When I was playing my legacy yesterday, my mean-spirited teen sim got a wish. She was being mean to Sam Sekemoto (now a teen) because when he came over to the house after school with her, he basically jumped on the trampoline the entire time. Thinking he would get the usual, "I've got to go home now. Bye." I let him stay. However, he never left and jumped until 3 AM. I did not invite him to spend the night, and eventually he got off the trampoline. However, he just stood there complaining about how tired he was and how much he needed to pee. I didn't tell him to leave, because I thought it was pretty funny and I had my teen sim go be mean to him (for staying the entire night). She did every possible mean interaction and they went from friends to nemesis in a matter of minutes. Now, this is when she gets a wish with a picture of a knife (or a dagger) with the number three next to it. I can't see what it is because when I move the mouse over the wish, it doesn't tell me what it is like it does for every other wish in the game. Does anyone know what this wish is for? I've fought him three times and won all of them, so that's not it and I don't use mods, so it can't be "Kill 3 sims". I need help, as I don't know how to complete this wish!