Author Topic: The Imaginarium Random Legacy  (Read 5401 times)

Offline Castaras

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The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« on: December 26, 2012, 08:12:26 PM »
1. The First Week
2. Honeymoon in Egypt
3. Nooboos Incoming!
4. Caring for Nooboos and Disasters
5. Children Arrive
6. Premature Imaginarium

"Hi! I'm Victoria. I'm Imaginary. Well, sort of. I got made real at the science lab in Sunset Valley. Since then, I've been sat in a lab for days on end being tested on. It was booooooring. I wanted to have fun! I wanted to try new things!"

"And so here I am. Twinbrook. My best friend and smoochie woochums Patches is here with me, and we're going to have fun! This is our house at the moment. It's a little boring, because we don't have much money and it has no windows. What sort of house has no windows, huh? This one apparently. But it's going to be awesome, because Patches is going to be a great guitarist taking people's money off the streets and I'm going to go be a firefighter, which means I burn things!"

Patches: "No it doesn't, sweetheart. You help stop fire."

Victoria: "But burning is fun!"

Patches: "If you become a firefighter you save people from being burned, remember?"

Victoria: "Oh. Okay! That's even more awesome!"

So there's a legacy variation named "The Random Legacy Challenge" that involves rolling on a randomiser table for what each generation has as a goal, as various features, what careers they need to take, etc. You roll for the generation's "settings" when the first child of the generation is born (or when you're creating the sims in CAS), and then see what happens. You fail the legacy if you fail any of the requirements for the legacy. More details - aka the different tables of what you roll - are found at the blog for it here. One of the big things about this is that the only way a sim can make money is through their career and through opportunities. Making money off skills not as part of a career is a big no-no. The other big killer in this is that you can't take vacations to skill up skills that aren't taught in the country or used in the adventures. So no going to China for 9 days and getting 2/3 skills maxed!  :P

This will be using all the normal mods by Twallen, including Story Progression, so the world around the legacy should hopefully not stagnate.

I am going to be starting with two Imaginary Friends made real: Victoria and Patches, in Twinbrook. And hopefully, with the many saves of the game I'm going to be keeping it won't crash and make me lose everything. And with the randomness of the challenge, I also hopefully won't get too bored by it to continue writing!  ;)

The current requirements for this generation:

Overall Legacy Goal: Hall of Fame - Create a museum on another lot dedicated to the heirs of the family, with photos/sculptures/paintings, things that the heir made, all the certificates and rewards they gained, etc. etc.

Generation 1 Settings
Marital Structure: Mixed Couple - At least Boyfriend/Girlfriend who have both biological and adopted children.
Heir: Victoria Imaginarium - Excitable, Easily Impressed, Brave, Handy, Good
Spouse: Patches Imaginarium - Virtuoso, Proper, Good, Nuturing, Family Orientated
Number of Children: 5 (oh dear....)
Victoria's Job: Firefighter
Patches' Job: Busker - While technically I could use the Perform Song bug and give him 500 performances and have a few billion simoleans, I have made a conscious decision to only let him do "Perform Song" 10 times. Any more and it would make the challenge for this first generation ridiculously easy with regards to money, when quite a few of the rules are specifically trying to avoid the easy "cheaty" ways to make money.
Generation Goal: Hobby or Obession? - Take a skill relating to the heir's traits. Spend at least 5 hours a week consciously doing that skill, without making any money off it. Victoria will be taking Handiness as her Hobby -> Specifically, Tinkering.
Misc. Fun: Fashion Diva - Must make new outfits for the heir every week.

First week of the story coming up next.

Offline Castaras

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 08:28:45 PM »
1. The First Week

Victoria: So, our first day in Twinbrook was spent doing awesome things!

Well, at least, becoming all athletic and muscley was awesome when I wasn't falling on my butt. It makes me sad when I do that, but I will get so good that I'll be using these bars with ease!

