Author Topic: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 7/03/2013)  (Read 20264 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 7/03/2013)
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:07:43 PM »
Intro - Part 1

Cuddles was a cat with pride.

But with this pride came aggression.

He pushed everyone away with his anger.

Therefore, he had no friends and no happiness.
But what he didn’t know was that somebody was watching him from afar. She was Evelyn Jacks, one of the most powerful witches in the land.

“Hello there, Cuddles.” She was trying to get close to him.

“How do you know my name?” He spat back at her. Did I forget to mention he could talk?

Evelyn was startled by his outburst but continued calmly.
“So, Cuddles, I have a deal for you. You do something for me and I promise that one day you will be the king of your castle.” She told him.

He paused to consider it for a moment and then a sly smile crept across his face.
“My own castle? Are you serious?”
“Serious as can be. Now, come here.”

“I don’t think you said anything about magic...”
“Hold onto your tail!”

“Ah-ha! It worked!”

“Hmm, my fingers taste nice...”

“And off I go!”

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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Snufflesxx

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The Katze Immortal Dynasty - Intro Part 2
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 04:31:47 PM »
Intro - Part 2

"Where am I?" Cuddles shouted into thin air.

"Sunset Valley" A voice came from behind him."

The green woman had appeared in a portal only a few feet away.

"Hello, Cuddles. Long time, no see, right? Enjoy your new body?" She chortled.

"New body?!" Cuddles exclaimed loudly. Then he looked down. Gone were his four furry paws and instead there were two big feet, covered by shoes. His legs were long, his arms dangled by his sides and, worst of all, his tail was missing altogether!
"What have you done to me?" He wailed in despair.
"Ah, that was part of the deal. Remember?" She cackled.

"Now, there is no time to waste! First, I have bought you a plot of land on the other side of town. It's in-between the two mansions on the hill, you should have no problem finding it."

"After that you need a wife, job and, most importantly, a kid. He or she will be your heir."

"Then you will need to..."

"No!" Cuddles had had enough of it. He didn't want a wife or a plot of land or a job or a kid. He just wanted his bed, he wanted his tail, his whiskers.

"I can't do this. I'm just a cat!"

"Please, Cuddles, you must! Remember the part about the castle? That can be yours if you just do this."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it!"

So Cuddles walked away. But as he was going, Evelyn called to him.

"One thing I forgot to mention to you..."
"What's that?"
"I've assigned you...

A Watcher..."


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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

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Offline Willsie

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 05:00:55 PM »
Good intro. Can't wait for more of the story.


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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 05:21:53 PM »
Hes a cat! Awww. Great intro will be reading more.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 06:45:38 PM »
Now that is an interesting way to begin a dynasty! I can't wait to read more!

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 03:11:25 AM »
Good intro. Can't wait for more of the story.

Hes a cat! Awww. Great intro will be reading more.

Now that is an interesting way to begin a dynasty! I can't wait to read more!

Thanks everybody! I can't wait to post more!

The inspiration for him to be a cat actually came from somebody else's dyansty. They didn't have a cat turning into a human but their first picture was of a cat so that was my assumption. They didn't actually do that, so I just nabbed the idea  ;D
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Offline Snufflesxx

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The Katze Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 1 - Watching over you
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2013, 03:46:53 AM »
Chapter 1 - Watching over you

Watcher: Ah, Cuddles! You are here at last! Evelyn told me about you. Interesting...

Cuddles: What's interesting? *licks fingers*

Watcher: Okay, hold it right their, mister! No hand licking, no eat raw meat, no chasing mice. Actually, let's scrap Cuddles altogether. Let's go for... Cyril!

Cyril: Cyril? But I've always been Cuddles!

Watcher: Sorry, but when you're a Sim you have to be a lot more... Sim-like! Otherwise you'll never get a wife or friends and the whole dynasty will  fail!

Cyril: Dynasty? Who said anything about a dynasty? I thought it was just wife, job, kid, done!

Watcher: You have much to learn, dear Cyril.

Watcher: Right, let's have a look at you...

Watcher: Nice, very nice, Cyril!

Cyril: Am I... handsome?

Watcher: Certainly! You'll have ladies snapping at your feet!

Cyril: They'll try to bite me? If they do, I'll bite back!

Watcher: No, no, Cyril! Definitely don't try to bite your potential spouses! Now, let's have a look at your clothes...

Cyril: A man cardigan? Really?

Watcher: You're a cat with no fashion sense, remember? I'm the Watcher, I make decisions.

Cyril: This is not fair...

Watcher: Hi again, Cyril. Like your new plot of land?

Cyril: It's a field with a dustbin and a mailbox. Am I supposed to be jumping through hoops about this?

