Author Topic: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Video Message  (Read 402567 times)

Offline Tilia

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The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Video Message
« on: December 25, 2012, 12:35:11 PM »
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Founder -- Coralie Classic

Traits: family oriented, proper, bookworm, neat, charismatic, schmoozer
Spouse: Camillo (Mancini) Classic
Career: Writer (maxed)
Skill: Writing (Supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills: fishing, cooking, charisma, social networking
Lifetime Wish: Professional Author (completed)
6 Unique Black Ops (completed): Rising Writer, To Boldly Go, A History of One, Correcting Past Mistakes, Add a Little Drama, Deliver a Book to Egypt
6 Unique Best Friends: Carlotta GilsCarbo, Camillo Classic, Vanna Seng, Fred Calderon, Marion Calderon, Casey Herrera
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: No Bills Ever, Acclaimed Author, Inheritance
Property: Moonlit Stroll Park
Building: Classic Indulgences Books & Bistro
Portraits: YA, A, Elder
Sculptures: YA, A, Elder
Immortal at 79 Days

Final Museum Room Value: 96,490

Immortal 2 - Mona Lisa Classic

Traits: lucky, artistic, photographer's eye, perfectionist, savvy sculptor, family oriented
Spouse: Goopy (GilsCarbo) Classic
Career: Painting (maxed)
Skill: Painting (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills: Photography, Sculpting, Street Art
Lifetime Wish: Visionary (completed)
6 Unique Black Ops: Art-a-thon, Small Painting, The Importance of Sculpting, Popular Painter, Interior Decor, Paint the Town
6 Unique Best Friends:  Goopy Classic, Ophelia Classic, Coralie Classic, Rosetta Classic, Bianca Monty, Georgia Giordano, Nicoletta Lombardi
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Clean Slate, Extra Creative, Fireproof Homestead
Property: Venice Beach
Building: DaVinci Day Spa
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Sculptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Photographs: Adult
Immortal At: 74 Days
Final Museum Room Value: 150,046

Immortal 3 - Rosetta Classic

Traits: Neurotic, Genius, Supernatural Fan, Hopeless Romantic, Nurturing, family oriented
Spouse: Hiram (Schaffer) Classic
Career: Education (maxed)
Skill: Logic (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills: Science, Charisma
Lifetime Wish: Chess Legend (completed)
6 Unique Black Ops: Presidential Debate, Taking Down Sinclair, Chaperone the Dance, Solving the Celestial Slump, Required Reading, Detention!
6 Unique Best Friends: Hiram Classic, Eden Classic, Freddie Classic, Darnell (Genie), Khang Seng, Ashley Tomlin
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Stone Hearted, Fast Learner, Dusty Old Lamp
Property: Rags to Riches Consignment Shop
Building: The Classic Institute of Learning
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Sculptures: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Photographs: infant, child, teen, young adult
Immortal at 86 Days
Final Museum Room Value: 147,108

Immortal 4 - Eden Classic

Traits: excitable, loves the outdoors, animal lover, childish, green thumb, easily impressed
Spouse: Eunice (Watkins) Classic
Career: Gardener (maxed)
Skill: Gardening (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills:
Lifetime Wish: The Perfect Garden (completed)
6 Unique Black Ops: Research the Science Facility, Interview a Local, Uncommonly Good, Bag of Produce, Entertain Sick Kids, Peppers on Parade
6 Unique Best Friends:  Eunice Watkins, Tameka Moeller, Mindy Ward, Irene McNulty, Silvia Correa (Freddie's Silvia), and Francescia Watkins (her mother-in-law)
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Super Green Thumb, Above Reproach, No Jealousy
Property: The Worries and Woes Country Pub
Building: Camelot Grocer and Diner
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Sculptures: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Photographs: toddler, child, adult, elder
Final Museum Room Value: 116,571

Immortal 5 - Eureka Classic

Traits: loves the heat, eccentric, rebellious, night owl, great kisser, friendly
Spouse: Humberto (Cantrell) Classic
Career: Inventor (maxed)
Skill: Inventing (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills: Handiness
Lifetime Wish: Monster Maker (complete)
6 Unique Black Ops: Target Practice, Bring Back the Beats, Upgrade the Spa, Master Invention, Handiness How-To, Explosions Seminar
6 Unique Best Friends:  Humberto Classic, Allegra Classic, Cipriana Costa, Dusty O'Neill, Beppe Bianchi, Conor Monty
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Artisan Crafter, Efficient Inventor, Never Dull
Property: Mucho Espresso Cafe
Building: Freddie's Free Range
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Sculptures: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Photographs: infant, toddler, child, young adult, adult
Final Museum Room Value: 119,855