Patches has been messing around on his guitar. He does some really cool blues music, and is jamming away like there's no tomorrow. And the way his hair flutters on his face when he shakes his head...

Oooo a sink! It's a special sink, we had weird grey metal ones at the lab. They were all special and self cleaning. Couldn't see a device to help clean this sink, so I made one! It's all fun and makes bubbles everywhere.

Patches made salad for us. We don't have a cooker yet because Patches says money is not enough to get a cooker. But salad is good. I like salad. But I would do so much to get some of the "Fish and Chips" Freddie the plant tender snuck me in at the lab... Salad Salad. Salad is good. It's green and red. I'm blue.

Next day Patches stayed at home doing his guitariness. I went to the fire station and they had a really cool alarm bell I wanted to look at. It's all red and makes loud noises! It's fun. I like loud noises. Eeeee! Loud noises at the station mean there's burning that needs to be stopped.

Burning detected! I got to drive the fire engine. I don't know why - it was my first day! But all the other guys were busy talking into their phones and pointing at the wall. I don't see how the wall will help put out fire.

The first day it wasn't fire that I had to put out. There was a disaster at the City Hall! LLAMAS!

But the mime was more cool than llamas. She was all mimey outside the doors while I herded rampaging llamas.

Throughout the week I did loads of stuff. I saved people's lives from the burny goodness of fire.

I spent time dancing with the other firefighters. They liked dancing, and taught me how to! Maybe they'll teach me this "Trampolining" thing later...

And an alien called at 3am. 3am?! I had only just woken up, and some Xokop girl wanted to ask me where the nearest saucer petrol station was?! silly alien.

What was more silly was the zombie who was scared of rain. And that zombies were coming here when we had no plants. Silly zombie.

So yeah, that was pretty much the week. I'm now the assistant Fire Chief of the Firestation - the others love me for upgrading everything. Oh... is that Patches? I'll be back in a bit viewers, Patches wants to go to the park with me. Should be fun!

<<Time passes>>

Omigoshomigoshomigosh! You WON'T believe what just happened! Patches took me to this beautiful little park with lots of horses everywhere that were all adorable and soft and such and...

Oh what am I saying! That wasn't the amazing bit! He asked me to marry him! We're married now! He asked me to...

Eeeeeeeeee! Look at the ring! It's beautiful and sparkly and shiny!

Oh goodness! And we're about to go! We're going on a secret holiday that he's not telling me the exact whereabouts of! It's going to be a surprise... I love surprises! See you all in a couple of days, I'll send a postcard!

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 08:33:04 PM »
Welcome to Twinbrook. I was more amused with all my favorite townies being Victoria's co-workers. I love the firefighter profession.

Offline Castaras

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2012, 08:38:28 PM »
It's interesting what story progression does at times. Wasn't expecting to see Goodwin there. :)

I also apologise in advance for when Victoria gets too obnoxious with regards to her excitability. Not particularly great at writing this sort of character, so should be a good challenge!  :P

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2012, 12:26:35 AM »
I love the idea of this. It's very fun to read!

Offline Castaras

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2012, 10:00:49 AM »
Quick travelling update! Next update will most likely be very soon, I'm really enjoying playing these two, and may even have some adorable nooboos to giggle over...  ;D

2. Honeymoon in Egypt

Patches: Ladies and Gentlefolk, this is Patches. I would invite Victoria to come exclaim her delight at the beauty of Egypt (yes, I took her to a quaint little village in Egypt, with all sorts of splendid gentlefolk). However, she seems to be rather busy learning to charm snakes...

...Tasting the local cuisine...

...Invading pyramids...

...Finding secret entrances...

...Disarming Traps...

...Awakening the long dead...

...etc. etc. She's having an amazing time, and enjoying herself immensely.

I, meanwhile, have decided to take a quieter approach to this holiday, and am spending time earning a little extra money on the side, as well as obtaining the means to document our lives through pictures. It's really warm here, and a fun little place to be.