Watcher: Hey! It's a personalized mailbox! Look! It says 'The Katze Familly'.

Cyril: I don't remember anything about being the Katze Family...

Watcher: Well you are now! Let's go fishing!

Cyril: Fishing?!  :)

Cyril: Now this is something I could really get into!

Watcher: That's great! This is going to be your Supermax then!

Cyril: Supermax...?

Watcher: No time to explain! Gardening time!

Cyril: This isn't as much fun as fishing. Can't I go back and do that?

Watcher: No, we need to get your gardening levels up. You'll be the grower of the Life Fruit!

Cyril: What's a....

Watcher: Sorry, but we're in a rush! Bedtime!

Cyril: A sleeping bag? Seriously?

Watcher: We're trying to save money here! Other Watcher spend their whole budget straight away on comfy beds but I know it's much better to save!

Cyril: Stupid Watcher, why did I get landed with you...?

Watcher: Did you say something?

Cyril: Nothing...

The next day, Cyril reads the paper while stink waves emerge from his clothes.

Cyril: Look here! A gym!

Watcher: You could do with a shower. And you might meet some pretty ladies while you're at it!

Cyril: Wow, she is hot!

Just act normal. She pretty and she's got money. Go for it!

Cyril: Flowers?

Morgana Wolff: Thank you. They smell beautiful!

Cyril: Just like you. I mean, it's not that you smell beautiful but you look beautiful. But you don't smell bad either... so would you like to move in with me?

Morgana: Sure thing, honey.

Cyril: (to Morgana) You do realise that it's just a field. It's nowhere near as good as your beach house...

Morgana: But look! I can see a little house!

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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

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Offline Willsie

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 7/01/2013)
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 06:46:35 AM »
Nice update. Never seen her as a dynasty spouse.


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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 7/01/2013)
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2013, 07:50:34 AM »
Great start! I don't think Cyril like his watcher very much lol. ;D

Offline Snufflesxx

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The Katze Immortal Dynasty - Go buy us a Koffi
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2013, 03:48:28 PM »
Chapter 2 - Go buy us a Koffi

Watcher: Do you like the house?

Cyril: It's awesome!

Watcher: Let me give you a quick tour...

The main living space and dining area:

The kitchen:

Your bedroom:

The other part of your room:

The bathroom:

And the balcony:

Cyril: Nice... very nice...

Morgana: And the nursery...?

Watcher: It's the blank, undecorated room at the back.

Morgana: Yipee!

Morgana broke up with Thorton.

Morgana: You never did anything for me! You never accepted any of my wishes! I wanted babies, but you said no! I was always second best with you, Thornton, and I don't want to be second best anymore! Just go away and stay away!

Thornton: Whatever. I was so over you anyway.

Morgana: Get out!

Morgana got a stunning makeover.

Morgana: Thanks, Watcher.

Watcher: Don't mention it...

Her new hairstyle:

And her new everyday outfit:

Cyril and Morgana decided to attend a party at Gobias Koffi's house.

Morgana: Hey there, Gobias. I know you've been living by yourself for a long time so me and Cyril thought maybe you'd like to...

Gobias: Move in? Sure!

Morgana: Cyril! We're leaving. Gobias is coming to live with us!

Cyril: One minute, I'll just grab the last of his plants...

Morgana: *rolls eyes*

Watcher: Hi there, Gobias, I'm the Watcher.

Gobias: I think I know you. I think you used me as a test dummy for your Death Chambers...

Watcher: Hush, Gobias! (He's kidding, Readers, honestly...)

Gobias: So, do I get a makeover?

Watcher: Yup. Certainly...

Watcher: Looking good, Gobias!

Gobias: I feel smarter...

And finally...

Gobias: Yes, I'd love to adopt!

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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Willsie

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 10/01/2013)
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2013, 04:14:56 PM »
Great update. Nice house. I haven't seen anybody use adoption in a dynasty before.

Offline Dextra2

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 10/01/2013)
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2013, 04:36:36 PM »
Great update. Nice house. I haven't seen anybody use adoption in a dynasty before.
It's been used quite a bit. Check around and you'll find some of those stories. ;)
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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 10/01/2013)
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2013, 05:43:36 PM »
Ah, CAS, your cure for baldness would make big bucks in the real world.  What an improvement on old Gobais.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 10/01/2013)
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2013, 11:24:29 PM »
Great update. Nice house. I haven't seen anybody use adoption in a dynasty before.

Ricalynn actually uses it in her third and final attempt at finishing the tale of Artie and immortality.


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Re: The Katze Immortal Dynasty (updated 10/01/2013)
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2013, 01:11:26 AM »
Gobias look so handsome! The house look great.