Author Topic: Sprite Life State Dynasty - Failed - Not HOF  (Read 11128 times)

Offline Roxanne07

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 4
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2012, 07:49:55 AM »
Very nice beginning! I'm enjoying this so far.  :)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 4
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2012, 12:47:46 AM »
Chapter 5.  Rosie Makes a Friend

“Good morning, Rosie.”
“There you are!  Where have you been?  I thought you abandoned me.”
“No.  Just giving you a couple days to settle in.  How’s it going?”
“OK, I guess.  I met a guy.”
“You did?  What’s his name?”
“I don’t know.”
“I thought you said you met him?”
“Well, it’s not exactly like I met him.  More like I danced with him.”
“Do tell.”
“I went to the grocery to get some lobsters to fertilize the garden, and I heard a lady saying that on the night of a full moon, zombies pop up out of the ground and eat peoples’ brains.  And, if you have a garden they eat that too.  Even the dirt.  It sounded awful!  But then a man said you can go to Aleister’s and learn to make an elixir that can cure the zombies so they don’t eat your brains and your garden.  I wanted to learn that, so I went there and did some research and now I can make that elixir and other elixirs, too.  And while I was there, the radio was playing and this guy just came right up out of nowhere and asked me to dance.  I was really surprised, but you know how fairies are about dancing.  So of course I said yes.”

“Then what happened?”
“Well he was a pretty good dancer, and I was having a lot of fun.  But then I got a wish to project an aura.  So I stopped dancing for one itty bitty second to do that.”

“But when I stopped dancing, he stopped dancing.  I thought he would introduce himself, but instead, he just up and left!  Before I could even say anything.  Don’t you think that’s kinda’ rude?”
“It is, yes.  But maybe he suddenly realized he was late for something.”
“Maybe . . . oh, and remember that other guy I met at the park?  The one with the wife?  He called me.”
“Really?  What did he want?”
“He asked me on a date.”
“What did you say?”
“ I said no, of course!  He’s married!”
“Smart girl.”
“I don’t even know why he would call me!”
“I think it’s an attraction glitch.”
“Yeah, well I bet his wife will glitch him when she finds out what he’s doing!”
“You might be right . . . your garden’s doing well.”
“Oh, yeah!  I learned blooming!”

“Excellent!  Anything else going on?”
“I got a phone call from a guy I never met.  He asked me to bring three watermelons to the diner and said he’d pay me for them.”
“Ah, that’s called an ‘opportunity’.  You remember those requirements I told you about?  Well, one of them is to complete three opportunities.  ”
“Okay, I can do that.”
“I have some notes I’ll leave here with you.  They explain all the requirements you’ll need to meet, and they’ll tell you a little more about the various life states and things like that.”
“So now I have homework?”
“Heh, heh.  Anything else you want to talk about?”
“Let’s see, you didn’t tell me about the bills.”

“Oh, well, I thought you’d figure that out.”
“I did, but it seems like a waste of money.  So I'm thinking about not paying them anymore.”
"What do you think will happen if you do that?"
"Ummmm . . . nothing? "

"Rosie, if you don't pay your bills, someone will come and take your stuff.”
“Oh, that's no problem.  I don’t have any stuff.”
“Sure you do.  You have a bathroom.”
“But I need that bathroom.”
“So, pay the bills.  Oh, and get a burglar alarm.”
“I need a burglar alarm for a bathroom?”
“Unless you want to risk losing your toilet or shower in the middle of the night.”
“Why did you pick this town anyway?”
“It’s a great town.”
“Yeah, right.  It’s got crazy guys with weird shoes, pointy-haired guys who argue in the park, married guys who ask you out, dancing guys who leave without talking to you, and burglars who steal toilets!  I have to say, it doesn’t exactly make me want to put down roots!”
“Give it time, Rosie.  I think you’re really going to like it here.  Have you made any friends yet?”
“Are you kidding me?  Did you hear what I just said about the people I’ve met?”
“Well . . . hmmmmm . . . maybe it’s time you tried the beach.”

[That evening]
“So, Rosie.  Did you go to the beach today?”
“No, I was going to, but I just didn’t have time.”
“You must have been busy.”
“Yeah, remember the opportunity guy that wanted watermelons?  Well, last night I bloomed the watermelons and so this morning after I tended the garden I went to the diner.  The guy really liked my watermelons and he paid me.  I was feeling so good about it that I just felt like it was the perfect time to find a friend.  So I went outside and looked around, and you’ll never guess what I saw!”
“What did you see?”
“You know that guy that I met at the park?  The married one that called and asked me out?  Well, he was in the bushes with this blonde girl – probably not his wife!”
“Really, what were they doing?”
“Well, the blonde girl was playing some kind of weird hand-monster-attack-game.”

“I guess cheater guy found that attractive, because he whipped out some flowers and gave them to her.”

“After that, I just couldn’t watch anymore.  So I looked around to see if there was someone I could make friends with.  I saw this lady, and she looked nice, and the whole guy thing wasn’t going so well, so I picked her.  At first she seemed scared of me, although I can’t imagine why.  But I introduced myself anyway and she didn’t run away.”

