Author Topic: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 18 - Airica]  (Read 152425 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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  • Addicted to Dynasties? *shifty eyes* Not me.
Thank you again, Miss Magpie.   My brother in law frequently tells me to put Artie & Co on a blog somewhere.  I really do appreciate all of your praise as it makes me even more determined to keep going with the story even if it is easier to just Sim some days. 

As for the signature, PM me which one you like best and I'll tell you how and do it for you if you'd like no problem.   
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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The Grim Recap:

Here's what you missed on Grim.  Nothing.  I'm serious this time.  It was all skilling.  Boring Boring skilling and non wish popping.  Matters had to be taken into our own hands.  Let's do this.  Not really a recap.  Whoops.

On Wednesday....
Clawdeen: "Wait a minute!  I wasn't supposed to be using that wish I thought."
Adrasteia: "Too bad so sad.  Let's move on.  You're obviously never going to wish to max out writing."
Clawdeen: "I know but.. does that mean I'm done?"
Adrasteia: "Yep.  Go make with the woohoo."
Clawdeen: "Sure.. still can't have a baby though."
Adrasteia: "What?! Why."
Clawdeen: "We were waiting to make Walter a Vamp so he's still normal."
Adrasteia: "Well.. crud on toast." -sigh- "You go tell Reka.  I'm off to go get your boy bitten."

Walter: "Please Buck.  We've known each other for eons.  Just bite me ok.  And preferrably right here."
Buck Broke: "I don't know. "
Walter: "Right here, man."
Adrasteia: "Just do it already!"
Buck: "Ahh.  You've got some creepy voice hanging around you."
Walter: "She'll get worse if you don't do it."
Buck: "Ok fine but we can't be friends anymore after this."

Adrasteia: "Whoo!  A birthday.  Something to keep our minds off the fact that Walter is making us wait for nooboos."
Howleen: "Hey.. It's my day.  Enough about them."

Howleen: -mid life crises hits- -internal monologue- "Oh my watcher my life is a disaster!"

Adrasteia: "Are you sure you should be eating that?"
Howleen: -chomps- "Too late now. "
Adrasteia: "Satsified?"
Howleen: "How come nothing is happening?"
Adrasteia: "I'm told it takes a couple of hours."
Howleen: "But I don't have that itis thing I read about either."
Adrasteia: "Oh .. that's probably because you're a witch."
Howleen: "What?!  But I can't give up being a witch all by myself."
Adrasteia: "What about an elixir?"
Howleen: "Won't work."
Adrasteia: "I think you're freaking out for no reason."
Howleen: "I know what I have to do."
Adrasteia: "Oh goodie.. this can't go bad at all."

Walter: "Howleen, why'd you ask me to come to the gazebo?"
Howleen: "For this." -heat of the moment kiss-
Adrasteia: "Wow.. never saw that coming."
Walter: "Howleen get off me!"

Walter: "Howleen.  Why would you do that to me and your sister? Do you have any idea what my reputation is now?"
Howleen: "I don't care.  Ask me to forsake my powers."
Walter: "No.   You just kissed me and I want to know why."
Howleen: "Look me in the eye and say to forsake my powers."

Walter: "Fine.  If you don't want to talk, I'm wiping my slate clean of you and I'm leaving.  Goodbye."
Howleen: "You're going to just walk away from me!  How dare you when I'm asking for help!"
Walter: "You're not asking for help.  You're not making sense at all. I'm in love with your sister and here you are kissing me for no good reason."
Howleen: "I have a very good reason.   My life is a shambles.  I sit around here and do whatever my grandma wants because mostly I enjoy it but I have nothing and I can't have anything more than nothing unless I leave.  Clawdeen gets it all.  She's the heir.  She gets the recognition the chance to live forever."

