Author Topic: Sprite Life State Dynasty - Failed - Not HOF  (Read 11139 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Sprite Life State Dynasty - Failed - Not HOF
« on: December 02, 2012, 01:32:53 AM »
I started my first-ever dynasty in Moonlight Falls.  I loved my characters, and my fourth generation nooboos had just arrived when I got caught up in reading the stories posted on the forum.  Something I read made me realize that I'd made a fatal mistake - my founder's best friend and my third generation heir's best friend were both human.  Not sure how I missed that requirement, but I'm glad I discovered it before getting any further along. 

So now I'm starting over with a new founder in a new town and some extra notes on the spreadsheet  ;).  And the stories I've been reading have gotten me itching to write a story too.  Not that I have any experience in this.  I'm a project manager in real life, so I write scope documents and requirements documents and status reports.  But not stories.

And I don't post much either.  A few questions in the challenges section, but that's about it.  But, we all start somewhere, right?  So I'll start here.

I'd love some feedback.  On my characters, my story, my writing style.  If you like it, please tell me.  If it bores you, please please tell me.  I have the Needs Feedback to Improve trait.  :)

Chapter 1.  Meet the Founder
Chapter 2.  Getting Started
Chapter 3.  Guardian Business
Chapter 4.  Rosie's First Day
Chapter 5.  Rosie Makes a Friend
Chapter 6.  New Clothes for Rosie
Chapter 7.  Rosie Needs a House
Chapter 8.  A New Life with Gage

Putting Rosie on Hold - Not HOF

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2012, 02:30:26 AM »
Sprite Life State Dynasty

Chapter 1.  Meet the Founder

“Hi Rosie”
“Um . . . who’s Rosie?”
“You are. Rosie Sprite.”
“Oh.  Where am I?”
“Right now, you’re in a sort of a holding area.  But soon you’ll be in a beautiful new place called Sunset Valley.”
“Where did I come from?”
“I created you”
“So . . . I never was anywhere else?”
“Nope.  But that’s a good thing.  It means you have no baggage.  No bad rep to live down.  Nothing but opportunity ahead of you.”
“So, I can do whatever I want, right?”
“Well, within some rules.”
“What kind of rules?”
“There’s plenty of time for that – no need to worry about it now.  Turn around.  Take a look in the mirror.”

“Hey, I’m pretty cute.”
“Yes, you’re very cute.”
“And my wings are awesome.  Do I have any other clothes?”
“Of course.”

“What do you think?”
“Um . . . well, they’re cute but . . . it’s a lot of pink.”
“Pink is your favorite color.”
“Yeah but I like a little variety.”
“Yes, well, you’re a cute pink fairy with cute pink clothes.”
“Do I get any other colors?”
“Funny you should ask.  Actually, there are several things you’ll need to accomplish in Sunset Valley, and as you complete them, you’ll be able to choose new clothes.”
“Any color I want?”
“Any color you want.”
“And what happens when I complete everything I have to do?”
“Ah, well several things will happen.  One of them is that you’ll be able to pick new clothes any time you want, any style you want, any color you want.”
“Now you’re talking!  When do we get started?”
“First, let me tell you a little about yourself.  You have some interesting traits.  For one thing, you’re eco-friendly.”
“Eco-friendly?  What does that mean?”
“It means no baths for you – quick showers only.  And you won’t like driving around town alone.”
“So . . . I need to find some friends pretty fast.”
“Right, and you’re friendly, so that should help.  But you’re also shy, so that might make it a little more difficult.”

