Author Topic: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 7/03/2013)  (Read 20272 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 17/01/2013)
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2013, 04:46:38 AM »
Nice update. Looks like Cyril and Morgana are really hitting it off. What are Henry's new traits?

Henry got artistic. He'll probably get Savvy Sculptor or Photographer's Eye for his YA trait. He's not going to be the future dynasty spouse (spoiler, sorry) but he's still going to be a big help in the dynasty.

Oh no! Morgannas been abducted.

I laughed when it happened. I'd sent her to bed and all of a sudden she just ran out and got abducted!

Cyril's facial expressions are just so cute. He and Morgana make an adorable couple!

He is just adorable! When I made him I thought he'd be quite boring but he's just hilarious!
And you're right, Morgana and him are just great together. Emma Hatch was the original spouse in my first game with Cyril which unfortunately I forgot to save and then my laptop overheated and everything got erased. I was hunting for Emma and co in this game and that's when he met Morgana. They actually found each other attractive so I thought "Why not?"

Oh, I like the particular shade of green that his eyes are. I hadn't noticed that before.
Well, at least Morgana can't be impregnated by aliens, right? Maybe she'll have more fun up there than her male counterparts.

I'm glad somebody spotted the eyes! They're pretty, aren't they? In his cat form he also had those eyes  :)

I'm not sure if women can get alien pregnant or not but I know Morgana isn't.

Cyril's sappy face are cute lol. Good on the watcher for getting him a kitty. Happy birthday Henry!

Yes, he just needed a kitty. And he's the best cat carer because he's been there  ;)

I was actually a bit mean to Henry because I completely forgot about his birthday and everyone was in bed apart from the glitchy fire-fighter who was still there from earlier.
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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 17/01/2013)
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2013, 07:51:45 AM »
What are Henry's other traits? I didn't see those either.

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 17/01/2013)
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2013, 08:56:19 AM »
What are Henry's other traits? I didn't see those either.

Did I forget to post those? Sorry about that! They are Easily Impressed, Loner and Family-oriented  :)
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The Katze Immortal Dynasty - A wedding and lots of birthdays!
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2013, 10:05:03 AM »
Chapter 5 - A wedding and lots of birthdays!

Winter time comes around at last! Henry had a try at ice skating but apparently it's harder than it looks...

In other news, Morgana had her adult birthday. Cyril isn't even dating her yet so he needs to speed up!

Okay, I spoke too soon...

Yup, I spoke far, far too soon!

Morgana and Cyril had a beautiful Winter wedding. I came prepared and set Morgana's wedding dress as her second outwear outfit. Clever, no?

Somebody please call the Sappy Face Police! We have an emergency here!

*sniffle* So beautiful!

And everybody in attendance seemed to agree.

But through all of this, I'd forgotten that it was Henry's Prom. They called off school for a Snow Day but yet they held the Prom. That school needs to get it's priorities right!

He had a great time and gained a romantic interest who is quite pretty  :)

Little Queenie had her birthday and is now a pretty lady cat who has the freedom of adventure!

And that's not the last of the birthdays for this chapter! Gobias took the big step from Adult to Elder.

Watcher: Don't look so worried, Gobias! Everything will be okay!

Gobias: But I'll be old and grey...

Watcher: Old, but certainly not grey! I'll make sure of that.

Gobias: I feel old.

Watcher: You are.

Gobias: No, you're supposed to say, "Of course you aren't, Gobias!"

Watcher: I stand by what I said (secret "Mwahahahahahaah!")

Gobias did get some groovy new clothes though and his old hair back and as promised, no grey!

I nearly forgot to get Cyril's painting done but luckily Henry had got to level 7 without me realising so it wasn't a problem. I think it has to be the funniest portrait I've ever seen!

And to round up this chapter, Cyril's Adult birthday! Prepare for funny faces...

Watcher: Cyril, it's time.

Cyril: For what?

Watcher: A Nooboo...
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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013)
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2013, 10:27:49 AM »
Yay!  Bring on the babies.

Offline Snufflesxx

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The Katze Immortal Dynasty - Little Cody Katze
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2013, 11:10:18 AM »
I've been burning to post this chapter and I can't leave the house to go and play in the snow because I've got a cold so I thought "Why not?"
So here it is!

Chapter 6 - Little Cody Katze

Watcher: I... am... so... EXCITED!

Morgana: So am I, Watcher!

Cyril: I'm not!

Ahh, music to my ears! Literally.

Morgana: Bleeeeghh!

Do you think Morgana looks a litte... pregnant?

Cyril: Hello, little noooboo! How are you? How's the weather in there?

Morgana: It can't hear you, dear.

Cyril: Sure he can!

In the days leading up to the birth, Cyril works on his skills. Fishing mostly.

Watcher: Cyril, how can you hold that shark like that?

Cyril: What are you talking about?

Watcher: You're holding a live shark which weighs nearly 90kg with only your thumb and finger. How is that even possible?

