Author Topic: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 18 - Airica]  (Read 186084 times)

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 5 x 3]
« Reply #105 on: December 22, 2012, 07:33:02 PM »
...there's a 1 in 8 chance of all the babies being witches, so it's not freakishly weird, just kind of unlikely.  (I've actually never had a multiple birth with different types of supernaturals involved - is it possible to have the kids be different types?)
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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 5 x 3]
« Reply #106 on: December 22, 2012, 07:34:58 PM »
...there's a 1 in 8 chance of all the babies being witches, so it's not freakishly weird, just kind of unlikely.  (I've actually never had a multiple birth with different types of supernaturals involved - is it possible to have the kids be different types?)

Oh yes.  I did a thread on genetics where I almost never got three of the same kind each birth.  It's on the General Discussion board.  I'll have to find it.  In fact, I'm about to show you a mixed set in a second.. Is that too much of a spoiler?

You are getting less and less crazy because you are getting further away from your biggest moment of craziness starting two dynasties and throwing Addy in too. If that makes any sense.
Reka is very lucky to have three children with pretty good traits.

Yeah the traits weren't horrible but hey that was only the burrito stage.
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Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 6 Airica]
« Reply #107 on: December 22, 2012, 09:06:08 PM »
The Grim Recap:

Airica & Reka are thrown against one another in a race to finish dynasties for various reasons.  The Boss thinks it's the best thing ever but we all know what The Boss is.  Adrasteia is supposed to be living happily ever after with Gilberto but instead she's turned into a baby factory that has to watch over the two older ladies.   The first three weeks had Reka clearly in the lead but somewhere around week 4 Airica decided to play catch up really well.   Now they've been neck & neck until suddenly during Reka's Week 6 - she finished everything and immediately pumped out three little witches.   Now with only 1 wish holding her back from doing the same, we visit Airica to see how her week 6 turned out especially now that Addy is taking over the reigns from her wayward charges.  And when oh when will we get to see the new faeboos?

Adrasteia: "Looking good Mom unlike that hovel you live in."
Airica: -jumps- "Addy?"
Adrasteia: "Yep it's me."
Airica: "Well hello.  I thought you said something about Wednesday."
Adrasteia: "Hey someone who reads my reports!  Yeah I got the system set up early."
Airica: "So.. where's the pictures of my grandkids?"
Adrasteia: "Mooom.  I haven't had the new one and the others you've already seen.  You can wait until the end of the week like Reka."
Airica: -sniff- "Meanie. Oh hey... I suddenly want to marry Malcolm."
Adrasteia: "Nice.  That's the last wish you needed."
Airica: "I think I'll buy the fishing pond next door."
Adrasteia: "Aww you two are going to get married on Love Day."
Airica: "Yes and then we're going to conceive on Love Day."
Adrasteia: "Huh.. that sounds familiar."

Malcolm: "With this ring, I promise to devote myself to you."
Airica: "With that ring, I promise to be worthy of your devotion."

Adrasteia: -sniff- "Aww it's so pretty."

Adrasteia: "I'm not sure I even blinked before the two of you jumped over here."
Malcolm: "Who was that?"
Airica: "Ignore the voice - It's time for chimes."

Adrasteia: "Nothing says Happy Love Day like watching a young Gunther hit on Kaylynn Langerak at a party."
Jared Frio: "And then you mix in the onion.  Put in the oven at 400 and bake for about 15 minutes."
Airica: -new recipe received- "Awesome.  Thanks man.  You always come up with the best stuff."
Jared Frio: "Thanks.. Wanna hang out?"
Airica: "Jared I got married today."
Jared: "So?"

Malcolm: "So.. was the plastic surgery a good surprise?"
Airica: "Yes but I liked you the way you were."
Malcolm: "That's sweet but I didn't.  I did not enjoy being that thin either."
Airica: "Well I do like muscular men.. "
Malcolm: "Hey let's try out the love machine."
Airica: "The what?"

Adrasteia: "Isn't it usually the female that gets sick?"
Malcolm: "What?"
Adrasteia: "Nothing."

Airica: "Is it good, Mallybear?"
Malcolm: "This is the best cobbler ever!"
Adrasteia: "Nice manners."

Airica: "Aww Nooboo."
Adrasteia: "Aww Nooboo.  I can't believe you're already bringing in generation 2."
Airica: "I can't believe it took this long."

Adrasteia: "Oh man that's a horrible outfit."
Airica: "Says the woman who wore that pink & blue dress twice now."
Adrasteia: "Why do you think I'm always hanging out in my swimsuit?"
Airica: "Good idea."

