Author Topic: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe  (Read 28300 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« on: December 31, 2012, 10:53:09 PM »
When the immortal dynasty ended, the life states dynasties started but Airica & Adrasteia weren't the only Grims who had futures.   This is going to be a collection of short stories or glimpses revolving around the choices and lives of the Grim household members who also got second chances.    I want to give all of my characters a chance to live outside of the dynasties they were a part of.  Some will choose to have that second chance and some won't but all of those decisions will be right here for all the Grim fans to see.   I hope all of your favorites get a chance in the spot light.   

The Chronicles will happen one character at a time and due to popular vote on my The Sims 3 My Page - Ares is the first one up.    Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this and I hope that seeing what lays beyond the wardrobe for these guys is as fun for you as it is for me.

Links to the stories these characters will come from:

Artie's Dynasty (First Attempt - Sunset Valley)
Artie's New Insanity: Grim Circumstances (Second Attempt - Hidden Springs)
Artie's Lunar Lunacy (Third and final Artie dynasty attempt - Lunar Lakes)

Chronicle Chapters:

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 10:54:08 PM »

Ares: "So uhh.. where are we?"
Artie: "Oh wow.   This is my underground office foyer."

Ares: "You have an underground office foyer?  As in a foyer for your underground office?  As in more than an office underground and it has a foyer?"
Artie: "Yeah.. doesn't everybody? Come on.  Let's go see why the lights in the office are on.  If Bob is hiding from Sheila again, I'm going to laugh and make him go home."
Ares: "I'm still curious about if there is more than one office and why is it underground?"
Artie: "There is more than one and this is what we all do.  The Underground ones are for holding work stuff.  You'll see.  It's where I spent some hours waiting for the next assignment."
Ares: "Is the rest of the house underground?"
Artie: "Only parts of it.  Come on." -drags his child by the collar of his shirt-

Dakota: "Hey did you guys hear that?"
Christin: "Oh yeah.  I heard it all right.  Loud and obnoxious as always."
Adrianna: "I think I heard Ares, too!"
Jules: "This should prove interesting.  You think they're still mad at me for living so long?"
Dakota: "I think it all worked out in the end.  Shh.. I hear them getting closer."

Ares: "Dad!  How could you drag me down the hall like that?!"
Artie: "Christin! Ares look it's your mom."
Christin: "Adrianna, Dakota & Jules are here too."
Ares: "Adrianna!"

Artie: "Hey sexy lady.  Remember me?"
Christin: "Oh you red devil you.  I always told the fireflies that you would never change."
Artie: -pulls her close- "Oh I missed you."
Christin: "I missed you, too.  Especially after you put my urn away."
Artie: "Sorry  hon.  We had to for the good of the family."
Christin: "I know.  We got the chance to move on and come stay down here.  I met some very nice women by the names of Agnes & Cassidy."
Artie: -nervous cough- "Oh?"

Adrianna: "I missed you more."
Ares: "No I missed you more."
Adrianna: "No I missed you more."

Dakota: "Excuse me.   This is disgustingly cute and all but remember me? The girl who thought she had a chance for a little while."
Ares: "Huh.. Oh.. HEY!"
Jules: "And zen zere is me who iz glad she never had zat chance."
Artie: "Oh Em Gee."
Dakota: "Silly red man.  Where's my hug huh?"

Artie: "Gosh it's been forever.  I don't think I've seen either one of you since before Prim was born."
Jules: "We had each other.  No need to bother you."
Christin: "Ok everyone's hugged why don't we all have a seat and catch up huh?"
Ares: "Actually.. Adrianna can I see you out in the exceptionally horrifyingly ablaze foyer for a minute.  Sorry Mom but I kind of have limited time to talk to you guys."
Christin: "Sure sure.. go."

Ares: "Hey wait.. Dad.. is that Geoffrey?"
Artie: -cough- "Uhhh.. maybe."
Ares: "How did it get here ?"
Artie: "Well you see son.  These houses are awesome and once you have something transported, it puts it where you want it."
Ares: "Why is it here though? And what's with the other toys?"
Adrianna: "I was wondering the same thing.  I wanted to play with them but the house wouldn't let me."
Artie: -sigh- "Well you see it's like this.  The pink bunny is from my first dynasty house.  Your older sister Angelica and her twin Alex used to play bunny phone with that thing.   Your other sister Angela used to keep Mr Bones and play with him.  And then Geoffrey joined them when I had it transported."
Ares: "We were just at the house when did you have time to have it transported?"
Artie: "You were in the cold network for a long time compared to me.  I've had time to visit several places including a chance to watch Addy get married to Gilberto."
Ares: "Wait.. what?"
Christin: "I thought it was called the flu network."
Dakota: "No it was the pox network."
Artie: "It's the cold network.  Trust me on this guys."
Adrianna: "I thought you said you had limited time?"
Ares: "Oh yeah!  C'mon woman let's talk. " -grabs her hand and skips to the foyer with her laughing behind him-
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 11:06:15 PM »
Awwww, it's so nice to see what the Grim men are up too!
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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2012, 11:38:59 PM »
*waves to Ares* It's so good to see him young again, plus all the others.