Immortal 6 - Allegra Classic

Traits: excitable, virtuoso, party animal, bookworm, social butterfly, workaholic
Spouse: Orlando (Romano) Classic
Career: Music (maxed)
Skill: Alchemy (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills: Guitar
Lifetime Wish: Super Popular (completed)
6 Unique Black Ops: Stinky bugs, I got your back ... up, Sort the Selection, The Set Up, Local Musician Showdown, Keeping the Rhythm
6 Unique Best Friends:  Eureka Classic, Orlando Classic, Chanel England, Donte Miles, Chadd Barrow, Thaddeus Self, Octavia Thorpe
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Immune to Cold, Office Hero, Professional Slacker
Property: Alistair's Elixirs and Sundries
Building: Teatro Classico
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Sculptures: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Photographs: infant, toddler, teen
Immortal at: 79 Days
Final Museum Room Value: 75,191

Immortal 7 - Mata Hari Classic

Traits: artistic, athletic, brave, irresistible, ambitious, daredevil
Boyfriend: Percy McDowell
Career: Law Enforcement (Spy Track) - Maxed
Skill: Athletics (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills:
Lifetime Wish: International Super Spy (complete)
6 Unique Black Ops: Work/School Learning Project, The Muscle Hustle, Celebrity Body, Muscle Showdown, Jog Everywhere, Puzzle Panic
6 Unique Best Friends:  Percy McDowell, Champagne Classic, Kane Shelley, Rogolio Lopez, Wendy Lopez, Jessica Staten,
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: philosopher's stone, all-weather champion, dirt defiant
Property:  Gym
Building: Classic Coliseum
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Sculptures:toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Photographs: toddler
Immortal at: 80 Days
Final Museum Room Value: 41,049

Immortal 8 - Champagne Classic

Traits: good, friendly, cat person, snob, proper
Romantic Interest(s): Braden Shinn
Career: Nectar Maker
Skill: Nectar Making
Other Maxed Skills: Sculpting, Cooking, Fishing
Lifetime Wish: Bottomless Nectar Cellar (Complete)
6 Unique Black Ops: Lots of Drama, Deliver the Green, Networking is Key, Burgers for Sims in Uniform, A farewell to Paper, Fishing for Suite
6 Unique Best Friends:  Terrell Irvin, Marcia Branda, Bambi Reed, Maebi Cromwell, Tawanda Zamora, Mata Hari Classic
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: change of taste, eye candy, always on the list
Property: Art Gallery
Building: Simcatti Industries
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult
Sculptures: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult
Final Museum Room Value: 28,724

Offline Tilia

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Call Me Coralie
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2012, 12:42:13 PM »
My name is Coralie Classic, and I'm a metaphor. 

The Watcher created me a long time ago, to play with a homeless challenge she'd seen on a board somewhere.  Life was miserable then.  I hated Bridgeport and really struggled with the grime and poverty, especially being proper as I am.  When the Watcher grabbed me out of the bin this time, I fought!

"Not again!  Leave me in peace," I begged.

"Oh, Coralie, calm down.  I promise you'll like this life.  I'm going to make you the founder of a giant dynasty.  You'll never die and your entire mission will be to bring classic sensibilities back to the world."

"You're going to make me a Targ, I know it.  Put me back!  I met that Meera and she was awful.  She pulled my hair and told me she could see my thoughts and that I was judging her!"

"Well, were you?"

"That's not important!"

Well, we fought back and forth like that for a while, but the Watcher made me in such a way that the idea of a life devoted to bringing back classic sensibilities was too much to resist. 

"Are we going back to Bridgeport?  Because that's a deal breaker."

"Oh, no," the Watcher assured me.  "We're going to the Old World.  I hope you like Italian food and European men."

Well!  From there, it was just, as they say, history.

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Offline Tilia

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Once Upon a Time
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2012, 01:02:36 PM »
The Watcher built a little hut for me to get started in.  Here it is from the outside.