Wish you were here,

Patches and Victoria

addenum: It seems after our return to Egypt, Victoria was mesmerised by the land, and has decided to change her clothing accordingly. Have a fashion parade.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2012, 10:38:04 AM »
Very nice start Castaras.  I want you to know that I moved your story to the legacy board since it's a legacy and not just a miscellaneous story.
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Offline Castaras

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2012, 11:00:25 AM »
Okay, no problem - read the Legacy board as being Pinstar's one only, which is why I put it in Misc. Thanks for the move! :)

Offline Castaras

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2012, 06:56:48 AM »
3. Nooboos Incoming!

So Egypt was amazing and pretty and fun and things to do and the mummy was awesome if a bit worrying and I didn't know how to deal with it but it was amazing!

Patchie is the best person in the world. I'm feeling a little queasy though, but that's probably just the Shwarma I ate. Doesn't matter, it was tasty and I liked it and oh my goodness the sand was so yellow and sandy!

Oh, where was I? Oh yeah. Sickness. Returning. Party! Lincoln threw a party and it was all partylike and dancing.

For some reason the only dancing was in one of the bedrooms. But didn't matter, because beds are awesome and dancing is awesome which makes awesome!

Annnnnd I threw up. So I think the sickness is most likely food poisoning. Couldn't be anything else.

After being taken back home by Patchie and taken care of by him that night, he got up to get some bubble bath so I could relax. I, on the other hand, feel that I just needed to do more exercise and work out the illness. I switched out my new clothing I'd got to some more comfortable stuff - that egyptian dress doesn't half itch!

So much stuff happened while I was exercising! I got a promotion to Fire Chief, and got given my own fire engine and alarm. I don't have to leave home now!

Which is a good thing, seeing as I'm going to be having a nooooooboooooooo! They'll be all adorable and soft and squidgy, and with a face like Winston Churchill!

I gave Patches a quick call telling him about it, and so along with the bubble bath, he got me a rubber duckie (rubber duckies are the best thing EVER) and some books on being pregnant. I'd never got told about this pregnancy business at the Lab, so I had a lot of catching up to do. (Patchie decided to read too. Yay, he can help me!)

After reading some of the books, I got a call. The people at the city hall wanted to do a reward thingy for me. I don't know why, I've only been a firefighter for just over a week, and already I'm the captain! And given a key to the city. And people cheering. I have to say, I just grabbed the key and went back home – this nooboo in my tummy is really heavy and tiring to carry everywhere.

And the rocking chair I was on was sooo nice... rocking... rocking... soooo commfyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Didn't take long for me to wake up again. There was pain. Oh god there was pain. I had read that giving birth was painful but this was worse than I had expected! Oh no, something must be wrong with the baby!!

I rushed off to hospital, somehow managing to drive the fire engine perfectly down.

It seemed that the pain wasn't anything to worry about. It was more painful than they expected because there was not one nooboo, but two!

Meet Aethan and Savan. My two beautiful little boys.

Though no way am I going through that trauma again.

Patches letter:

Dear Goodwin Goode,

I see that you keep trying to send gifts in the mail to woo Victoria.

I should inform you that she is happily married, with two children, and very much settled in this life and not wanting to flirt with some scoundrel.

Please leave my wife alone, or I will have to give you the what for.

The battle gnomes are on our side. Your advances are not welcome.

Yours Faithfully,

Patches Imaginarium

Author's note:
Aethan is going to be the heir, because he was the first I named. He is Good and Perceptive. Savan, his twin brother, is Evil and Brave. Decided to roll randomly for both, before rolling up this generation's settings.

With the birth of the second generation, we need the next set of goals for the second generation! Should be amusing trying to keep track of which sim is supposed to be doing what...

