New hidden traits that only modifies the personality and wants of the sim, and can only be obtained by Try for Baby in various spots and NOT inheritable. For example:
Babies from traditional bed woohoo are more... traditional and just normal.
Time Machine babies are more scientific minded and rolls more inventing/repairing/upgrading wants, like Handy trait, but only makes the game roll more handy wants for the sim.
Elevator babies have more unconventional woohoo'ing preferences and tends to roll morally unacceptable woohoo wants, like wanting to woohoo in a public place. Rabbit hole (theater, military base) babies probably should have this trait too.
Hot tub babies are more woohoo-loving and loves to woohoo like llamas during happy seasons, therefore rolls a little more woohoo wants.
Tree house babies are more childish, roll more playful wants, like sliding on waterslide, playing seesaw etc.
Sarcophagus babies love travelling.
Tent babies love the outdoors.
Actor trailer babies loves entertainment related stuffs like guitar, singing, etc. Like star quality, but only roll more wants.
Photobooth babies are more artistic and loves photography.
Shower baby love water sports, waterslide, sprinkler (evil ~_~).
Haystack babies are more nature, hippy-ish.
PS: Hi Pam, post modified as requested. Sorry for any inconveniences.