Walter: "It's ok Howleen. Actually you get more than you realize.  You want to freeze your age.  Go ahead.  She had to complete a lot of things before we could even do anything.    You want to get married.  Fine, marry him and leave the house.  You can do any skill you want.  You can become friends with anyone you want.  You can finish any career path you choose.  Your sister, my wife has to stay there with your grandmother and mother forever.  Until 7 generations have been born and completed their tasks.  That's a lot of work and back breaking.  Your grandmother is doing it out of revenge.   Clawdeen could care less about revenge.  She could care less about the Grims.  You can live without ever having to think of a Grim again."
Howleen: -sniff-
Walter: "Oh come on.  Stop crying.  Go forsake those powers of yours."
Howleen: "Really?"
Walter: "Yeah I hate that you're a witch.  Go do it now."
Howleen: -wipes her face- "You know.. I don't actually like you.  Let's be friends."
Walter: -mouth hangs open a little bit-

Howleen: "Wow I feel so much better now that I'm cured."
Adrasteia: "Come to the light."
Howleen: "Uhh.."
Adrasteia: "Come to the light!"
Howleen: "Addy.. you are one creepy chick."
Adrasteia: "Just come over here.  Pictures at night time are horrible."

Howleen: "Om nom nom nom."
Adrasteia: "Well?"

Howleen: "Aww man. Nothing's happening again."
Adrasteia: "Are you sure?  Did you eat the right kind of fruit?"
Howleen: "Definitely."
Adrasteia: "You know it's not instantaneous right?"
Howleen: "Oh yeah. OK let's go wait."

Howleen: "Ahh what's happening to me!"
Adrasteia: "Probably what you wanted to happen."

Howleen: "I feel something crawling within my veins.."
Adrasteia: "That's weird. Is it going to come out of your chest or stomach?"

Howleen: "It's working!  It's working!"
Adrasteia: -yawn-  "Go green already."

Howleen: -poof-
Butternut gnomes: "Let's get out of here!"
Adrasteia: "Really?  Just a puff of pollen and that's it?"

Howleen: "Whoo!  It worked."
Adrasteia: "Congratulations.  There's a commotion in the house."

Adrasteia: "Aww there's my cute puppy.  Just can't let anyone have their moment huh? "
Reka: "He's not exactly a puppy anymore."
Adrasteia: "I know he's an elder but I can still think of him as a puppy.  Yes I can."

Walter: "Oh hey... I suddenly don't like food anymore."
Barbie: "Hey it finally happened. Go find your wife."

Walter: "Hey check out these fangs baby."

Clawdeen: "Oh yeah?  Well check these out!  Top and bottom."
Walter: "Wow."

Clawdeen: "That was fun.  Let's go make a baby like now."
Walter: "You got it!"

Clawdeen: "Aww.. Brooks.. way to kill the mood."
Reka: "How could you be so mean?!  We're losing a family member."
Clawdeen: "Grandma I didn't mean it like that.  Calm down."
Walter: "Come on hun.   I know how to make you forget about that mourning moodlet."
Don: "Don't worry I got Grandma."

~*~ Chimes ~*~
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Yay! Plantsims!

Offline Jade

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I just read all 18 weeks and I honestly don't know which family is my favorite. They're both really unique. And don't worry, the updates are still funny. xD I was not expecting that heat of the moment kiss though. Can't wait for week 19!
Blessed Curse

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." - Corrie Ten Boom

Offline Ricalynn

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The Grim Recap:

We're in the boring part of the story.   Airica and Reka passed on to Tala and Barbie who have passed onto Casper and Clawdeen.   Clawdeen finished the end of Week 18 with some chimes so now we go to Casper who has been just as boring to see if he can catch up with the little wolf doll.

You know what happens when the Sims are boring?  You find things to make life interesting..

Adrasteia: "We shall name you... Zoey because that's what came up.  Welcome Zoey!"

Adrasteia: "Hey.. look who's getting older!"
Malcolm: "Hey hey.. don't rub it in."

Malcolm: "Ahh I'm blind.  They blinded me!"
Adrasteia: "You're not blind.  You have too much hair."

Yay for new clothes.

Gunther: -workaholic trait grates- "Why am I retiring?"
Adrasteia: "W'e're all tired of you taking forever to come home.  Oh and you're like 90 days old."
Gunther: "Now what am I going to do?"
Adrasteia: "Spend time with your wife?"
Gunther: "Not a bad idea."

