Author Topic: Sims 3, seasons, and generations packs not installing/working!!  (Read 4850 times)

Offline cooldgirl23

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Sims 3, seasons, and generations packs not installing/working!!
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:35:36 PM »
I just bought the digital download of Sims 3 and seasons and generations expansion packs from gametree yesterday, and I tried to install them as well as the base game onto my macbook pro, but when the base game sims 3 launcher comes up, there are only two buttons, the welcome and game updates. it asks me if i want to update my game, and i choose yes, but then its stuck at one part of the download, or just ends up saying download error. I tried to install a patch to fix this, but I am really confused to the whole patch/ crack process, I am a newbie ;) I can play the sims 3 base game, but i cannot install my expansions. Also, when i tried to install my expansions, they said i needed to updated, and when i said yes, they never downloaded, because it would get stuck or say download error, same as base game. I dont know what to do, and I really want to play this game sooooo badly! Can you please explain to me what I should do to fix the sims 3 launcher so that i can have all the buttons available, and how i can install my expansions? Also, if i need to patch or crack, can you please explain how to do that step by step, in very basic terms, i am no computer whiz. I know this was long, but thank you very much for your help! Please do not refer me to a website guide or anything like that, I have already done enough research ::) anyways thanks again!

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Re: Sims 3, seasons, and generations packs not installing/working!!
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 12:46:00 AM »
Welcome to our Forum, cooldgirl23.

I don't use a Mac, so my help will be minimal.  We do, however, have several members who use a Mac and will be able to help you.

When you install Sims 3, it will automatically install the updates (patches) when you run the install program.  Cracks are another thing entirely and involved piracy, which is something we do not allow on this Forum. 

You may want to try uninstalling all of the game and doing a fresh reinstall.  It can sometimes get messed up for no apparent reason and it just needs to be reinstalled.  Be sure to browse through our other topics on the Technical Help board before making the attempt to make sure you're on the right track.  You're also welcome to ask any questions in this thread.
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Offline cooldgirl23

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Re: Sims 3, seasons, and generations packs not installing/working!!
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2012, 07:17:46 AM »
Thank you for taking the time to answer. I actually figured out the problem myself, kind of silly of me, it was actually not working because my mac didnt meet the requirements :o Now I will pay more attention so I don't make that mistake again ::) anyways thank you!

