The Grim Recap:
The Boss got a new idea for some fun. Doll vs Watcher - dynasty style. Now Airica's in Sunset Valley having no luck with her loser trait while Reka has been doing 5 times better in Riverview. All she's missing is skill challenges and some mausoleum pieces to move on to generation 2. Addy went into the wardrobe expecting forever with Gilberto but life got complicated when she was asked to mediate Reka and Airica. Last week - She and Gilberto finally got married. They've both settled into an easy routine of being fairies while watching other people's kids. Gilberto hopes it will make her want one and it might just work.
You know mother - I'm half a mind to not send you this. Gilberto and I had really big news to share with you and you act as if we should all just leave you alone. Which I won't do. I will make time to see what you're doing if I have to do it the way Reka did. You better send a repor this week or I will make good on a promise to turn your life inside out on purpose.
Hello Reka - Congratulations on your wedding and Happy Birthday. George is very handsome and I'm absolutely certain that the nooboos are going to be so cute.
As you said, I teased you with a picture of Jezebel.
She's a bit of a loner cat but an excellent mouser. Of course, she doesn't stop at rats. No she'll catch anything she can get her claws on. Her favorite victims, and admittedly mine too, are zombies though.
There was a time this week shortly after our wedding that I finally decided to give some thought into what Gilberto wanted. It may have been our first day without a toddler in the house for a while but something in me decided it was time to have that first child of mine. No sense in waiting. I seduced my husband, shoved a proceation elixir down his throat and tossed him into the fairy castle.
I seriously doubted that he minded so I see nothing wrong with my behavior in the least.
It didn't take long after that for me to start showing. I did forget to pick out my own clothes though. Ahh well.
I ended up having to move my garden into a greenhouse to keep it from going dormant. Although maybe I needed it to go dormant to give me a break? Nah. I've also learned that if you walk around in your bathing suit, you don't get soaked. Which helps when I need to run inside and help Gilberto out with the kids. We're up to three toddlers at a time now.
Everything went rather well with the pregnancy. I only got sick once, the back aches were minimal and my cravings weren't out of reach. I now understand why we always had grilled cheese, spaghetti and salad available though. Gilberto was wonderful througout the whole thing. He took care of my every need and comfort.
Didn't stop him from becoming a complete ninny when the pain hit though. I guess that's just what happens.
Gilberto said he knew that our child was about to be born because of the expression on my face. Looking at the snapshots now I can see why. I also can see that it's no wonder she's an evil genius.
Yes - she. I welcomed little Oona into my heart and into my arms around 6:30 this past wednesday. She's a pale pinky-purple and obviously fae like the two of us. She's perfect.
My little evil genius and her favorite color is black. It concerns me a little but not enough to alert the Grandsire and let him know I had one just like him.
Gilberto took her outside that night and they both rocked to sleep. I think he enjoys the incessant rain and was letting her know how Hidden Springs was hers - all hers.
I was rather shocked when Gilberto asked that night if we could give her cake in the morning. I wasn't sure I wanted my new little girl all grown up but he did mention that it was just to the next stage. Having a caterpillar instead of someone I can play with is boring so I agreed.
Naturally I took her to her first birthday cake. I still wasn't entirely certain we had made the right choice but I was going to go through with the promise. And quickly before the kids arrived for day care.
I couldn't believe it. She has her daddy's eyes. And his pointed ears. And his hair color! My eye shape though.
I used a little wardrobe magic to darken her hair to a new shade. She has her Daddy's wings and color too so it's a closer match now. My little Oona is adorable. And mother - if you don't send a report this week. you'll never see another picture of her again.
Now there are four toddlers to handle while at day care. I'm actually really happy that I quit my job now.
Now if only I hadn't pulled the short stick on the stinky part.
Doesn't matter - she's worth it.
Good luck to both of you.
Reka - you better get your buns moving on those skill challenges or you won't be able to gloat for much longer. The saggy face muscles won't let you do it properly once you become that old lady.
Mother - Don't be obstinate. You've been warned.