Yes, and Vegetarian shouldn't be a trait but a lifestyle preference that you choose - Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian but I never make vegetarian Sims because I think it's unfair that one of their trait slots has to be used up for it.
Schip from one veggie to another, I have to say I'm on board with you. I think it's really frivolous that a veggie has less options to chose from in the virtual world, but in the real world has TONS more options and is less picky. They make us seem so picky in the world of Sunset Valley and in real world, you can't even be close to picky when choosing the veggie lifestyle. Plus the fact that virtual veggies get sick. In the real world, veggies are okay with the slipping of the pork or beef and have to adjust to fish, if they're whole family is meat eaters. My dad's girlfriend is a vegan and has had a few slips (she was unaware) and she never
once ended up sick from it. With the midlife crisis LTR, the veggie decides he/she wants to start eating a nice juicy steak again and become mean spirited, and is able to eat it just fine? Not in the real world. I don't like the getting sick from meat because that's only an
individual veggie thing. It's not an auto veggie thing. Great minds think alike.