blocks to go. Don't bother me.

In the middle of that, Potato was busy with her garden. She does nothing but gardening nowadays, not even a moment with Wayne. Can't really blame her since the garden's getting bigger.

Got all four special plants from first four special seeds. Yay life fruits! And try to get used to Potato's sleepwear.

Its my first experience dealing with an adult having a midlife crisis, I don't know that midlife crisis wishes did not pop out often. Doris once had a wish to move -- sorry, no dice here. Then she had a wish to plan her outfit, and I was more than willing to oblige. Now all of her outfits are in her favorite yellow color. Bright yellow, unlike Potato's dusty potato color.

And the next day... guess what? Theresa also had her birthday!

Just in time, too. She just finished a batch of perfect Vanilla Muffin. I guess cooking duty is over for her. Ready to cook a Soup, Wayne?

This is Theresa Lucas' pathetic attempt to imitate a bird. And that white fog thing is not a fart, its sparkles.
Theresa : I'm flying without wings!

And finally Doris realized why her daughter Theresa wanted a tinkering kit.

Doris : Augh! I drank the water! *mumbles something about feeling unlucky moodlet*

The next few days are nothing but boring. Theresa and Doris paints, Finn sculpts, Potato gardens, and Wayne fishes. Though, in the span of five days in his long unpaid time off, Wayne managed to catch 13 different perfect fishes, which fulfills his LTW. Congratulations, Wayne!

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 09:57:29 AM »
What!  Where's teen Theresa?  You tease.


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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 11:12:34 AM »
Happy birthday Theresa. I love your story, very original theme. :)

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Offline cathyknits

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 01:53:09 PM »
I like your story!

To type something not entirely unlike the Simoleon symbol, assuming you're using Windows, hold down the Alt key and type 0167 on the number pad on your keyboard: § (it's actually an editor's mark meaning "section" but it's close enough...) Or find the "Character Map" program (probably under Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools). If you're using a Mac, there should be something like the Character Map program, but I don't know if the keyboard method will work.
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2013, 01:29:31 AM »
Thanks to all of you for the nice words! Hmm, I wonder where's teen Theresa... I couldn't find her myself.  ;D
And thanks, cathyknits, for telling me how to use "§". Using dollars makes me feel weird.

Wedding, Family Fun Time, and The Mysterious Purple Glowbug Firefly

Just three days before Wayne hits Elder, Potato called to meet her at the garden...

Another sweet moments between the two gardeners before Potato asked him to go steady. Three guesses for his response, I hope you only need one.

But Potato wasn't about to stop there.

About time!
Wayne : I've long waited for this moment to come... wait, is it 3PM? Drats, I'm losing the carpool! Later, my sweet potato!

Stupid carpool for ruining the moment. But being the patient soul (vegetable), Potato willingly waited for his to-be husband. So, the next day, Potato asked him out on a date to the Oasis Shoreline.

And they had their perfect little wedding there.

A kiss to make it official. Now Wayne Ahmadyar is official Wayne Soup!


?? : Hey.
Finn : Augh, the shards hit my eyes.
?? : Heey.
Finn : *stomach rumbles* Hmm, after I finished this one, I guess I'll take a break.
?? : HEY!
Finn : *turns back* Whoa whoa! A talking glowbug?
?? : I'm not a glow... *sigh* Look, listen. Go outside, your sister and mother's waiting. Go to the Fall Festival for a family bonding time.
Finn : No time, sparklybug. Still around 20 ice blocks.
?? : You hid a stack of Jimmy Sprocket books behind your pillows.
Finn : *sneezes* How did --
?? : Embarrassing. Even Theresa had outgrown the book. Well, I'm not telling anyone if you'll listen.
Finn : *points at the wall since there was no window* It's raining.
?? : Your point?
Finn : Mmph. Look, what do you want anyway?
?? : Nothing important, just leave. You guys haven't been doing anything else other than school and doing arts. Why not use the time?
Finn : Fine.
*Finn has the childish trait.

Left with no choice as the glowbug pulled a blackmail on him (ha-ha), Finn left his sculpting station. True enough, his family were waiting for him on a taxi, and they all went to the Fall Festival. It was the last day, and there's not many people around.
First thing to do...

Pumpkin pie eating contest! Place your bets...

This is Theresa Lucas who got a piece of the pie inside her nose. Gross.

Guess who's really hungry. Congrats, red beard.

Stuffed from all the pumpkin pies, they decided to collect more festival tickets by visiting the haunted house. (Un)fortunately, no one was turned into a ghost inside. I don't know if they can take the taxi that way, since the poor driver might freak out. Though soon after, its closing time and the Lucas family had to go home. Little do they know there's a little surprise waiting for them.

Extra :

This is the newlywed couple's idea of a honeymoon. Reading a cooking book together, how sweet. Not.