Cyril: I dunno...

Watcher: *facepalm*

Watcher: How are you doing, Morgana?

Morgana: Oh, you know, just going into labour and it's absolute agony. No big deal.

Watcher: Really? I'll just leave you to it then.

Morgana: It was sarcasm!

So Cyril and Morgana headed off in a taxi to the hospital...

And soon their baby boy was born! Meet Cody Katze, whose traits are Clumsy and Excitable.

I can't wait to see who he looks like!

Note: I didn't and don't plan to try and sway the gender. I want it to be completely random!
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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2013, 12:03:31 PM »
Okay, there's two really odd things that have just happened in my game that I just have to tell you about right now!

1) I was searching through the mail and somebody (Pauline Wan, I think) sent Cyril and Morgana that enormous plane statue thing as a wedding gift  :o
I didn't want it clogging up the lot so I sold it for 75,000 Simleons! Pretty awesome, right?

2) This incident was followed by a heart-attacked moment for me because Cyril suddenly left work without any warning and then he got zapped by lightning! I was sure it was going to kill him and the Katze Dynasty but he was just left singed and looking very silly! LOL!

So, yeah, it was a very exciting day in the Katze household!
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Offline Willsie

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2013, 04:15:31 PM »
A nooboo yay. Are you going to reveal Henry's romantic interest in the next update?

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2013, 04:23:32 PM »
A nooboo yay. Are you going to reveal Henry's romantic interest in the next update?

I might. I wasn't actually going to take their relationship any further but Henry got two gifts through the post from her and then he got a wish to go on a date with her. So, yeah!
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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2013, 10:07:02 PM »
Is she a townie or NPC?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2013, 10:36:34 PM »

That is a great young adult portrait. It would be awesome if you could have all of his portraits be "insane" poses! I also like the page break lines that you're using; is that what the "horizontal rule" button does?

Can't wait to see how the nooboo turns out!

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2013, 02:35:19 AM »
Welcome Cody Katze. I can't wait to see what he looks like either.

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 18/01/2013 again!)
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2013, 04:37:17 AM »
Is she a townie or NPC?

I have no idea! I'm guessing NPC because she isn't an original townie and doesn't look like a descendant of any original townies so unless her family has moved to the town I'm assuming she's a NPC.

That is a great young adult portrait. It would be awesome if you could have all of his portraits be "insane" poses! I also like the page break lines that you're using; is that what the "horizontal rule" button does?

Can't wait to see how the nooboo turns out!

For the painting, I just made sure the rest of the household were in bed and told Henry to paint the portrait. After that it was just a waiting game to see if Cyril would make any goofy faces. He did one, but Henry decided he was too tired. So I sent Cyril back out to the garden while Henry got his strength up and we tried again. This time it was perfect!

And yes, that is the horizontal rule button. I wasn't sure about using it because I know we're not allowed to use many of the features up there because they make the Forum look messy but I'd seen other people use that feature so I thought it would be great for dividing up the story a little better.

Welcome Cody Katze. I can't wait to see what he looks like either.

When I posted this chapter originally, I said his name was Corey because I'd completely forgotten! I choose Cody because it just sounded so cute and I couldn't believe I'd forgotten it!
You will find out in the next chapter what he looks like. The burrito isn't really a big deal  :P
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The Katze Immortal Dynasty - Cyril goes missing
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2013, 05:20:24 AM »
Chapter 7 - Cyril goes missing

Morgana: Hello, little Cody. Want a bottle?

Morgana: Weeeeeheee!

Morgana: Aww, you're such a cutie! Not when you need changing though. Where is Cyril?

Cyril: Don't tell her I'm out here, Watcher!

Watcher: I won't, but are you completely oblivious to the unicorn standing just a few metres away?

Cyril: Don't be silly, Watcher. Unicorns are imaginary!

Watcher: This is Sims.

Henry: It's my birthday and everyone's ignoring me again!

Watcher: Sorry, Henry. Did you say something?

Henry: Grrrr...

Henry's new everyday. I got lazy.

Morgana: Where is he? I'm the only one who ever does the changing!

Watcher: Cyril...?!

Cyril: Lightning bolt.

Watcher: You left the safety of the indoors so you could go outside and get zapped?

Cyril: Yes. And let's never speak of it again.

Gobias: Ah, Agnes!

Agnes: Gobias! Oh it's just fantastic to see you!

Gobias: You're as beautiful as ever, Agnes.

Agnes: Oh, you charmer, Gobias!

Gobias: Agnes...

Agnes: What?


Watcher: Aww...

But they certainly didn't finish there...

Morgana: Where is he? He's missing his own son's birthday!

Watcher: I think he's in hiding, Morgana. From the nooboo.
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Offline Toni

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 19/01/2013)
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2013, 06:07:53 AM »
Hes still a burrito! Noooo! From the pictures he doesn't seem to have inherited Morgannas pale skin, I just hope he inherits some of his mothers good features. Morganna is quite beautiful.