Author Topic: Perfect Traits?  (Read 13876 times)

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2013, 05:02:51 PM »
I give my sims traits that will help with skills and jobs or family. Ambitious, artistic, bookworm, friendly, workaholic and family oriented come up a lot in my sims.
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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2013, 02:10:42 PM »
Now, I give my Dynasty Sims traits based on the Badges I want them to strive for throughout their life.  They've evolved into quite the bunch!  ;) Haha.
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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2013, 03:04:47 PM »
If at all possible I roll the dice for traits,for me one of the fun parts of playing is watching a Sims character develop over their life from birth to young adulthood. I like the challenge of using random traits to my advantage for instance in my life state dynasty I ended up with an heir with loner,slob and couch potato traits,which seems pretty bad but were perfect for my writer Sim.

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Offline Ellenser

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2013, 09:30:22 AM »
I, like ratchie, prefer to use random traits and just go with the flow. Certainly makes the game more interesting. I don't really go for the generic, 'perfect' sim. I like sims that have a little bit of a quirk to their personality.

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2013, 12:54:02 PM »
Funny. I give good traits, and my sim gets wishes to do bad things! My female sim wants to brawl (her athelitic skill is low, and she is not mean-spirited). She also wants to cast curses on everyone in town! Go figure.

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2013, 02:02:26 PM »
Generally I only make new sims for challenges now, and they have a goal so traits are picked towards achieving it. I mainly play my self sim or some of the sims I made previous to her, my sim is clumsy like myself, it's a pointless trait but she wouldn't be me without it. The others weren't perfect either.

As for kids born in game I randomize, I don't always take the first roll though if it has something I really dislike. Evil sims I love, on it's own it's fun and they add a bit of character and chaos to a house. Paired with other traits like mean spirited, hot headed and as I found out recently Diva, it's not a nice combo. I think Diva has gone to the top of my avoid list since dealing with my evil diva dynasty heir, she was a real trial, especially in getting the friend requirement  ::)

But trait combos are interesting, friendly curtails hot headedness as if they didn't have the hot headed trait anymore, I found this out when MaryKay Shallow got it on age up in one of my games, it was like she'd had a personality transplant.

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2013, 10:55:47 AM »
It has taken me a while to think of giving my sims anything past what I see as the perfect sim.  Family O and Love of O is for all sims.  One who will be staying at home will have N. Cook and C. Whiz. The other traits will be Bookworm or artistic so they can write books or paint.  Maids are worth the expense, as are repairmen, the time spent on those chores can be on writing or painting.  Especially when the house and family gets big; Boney has been great for doing the cleaning and repairs (except whem there are babies, then back to the maids and repairmen). 

For the one who works rabbit-hole jobs, it depends on their job, it will be good traits, Athletic, Brave, and such (military, law, etc.).

I guess I am going to start adding what I can see as less pleasent traits.  I will never add in insane, evil or mean. 
I am working on creating what I would see as a "utopia town", and they need some average sims, but not ever, ever will I have any with mean or evil.  Insane is okay as they seem to be harmless, like the ones in SV who are funny to watch. 

So, I guess I seem to make mainly goody two shoes sims.   ;D

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2013, 07:30:10 PM »
I don't tend to create sims with "negative" traits, like evil, hot-headed, mean spirited, the times I have made them, or played with an existing sim with one of those traits, they tend not to do as they're told, even if they can be amusing, they just make life so difficult for themselves :(

As for perfect traits, it depends what I want to do with that particular sim, or sims. Career sim? Trait or traits related to the job, neurotic (a real favourite of mine), friendly/charismatic/schmoozer, and if there are any free slots left, they're given flavour traits (Clumsy, never nude etc). Sim who will be taking care of the family? Family Oriented, Natural Cook, Handy, and again, flavour traits to fill the gaps.

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2013, 01:23:40 AM »
When I usually play the sims I get bored with just one sim.... so... I like creating families with 3 sims who are slobs, couch potatoes, party animals, evil, etc. and have one 'perfect' sim that is the exact opposite. Oh, the fun.
Buuutttt.... on the other hand, when I start dynasties and such, I totally make a perfect founder.

And when I, em, 'experiment' with fire, electricty, and the like, making 8 coward unlucky insane neurotic loner sims with tiger makeup and the stupidest outfits? That's just too irresistable, my friends.

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2013, 01:41:22 PM »
I'm not perfect so why should my Sims have to be? I usually just roll the dice and enjoy the madness :o

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2013, 10:36:07 AM »
I always randomize my Sims traits. I sometimes get a mix of both good and bad traits, or all good traits or even all bad traits. I like doing it this way because I get some interesting combinations and that makes the game fun for me

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2013, 04:29:44 AM »
I'm not really a big fan of making Sims with negative traits (though I can live with the Loser or Can't Stand Art traits), because, as Sarah said, they tend to do bad things, and playing with those traits just makes it hard. :c

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2013, 04:56:23 PM »
When I first started palying, I would make my sims basically utilities - you know,w hatever their lifetime wish was, every trait would revolve around that. But I've found htat personality traits add something more and enhance not just getting there, but sometimes speeds up getting what you want!
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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2013, 06:53:14 AM »
I always randomize my Sims traits. I sometimes get a mix of both good and bad traits, or all good traits or even all bad traits. I like doing it this way because I get some interesting combinations and that makes the game fun for me
^ This. Especially for my nooboos. It's great fun to have a house filled with colourful sims and creating their family dynamics and seeing them find partners and jobs suitable for them and all. I had a mean spirited, grumpy and hot-headed guy (who was my sim's grandson but he was living in a different household) for example, who constantly got into fights with people. He found a nice NPC girl who was good and a hopeless romantic. They always autonomously argued and immediately made up afterwards. They never broke up and had children and careers and I don't know, it was just cute. When I choose on my own, I try to choose irrelevant traits so that the career, family and money making process is a bit harder. It's just more fun. :D I also roll the LTW, or rather, choose the first one that pops up for my sims' kids. I had an athletic, loves the outdoors, daredevil and loner sim (his traits are randomized but it's a really really good combination) who rolled the illustrious author LTW as soon as he aged up into a child for example. It was quite hard but I managed to get him to the top of military career as well as making him master painting and writing skills. Mary and Gary Sue's aren't really my thing.

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Re: Perfect Traits?
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2013, 07:09:30 AM »
I create sims as the moral antithesis of myself.  I can't remember the last non evil sim I made,  they usually have evil,  then mostly good traits.  I made a snob, evil, flirty, dramatic Diva pair of twins.  That was fun  ;D
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