Inside, it's still nothing special, but it got me by for the first few days. 

Luckily, I'm hiking distance from a beautiful park where a lot of locals like to congregate.  That's where I met Carlotta.  Oh, Carlotta.  One would really think the Watcher made you just for me to have a perfect best friend.  We were even wearing the same dress.

"You're a Watched Sim, really?" she asked in amazement.

"Aren't you?" I said.  "You have wonderful traits, bunch of skills, and you're already done with your lifetime wish.  Surely ..."

"Alas, no," she sighed.  "I'm just a motivated Sim.  I would give anything to have my son Goopy in a Watched household."

"You named your son Goopy?"

"My husband did."

Well, strange names aside, realizing that Carlotta was just as family oriented as me definitely got me liking her a lot.  She didn't even mind my joking about the name "Goopy."

As you can see, by this point, I'd changed into formal wear.  The proper side of me likes to feel well dressed in the evenings.

"Carlotta," I said.  "I know this is sudden, but if you'd like to be part of my mission here and join a Watched household, I would be honored to have you."

"Oh, truly?" she squealed, gathering me into a hug.  "I'll meet you at home.  I'm going to go renovate your shack.  I'm so excited!"

True to her word, when I got home, the shack was no more.  In its place was a charming little cottage.

Inside, it was pretty sparse, but we'll have money soon enough.  For now, this is more than sufficient.

I couldn't wait to scoop little Goopy into my arms.  I love the nooboos so much it hurts.

I really can't wait to have one of my own.  In the meantime, I'd say I've got a pretty good start going here. 

Carlotta has started a garden outside and got a Watcher-approved makeover.  She couldn't be happier. 

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2012, 01:04:30 PM »
Awesome start! I can't wait for the next update. (Coralie is very pretty! And I love her formalwear.) Is Monte Vista really fun to play? I'm considering getting it, just because it looks so beautiful.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2012, 01:08:18 PM »
Awesome start! I can't wait for the next update. (Coralie is very pretty! And I love her formalwear.) Is Monte Vista really fun to play? I'm considering getting it, just because it looks so beautiful.

Yay, glad you like it :) 

I love it!  The routing can be a little annoying just because depending on where you are living, it takes a while to get to the opposite side of town, but it's so different from all the other towns I've played and the scenery is just to die for.

Offline Tilia

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An Affair to Remember
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2012, 01:34:55 PM »
You know that feeling when you spot a gorgeous man and just have to run over and ask him how he'd feel about marrying a woman the same day he met her?  No?  Well, you're missing out.  This is Camillo.

He is very traditional and loves to talk with his hands.  He told me how much he liked the new house (though from a distance, he probably looked angry.)

He had to go to work, but we made plans to meet up the next day.  I got there right on time, as you do, and waited primly for him to arrive.

Unfortunately, Date #2 didn't go very well.  I found out he hates kids and he found out I love them.  We shouted at each other a bit and then went our separate ways. 

When I got home and saw Carlotta teaching little Goopy to talk, it just made me angrier.  How on earth can someone hate kids?!  It just goes against nature!

In an effort to distract myself, I went down to the festival the next day, hoping to meet some other eligible bachelor.  Hopefully one who loved children.  But guess who I ran into.  (At least I seem to be on his mind.)

"Coralie!  Oh, thank the Watcher," he said, dashing over.  "I'm an idiot.  Please forgive me.  I really like you and my stupid kid phobia shouldn't ruin that."

Well, I won't lie.  My heart was all a flutter, but it's necessary in these situations to be pragmatic.  "Are you commitment phobic too?" I asked, pointedly.

"Oh no!" he assured me.

"Good," I said, and leaned in to test our our chemistry the old fashioned way.

It passed with flying colors.  Soaring. 

"Look, Camillo," I said.  "I don't have much time to dawdle.  Remember when I asked you how you felt about fast marriages?"

"Err, yes.  I think that was the first thing you ever said to me."

"Well ..."


"You're taking this much better than I anticipated!"

"You're so awesome and gorgeous and strange and amazing!"

I giggled a lot through our rushed little ceremony.  His enthusiasm (and overall willingness, if we're honest) was such a pleasant surprise to me.

"With this ring, I thee condemn to a marathon of ice sculptures."

