Author Topic: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - The Video Message  (Read 391381 times)

Offline Dextra2

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Lost Horizon
« Reply #585 on: March 29, 2013, 08:09:01 PM »
D'aaawwww! I think Bubbly would be a cute nickname! :) Or maybe Champ...
I can't wait to see her all grown up!
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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Lost Horizon
« Reply #586 on: March 30, 2013, 03:02:01 AM »
Almost there! I hope the Grannies (and Bubbly, for that matter) get the opportunity to live on past the dynasty, or experience a new life. Who knows? *hint, hint*

Sorry I haven't been answering a lot, I read every chapter, but old lurking habits die hard :)

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Lost Horizon
« Reply #587 on: March 30, 2013, 07:58:54 AM »
I just want to say that this story is amazing.  I just started reading it yesterday (latecomer I know), and I love your writing skills and your character building.  I am only on the beginning of generation 3 though, but plan on reading the rest ASAP.

Offline Tilia

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Lost Horizon
« Reply #588 on: March 30, 2013, 09:25:13 AM »
You're going to be hearing this a lot over the next few days, but . . .

Champagne. Is. So. Freaking. Cute.

It's good to know that Mata Hari has gotten back into life! So to speak.

Champagne's hair is so pretty! After this dynasty is over, you must upload all of the immortals. I must pair them up with all the male sims I have saved over all the dynasties!

I'm so in love with her.  Be prepared for yet another toddler spam post coming right up.  I'm going to feel a palpable sense of loss when she ages up.  I do plan on uploading all of them!  (Under the obligation that you show me any and all offspring, obviously).

Friend: Which Classic is she on?
Me: Eighth. Her name's Champagne and she's doing nectar making.
Friend: Ooo, her hair's pretty. Did she get that from her dad?
Me: No, her dad had puke hair.
Friend: I hate that. It looks like somebody just barfed on their head. But then again, if you drink too much champagne, that could happen.

I felt the urge to share that exchange despite its irrelevancy.

I'm kinda into the fact that your friend knows what's going on over here.

Aww Champagne is so cute! Glad she didn't get that puke colored hair really and truly lol can't wait to see what happens next

Me too.  If she had, I'd already decided to dye it black.

Oh my gosh Champagne is so adorable! I wonder what she will look like when she is older? Your so close to finishing! Just a whole normal sim lifespan!

I can't wait to see myself what she'll look like.  She appears to have a nice combo of Mata and Percy.

I have to agree with the others: She is such a cutie!
But where did her hair colour came from? Do you have it in your CAS and it was just randomly chosen?
And I never noticed the ruffles on the back of that toddler outfit. So incredible cute.  ;D

Ah, you know, it might actually be saved in CAS.  That'd make sense.  Otherwise, maybe it's a hair color from one of the store worlds or something.  I noticed the ruffle when she was walking!  So adorable.

I have just read the dynasty so far, love it by the way. And Champagne is just, Adorable.

Haha, that must've taken you a while!  So glad to have you on board.

D'aaawwww! I think Bubbly would be a cute nickname! :) Or maybe Champ...
I can't wait to see her all grown up!

I did get pretty attached to Bubbly while I was writing Coralie's chapter :)

Almost there! I hope the Grannies (and Bubbly, for that matter) get the opportunity to live on past the dynasty, or experience a new life. Who knows? *hint, hint*

Sorry I haven't been answering a lot, I read every chapter, but old lurking habits die hard :)


I will give each of them closure for sure! 

I just want to say that this story is amazing.  I just started reading it yesterday (latecomer I know), and I love your writing skills and your character building.  I am only on the beginning of generation 3 though, but plan on reading the rest ASAP.

Aw, gen 3.  Rosetta was one of the cutest toddlers I've ever played.

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« Reply #589 on: March 30, 2013, 09:57:36 AM »
"Our baby is the cutest thing in the world," Percy says to me as often as possible.  "Impossibly cute.  I'm so glad you talked me into shocking the community."

For my part, I tend to respond silently, with a gesture of affection.  Percy loves trying to guess what I'm thinking.  I suppose I've never completely stopped keeping him on his toes.  He loves it really.

And he's right.  Champagne is crippling in her cuteness.

She's going to be a beauty.  She learned all of her toddler skills freaky fast.  She's walking, talking, pottying, singing, dancing, playing, and watching with such advanced fervor that it's hard to keep up with her.

I've missed a lot of these formative moments due to being chained to my desk at the police station.  Guess the job isn't called Desk Jockey for nothing.  Anyway, as often as I have to be out, Bubbly knows who Mommy is.

And probably at least suspects who Daddy is. 

"He likes da kitty," she says.  "and me."

"And you," he agrees, tapping her nose and making her giggle.  Percy is indeed a cat person.

Mom also wants to make sure Champagne knows her, despite constant work.  She tries to time leaving for the teatro with bed time so she can kiss her goodnight.

And if not, stays up a few extra hours in the mornings to spend some time playing with her.

She grumbles about that costume.  I can't help but agree.  What kind of pop icon wears the pregnancy nightgown and a pair of aviators?  Ah well.

The other grannies try to spend as much time with her as possible too, though it's easier without requirements on your shoulders.  A household joke has formed that if you want to play with Bubbly, you have to catch her first.

Or risk waking her up.

The day she did her potty all by herself the first time, Granny gave her a special gift.  A creepy little doll named OJ. 

