Author Topic: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty  (Read 82131 times)


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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #90 on: March 02, 2013, 05:26:27 PM »
I get confused by the comments as I cannot see a purple nooboo.
But I do like the update and the name Zane a lot! :)

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #91 on: March 02, 2013, 05:54:29 PM »

Yay, rainboo! How exciting! Angela's facial structure does look odd on a toddler, but you never know. She could grow up into a real cutie as she grows into it. The twin's outfits look great--especially Lilith's black and blue cobweb dress.

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #92 on: March 03, 2013, 01:52:06 PM »
I get confused by the comments as I cannot see a purple nooboo.

In the ninth and tenth picture Alana is holding Zane and he is very much purple.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #93 on: March 30, 2013, 02:49:34 PM »
Obviously if you are going to take the trouble of making them be the right names and all then you must fix the hair. I think Lilith is prettier and I hope Zane chooses her. Zane! Cool name. I like his purpleness.

Well, exactly! I hope Zane chooses Lilith too, totally honestly, but they're all toddlers so he's not really capable of showing a preference yet... Angela is cool but with the traits I've got planned for her she's much less suited to Zane than Lilith is.

Both of the girls are cute, but Lilith is really pretty. Congrats on a purpleboo! ;D

Thanks! I'm so happy I got a purpleboo, I hope they all are. Though I know that's not that likely to happen.

Both the twins are so cute! But the facial structure (was it Daniel's?) Looks kind of wierd on a toddler. Lilith is probably my favorite, but I like Angela to. They are both so cute. YAY FOR A PURPLE BABY! I love purple, and nooboos, so, Zane is so awesome lol.

I think it's Daniel's facial structure Angela has, yeah. Maybe I'll make him a woman in CAS to see (or is that cruel?). Zane is definitely awesome, I can't wait for him to grow up.

I get confused by the comments as I cannot see a purple nooboo.
But I do like the update and the name Zane a lot! :)

Oh, can you see him now? He should be in a couple of the pictures. There'll be more in the next update too. I don't really do naming themes very well, but the loose theme for this one is 'names I've had rejected as baby names by my partner'. And to be honest, some of the ones on the list would possibly be cruel to a real baby but fine for a sim!

Yay, rainboo! How exciting! Angela's facial structure does look odd on a toddler, but you never know. She could grow up into a real cutie as she grows into it. The twin's outfits look great--especially Lilith's black and blue cobweb dress.

I'm almost tempted to save the twins and Zane to CAS and see how they look aged up, but I'm resisting the temptation so far! I really enjoyed making their outfits, for once the toddler selection seemed to have exactly the sort clothes I wanted. The game needs more toddler clothes though.

In the ninth and tenth picture Alana is holding Zane and he is very much purple.

He is indeed!

New update coming up shortly.

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #94 on: March 30, 2013, 03:53:42 PM »
How to Raise Your Evil Baby

Alana referred to the constant noise of Zane and the girls as a soundtrack of screaming. I prefer the metaphor of a constant screaming alarm system. I never knew how much babies ate before we had three of them, or how often it all needs to come out of the other end. The women just laughed at me when I said that. They also didn't appreciate my suggestion of just feeding them less to make them need to go less.

I don't know why, because everyone knows input = output. I even learnt that from a book on logical thinking that Mary Sue herself lent me. Apparently the logic doesn't follow to babies.

But then again, babies seem to be anything but logical. They don't just scream if they're hungry or if they've filled their nappy again. They scream if they're too tired or if they're too awake, if they're bored or overstimulated, if they're lonely or if there's too many people around. After a while I gave up on trying to work out exactly what was wrong with the two toddlers of the house, and just stuck them on the floor everytime they cried with a bottle, a doll and the potty. And after a few sleepless nights in a row, the women even agreed with my idea.

Maybe I should open a daycare centre. Indoctrinating toddlers is probably easier than indoctrinating adults.

On the flipside, though, I am rather good at being a criminal. And I don't just say that about myself. Alana thinks so too.

The work is easy, the hours are good (I don't have to get up before lunchtime, always a bonus), and I get to work with my massively sexy wife. What else could an Evil man wish for?

Well, apart from world domination, and that's only a matter of time, isn't it.

I also have a son. A son. Someone who is related to me and who I don't hate. I love him, if you can love someone who you barely know and who can't do anything much yet other than make stupidly loud noises and eat. Seriously, I'm surprised he's not double the size.

He's perfect. I'm not to be confused with someone who's soppy, or anything ridiculous like that, but I really could snuggle him all day. And he's Evil, to boot. You can just tell. Alana agrees. Mary Sue says that something that small can't be evil, although she acknowledges that with the parents he has it's more likely.

I say, with the parents he has, he's the most awesome baby on earth. Though not in front of the toddlers. They're learning to talk and I don't want them to scream at me any more than they already do.