“We were talking about gardening, and it was going pretty well.  But it was taking a long time to get her to be my friend, and all these strangers were there and the whole shy thing just got really hard to control.”
“So what did you do?”
“I threw something at her.”

“It was a friendship elixir and I thought it would make her my friend, but it didn’t actually do that.  It did make her closer to being my friend, though.  So then we talked some more, and then I heard the happiness points ring up and then I knew I had a friend!  And when I got ready to leave, she hugged me!”

“So I was feeling all good about that, but then as I was leaving I just accidentally glanced over and I saw cheater guy still in the bushes with crazy-hand-monster girl.  He’s such a jerk.  I don’t know why he tries to hide in the bushes.  It’s not much of a hiding place.   I hope his wife catches him!

“Anyway, the reason I left was that it was getting late and I hadn’t been to the science facility yet to harvest my books.  So I went there and I got my books and then I fed one back, and then I was telling the plant about cheater guy and you’ll never guess what happened next.”
“What happened next?”
“I met a guy.”
“Another one?  Did you really meet this one?  Do you know his name?”
“Yes, another one . . . and yes, I know his name.  I just glanced up and there he was.  Fishing.  And his shoes weren’t weird and he looked normal and he was actually catching fish.”
“So you went over to meet him.”
“Well, I almost didn’t because, you know, I’d already used my friendship elixir and I haven’t been doing too well meeting guys around here, but it was a full moon and I’m a fairy and you how we get all happy and moony and crazy at a full moon.  So all of a sudden, there I was, telling him my name.  And the next thing I knew we were talking about fishing and gardening and I thought we were really hitting it off.”

“He’s unemployed, but he seemed really nice, and I thought he liked me.  It was all going really well, but then I blew it.”
“How did you do that?”
“It was those darn wishes!  You said they make me happy but sometimes they don’t!”
“What kind of wish did you have?”
“The kind that made me try to mooch money off a cute guy with no job!”
“Did he give you any?”
“No!  And then when I tried to flirt with him, just a little, he wasn’t even interested.  And then he said he was tired, but I think he just wanted to get away from me and he probably thinks I’m just a big mooch and I bet he's gonna' hate me forever!”

“Spoken like the true over-emotional dramatic that you aren’t.”
“And he has such a nice name, too – Christopher Steel.  His name reminds me of Superman.  Do you think he’s gonna’  hate me forever?”
“Christopher Steel? No, I’m pretty sure he won’t hate you forever.  In fact, I’m willing to bet he doesn’t hate you at all.”
“Really?  Because he did seem like a nice guy.  And he did have normal shoes.”
“I’m sure it will all work out.  But as for that superman thing?  I think it’s best if you don’t mention that to him.”
“Okay, I won’t.  If he ever even talks to me again.”
“Speaking of shoes . . . where’d you get those?”

“Oh . . .                                      . . . ummmmm . . .                       . . . shower whirl”

“Excuse me?”
“Shower whirl.  Honest!  I took a shower, I got out and whirled, and when I stopped . . . there they were . . . on my feet.  I can keep them, right?”
“Well . . . I guess a girl’s gotta’ have shoes.  Now, it’s getting pretty late.  Maybe you should get some sleep.  Don't forget to read those notes I left you, and the next time we talk, you can let me know if you have any questions.”
“OK, but I have a question now.  Jacosta really IS my friend isn’t she?  Even if I did use an elixir?”
“Yes, Rosie, she really is your friend.”
“Good.  Cause I have a feeling I’m going to be needing a friend around here.”

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Offline Easilyamusd123

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 5
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2012, 01:46:22 AM »
I really like your story! It has such a refreshingly different take on everything that makes it even more enjoyable. I hope you continue writing it and best of luck on your second attempt at the Life States Dynasty :)


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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 5
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2012, 07:30:00 AM »
Rosie is just so cute, I love how she ramble on lol.
I hope she meet someone soon. :)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 5
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2012, 12:29:10 PM »
I really like your story! It has such a refreshingly different take on everything that makes it even more enjoyable. I hope you continue writing it and best of luck on your second attempt at the Life States Dynasty :)

Thank you for your comments!  Since Rosie is just out of high school, even though she has a diploma in her inventory, since she started as a young adult, she actually has no previous life experience at all.  I have a couple of teenagers, so I draw on their behavior and their friends' behavior, but add to it that Rosie has no life experience prior to W1D1.  It's making me look at everything differently!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 5
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2012, 12:31:26 PM »
Rosie is just so cute, I love how she ramble on lol.
I hope she meet someone soon. :)

Thank you for the feedback.  Rosie is very close to finding THE ONE . . . stay tuned!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 5
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2012, 06:12:31 PM »
Chapter 6.  New Clothes for Rosie

“Hi, Rosie.”
“Well it’s about time you showed up!  I’ve been waiting two days to tell you what I did!”
“What did you do?”
“I completed a 5k wish!  I worked really hard and I mastered gardening and it was a 5k wish!”

