I'd recommend one Live Venue from Showtime because the outside stages won't work if you have Seasons installed -- at least that's the case in my game.
I agree about the showtime with seasons. Who wants to freeze to death in the snow while watching a show. You don't need any outdoor show venue if you have seasons.
I don't place the alchemey store. I put an alchemey register in the Consignment store. Works for both. Forget the laundrymat. Unless you want the "clean clothes" moodlet, it's useless.
I never put animal parks, they take up too much space. For my witches, I add the broom stunt thing to another park.
Try to place smaller rabbitholes. There is a Health Center (called "Cummunity Hospital" that takes minimal space in build mode). There is also a "Plumbob film studio" that fits on a 40 x 40 lot. If you want the Equestrian center, use the small one (40 x 40) rather than the enormous one! EA went wild with lot sizes and left little room for expansion.
Also, I have downloaded various combination lots (Health and science center; school and athelitic gym (for sports career)) that saved me space. I won't put the link here; but, if your interested contact me. I have used these lots MANY times without issue.