“Friendly but shy?  So . . . what?  They cancel each other out?”
“I’m not sure.  I’ve never actually seen them together before.”
“Wait . . . I thought you were like some all-knowing creator or something.”
“No, actually, I’m not.  Think of me as a guardian.  I can get you started, help you stay focused, and provide some information along the way.  But there are things I don’t know and things I can’t control.  And I have to live by rules too.  So you’ll need to pay attention and you’ll need to think for yourself.”
“So-o-o-o, this is going to be like work for me?”
“Sort of.  But it will be fun too, and don’t forget, when you finish your tasks, you get new clothes.”
“And new shoes.”
“Of course.  A girl has to have shoes.”
“Okay, what else?”
“Well, you’re a bit of a mooch.  That’s okay with acquaintances, but as you make friends, you might want to tone it down.  People don’t like it when you mooch too much.”
“Right, well, if you give me a bunch of cash to start with, I shouldn’t need to mooch too much.”
“I’ll give you some, but you’ll need to earn the rest.”
“How will I do that?”
“Probably gardening.  Fairies are especially good at gardening.  And you have a Green Thumb, so that might help.  A green thumb helps humans with gardening, but I’m not really sure whether it does much for fairies.”

“My thumb is pink, like the rest of me.”
“Yes of course it is.  ‘Green thumb’ is just an expression that means that you’re especially good at gardening.  It may or may not help you.  We’ll have to wait and see.  Oh, you also have a big, lifetime wish of having a Perfect Garden.  Which shouldn’t be too hard for you, with your natural gardening skills, your green thumb and your bloom ability.”
“My bloom ability?”
“Yes, as you improve your fairy skills you’ll develop special fairy abilities.  One of them is the ability to make plants bloom.  You’ll see.  But you don’t want to overuse it – if you try to bloom when you’re tired, it could backfire, and your plant will suffer.”
“Okay . . . so . . . are we done yet?  Because I’m a little bored and ready to go . . . do . . . something!”
“Yep, we’re done.  And we’re off to Sunset Valley!”

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Offline azokka361

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2012, 02:41:08 AM »
It's cool to see a Life State Dynasty set in Sunset Valley instead of Moonlight Falls! Can't wait for more updates!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty


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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2012, 09:07:57 AM »
Great start! I like your writing a lot, can't wait for more. ;D


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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2012, 09:26:57 AM »
We're always happy to see new life states dynasty players.

And this is the one time playing a dynasty in Sunset Valley is actually a welcome twist.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2012, 12:23:10 PM »
It's cool to see a Life State Dynasty set in Sunset Valley instead of Moonlight Falls! Can't wait for more updates!

And this is the one time playing a dynasty in Sunset Valley is actually a welcome twist.

Thanks for the quick replies!  After I blew my first attempt in Moonlight Falls, I wanted a clean start.  And I felt like there were some extra challenges there - the school/gym combo meant no opportunities except the after school activities, and I couldn't finish the "Make Dreams Come True" opp - I know there's a way to manage that by counting the opp and just cancelling it, but I just didn't like doing that.  And there  aren't many inhabited houses, so it was often hard to find the sims I was looking for.  Plus I've only been playing there since I installed Supernatural, so I was ready for a change.

And I love Sunset Valley, and I did notice not many people are playing there this time.  So I started thinking about the men in SV and wondering what story progression would do regarding life states with all my old friends there. And then I got this idea for Mr. Dynasty and . . . well . . . that sealed . . . it.

I hope you enjoy reading . . . I'm certainly enjoying reading all of your stories!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2012, 12:25:59 PM »
Great start! I like your writing a lot, can't wait for more. ;D

Thanks, Louise! I don't know if I can tell the whole story in conversation, but it just flowed that way so far.  And that's how it keeps coming in my head, so we'll see!

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 01:40:42 PM »
Chapter 2.  Getting Started

“Here we are, Rosie!  Your new home!”
“Wow!  What a great view!”
“Yes, and I got you a couple things to get you started.  First this great little fairy house, stocked with yummy pollen punch.”
“It’s not pink . . . I love it!”
“And this Multitab 6000.  It’s a great little device.  You can purchase books with it and you can listen to tabcasts to learn skills – you should start with gardening. I see you’re already thinking about that.”
“And . . . it . . . is . . . pink.”
“Want me to take it back?”
“No no, it’s great!  I’ll use it.  Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.  I bought them with your money.  So, let’s get you started.  I have some other things I need to do, so good luck and I’ll check in with you later.”
“Wait!  You’re not going to just leave me here?”

