I noticed when rereading the last chapter that I misused a term hah. So I thought it might be nice to create a glossary for you guys and myself.
The United Simdom - Old name of the country where the Simkis live. Contains all the ea released cities, e.g. Bridgeport, Sunset Valley, Twinbrook, etc.
Simki - Name for the natives of the U.S.
Citoyenne - a word meaning citizen or comrade in the Simki language and used by the freedom fighters to refer to each other
Neisacan - The new name for the U.S., renamed by the Royal Family.
Neisaci - Natives of Neiscan (not all can use magic)
Natives - the word the Neisaci use to refer to the Simki
Fealtors - the word the Neisaci use to refer to the Simki that vow loyalty or fealty to the crown
Neyreen - name for areas of land that are divided among the noble families. Each Neyreen is further split into smaller areas ruled by lesser houses. But only the high families rule over a Neyreen.
Neyrn - the name of the head of a family that controls a Neyreen, title is for both males and females.
Gilded Era - The ninth and current era according to current Chantry calendar.
Chantry - the religious organisation of the Neisaci, very influential in Neisacan.
Yonkori - name of a port city in the Neisacan Empire, setting of the story, used to be Bridgeport, reformed with magic after the coming.
Zenron Range - mountain range of Yonkori.
Dalmasra - capital city of Neisacan.
Bal'Neisacan - Surname for the royal family
Bal'Lanark - Surname for House Lanark, stewards of Yonkori, one of the richest Neyreens, located in the inner city and harbourlands.
Bal'Zulan - Surname for House Zulan, another Yonkori Neyreen, located at the Zenron Range.
Bal'Rikarn - Surname for House Rikarn, another Yonkori Neyreen, located in the forests of Yonkori.
The Reserve - name for the inner city of Yonkori, commerce district and home to the wealthy small houses of the city and some of the fealtors.
The Natrium - name for the outer city, home to most of the Simki families.
The Glorylost - name for the freedom fighters organisation, Simki or otherwise.
Judicars - elite guards of Neisacan, under direct command of the royal family.
I took some images of some of the lots in Yonkori, the world is not finished yet so they seem a bit… empty but they might set the mood better for the story.
Neisacan Royal Summer Castle
Tower Yonkori - meant to be in the city centre
Smaller house in the inner city (owned by House Zulan)
House in Rikarn's Neyreen
Dance Club in Rikarn's Neyreen