Marital Structure: Couple
Heir: Aethan Imaginarium – Good, Perceptive
Spouse: <not old enough yet>
Number of Children: 2
Aethan's Job: Mystic
Spouse's Job: Alchemist – nice pair of jobs. Complement each other brilliantly.
Generation Goal: Awesome! - Do something “Awesome” relating to the heir's traits / career; examples being making a complete collection of egyptian relics, collection of all gems of all cuts, making silly amounts of simbots... etc. etc. Will have to think on what “awesome” will occur. Might try turn the whole town into something using elixirs...  ::)
Misc. Fun: Homemade – Except in a World Adventures tomb, the family can only eat food cooked with ingredients: no quick meals. The food must also only be cooked if you have the required ingredients in the fridge, and all ingredients must be grown/fished by the family. Food cooked on a toy oven is okay. Wedding and birthday cake is not, likewise with raw ingredients.

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2012, 07:13:20 AM »
I love the idea of having IF's has the founding family!  Marking this to keep an eye on!  Plus the idea of a Random Legacy is very...well... random! I like it!


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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2012, 08:06:09 PM »
I love how you compared the babies to Winston Churchill! Quite amsuing.
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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2012, 07:44:39 AM »
Very funny story. I love that she go to hospital in the fire engine, did she turn the alarm on lol. :P

Offline DarkmetalScorpian

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2012, 02:47:13 PM »
I love this story, I wish mine was this good

Offline Castaras

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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2012, 01:03:14 PM »
4. Caring for Nooboos and Disasters

Nooboos! Nooboos crying everywhere. Good grief, who would have thought that nooboos could make so much noise? They're all screamy and angry at everything. And each other. I don't think they like each other much. Which makes me sad, because they're beautiful little Winston Churchills, even if they scream and poop everywhere.

In what little time I wasn't caring for the nooboos I spent time improving things. I like improving things. It's fun. And things work better. And I find out how things work. Which is awesome. Tinker tinker tinker.

Still getting mail through from Goodwin. Don't think Patches' letter got through to him. It's annoying, because I don't want all those gifts. I have children, they're the best gift. If a noisy smelly gift.

There was also a fire at a house. I hadn't been taking care of the fire engine though, because nooboos. So it was sooooooo sloooooooow. I was terrified the house would be up in flames in no time.

Luckily it was a lawn fire, and no-one was hurt. But I realised, that if I wanted to fulfil my wish of rescuing people. I'd have to make sure all my equipment was in top shape.

And that meant a quiet chat with Patches about the nooboos. We agreed that it was best if he primarily looked after them. He didn't mind – he could do busking whenever he wanted, and could do it at the weekends when I didn't have to be on duty.

The nooboos became slightly bigger nooboos! The boys have both inherited their father's gorgeous hair and eyes.

And then we had to train them! One two one two one two! …. or maybe not. Maybe just get them talking, pooping by themselves, and walking. Leave them in the care of their imaginary friends. Oh yeah, did I mention?

Savan has been introduced to a young imaginarium named Morgana, and Aethan has befriended a young imaginarium named Lucky. I've been quietly pushing them to play with Lucky and Morgana, because an imaginarium can only become real if there's a strong friendship before the children start school...

And and and Monday I had my first big rescue! I was just about to feed the kids when the house next door got struck by lightning and went up in flames! Three were trapped inside, and as I was closest I was sent to deal with the emergency. The rain smashing down around us, lightning piercing the clouds... It was the most exhilarating experience of my life, and I saved 3 people's lives.

No rest for the wicked either – the next day, there was an earthquake! So many poor sims stuck under the rubble. I worked harder than I have ever worked before to save them all.

I was ready to collapse by the end of it. Was sleeping on my feet when I walked back into the house.

But in 2 days I saved 11 sims' lives. I love my job.

Author's note: Third week in, and I had had zero big disasters to save sims from. Then in 2 days, I saved 11. Probability, what are you doing.


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Re: The Imaginarium Random Legacy
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2012, 01:07:40 PM »
Yeah, firefighting disasters are weird that way. It's still fun to see all my favorite townies being rescued!