Malcolm: "Ahh the baby's coming.  The baby's coming!"
Airica: "Huh.  That doesn't feel like last time."
Adrasteia: "Probably because you're having more this time."
Airica: "What?"
Adrasteia: "Malcolm snuck in the fertility treatment and a procreation elixir at my suggestion before the wedding" -snickers-
Airica: "Ooh you evil little minx!"
Malcolm: "Ahh the baby's coming.  The baby's coming!"
Adrasteia/Airica: "Oh shush already!"

Darn.. I had all boy names picked out.   I present to you ... Ulric, Tala & Lupe. The middle child brings being a middle child to a whole new level - she's the only wolf while the other two are witches like Airica.
Adrasteia: "Ok mom. Time to go to another birth."
Airica: "Oh are you popping?"
Adrasteia: "Oh no.  I've already given birth.  I'm off to see what Reka got."
Airica: "Wait what?"
Adrasteia: "Oh did I forget to tell you.. yeah you two conceived within two hours of each other.  Mwahahaha" -fiendishly delighted-

~*~ Several Days later ~*~

Adrasteia: "Cake time!  Aww hello baby Malcolm.  Just so cute for a non heir."

Adrasteia: "Aww another cutie.  Mom she has your eyes!"
Airica: "And the hair I was born with."
Adrasteia: "So cute with those pointed ears and everything."

Airica: "Last but not least.. my heir.."
Adrasteia: "Happy Birthday Tala!"
Airica: "Aww look at thos cute little crossed eyes."
Adrasteia: "Hey they're purple!"
Malcolm: "How come they don't glow?"
Adrasteia: "I don't know."
Malcolm: "Oh there they go."
Adrasteia: "New wardrobe time.  Everyone do just like big sissie Addy says and no one will get mad that they can't get there from here.  Ok?"

Things to know about the new Grim triplets:   All their names mean wolf.   All three are red on the dark rainbow slider.  And all three love the color grey.   I've never had that happen before but I went with it anyway.   

Ulric Grim - Loner & Heavy Sleeper

Lupe Grim - Neurotic & Genius

Tala Grim - The Evil Genius Heir.   

Adrasteia: "My perfect little sister.. "

Airica: "Should I be concerned that my wolf child is about to eat a lamb toy."
Adrasteia: "Of course not.  It's priceless."
Airica: "It is very touching."
Adrasteia: "Oh man.  I can't wait to show this to Artie.. See ya later Mom.  I promise I'll write my report really soon."
Airica: "You better!  It's Sunday!"
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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #108 on: December 22, 2012, 09:53:26 PM »
I'm craking up at the last pic, so sweet and classic. Let there be noboos! ;)
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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #109 on: December 22, 2012, 10:01:16 PM »
Tala is a perfect Grim! She is both Evil and a Genius. You have been very lucky with all the children's traits!

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #110 on: December 22, 2012, 10:13:08 PM »
YAY more evil Grims!!! GO TEAM AIRICIA!!! Congrats to Reka on her nooboos too..  ;D

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #111 on: December 23, 2012, 04:28:51 AM »
Indeed, do you have a Good Trait Machine? If so it is working! Jk. I love the names sooo much! And all the little nooboos are so cute! But then they have such good -looking parents, it's really a given.
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #112 on: December 23, 2012, 06:23:23 AM »
I really love it when you do the talking to thin air style of writing. All of the nooboos are adorable and I have to conceed that Airica has gone ahead on points with an evil genius heir.

Saying that I am still totally team Reka.

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #113 on: December 23, 2012, 09:37:42 AM »
That is a lot of nooboos lol. All of them are adorable.
I don't know how you manage to play three files and write three awesome stories!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #114 on: December 25, 2012, 01:59:17 AM »

All redboos and one an evil genius. Glad to see the Rica luck continues strong! Plus 2 of 3 getting Reka's bright, blue eyes! I also really like Addy's new role as a more direct "watcher." As always, I look forward to seeing what's next for the Grims.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [5 New Chapters on 12.22.12]
« Reply #115 on: December 26, 2012, 02:07:40 PM »
I'm craking up at the last pic, so sweet and classic. Let there be noboos! ;)

No more nooboos!   You're about to see why.   

Tala is a perfect Grim! She is both Evil and a Genius. You have been very lucky with all the children's traits!
Indeed, do you have a Good Trait Machine? If so it is working! Jk. I love the names sooo much! And all the little nooboos are so cute! But then they have such good -looking parents, it's really a given.
I have indeed been lucky.   It won't last of course.  I know it won't. 

