Author Topic: Chronicles of The Narnians [Graveyard please!]  (Read 7213 times)

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [NOW on Youtube!]
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2013, 10:03:50 AM »
Nicole - you're allowed to double/triple/quardruple post on your own story thread if it's different chapters.  Never fear!

Do you plan on only using youtube from now on for the story?
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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [NOW on Youtube!]
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2013, 10:23:21 AM »
Oh, I know. I just thought posting to add a link would be a bit excessive. I'll still be posting stuff here, more of the fictional story, while the youtube videos will be actual gameplay (with hopefully the boring bits taken out). It's just a different way for me to tell the story and keep interested.

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [NOW on Youtube!]
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2013, 12:03:24 PM »
Polly becomes a child

Hey gang,

Panther here, to let you all in on what's been happening with us. Firstly, our watcher decided a change of house was needed, and knocked down the old one. She says she used "blueprints" to create the house, whatever that means. It does look pretty good. The pool is still out back and we have a greenhouse to the side.

I like it. I have my own space, where I can write my life story. Yeah, someone at work suggested I do it, to help raise my profile. So I'm giving it a shot. NormaJean's going well in her career too - she got a Sims Choice award the other week.

He he, here's Diggory doing his fortune teller thing on Pam Halliwell. I have no idea how covering someone's face with your hand tells their fortune but there you go. It's much better than the crystal ball - I hated Diggory for weeks after he used that on me.

I threw a birthday party for Polly, invited the kids around. I have 4 now! Can you believe it? The youngest is Helmut (how Liz comes up with these names I really don't know). Sadly, Lindsey's much older than Polly, but she's met Jamiey and Bonnie at school.

I leave you with Pink in the pool. It's the middle of winter but you'll still find him there, doggie paddling like it's the middle of summer. Polly's a fan of the pool as well, but fishes in it. (Weird I reckon, but she seems to enjoy herself.)

Well, I best go. The watcher says they'll be a Youtube video soon of the birthday party - that's why we've got no photos. All the best,

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Polly's a teen, Youtube 3!]
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2013, 09:13:05 AM »
The Tuder - Character children

I thought you might want to have a look at the kids that Panther has created outside the household. I kept his lifetime wish of Surrounded by Family, only I can't move them in. 3 of the 5 are teens already, so that counts. I've never attempted to do this before, but there you go.

This is the eldest, Lindsey. He aged up just before Polly, and I've had my eye on him as a potential spouse since he was born. It was a nightmare getting the two to meet but, when they did, they were instantly attracted to each other. This was the night before the Prom and all. I think he has a bad boy look about him, which could be the attraction for good, innocent Polly.

The next in line is Jaimey, Polly's best friend in the family. I like her, she looks like she'd be Polly's twin, but I didn't mean it that way.

This is Bonnie, the middle child. So far the names are pretty normal but something happen between the birth of this girl and the next one.

This is Helmut. Yep, that's his name. Where they got that I have no idea.

There's one missing from the 5, the youngest Mikel, who was a toddler at the time. Liz is a strange mother - there's one crib and one spare bed. That's it. The kids must sleep in sleeping bags or something. And when Panther invites Liz over, the kids disappear. When Polly visited the night before Prom, they were there alone. Jaimey seemed to be the responsible one, as she was the only one feeding Mikel.

As you can see from the first post, Digory is close to meeting his requirements for immortality. He just needs to be a elder and get his museum pieces completed. Both Panther and Polly learned how to make ambroisa, and Eliza had already produced a Deathflower, so its good to go.

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Youtube Part 4 - hints and tips!]
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2013, 09:26:50 AM »
While waiting for Digory to age up and have his museum pieces completed, I made another Youtube video. This includes how to replicate Ambrosia in the food replicator, using the moveobjects cheat on sculptures and using the Tab key to get better portrait shots. All hints I got from the hint thread, made in a more visual form!

Click here to go to the video!

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Polly at Uni]
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2013, 10:20:53 AM »
One story ends and another begins

At last Digory was ready to join the realm of the Immortals. First off was his birthday to become an elder.

A rare picture of everyone together. Digory is still in his work gear, as I did it after work. The picture excludes the most recent addition to the family, Lindsey Tuder, who had aged up before Polly. Also, Fledge's clone, Hope has joined, meaning we have a full house until someone dies.

This is the latest floor plan of the house, all constructed using blue prints. I recorded a tour, without commentary as I have a sore throat. As soon as that clears up, I'll put audio to it and put it on the web.

Digory takes his first take of Ambrosia, watched by his anxious wife. The meal is not only divine but perfect, as Polly kicked it up a notch before storing it on the replicator (thanks Rica for that tip). Elisa had grown 3 deathflowers so far and they were given to Digory.

Polly aged up and I gave her the Dog Person trait, as I had decided all the heirs would love animals. Then it was off to University for Elisa, Polly and Lindsey. I'll let Polly take over here.

Dear Mum, Dad, Uncle Panther, Uncle Declan,

So we made it to University safely. You really didn't need to insist Elisa chaperone us! We got a nice three bedroom place all to ourselves. There was a gathering at the Student Union first, so we all went there first.

Elisa went to a place called Llama Beach, as she had heard about a mysterious seed that folks said was there. Well, it is there, and Elisa used her scientist skills to analyse it and take a sample. Lindsey and I didn't tag along - that sounded boring (nerd!)

We played table tennis instead. Lindsey won, and did a little dance just to annoy me. He enjoyed winning so much, that he's spent most of his free time here playing sport.