Am I lucky or what? 

Offline Tilia

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A Tree Grows in Monte Vista
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2012, 01:48:34 PM »
Carlotta got bored with normal produce pretty fast in our little garden outside.  She had rows of fantastic quality tomatoes and eggplants and such in no time at all.

She mentioned to me that she wanted to spend a day in the town greenhouse to collect some higher-quality seeds with rarer properties.  "We're going to need life fruit anyway, for when you've completed your requirements."

She really does know a lot about how this whole Immortal Dynasty thing works.  But then again, she's always wanted to be Watched.

Apparently the rare and special seeds are just lying around en masse at that greenhouse, so Carlotta bagged a whole bunch of them.

Our husbands focused on the artistic skilling.  Because gender roles are for chumps.

Carlotta's husband, Eduardo, is a silent sort.  Very talented, but I don't think he's said two words to me since moving in.  That's okay, though.  We co-exist well.  In fact, the four of us skill in unison all day until Goopy starts crying and one of us has to be peeled away.

When I can steal a moment with my husband, you can bet I do.  I've made no secret to him that every woohoo is a try for baby woohoo, even if he doesn't like it.

Besides, soon enough Goopy will be too big to snuggle up to.  Carlotta and I taught him all of his toddler skills in just two days.

Luckily, I won't have to wait long. 

Everything is falling so beautifully into place.  Carlotta got us a motive mobile with her happiness points, and Camillo has started on ice sculpting.

The Watcher even allowed us a little break to throw a party for Goopy's birthday.

I love when they sparkle.

He has his Mama's pretty blue eyes.

He's a little genius.  He helped his mom design the little greenhouse shack we'd need to get her produce through the fall and winter, and he wasn't even half a day into childhood yet.

It's not perfect, but it will suffice.  He was also there to act like a true adult male when I went into labor.

Pain so dismantles dignity.

I opted for a home birth, as is the classic method.  When I felt her sparkles overtake me, it was possibly the happiest moment of my life.

Welcome to the world, Mona Lisa Classic.

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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - A Tree Grows in Monte Vista
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2012, 02:15:35 PM »
Welcome to the world, Mona Lisa!

This is an awesome dynasty so far. Monte Vista looks like a fun place to play. :)

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - A Tree Grows in Monte Vista
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2012, 02:47:15 PM »
Great story, I really love Mona Lisa's name!

Offline Tilia

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The Age of Innocence
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2012, 04:03:39 PM »
(Thanks for the kind words, RaiaDraconis and ekobeko.  Comments make me feel so special  ::))

Even though money is still tight, I managed to convince the gang to let me buy a baby swing for Mona Lisa's infant days.  It has turned out to be an inspired idea.

Whether it's her natural temperament or the swing itself, she is a quiet and well-behaved baby.  Which is good, because we're all still frantically trying to get our skill levels up.

Camillo seems to be more phobic than hateful toward children, now that I've gotten to know him.  And really self conscious about it too!  He seems kind of annoyed if anyone catches him loving on little Mona, though I suppose that's because we all make such a big deal out of it.

The morning of her birthday, I could barely put her down.  Such a lovable bundle of sweet smells and coos.  I know she'll be just as sweet as a toddler, but still.  It's hard to let that precious little infant go.

Don't mind my solemn face.  I get really emotional at birthdays.  I suppose I should get over it as now that I'm on the path to immortality, I'm like to see a lot of them.

The boys were the enthusiastic ones.  It's really the only time I hear Eduardo's voice is when he and the other two are reacting to something.  One time he turned to me at breakfast and said, "Mm, good waffles," and I almost fell out of my chair in alarm.

My darling girl aged up looking so much like her daddy.  Her favorite color is white, and I had prepared clothes for her to suit her taste.

She is lucky and artistic.

As with Goopy, Carlotta and I take turns teaching her the toddler skills necessary for a bright future.  She loves us both, and somehow I don't feel as jealous as I expected to when she clings to "Aunt 'otta"

"You're going to be a great artist, Mona Lisa," I tell her, and she looks back at me with all the seriousness and understanding in the world.  Then she wets herself.

Goopy spends tons of time at the chemistry table he begged and begged for.  He is a smart little man and has concocted a few potions of his own design already.  The sleep enhancing one is pretty great.