I really love it when you do the talking to thin air style of writing. All of the nooboos are adorable and I have to conceed that Airica has gone ahead on points with an evil genius heir.
Saying that I am still totally team Reka.

She did get the evil genius but this means I can choose which one of Reka's is the heir.  We could still have an evil genius or an insane over there.  Man I hope there is an insane one eventually.

That is a lot of nooboos lol. All of them are adorable.
I don't know how you manage to play three files and write three awesome stories!

Thank you so much for the kind comment Louise.  I appreciate it.    Playing the three files really keeps things interesting for me.  It means I can't get wrapped up doing things and I have to think of different ways to do things.   It is a race and I can't have them both use the same strategy.  That's just not fun.

All redboos and one an evil genius. Glad to see the Rica luck continues strong! Plus 2 of 3 getting Reka's bright, blue eyes! I also really like Addy's new role as a more direct "watcher." As always, I look forward to seeing what's next for the Grims.
Thanks for reading Rhoxi.    All of Addy's kids make me think of you and Samura for some reason.  I wonder why ;)
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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 6 Addy]
« Reply #116 on: December 26, 2012, 02:08:29 PM »
The Grim Recap:

Here's what you missed on AYCDICDB.  Yeah I'm never typing that again.  Airica and Reka get pushed into a battle royale for Airica's freedom or something called the origin clause.  At first it looked like Reka would get to generation 2 first but then Airica came out ahead by 2 hours in the end.  Addy has been made to be their watcher and until this week she didn't take an active part in their every day lives, but now she's being made to fulfill her part probably just to keep things interesting for the people betting on the contestants.  Even with all this going on, she's still taking care of a family of her own with Gilberto.   In an effort to fulfill Gilberto's lifetime wish, little Adrasteia finds herself pregnant for the third and maybe final time. 

So since neither one of you can see into my life - I figured I'd give you a rundown of how things have been going.

The triplets first day of school was a snow day so everyone got to stay home.  It was also the last day of winter which means I went the entire winter with snow at least calf deep.

When it got dark outside and I got done checking on you two, I made them come in and everyone pulled together into the family living room.  Even my little technophobe grabbed the remote to enjoy some family fun time.   They all laughed when I said that we had been doing this for generations.   They act like there's no way video games were invented before they were born.  They have so much to learn.

Like to not panic when a woman goes in labor.    With all the screaming I had a headache and I thought about going outside to the garden but it was snowing.. still.   I made Gilberto buy that weather device LTR and make it stop immediately.

I love him so much when he listens.    It wasn't long after that that I welcomed the cutest toddler twins I've ever seen.   They're not the Christmas twins you wanted last time you were in Hidden Springs, Mom.  But they were mine.

Quintessa is a pale green cutie and Kuusi the red makes six.   I have six kids.  My god.. I have six kids. 

I think even Gilberto is starting to feel the pressure as he mentioned that even though he loves kids, he wants to quit his job.   I had no problem letting him because we were up to four toddlers that weren't ours plus at least one kid coming in the afternoon.  Add our three children and our teenager and this house is crazy..  And I mean Artie & Apollo fighting over the fireflies crazy.   Which is probably why I don't mind zoning out to check on you two. 

I've said it once and I'll say it again - I hate the larva stage.  We had Oona go out and buy two cakes while Gilberto tried to be better friends with Quintessa than I am.  I don't mind really.  It means that I can happily not have to carry them both to the cake. 

I make the cutest kids.   Kuusi is a heartbreaker fresh out of the sparkles.  Quintessa isn't an ugly child but I have to say something about Kuusi just makes me smile.   Maybe it's because she's red like everyone was back home.   I don't know. 

Oona got the idea to dress them up with coordinating outfits.  It's so adorable.   I can't believe even after seeing the three toddlers you guys each have that I still want to play with my own.  Well  I'm going to reserve the right to stop showing pictures.  This way you two will behave next week to see the little darlings some more.

Enjoy your rest for now ladies.. toddler requirements are now due.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 6 - Addy]
« Reply #117 on: December 26, 2012, 04:05:39 PM »
The twins are so cute, I love  Kuusi's blue wings! :)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 6 - Addy]
« Reply #118 on: December 26, 2012, 06:56:55 PM »
Hurray for finally getting Christmas twins!
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Re: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (A Dynasty) [New Chapter: Week 6 - Addy]
« Reply #119 on: December 26, 2012, 11:00:01 PM »
The twins are so cute, I love  Kuusi's blue wings! :)

They're the same as Addy's but on her they just seem bluer. 

Hurray for finally getting Christmas twins!

I still have plans for more if I can get them!
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