I've got no beef with OJ.  Anything that keeps Bubbly occupied is fine by me, even if it would've given me nightmares as a kid.  Plus, when she does that horrifically off-tune singing to him, it's pretty much the cutest thing on earth.

What I do take a bit of issue with is Granny and Mona Lisa telling my child that the doll is somehow sentient.  Which is crazy talk.  And scary. 

"Mata Hari, you are descended directly from one of those dolls," Mona Lisa chides.

Sure, Grandma.  Time for your nap.  I mean, after all, surely we're violating a serious humanitarian code of conduct, in this case, every time Champagne (or Eden, for that matter) plays with the dollhouse.

And think of the life we've kept the purple dragon in the toy box from!  Surely he'd be the CEO of a major company by now if not for the constant toddler abuse over the last several generations!

Anyway, you get the picture.  I would never take OJ away from my daughter now that she's so attached, but come on.

We set up her museum room recently.  I'm very happy with it.  Granny is all misty eyed over it being the last one.

And of the three sets of life requirements left, one is finally done.  On a cool evening in the fall, my mother became a rock star.

We sat with her for ambrosia.  She was clearly nervous about it.  "What if they demote me?!" she worried.  As you can see, I was the beacon of support there, with pizza in my mouth.

She was just stalling anyway.  And when it happened, it was as though the sparkles had been made for her.  Just a bit of every color.

They also seemed to remove any doubts she had.  After the ambrosia settled, she gazed off through the window and sighed, contentedly.

I patted her on the shoulder as I passed her, heading for where Champagne was playing in the nursery.  It was bed time.  I held her tight, quietly for a minute, thinking about our futures.  About the day we'd eat that stuff too.

"We're going to make it," I whispered to her, changing her into her pajamas and settling her in.  She reached up for my hand and squeezed, giving me one of her heart-melting looks.

"Night night, Mama.  Don't worry, k?"

"Okay sweetness," I said, holding her little hand in mine.  "Night night."

Immortal 6 - Allegra Classic

Traits: excitable, virtuoso, party animal, bookworm, social butterfly, workaholic
Spouse: Orlando (Romano) Classic
Career: Music (maxed)
Skill: Alchemy (supermaxed)
Other Maxed Skills: Guitar, Piano
Lifetime Wish: Super Popular (completed)
6 Unique Black Ops: Stinky bugs, I got your back ... up, Sort the Selection, The Set Up, Local Musician Showdown, Keeping the Rhythm
6 Unique Best Friends:  Eureka Classic, Orlando Classic, Chanel England, Donte Miles, Chadd Barrow, Thaddeus Self, Octavia Thorpe
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Immune to Cold, Office Hero, Professional Slacker
Property: Alistair's Elixirs and Sundries
Building: Teatro Classico
Portraits: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Sculptures: toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder
Photographs: infant, toddler, teen
Immortal at: 79 Days

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #590 on: March 30, 2013, 10:19:06 AM »
Congratulations to Allegra! The career outfits have been random ever since Showtime. Still, they add a touch of humor. I love it that Mata doesn't believe she has any Imaginary Friends in her family tree.
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #591 on: March 30, 2013, 10:22:38 AM »
Bravissimo, Allegra! Congrats on a job well done!

Mata's skepticism about OJ and her discussion on the dollhouse and the purple dragon seriously had me cracking up. She and Percy are still so adorable together. I'm glad that Percy still has a hand in raising Champagne despite the fact that he doesn't live there.

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Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #592 on: March 30, 2013, 10:28:29 AM »
Mata, your related to one of those dolls, you shouldn't be so scared of them :D I love how she wore the pregnancy gown when she was a rockstar, that you don't see everyday :) Congratulations Allegra! You are now immortal and free to NOT die! When Champagne turns into a child, can you ask her if she likes tacos? please?

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #593 on: March 30, 2013, 11:20:26 AM »
Yay, the 6th Immortal! We all knew you could do it, Allegra!

And I must say that Mata Hari gets prettier and prettier every time I see her.
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Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #594 on: March 30, 2013, 12:04:46 PM »
Congrats on Allegra becoming the 6th immortal! It is very funny that Marta doesn't believe that she has an IF in her family tree its pretty cute. It also makes me wonder if OJ will become alive too? Oh I love the intrigue

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #595 on: March 30, 2013, 01:01:23 PM »

Oh come on, surely you know that maternity wear and aviator glasses are just all the rage these days? No? Well, maybe not in Monte Vista. I really wish we could change some of the career outfits instead of just re-coloring them. Anyway, congrats to immortal number 6!

Offline kokorotawara

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #596 on: March 30, 2013, 02:21:17 PM »
So cute!! Please tell me, what do you think about university? I haven't got it yet (no funds) but I really want it.

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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #597 on: March 30, 2013, 06:35:15 PM »
They need to force Mata Hari to realise her relation to an IF. It bothers me that she doesn't believe it, because she is denying the miracle that is Ophelia. Allegra doesn't even look like an Elder to me. So typical of her.
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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #598 on: March 30, 2013, 07:13:17 PM »
I laugh every time I see Champagne's hair now, because several children born in my games seem to be getting it. Well, it's better than the puke hair.
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Re: The Classic Immortal Dynasty - Triathlon
« Reply #599 on: March 30, 2013, 08:49:31 PM »
Congrats on the 6th(?) immortal!! I really love Mata Hari. I love her hair! Champagne is adorable! Sorry I haven't commented in a while!