Like his Mama, he loves our little Mona.  They play peek-a-boo on the floor before he goes to school in the mornings.

Once he's gone, we're back to skilling.  She's able to walk, talk, and potty in record time, so we leave lots of toddler books around the house for her to entertain herself with.

She mostly wants to play with Ophelia, though, her doll.

Camillo cashed in a lifetime reward to ditch his kid phobia and replace it with handiness.  He's now very good with his "little masterpiece," as he calls her.

I am finishing up my fourth drama novel, "The Forgotten Classics."  Money is finally flowing in a little better to the house.  Soon, we plan to expand the house a little to an upstairs so Goopy doesn't have to sleep in the foyer.

That day can't come soon enough, either.  Goopy is growing like a weed.

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Childhood Was Magical
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2012, 04:22:43 PM »
Goopy aged into a strapping teenager who still had a healthy love for lime green.

Being older and cooler, however, didn't mean he acted much different at all.  In fact, he was suddenly an even greater help with Mona Lisa.

He would leave her in the swing before school, fed, changed, and snuggled so us grown ups could get on with our endless skill building.

In the (very) odd case that he was running a bit late, she would wait patiently in her crib, gurgling and happy, for someone to remember to get her.

With her toddlerhood nearing its end, Camillo was frantic to finish his 25 ice sculpture goal.  After many pointless trips to the gym and back in the motive mobile and at least four days without eating, sleeping, or urinating, he managed it.  However, his first attempt at capturing her form was less than perfect.

"Daddy, no!"

"Sorry, pea, that's what you look like."

He got it right the second time, and walked away in over-dramatic satisfaction while the ice chips were still settling.

She sat for two portraits as well, and just in time too.  She aged up all on her own in the midst of this frantic recording of her toddlerhood.

She's such a beautiful young lady.  She took on the photographer's eye trait in childhood.

We finally expanded the upstairs so she and Goopy would have proper rooms.  There are still a few unfinished rooms up there until we have the cash, but for now we are quite happy with it.

We updated our own rooms as well.

If we didn't know better, we'd think Mona Lisa liked Goopy's room better than her own, but it's that plush white rocking chair she's crazy for.  She's always rocking away in it.

She also is constantly chattering on to Ophelia, the doll.  Goopy seems to believe that the doll has become a real, living thing and is working on a potion to bring her "over to this side."  I think they're both nutty.

My daughter is lucky to have two such close friends so early in life, though.  She has Ophelia for girl stuff.

And Goopy for big-brother type advice and a watchful eye at school.

As for me, I'm overwhelmed with happiness and love in even the most mundane of tasks.  I have such high hopes for this dynasty and my daughter's future.


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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Childhood Was Magical
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2012, 05:51:29 AM »
Great story! Mona lisa is a lovely girl. :)

Offline simchuff

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Childhood Was Magical
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2012, 09:21:18 AM »
I must say, this is one of my favorite stories. Looking forward to the next update. It seems you have writing as your skill for the First generation, and painting for the second. I am biased to these, since I chose the same skills for my first two generations as well  :)

Offline Tilia

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Happiness is Only Real When Shared
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2012, 01:34:02 PM »
I was created, as I'm sure you remember, to be homeless.  Because of that and because of memories to that time when I was alone and cold on the streets of Bridgeport, the warm, communal environment of my own home, my own family, where I - somehow - am the matriarch... it's incredible.

Snowflake Day rolled around having us all well on track to where we needed to be.  As such, I allowed a gift giving party.  If nothing else, we could use the money toward eventually expanding our little cottage into the dynastic manor it will become.  For now, we have a little hut outside where our dynasty pieces are being kept, so they aren't accidentally sold or lost.

Camillo's brother came out.  We were all very surprised to see that he had become a fairy.  Even stranger still, we got the news the he passed away directly after the party, so his evident fae-ness didn't preserve his life the way it is rumored to.

You must excuse my solemn face again.  It's holidays that do it to me.  Everyone else was joyous and enthusiastic.

I got my husband a nice bottle of bubble bath so he can finally relax in one.  He's been wishing to practically since the day he moved in.

And he got me a brand new laptop!  How incredibly generous can you get?

We even indulged our little girl by pretending to watch Ophelia open a gift.  The guests were really very nice to go along with it.