“Yes, Rosie, this is the beginning of your story.  You’ll be fine.”
“But I don’t know what to do or where to go.”
“Not to worry, soon you’ll start feeling little urges to do specific things, like little wishes that just pop into your head all day and all night.  You won’t be able to fulfill them all, but you’ll want to complete the ones you can because doing them will bring you happiness.   Some are bigger are others, and you’ll especially want to do the ones rated at 5,000 or more happiness points.”
“Okay, but what about the stuff I have to do to get clothes?”
“We’ll talk about that later.  For now, you should explore your new town.  But I’ll give you a couple of ideas.  There’s a science facility here and behind it, there’s a little garden.  You can harvest those plants, and there’s a very special plant there that produces whatever it’s fed.  So you could choose to invest some of your money in something expensive . . . say, a book . . . and feed it to the plant.  Tomorrow or the next day, you’d have a profitable harvest.”
“Ok, that’s sounds good.  What else?”
“Explore the town.  Meet people.  Make friends.  Find hot guys.”
“Oooooh, there are hot guys here?”
“Well, I certainly hope so, dear.  I certainly hope so.”

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2012, 02:01:55 PM »
Chapter 3.  Guardian Business

“So, Chris, you asked to see me.  What can I do for you?”

“I heard there’s a new founder in town.”
“Oh, geez, Chris, she’s been here, like, 4 hours!”
“I heard she’s cute.”
“Yes, she is very cute.”
“I think I should meet her.”
“No, Chris.  She’s a sweet young thing . . . brand new.  It’s her first incarnation."
“I definitely should meet her.”
"She's innocent . . . naive . . . just learning her way around."
"I could help her with that."
“She really isn’t your type, Chris.  Besides, she’s working on a new kind of dynasty.  Not just humans this time.  This dynasty is about bringing together special creatures of all kinds.”
“I’m a special creature.”
“Heh. I’ll give you that.”
“Maybe this would go better with drinks.”

“The thing is, Chris, this dynasty requires heirs of different species.”
“I heard she’s a fairy, not a human.”
“Yes, that’s true.”
“So, I’m a different species.”
“Indeed.  But I don’t think human is the right species for Gen2.”
“Really?  What is the right species for Gen2?”
“I don’t know, maybe a vampire.”
“I could be a vampire.”
“Or a werewolf.”
“I could be a werewolf.”
“Or maybe a ghost.”
“I’m not too keen on that one.”
“Or an imaginary friend.”
“Okay, I can’t do that.  But I could go for werewolf.”
“Really, you want in enough to become a werewolf?”
“Hey, I haven’t tried it yet, but Morgana seems to like it.  So . . . yeah . . . you know . . . it could work.”

“Tell me Chris, how many dynasties have you helped found?”
“I don’t know, Guardian, it’s hard to keep track.”
“Don’t you think it’s enough?”
“No!  Of course not!  Don’t you see - those other dynasties – that wasn’t me.   I mean, it was me, but it wasn’t me.  It was a different me. Not this me.”
“Hmmmmm . . . . “
“See for yourself.  Check my relationship panel.  This me doesn’t even know those other founders.”
“You do have a point there.”
“Of course I do.  And helping to found dynasties, well . . . it’s sort of a Chris Steel thing.  You know, giving back and all that.  I was blessed with great looks, perfect hair, fabulous traits . . . you do know I’m a natural cook and a great kisser, right?”   
“Yeah, I know.”
“So, you’ll put in a good word for me?”

“Now Chris, you know I don’t interfere that way.”
“But you won’t stand in my way.”
“Not as long as you follow my rules.  You do know my rules, don’t you?”
“Of course.  All the Chris Steels know your rules.  I can’t move in with her unless I truly love her.  Once I move in, I stay and have nooboos.  No nooboos until the other requirements are met.  We have as many nooboos as it takes to get an heir.  And no cheating – she’s my only love for all time.”
“And you’re sure you can follow these rules?”
“Guardian . . . seriously . . . you’re talking to Christopher Steel here.  I’m as faithful as the day is long.  You know that.”
“You do know the day’s over, right?”


