I personally do. I think it should be called "infants" and they should have the appearnce of Sims 2 babies. They should have the same amount of free will and required care as sims 3 toddlers (only they don't potty train just yet, but have the same free will and require fair care from parents) but have them get out of their own cribs after a certian point (if they're not tired or get lonely, they'll scream and cry the same way, and if a child or older doesn't let the child out after 15 minutes, the infant will crawl out themselves) the babies should be the same as they do now, only they should be allowed to be rocked and fed while the older sim is sitting down, be carried in baskets prams or strollers, instead of older sims carrying them in his/her arms, and even let the child hold his/her baby sibling when sitting down and be called "newborns" "Infants" should have the same interactions as toddlers do now with children (play peek-a-boo, hug, feed on floor), be able to go to lots in strollers (even let the child push babies in strollers and/or prams) and play with toys like toddlers. Toddlers should have more interactions and independence, they should use the potty chair (like now), walk to lots with a child or older (with their hand held), friendly and mean interactions with their peers, and older siblings (child or older), eat solid foods (in smaller portions) sleep in beds (they need toddler beds avalible) still require a babysitter (babysitters should be both teens and elders, teens on nights and weekends, elders during the weekdays, since teens are in school) but are able to stay home alone with and visit lots with children.