Goopy was absent throughout the entire gift giving, so we had to give him his gift later.  He had been upstairs all day long at that chemistry set.  For a teenager, he really is quite the devoted academic.

Snowflake Day also happened to be the adult birthdays for every young adult in the house except for Camillo.

Eduardo and Carlotta were both in my daughter's room when they aged up.

By that time, most of us were in pajamas and Mona Lisa was practicing her painting in the foyer.

Well, with three adult birthdays, you are likely to get at least one midlife crisis.  The unfortunate recipient was our very own Carlotta, who upon aging up, rushed over to Mona Lisa's mirror to inspect her face for wrinkles.

She then wailed loudly and plopped onto the floor with a loud thump, which startled everyone downstairs.

Goopy suggested that Mona Lisa take a break from painting and come make a snow man with him, which she happily obliged to.  I kept a close eye on them just in case one got too cold, and listened to my daughter chatter away about Ophelia and the new toy oven she got for Snowflake Day.

"Ophelia is going to be a famous chef.  She's going to make me cakes and pies and cookies," Mona insisted.

"I think she will too," Goopy said firmly.  "In fact, I have a special present for both you and Ophelia."

"Oh, oh, oh!" Mona squeaked.  "Is it?  Is it the potion?  Really?"

"Really," He said with a big grin, and Mona Lisa squealed in delight.

Now might be a good time to mention that I had agreed, several days ago, that if they could bring this imaginary girl to life that I'd buy a bed and raise her like my own daughter.  Suddenly I'm wondering if I should've made that assertion.

I watched with my jaw on the ground through the window as a swirl of bubbly, multi-colored lights illuminated Mona Lisa's face.

And in the blink of an eye, we had another little girl under our roof.

Offline Tilia

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Mona Lisa
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2012, 01:47:55 PM »
When Ophelia became real, Mama had no choice but to sell my pretty princess canopy bed and replace it with two smaller beds for us.  That's okay though.  It's worth it to have Ophelia real and solid and with me at school.  It's also really funny when she gets excited about things like using a real toilet.

I was worried Goopy would be jealous, because Ophelia is my best friend.  But he is okay.  Mama says I might marry him someday, but I think that's gross.

Then 'Phelia said she was going to marry him, because he made her real, and now I'm not so sure I want her to, because what if I change my mind? 

I'm confused about that now, so I try to stay around him to figure out if I want to be kissing friends with him or just friends friends.  It mostly makes my head hurt.

The grown ups are working all the time, always.  Aunt Carlotta goes fishing when it's really late at night, sometimes in the snow.  She's just a little speck in this photo!

And sometimes she cries over her plants when they die, which is kind of silly.

She can always plant more!  And boy, she does.  She got a bunch of planter pots for Snowflake Day and is filling up the little greenhouse.

Uncle Ed painted her in there, because he says it's the way that he wants the dynasty to remember her.  She loves her plants a lot.

Mama goes to the bibliotec a lot for writing.  She says it's classy in there and it helps her think.  She's a level 10 writer and has finished her lifetime wish, but still has a lot more to do before supermax, she says.

She says she has to go to the library to get anything done because when she's home she gets amb-ooshed by Daddy.

Anyway!  I'm about to blow out the candles on my birthday cake and become a teen!  I hope I'm pretty!


I'm going to resist the urge to totally rewrite this childish jabber, and assume that anyone reading knows I was just a kid for the first half of this.  I wished for talent and for my mom to stop looking so sour every time there's a holiday.

Turns out I should've wished for good hair.  And a pair of pants.

Ouch.  'Phelia and Daddy made fun of me a bit before she took her own turn.

Ha.  Well, you know what they say about karma.  I may have honked in amusement at that horrible hair. 

To the mirror with us!

I'm pretty happy with my features.  I look a lot like Mom, don't you think?

I picked a smock-esque dress to go along with my artsiness, and I developed the perfectionist trait, if you're wondering.

Ophelia went for a much less prim look, overall.

She then went back to eat cake and tell everyone that one day she'd make a much tastier one.

Daddy grabbed me for the ice sculpture.  I might have been a bit obnoxious with my pose.

In any sense, the temporary museum is coming together nicely.  Here's my section:

And here's Mom's

Ophelia likes to go in there and admire the work.  "I'm going to help you succeed," she whispered to me the first night she was real.  I have no doubt in my mind that it is the truth.