I have an idea for a new profession that was inspired by the junkyard: Garbage Man.
I know, since Ambitions arrived and pasted, it's unlikely, but wouldn't it be an interesting profession? Starting early in the day, the Sim would drive in his large garbage truck to a certain amount of houses each day and empty the trash and/or recycle bin. He would then go to the junkyard and process the trash and unload it.
Sounds boring? Well, the perks would be that every once in awhile, you could find something, which is based on your level. At first, it might just be a seed or a rock, but at Level 10, it could be a broken-down flat-screen TV! Also, there would be a job every once in awhile where your Sim is requested to transfer some nuclear waste, or rotten food from a party. Also, you can chat with your co-workers and wear a neat steampunky (why did I even think of that) outfit.
Oh, and at Level 10, your Sim would get his personal garbage truck, similar to the fire truck.