This is Elisa doing more nerdy stuff - she's cloning that seed she found. She managed to make a perfect Forbidden Fruit seed. I have no idea what that means - she's the one into gardening. I ask Lindsey, and he's never heard of it either. Must be a Scientist thing.

While Elisa and Lindsey are at their lecture at the student union, I declare my love at the Quad. It's my favourite place to hang out - all the communications students were out there, with their portable radio stations. My megaphone wasn't as far reaching as they were though. Whatever.

Lindsey said the lecture was interesting, he even put his hand up and asked a question.

This picture tells a different story, so I'm not sure I believe him. My lecture was after his and, get this - the lecturer didn't turn up! I thought she must be invisible, so I raised my hand. A few of the rebels did the same. I'm a level 10 Rebel now!

This might have something to do with it. I thought clowns have had it coming for a long time - so I started a protest at the Quad. Rebels are all up for that sort of gear.

"Down with Clowns" was a huge success! We have an amazing turn out!

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Polly at Uni]
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2013, 10:40:32 AM »

Even this pair of Jocks were ranting and getting into it! We released balloons and threw confetti to celebrate the success at the end.

Street Art is another thing the Rebels have gotten me into. They even gave me a Street Art kit! Not only is it beautifying the place, it counts towards my degree. I swear, I'm not kidding! It's included in Fine Arts now. I've been listening to the Guitar tabcast as well, and that's really helped with my grade, but more on that later.

Elisa is more into Science. Well, that's to be expected - she is a Mad Scientist now. This is her working on the Group Science Project thing outside the Science block. It makes some weird noises - I'm too scared to go near it. Street Art is safer (well, not really).

Oh yeah, this is Liz, my first Rebel best friend. The Watcher likes her purple hair - I think she's cool. I asked if I could sketch her, but I think I was thinking about someone else at the time. *blushes*

Okay, I'll own up. I was arrested doing Street Art. They fined me 1,000 simoleons and took me home. I was so embarrassed, so I did the only thing I could do - staged a hunger strike against handcuffs.

Lindsey and Elisa turned up to show their support. Lindsey said he supported me, but I caught him sneaking a bite! I pretended I hadn't seen.

Elisa was much more supportive. She looks just as angry as I was in this photo.

Watchers note: The invisible drummer. I've never had this happen before - or maybe it has and I haven't been paying attention. I have had fairy buskers be a set of wings and nothing else, but never just an instrument playing. I include this here, as it happened before Polly's hunger strike. And now, back to Polly...

Despite all this, I managed to graduate with flying colours - A's all round. Lindsey graduated too - A's for him as well. Elisa didn't graduate - she took less credits than we did, and she was just along for the ride anyway.

We're leaving here - I'm writing this in the van back and should be able to post it before getting back to Union Cove. We'll most likely arrive before it does - ha ha. Why they made me carry all the luggage I'll never know. See you soon.

Much love,

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Polly at Uni]
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2013, 12:38:08 PM »
Nice to see that everyone enjoyed University. My generation two heir ended up befriending purple-haired Liz too.
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Offline NicoleML

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Polly at Uni]
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2013, 10:34:49 AM »
A Wedding and a Honeymoon

Hey gang,
Not long after getting back from Uni, I proposed to Lindsey. It was all I could think about on the way home. I know it's traditional for the guy to ask but hey, I'm a rebel.

As you can see, he was thrilled. Of course he said yes. The first thing I did was ring Liz and invite her over.

It was still spring, so Mum and Dad went over to the Festival grounds before my Bachelorette party. Dad took the guys to a Simfest while us girls partied hearty. For some reason, Dad's thinking about Melissa Dreamer at the Love Tester.

We had the party at the beach. Not much prep - just a portable stereo and I made some smoked salmon. This is me, Mum and Eliza enjoying them.

The fun really got started when a couple of dancers turned up. Mum decided to spray me with nectar. I have no idea why she didn't drink it instead. Such a waste. She said it was tradition or something. She is a party animal, so she'd know. The girl in the background is Poppi Sead. She's a rebel too, and carrying Declan's baby. She had a boy called Moses.

Lindsey's mum Liz decided to try it too. She also gave a pretty rousing speech to the gathered crowd. She's pretty cool for a Mum of 5 kids.

On the morning of the wedding, the old guys played computer games. Dad said the Watcher made them do it, to keep them out of trouble. The Watcher makes me cook, which I don't mind as I love it. Better than computer games anyway.

We said our vows at the Upper Lake, the property I bought and set up as a wedding place. It has an amazing view. I'm a bit miffed that Lindsey kept his hat on for the wedding but pfft. He turned up which is more than some guys do.

Me and Liz doing a keg stand. I can't believe I dropped her - so sorry Liz! I asked her if she wanted to move in with us, and so we have another member of the household. We put Magenta the dog up for adoption, so we just have Fledge and Hope the horses now.

Melissa decided to sing karaoke. Does everyone sound that bad when doing it? We should get one of the guys to upgrade it or something. But she seemed to enjoy herself. I didn't hear too much of it, as I left to get ready for the honeymoon.

We did get some quiet time to ourselves in France. Panther came with us, to deliver on of his books, and Liz, as I thought it was unfair to leave her with people she didn't know well.

Liz spent a lot of her time at the Nectary, making nectar. She looks like she's enjoying herself, though.

Well, that's it for now. The Watcher says parts 5 & 6 are up on YouTube, whatever that means.
Love Polly xx

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Re: Chronicles of The Narnians [Graveyard please!]
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2013, 10:48:45 AM »
I've just realized that both my Founder and 2nd Gen did the A Charming Experiment opp - which means I've failed. Never fear, I will try again!