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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2013, 02:29:13 AM »
Congrats to the happy couple! I'm curious about the surprise. ;)

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2013, 11:28:12 AM »
I love the dynasty naming theme, it's really original! I also love Lunar Lakes as a world, my DecaDynasty's been there three generations and I still haven't got bored of the scenery. Could the surprise be a nooboo? I hope so.

Good luck with the dynasty too.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2013, 05:34:11 PM »
I love a theme, and this one is nice and silly.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2013, 04:19:56 AM »
New Home And Another Souprise

And the Lucas family made it home before the newlywed Soups did, but...

Finn : Wait, something's different. You sure we got the address right?
Theresa : Should be. But I don't remember these plants having been here before, its a nice touch.
Doris : Fishy. The (old and new) newspapers are gone from the front door.

Theresa : M' gonna go check inside.
Doris : You do that, sweetie. I don't feel so good... *vomits*
Finn : Eew, do that at the toilet, mom!

Theresa : Whoa, who did the re-decorating? Sweet! We actually have sofas to watch TV now! I don't need to stand up again.
Finn : *skeptic* You sure we got the right house?
Theresa : Well, I'm sure this clay end table is your sculpture. So, yeah.

Theresa : Oh wow. We have an art studio!
Doris : *runs in* And there's two more easel, how nice.
Finn : I say I like the taste of whoever's doing the designing. Let's check the bedroom...

Theresa : ...
Finn : You mind if I take back my words?
Theresa : Well, they did change the wallpaper.
Doris : *grumbles* But they didn't upgrade my bed.

*Theresa walks over to the living room*
Theresa : Hmm? Was the wardrobe and mirror there before? Oh well...

(This is where I started to bother with appearances of my sims, and I've been enjoying it.)
Not long after that, both Potato and Wayne returned to their home, and was both surprised and ecstatic when they saw their new home. Wayne quickly notices the new empty aquarium and decided to put a pair of deathfish inside (The Deathfish Breeding Center), but Potato looks at the surrounding, as if expecting someone to come.

?? : Hello there, something gnawing on your mind? Sure its not potato pest invading?
Potato : *turns around* Not funny. I thought you'd never show up.
?? : Well, here I am.
Potato : I'm surprised, you're actually good at decorating.
?? : Consider it your wedding present. And Doris had been wishing to spend some money on redecorating anyway.
Potato : That's very thoughtful of you. Though I've been wanting a separate bedroom. And a pond so my husband can fish for deathfishes all day.
?? : Tell that to the budget. And the aquarium's better, no fishing involved.
Finn : *enters the room* Potato, who are you talking to... wait, you know that purple glowbug?
?? : *sigh* Glowbug again? How rude.
Potato : Umm, yeah, we've met. Something like that. And actually, he's not a glowbug. He's... Ah, I'm not sure myself, just call... it a glowbug. Yeah, a glowbug.
Glowbug : Don't make me peel all of your skin.
Potato : The threat isn't so intimidating coming from a firefly.

Two hours after that, Doris finished her midlife crisis safely. I only managed to fulfill two wishes though. And the next morning they decided to hold a private party... birthday party!

And Theresa's laughing again! Maybe its her Inappropriate trait.

Finn's a young adult now! Off to the sculpting station -- wait, wardrobe first. After the cake.

Glowbug : Finally changed your clothes?
Finn : Yeah. I've been wondering.
Glowbug : Hmm?
Finn : Found a package of clothes with my name on it, and I'm wearing it now. Theresa too. Is that your doing?
Glowbug : And here I was, wondering if you'll ever find out.
Finn : I'll let that one slide as my thanks.
Glowbug : Well, most of you didn't know how to dress properly. What were you thinking when you choose that skinny pants?

Now that the excitement's gone, all returned to their own business.

Potato with her garden...

Wayne with his job as a Pastry Chef, Theresa and Doris with their easel, and Finn with ice blocks. Back to the bland soupy days.
Or not.

Glowbug : Good lord, is that lullaby I heard?

AN : Thanks to whoever's reading this, commenting or not. I really appreciate it.  ;D
No nooboo... not yet anyway. And Lunar Lakes is awesome for two things; refreshing scenery, and the fact that it has no combination rabbit hole. Its the main reason I picked this town, and I don't regret it.

By the way, are the pictures too large?

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2013, 09:44:59 AM »
The pictures look normal to me. I've never heard of a Midlife Crisis changing someone's traits. I hope a soupboo does come along soon!
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By samoht04

Offline Oathbear

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Re: The Soup Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2013, 10:01:06 AM »
*snickers* Soupboo? I like that. I'll start using them as soon as I can.
Oh, traits don't change? Really? Well, I heard from a friend of mine that she got her sim's trait changed after a midlife crisis. I don't know why I just believed that. *slaps self*
Checked the guide and found nothing about trait changing. Sorry 'bout that, I'll edit that part out.