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2012, 11:54:09 PM »
Awww . . . that is just too cute! I've always loved Ares's love triangle thingamajig! Can't wait for more insights into the lives of the Grim immortals.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2013, 12:22:39 AM »
Oh hey look at that!  People are reading already..  Happy New Year Y'all.   

I'm happy to play these guys again.  You kind of get attached you know?  Here's Part 2 of Ares' new journey.   I'm sure it's no surprise really. 

Artie: "So welcome to my underground office. "
Dakota: "We've been here a couple of times waiting on you two, Artie."
Artie: "Oh sorry.   I had to wait for him to be allowed to enter.  Something about traveling papers and all that.  Big mess.  Boss is mad.  Same story different day. "
Christin: "It's alright.  We've all had some interesting times while we were down here.   Reka was a lovely girl hrm?"
Jules: "Yes.  She had a way wit her words."
Dakota: "She was a potty mouth which is why she always had soap in her mouth."
Christin: "That was one of Aggie's better ideas." -chuckles-
Artie: "Well I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves.  When Addy ate her ambrosia, we all got wardrobes to hop into.  Everyone has a limited amount of time to make a choice.  That choice also extends to all of our household members.  So each of you have the chance to choose.  You can do what you've been doing, get a job or live another lifetime together."

Dakota & Jules look to one another.
Jules: "We spoke of zis in the zee past and we 'ave decided to stay as we are."
Dakota: "There is nothing that we would do any differently with our lives.  We lived with wonderful friends.  We had a beautiful daughter.  We both feel that there is nothing else to be done to make us happy.  We are happy to just spend eternity together as we are now."

Adrianna: "So what's this I hear about you guys having a unicorn? How come we didn't have a unicorn when I lived there?"
Ares: -laughs-  "I tell you I have something important to talk about and you want to get mad we had a unicorn."
Adrianna: "yes!  What else could there be to talk about?"

Ares: "Look ok so we finished the dynasty right?"
Adrianna: "Right."
Ares: "And we were given choices of what to do now that it's all over."
Adrianna: "Ok what does this have to do with the unicorn?"
Ares: "I'm getting to that promise."
Adrianna: "Alright.  You better."
Ares: "So I was thinking of becoming a reaper like Dad.  You know living down here and being immortal and hot all the time that kind of thing.  You could totally get a job down here too and we could live forever together and maybe even adopt a unicorn."

Adrianna: "I'm not sure I could reap people."
Ares: "Hey maybe you could be a banshee or a firefly or an animal reaper.  You know one of the ones that goes to get all the cute and cuddlies and bring them to the giant cat jungle of awesomeness?"
Adrianna: "Oh wow - you think I could?"
Ares: "It could happen."

Adrianna: "If that's really want you want to do, then I'm with you to the end.   I don't want to be apart ever again and you now owe me a unicorn."
Ares: "Anything for you babe."
Adrianna: "Darn tootin'."

Artie: "If you are sure, then I won't stop you.   I just want you guys to know I really appreciate everything you did for the family."
Jules: "We are sure."
Dakota: "Thank you for giving us a place in your home and giving me everything I ever wanted as long as I held onto the paintbrush." -chuckles-
Artie: "It wasn't that bad though right?"
Dakota: "Of course not.  I just wish Rica could be here so I could say goodbye to her, too."
Artie: "If I can sneak any messages to her, I'll let her know."

Artie: "Goodbye Old Friend.  You take care of her or I'll find a way to make you miserable.  You're in my world now."
Christin & Dakota: "Artie!"
Artie: "What?"
Jules: -chuckles- "I would not dream of 'urting 'er."

Artie: "Goodbye darlin'."
Dakota: "Goodbye red man."
Artie: "You'll always be like a daughter to me.  That's why I have your bunny too."
Dakota: -sniff- "I know.  Don't make me cry though ok?  I'll find a way to haunt you when you sleep."
Artie: -laughs- "Of that I have no doubt.  Enjoy him, keep him on his toes.  Never know I might see you during a drop off."
Dakota: "Exactly."

Dakota: "Hey guys.. Sorry to bother you but we're leaving."
Ares: "Hey where you two going?"
Dakota: "We want to continue forever just the way it is right now."
Ares: "Is that why you're still all old and wrinkly?"
Dakota: -swats at him- "Hey!"
Ares: "Ow.  Was it a bee or something?"