And he has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of really tasty candy. Alana swears she isn't giving it to him, so the hospital must've. Or he just generates it.

You'll notice the lack of Daniel in any baby care. In the house father stakes, I'm winning. He's still faffing about with ice in the garden. Fairly unsuccessfully, also.

He's more interested in furthering my attempts at immortality than seeing his daughters. I think I'm flattered. But I'm also not totally sure I ever told him this was all an immortality attempt, and so perhaps he just really enjoys hanging out with a cold lump of ice all day.

Or wants to get away from his family. His kids aren't that bad, and neither's Mary Sue.

Talking of kids. Alana's still trying to get Leilani to speak to her. At least her daughter's picking up the phone now, rather than just ignoring the calls, but she's not saying anything more than a few choice words that even I won't repeat. I don't know if I feel bad for causing this rift, but I wouldn't do it differently. So probably I don't.

The paparazzi have descended on us in full force. The mayor's wife leaving her husband and daughter is a story, yes, but really for this long? We've all become minor celebrities on the island, and our living situation scrutinised. The islanders really are starved for entertainment if Daniel sculpting, which he does day-in, day-out, is exciting for them.

Not that I've ever seen anyone reading the gossip magazines the pictures are in, so maybe they really do care as little as we do.

And them being occupied photographing Daniel and his ice kept them out of mine and Alana's hair on our date-night. We're trying to visit every beach on the island together, which considering it's an island will keep us occupied for a while. Some of them aren't that great.

It's not the view I'm here for, though.

“What you thinking about, babydoll? You don't look happy.”

“I'm getting old soon. You're still young.”

“So what?”

“So, you might not love me anymore. When I'm saggy and grey, and when there's young hot girls parading round in their bikinis.”

“We'll get you some hair dye and some of those control pants.”

“I knew you were shallow. And there's no way in Simnation I'm wearing those ugly control pants. I'd rather sag onto your side of the bed than that.”

“If you sag onto my side of the bed, you're definitely getting replaced.”

“Knew it, Shark.”

She turned to me, and smiled. This was the way we'd always be. She's mine, and she'll always be mine.

“I love you,” she whispered into my ear.

“I love you too. And I'd never leave you. I'd cry if anyone else had you.”

“So not because you want me, but because you don't want anyone else to have me. You know how to talk to a lady, Shark.”

“That I do.”

As we left, Alana's worries lessened, I saw an older couple further back on the beach. It almost made me wish I'd get old with Alana. That was what I wanted to be, always together. Grey hairs and unreliable joints and all.

Although I certainly wouldn't want a baby to chase after with old joints.

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #95 on: March 30, 2013, 04:30:27 PM »
There so cute together :) What took you so long with the update? Shark is really funny, even if he doesn't feed his babies as much as he should :D

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #96 on: March 30, 2013, 06:28:11 PM »
I enjoy him very much. I think he found the perfect wife. He pretends to be all cold but you can tell he has strong feelings.
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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2013, 08:48:45 PM »

They really are such a great fit. Shark's view on the toddlers is . . . illogically logical! Unfortunately for Shark, everything in life can't be reduced to a science. Looking forward to seeing the little boo grow up!

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #98 on: March 31, 2013, 01:52:05 PM »
There so cute together :) What took you so long with the update? Shark is really funny, even if he doesn't feed his babies as much as he should :D

Yeah, they are :) I was ill for a few weeks and so I'm only just catching up on stuff really, sorry about the really long wait! I promise it'll be a much shorter gap between this chapter and the next one!

I enjoy him very much. I think he found the perfect wife. He pretends to be all cold but you can tell he has strong feelings.

I think he did too. She's Evil and can deal with his inability to express himself, pretty much what he needs. Even if she'll age to elder while he's still a young adult. I really enjoy writing the soppy scenes for Seb and Alana, and they're always doing romantic interactions autonomously. Mary Sue and Daniel just ignore each other.

They really are such a great fit. Shark's view on the toddlers is . . . illogically logical! Unfortunately for Shark, everything in life can't be reduced to a science. Looking forward to seeing the little boo grow up!

I can't wait to see Zane grow up either! I also can't wait to see Seb trying to deal with teens, if he thinks toddlers are illogical I don't know what he's going to make of teenagers.


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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #99 on: March 31, 2013, 09:01:31 PM »
You never said anything. And Seb knows he is destined to start and finish an immortal dysnasty.
But somehow I'm starting to feel really sorry for Seb. He loves Alana so much...  I've never had this sentiment before. A challenge is a challenge is a challenge... until I read your story. Great update! :)

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #100 on: April 01, 2013, 09:31:54 AM »
You never said anything. And Seb knows he is destined to start and finish an immortal dysnasty.
But somehow I'm starting to feel really sorry for Seb. He loves Alana so much...  I've never had this sentiment before. A challenge is a challenge is a challenge... until I read your story. Great update! :)

I do too. I think Alana going, when she does, is going to really affect him. I guess I can't not get attached to my sims, even though I'm playing mostly for the challenge in this file, so I gave up trying not to when writing this story. I'm far too emotionally invested in their relationship and Alana had better live a long time!