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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2012, 04:48:39 PM »
Your conversation/ argument with chris made me smile. :)

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2012, 05:40:15 PM »
Of course Chris should be the founders mate! It is his fate!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2012, 08:22:52 PM »
Chapter 4.  Rosie's First Day

“So, Rosie, how’d you spend your first day in Sunset Valley?”
“Well, first I used my multitab to buy the most expensive book I could find.  Then I started the gardening tabcast and I went straight to the science facility.  I found the magic plant and fed it the book, and I picked the grapes and apples and lettuce.”

“That’s a great start.  Then what?”
“Then it started getting noisy.”
“What do you mean, noisy?”
“All these wishes started popping into my head.  Get a job.  Be a gardener.  Learn to cook.  Grow something.  Get your fortune told.  Make a friend.  I couldn’t possibly keep up!”
“So what did you do?”
“Well, the first wish I had was to join the medical career.  So I went to hospital to see if they’d hire me.  And they did!”
“Excellent!  And did you feel the happiness points flowing in?”
“At first.  But then I saw the uniforms.”

“Not exactly a fashion statement I want to make!  But I also had a wish to be a gardener, so I went to City Hall to register.  That made me happy . . . probably because I get to wear my own clothes.”
“Well, as long as you’re happy.”
“Oh . . . that reminds me . . . I met a guy.”
“Yep, I had a wish to grow something and a wish to make a friend.  And there’s a park across from City Hall, so I went there to see if I could find a friend.”
“And did you?”
“No.  First, there were these two guys arguing.  One had pointy hair with blue roots and the other was an older, angry-looking guy.  I stayed away from them.  But there was a cute kid having a bake sale and I was hungry, so I got a pie.”

“That's when I saw these other guys.”

“Sweater guy kinda’ freaked me out.  What’s with those clothes?!  And the shoes!  Seriously, they need to be tossed . . . fast and far!  The other guy looked okay though.  I went and sat on the bench with him and I thought he’d talk to me, but he didn’t.”

“So I mustered up all my courage and focused on being friendly and not being shy and just introduced myself.  I think he liked me.”

“So we were getting along great.  He was flirting with me . . . I was flirting with him.  And then I just c-a-s-u-a-l-l-y asked if he was single, and guess what?  He’s got a WIFE!!  Probably has kids, too!  What’s the MATTER with him!?!  Geeeez, men are such PIGS!”   

"Are you even LISTENING to me?”

“What?  Oh!  Yes, of course.  Sorry.  Just checking . . . that was looking an awful lot like the dramatic trait . . . but . . . you don't actually have that.”
“What?  Nevermind.  Anyway, I just left.  I came home and planted my garden.  What do you think?”

“It’s a nice little garden.  And you have plenty of room here to make it bigger.”
“Yeah, but now I’m exhausted.  And I have a problem.  I was too excited this morning to notice, but my little fairy house doesn’t have a bathroom.  And I’m really needing one.”
“No worries.  You got off to a great start today and I’m really proud of you.  Give me a sec.  I’ll build you a bathroom.”

“What do you think?”
“Well . . . it’s a little small, and kinda’ plain, and it has no windows.”
“I could make it pink.”
“No no no!  It’s great!  Perfect, in fact.  Thank you so much.”
“Heh heh heh.  Goodnight, Rosie.”
“Goodnight, Guardian.”

Offline JSBrantner

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2012, 11:41:02 PM »
I'm loving your story so far! I am especially enjoying the idea of Rosie getting rewarded with clothing for completing tasks, lol. I do have a request though. When you update your first post to include the new chapters, could you update the title with which chapter you are on? It makes it easier to see when you have added more to the story. :)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2012, 04:36:12 AM »
I'm loving your story so far! I am especially enjoying the idea of Rosie getting rewarded with clothing for completing tasks, lol. I do have a request though. When you update your first post to include the new chapters, could you update the title with which chapter you are on? It makes it easier to see when you have added more to the story. :)

Thanks for the feedback!  I'm glad you're enjoying it.   I updated the title and will continue to do that.


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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 4
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2012, 04:57:45 AM »
I love the way Chris try to sell himself, it was so funny lol.
Great updates! :)