Dakota: "You take care of this girl."
Ares: "I will.   And hey.. all joking aside?"
Dakota: "Yeah?"
Ares: "I'll never forget you.  I'll always remember you as my first crush and you will always hold a special place in my heart.   Even if I did find someone better."
Dakota: "I'll never forget you either, you scummy waste of space." -hugs him again-
Ares: "Aww don't be going all soft on me or anything."
Dakota: "Never." -hits him in the upper arm and fades away as her husband's arms circle around her waist-

Artie: "What about you, lovebug?"
Christin: "Oh Artie.. I don't know.  The fireflies say I don't really have much of a choice."
Artie: "You have a choice but it's not the same for you and me."
Christin: "Because of them?"
Artie: "I will always love you but I told you in the beginning that there were others in my heart."

Christin: "You and the fireflies both did.  I knew the job you had when we married.  You were 100% honest with me and when you weren't, Rica was.   I know we don't have a future together here or anywhere else."

Christin: "When we got married, my eyes were open.  They were still open when I actually met Agnes and Cassidy back at your other house.  I have no regrets.  We made a beautiful baby and he was the beginning of the end for you.  You finally achieved your goal of eight immortals."

Christin: "You're still my sexy red man and you better take care of our boy."
Artie: "I will.  I promise."
Christin: "One last kiss then.. and then I'm going to follow the other two."
Artie: "I don't want to say goodbye again."
Christin: "Then don't.  The fireflies said we'll see each other again some day."
Artie: "They're mischief makers though.  They can lie."
Christin: "Shh.. they  might hear you."
Artie: "Shh ok.  Take care lovely."
Christin: "Be better behaved than you normally would be without ever being good." -fades away-
Artie: "Haha.  Yes ma'am."

Ares: "Hey Dad guess what?!"
Artie: -sighs- "What's that son?"
Ares: "Hey what's with the clocks?"
Artie: "Why do you think?"
Ares: "You secretly love clocks?"
Artie: "It's a reaper thing.  You'll figure it out."
Adrianna: "Because being a reaper is all about time.  Can't be late to pick someone up."
Artie: "Exactly.  Being late is bad for business."

Artie: "So what were you going to tell me earlier?"
Adrianna: "He's getting me a unicorn."
Artie: -chuckles- "Oh really?  That I got to see."

Ares: "Hey what's that thing spitting out paper into the bucket and why is it making noise?"
Artie: "It's probably either new assignments for me or one of The Boss's "gentle" reminders that you need to visit HR.  We can do that later.  Right now I'm winning."

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2013, 01:16:17 AM »
Oh Rica how I missed you! And I think Christine is still quite a catch, Ares you lucky lump of evil...
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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2013, 01:27:28 AM »
To you, and all the mods, happy new year! May 2013 be the forum's most awesome year yet! And that goes to your families as well :) also happy new year and lives to all of the Grims and co. Can't help but love you all...
"Life is not worth living unless lived for someone else" - Albert Einstein
"The only history worth a tinker's dam is the history we made today" - Henry Ford
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Offline NicoleML

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 02:11:42 AM »
Yay! More Grim tales! Love the cold network, or flu or pox! LOL! Artie has a pretty awesome office, it has to be said. Can't wait to find out what the other Grim boys decided to do.


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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2013, 04:25:41 AM »
It is awesome to see the Grim's, especially Artie again! Can't wait for more. ;D


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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2013, 04:12:58 PM »
The picture of ares and the clocks made me laugh, for no reason what-so-ever. Is ares really going to buy a Unicorn?

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2013, 04:46:08 PM »
This made me cry. I hate letting go of the characters at the end of a dynasty--just like when I was a kid, I want to know 'What happened next?' So the fact that you're telling us what happens next is...priceless. Especially since it's the Grims! Don't know when I've been so attached to a family that wasn't my own. It's nice to see everyone get their happy ending--but Christin, made me cry. So beautifully written though. I, like Ares, was wondering why Dakota and Jules were old and wrinkly. I loved the flu network reference. And I was on my way somewhere else when I saw this and had to jump on it.
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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2013, 09:45:27 AM »
Yay!  Epilogues are my favorite part.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2013, 04:17:06 AM »

I just now found about about this epilogue! How fun! The underground office looks awesome. Good job decorating that.

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Re: The Grim Chronicles: Adventures beyond the Wardrobe
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2013, 09:26:20 AM »
I'll be honest I don't really remember Jules and Dakota as a couple... Individually yeah sort of but together? Nope! Blank spot in my brain lol Still this was wonderfully written and hopefully there will be more at some point in the future once Rica is done letting Airica beat the silly Doll!
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