The Grim Recap:
And here's what you missed on Grim. ... ... ... Uhh ... Oh yeah! Both families are finally onto the next generation. Even with little Casper taking his time to get here it's still anyone's game as Clawdeen couldn't start school until Monday anyway. Let's check in on the little darlings while I get reacquainted with life as we know it.
Clawdeen: "Om nom nom."
Adrasteia: "Yum. Raw breakfast."
Howleen: "Actually there's no such thing as a raw hot dog."
Adrasteia: "Meh.. details."
Barbie: "C'mon you two. I don't want you sitting inside and rotting your brains with that digital poodoo."
Clawdeen: "That's right you little vermin. I'm going to hit you so hard your mama is gonna have black eyes."
Barbie: "Excuse me?!"
Reka: "Quiet down back there. She's not talking to you. She's talking to Walter."
Barbie: "Walter who?"
Reka & Clawdeen: "Shhh!"
Barbie: "Out! Everyone out of the house. It's time to rake leaves."
Clawdeen: "Hey this is actually fun."
George: "Of course it is. Being outside is always fun."
Clawdeen: -sniff- "What's that smell?"
George: "Oh sorry. This is hard work for grandpa."
Clawdeen: "No.. I smell ... bacon!"
Clawdeen: "So then the guy says. 'How could I not know you're a werewolf? You shed more than the dog.'"
Nelson: -laughs- "That's a good one."
Clawdeen: "Oh I hear my mom."
Nelson: "But she's at your house one street over."
Clawdeen: "So?
Nelson: "Normal people can't hear that far."
Clawdeen: "Oh well. Doesn't change I really gotta go. Bye cuz."
Barbie: "I thought I'd feel more."
Adrasteia: "There is a slight warm feeling."
Barbie: "Yeah but only slight. Oh well."
Adrasteia: "Completing a lifetime wish is still a big deal. But I think it's overshadowed by finishing your requirements and bringing in your kids."
Barbie: "Yeah I realized I didn't need to finish this. I do have my kids."
Adrasteia: "Suspicious... very suspicious."
It's like the phone apps are trying to take over his brain...Clawd: "Addy Addy.. Bee is making funny faces."
Adrasteia: "Aww what is it girl? Everything ok?"
Bee: "Ahhhh!"
Adrasteia: "Oh well that explains that."
Barbie: "Aww it's so cute."
Reka: "What's the commotion about up here?.. Aww."
Clawd: "What should we name it?"
Howleen: "I vote Cat."
Adrasteia: "Cat it is!"
Clawdeen: "I don't know what to wish for."
Barbie: "Does it matter? You need to hurry up honey bunch."
Clawdeen: "Why? Why do I have to grow up now?"
Barbie: "Because it's a full moon tonight and you need to be aged up before you transform."
Clawdeen: "Huh? Ok... "
*I wish to not transform*Adrasteia: "Yeah not sure we can do that one little bit."
Clawd: "Who is the other cake for? There are only three of us."
Nelson: "Oh wow. Grandma got me a birthday cake!"
Reka: "That's right. I figured you didn't want to get left behind, huh sugarbean?"
Adrasteia: "Sugarbean? I do believe you've been in the sticks too long."
Triplets: "Tada!"
Adrasteia: "Quick Clawdeen.. get to the dresser before the moon makes you change!"
Don: "Too late."
Adrasteia: "Aww man.. Now all the guests are going to pee all over the floor."
Barbie: "Quick. Daddy give me your moodlet manager."
Adrasteia: "Nice thinking."
I just like that her favorite color is also the color of her eyes. New Trait: Gatherer
I'm not sure I see much Don in him but I know he's not another Antonio/Ken. New Trait: Eco-Friendly
Part of me wishes Howleen was the heir but I have plans for my itchy witch anyway. New Trait: Flirty
Adrasteia: "Just melts your heart how cute he is. I can't wait to see you all grown up little buddy."
Brooks: "Hey. Get out of here. Trying to sleep."
Adrasteia: -snorts- "Pushy."
Barbie: "Whoo! Happy Birthday!"
Don: "I wish to not have a midlife crisis."
Adrasteia: "Aww man. You jinxed it. Yep there it starts. It's like talking about a no hitter. Don't you know anything!"
Adrasteia: "Hey look, it's the double print twins. Where's your brother?"
Clawdeen: "No idea. Apparently I'm now cool with the uncool."
Howleen: "Haha. Slow poke I already was."
Adrasteia: "Keep it up and you'll get new brain slots."
Nelson: "Do we really want to follow Creepy Count VampBroke into the mausoleum?"
Clawdeen: "Oh come on guys. Nothing wrong with visiting the mausoleum."
Clawd: "Says the one who works here. "
Nelson: "Ugh.. really?"
Howleen: "Don't be little babies. C'mon."
Clawdeen: "How come I'm a hot dog?"
Howleen & Adrasteia: -snicker-
Clawdeen: "Not funny."
Adrasteia: "Very funny. C'mon everyone out it wouldn't be a spooky day without little dolls running around."
Belinda Connor: "Oh come on. What about our deal, huh?"
Reaper: "You came to a party. You brought attention to yourself and the fact that you're still alive when you've been talking about dying for weeks."
Belinda: "I won't do it again. It's just that George is a legendary host."
Reaper: "No I'm sorry. Time to go. I have to get my groove on."
Clawdeen: "Ok so you guys need to have fun at prom alright?"
Howleen: "Wait what.. you're not going to prom?"
Clawd: "You're the one who wanted to go before either of us did."
Clawdeen: "That's before I realized that I have to go to work tonight. I've only got so many days and if the Grims get ahead..."
Howleen: "Yes yes if this imaginary family of Grandma's gets ahead we'll never hear the end of it."
Adrasteia: "hey I'm a Grim. We're not imaginary. That's your Grandma."
Howleen: "You're not a Grim. You're some house invention she invented to make us think so she could torture the next 6 generations."
Adrasteia: "While yes I do like torturing you, your Grandma has nothing to do with my presence. However that's a story for a different day."
Clawd: "How can we ever believe you if you don't give us any proof?"
Adrasteia: "Bye bye now."