And he probably should say something to his helpers, but somehow I doubt he will.

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #101 on: April 01, 2013, 07:00:09 PM »
In My Defence – Daniel

I have a bad reputation in my own house. I'm not even one of the two round here who are self-confessed Evil. There's three Evil people if you count the offspring, and I'm the one who's the bad guy and the one in the wrong.

The littlest one of the house had a birthday, and while everyone's celebrating I'm there. In the background, not getting in the way. It's not my family's day, so I don't want or need to be in the forefront. And I still get a earful later for not being enthusiastic enough.

I'm sorry, but he's a baby. If it wasn't for him getting hair and outfits instead of a slug-blanket, he'd not have noticed it was his birthday. I'm not sure he even did. Too busy trying to grab things and crawl onto things.

I suspect nothing I do can be good enough. My wife has no idea about how hard I'm working. Her idea of a good life is so narrow that it doesn't involve anything outside of a sensible days work and coming home to see the kids. She's happy with her life revolving around responsibility and children.

I'm not. I wanted to see the world, be someone. I never intended to settle down young and have a wife and two kids before I was a proper adult. That's a fine life for those who want it, but why would you want it? I don't want two small beings dependant on me and I never asked for them. They were Mary Sue's idea.

But don't paint me as a bad person because of that. Lots of people make mistakes. You'll have made a few. And I'm not going to run away, that's not my style. I'll stick it out, but there's no way you'll get me over-enthusiastic at somebody else's baby's birthday party.

Unfortunately, everyone else around here is baby mad. Even Sebastian, who I had down as sensible. Normal. Someone like me who'd want fun and to make something of themselves, not to couple up and change nappies. He's besotted with his little Zane, that much is plain to see. You can hardly separate them.

He even takes him out for beach walks and things like that. You'd think the kid was a girl he was seeing, not a toddler who can't even use a potty properly yet. Beach walks.

A good dad, that's what Mary Sue described him as. With a pointed look at me. Way to make your husband feel good about himself, darling.

It almost makes sense, with the women. It's probably what they're hardwired for. And anyway, in Alana's case she's old enough to have done what she wants to have done before the kid came along. She adores her son, calls him her second chance. Sappy as.

I dunno if he adores her. As far as I can see he's not got the capability to think about anything other than himself yet. He's a right grumpy one, and that's about all the personality he's got so far.

It's not that I don't like my daughters. It's not that I want other people to do the dirty work of raising them, and to come along and be the proud daddy later. It's not that I don't want them. I resent their mother for landing me with them far more than I can resent them. It's not their fault, after all.

But I don't want to spend any time with them. And if that makes me a bad dad, then that's the way it is. I'll make up for it in the future.

And Mary Sue? I love her, or I thought I did. Maybe I love the woman I thought she was. I thought she was more like me. I didn't notice her change into... this.. whatever she is now.

Mother. This mother.

And so for me it's more sculpting. More of everyone ignoring me, even when I manage to set myself on fire.

I'm not baby-obsessed, and in real life there'd be no punishment for that. Here, however, different story. Another day, another baby milestone discussed, another Daniel milestone ignored.

Do I wish I'd never married her? I don't know.

And Seb might have gone over to their dark side, but at least he's not ignored. His wife's still interested.

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #102 on: April 01, 2013, 08:17:27 PM »
I laughed so hard at the last picture. Oh and:
I have a bad reputation in my own house. I'm not even one of the two round here who are self-confessed Evil. There's three Evil people if you count the offspring, and I'm the one who's the bad guy and the one in the wrong.
Of course your the evil one Danny. It's a crime not to love babies, I say! A real an true crime, I say!
Does Danny have the Dislikes Children trait, by any chance?
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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #103 on: April 01, 2013, 08:17:52 PM »
Oh my gosh, ZANE IS SO ADORABLE! It's nice to hear Daniel's point of view and why he hates everybody. I hope he WILL make up for never spending time with the twins. Dextra, he doesn't have the dislikes children trait, but he does have commitment issues, no maybe thats why he doesn't spend time with Angela and Lilith because its a commitment that he broke :)

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Re: How To Take Over The World - An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #104 on: April 01, 2013, 09:27:54 PM »

It's fun to hear from Daniel, even if it is kind of a depressing point of view. It's not a perspective you see very often in a dynasty story, and I can sympathize, not being very much into babies myself. Maybe once his daughters are over the baby phase and more into the actual intellectual person phase he'll find he likes them quite well? One can hope!