I checked this page everyday just to see if your computer has miraculously recovered! Can't wait to see Ben again.
I'm afraid there's been no news of the computer. It's still languishing on a shelf in the repair shop, patiently waiting its turn. Not only has the computer not recovered, now I am also having recurring problems with my internet service. I had a repairman out here twice on Thursday and it seemed ok on Friday, then this morning it's back to being on-and-off again. Apparently there's some problem with the lines, which are old and due for replacement next Wednesday. The good news is that the new lines are going to be fibre optics, which they assure me will give warp 7 speed and much more reliable service. The bad news is, until Wednesday I don't know how much I'll be able to be online.
So as far as computer & connection problems, it seems everything is happening at once here. Oh well. I am using the time to plan the interactive story twist I mentioned, and I do think it's going to be a lot of fun! It's too soon to start yet, with my computer still in the shop for at least another week and a half, but I will tell you that I will be looking for six volunteers, and that the volunteers will need to be able to play a Sim, carry out assignments, submit screenshots, and generally be available and able to participate actively for a couple of weeks. And, of course, all applicants must have THBL clearance as well.
There - I'll leave you to contemplate that.
Thanks for the comments.