Gunther: "Hey babe."
Tala: "Hey yourself."
Gunther: "Wanna celebrate me being 92?"

Tala: "You betcha."
Adrasteia: "It's weird how I can see your arm."
Tala & Gunther: "Get out!"

Adrasteia: "Wait!  I blinked what happened?!"
Tala: "We both decided to go play some games and he never followed me through the door."
Adrasteia: "Well at least you know his fun meter was full for his last moments."
Tala: "That's not funny.."
Adrasteia: "I was going for comforting."

Adrasteia: "It's always so sad to see one of you age up.  Happy Birthday Jax."

Cornelia: "Boo!"
Malcolm: "Hey!  You're going to give me a heart attack.  Aren't you supposed to be busy doing something else?"

Yep.. another birthday..

Oh and what was Casper doing?

Yep... beating his wife.

Casper: "That's it?"
Adrasteia: "Criminal level 10 is a good thing.  Got your career reward."

Casper: -still at work- "Yeah I know.. "

Adrasteia: "Too bad you still have two huge challenges left.  Chimes have been heard, my little green friend.  You're behind now."
Casper: "Aww man.  Did you have to tell me that?"
Adrasteia: "Yeah.. now go hit on Corny."
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline RainBeau

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Well, he's got the career down anyway!
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By samoht04


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"Now go hit on..."
I couldn't stop giggling after that. I hope romance isn't dead. :)

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Offline Ricalynn

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Quick update:  If you're not aware, I've been a little busy doing some testing for the dynasties, writing some stuff for Carl and now I have a summer cold on top of it all.  However, I do have some great news.   I opened up all of my dynasties and they all seem to be running just fine.   I know that's not really that big of a deal but I've had some seriously bad luck with installing expansions and dynasties before. 

To double the luck or to test it.. this is also my 7777th post.  Wheee.  I guess posting to the dynasty rules will have to wait.  I'm sleeping on this number.  ;D
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'


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Congratulations on your quadruple seven!
You are a lovely individual, a great writer and a top-notch moderator!  :)

Offline Shewolf13

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Just caught up with everything Rica.  Absolutely love it!  Unfortunately, I truly can't pick a favorite, as you can see by my signature XD  Love reading your stuff, I truly do. 

Offline Ricalynn

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Thank you SimBlip and Shewolf. I promise to return to this story soon.  I bruised my tailbone in a fall and find it hard to sit at my desk for now so I'm doing most of everything with my iPad right now. 
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Shewolf13

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Thank you SimBlip and Shewolf. I promise to return to this story soon.  I bruised my tailbone in a fall and find it hard to sit at my desk for now so I'm doing most of everything with my iPad right now.

Oh no!  So sorry to hear that!  I hope you feel better soon.  Bruising your tailbone is a very painful thing.

Offline EtnaFan666

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This is an amazing story, Ricalynn. The way you made it a double Dynasty with two founders in two towns racing to complete their dynasty and with stakes so high they hit the Realm of the Almighty(Dragon Quest reference) makes me cringe in fear for both girls. I am wishing for your tailbone to heal(have you tried a chair cushion? When I sit on my computer chair for hours I need to put a pillow under my butt to get rid of the pain of sitting for so long).

Please please PLEASE tell me you'll put Reka on the exchange so I can download her! I want my own founder, Jade Zishou, to maybe meet her. She's awesome. (Sadly, I do not have Generations YET and my computer lags so badly when I play Sims 3 right now but I'm going to pray for a better computer for Christmas!  ;D )

Also, I hope Airica can handle all those ghosts. I can't stand them anymore. Jade Zishou's mom was a scuba drowning ghost and she was HORRIBLE. She took forever to get anywhere(she even went over the ocean once!), everyone grossed out when they first met her, and she started scaring the family during the kids' birthdays! I am staying away from ghosts until I get a better computer and less lag.  >:(
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

"With great ability comes great taking into account of one's actions!" - spoken by an NPC in Lego Marvel Superheroes


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I hope you're alright, Rica!
Thinking of you ever so often... I miss you.

Offline sdhoey

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I'm all caught up on the Grims now.. Miss you Rica.. I hope you are better soon