“Already?  That’s excellent, Rosie!”
“Yeah, thanks for that tabcast!  I use it all the time and it really helps me learn fast.  And getting that big wish was pretty cool.  A band played and everything!  So, you know what that means . . . ? ”
“It means I’m very proud of you.”
“N-o-o-o-o-o . . . well . . . thanks, but that’s not what I meant.”
[no answer]
“Seriously?  You don’t remember?  You’re kidding me, right?”

“It means NEW CLOTHES!!”
“Ah . . . yes . . . of course it does! But before we do that, tell me what else you’ve been doing.”
“Okay . . . well I’ve been learning more elixirs.  And . . . ummmm . . . Chris Steel called me.”
“He did?  Did he ask you out?”
“No!  He wanted produce.”
“Yeah, it was one of those opportunity things.  He said he’d pay me for some outstanding produce.  He said he had a special recipe he wanted to make.  So I bloomed up my tomato plant and got some great tomatoes.  Then I planted one and bloomed it up and I got some outstanding ones.  So I picked them and went to find him.  You’re right about the taxi, by the way – I don’t like taking it alone.  But it’s a good thing I did take it, because I’d have never found Chris on my own.  He was over at the horse ranch.  I never would have looked there.”
“So did he like the tomatoes?”
“Well, he said he did, but then he started talking about his recipe, and I think grapes probably would have been a better choice.”

“Anyway, after I gave him the tomatoes we talked awhile and I thought we were getting along really well.  He said I’m obviously a really great gardener.  And I told him how being a fairy helps with that.”

“So it was going really good.  And then I told him a story, but I guess he didn’t like it.  He never even reacted.  Not once.  It was about a witch and a genie and how they fell in love . . . I wanted to see how he reacted to the whole mixed-life-state thing, and he just stood there the whole time . . .  he never even moved . . . it was like he was a statue or something.”

“So then I added a dragon, just for excitement, and how the dragon was guarding a treasure chest filled with gems . . . still no reaction. . . so then I threw in a ghost as a last ditch effort.  But . . . nothing!” 

“He barely even blinked the whole time!  And then you know what he did?   He just turned around and got in his car and left!  Seriously!  He didn’t even say goodbye!  I don’t get it.  I was really liking him!  What is it with guys in this town?”

"Well, I don't know what's going on with him."
“I don’t know either, but I don’t want to talk about him anymore.”
“Okay, well, then I think this is a good time for new clothes.
“Yes!  So I mastered gardening and I’ve completed those two opportunities!  So I get three new outfits.”
“Do you have anything in particular in mind?”
“Hmmmm  .  . . well, this is certainly not discreet for gardening, so I think I should get some pants.”

“Yep, I’d have to agree with that.  Here, I think this magic dresser will fit nicely in your non-pink bathroom.  I’ll wait out here while you try some things on and then you can come out and show me what you picked.”

[9:10 am.  Rosie goes in to try on clothes]

[9:30 am]
“Rosie?  How’s it going in there?”
“Just fine!”

[9:55 am]
“Rosie, have you found something yet?”
“Not ye-et!”

[10:20 am]
“Rosie, honey, it’s getting late, you need to pick something”
“Almost done!”

[outside 10:50]
“Rosie Sprite!  Enough already!   Whatever you’re wearing right now, it’s perfect!  Come on out!”
“Not a cha-ance!”

“Hey, Rosie!  Did I mention that the magic dresser will explode in five minutes?”
“FIVE MINUTES?!?!?!?!  OH NO!!!!!

[Rosie rushes out]
“Okay!  Here’s what I picked.”

“What do you think?”
“I think they’re perfect.”
“Well, next time maybe you should plan a little more time for this.”
“Or you could just leave the dresser.”
“Funny.  You know, Rosie, you’ve accomplished a lot in your first week.  You’ve met some people and you’ve made a friend, you’ve mastered gardening and you’ve got a garden started here, you’re learning to make elixirs, you’re improving your fairy abilities . . . you’re off to a really great start here.  And just to show you how proud I am of you, I brought you a present.”

“A broom?”
“Not just any broom.  A Zoomsweeper Pegasus.  You ride it.  It’s faster than a taxi, and since it’s made for one, you won’t get that nasty ‘wasting resources’ moodlet.  Give it a try.”

“No no, dear, not like that!”

“Much better!  How do you like it?”

[Yells to Rosie]:  "You’re doing great, Rosie!  Have fun!  I’ll see you later!”

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2012, 11:41:38 PM »
 I love Rosie's spunk!


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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2012, 06:08:33 AM »
Some of the outfits was interesting lol!  What's up with Chris to just leave like that, don't he know she is awesome. ;D

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2012, 07:49:42 PM »
What's up with Chris to just leave like that, don't he know she is awesome. ;D

I don't know what's up - every time I get her talking to someone, they take off while I still have interactions queued up.  I think maybe it just gets too late - but i got those pics of Chris at the beach (his conversation with Guardian) when he was just hanging out there - I'd get Rosie queued up tending garden and stuff, and then switch the view over to Chris hoping he'd make a face or do something I could use for that conversation.  He hung out there all day and all night and all the next day - I was starting to wonder if he was ever going home!  But now, every time I get Rosie talking to him, they talk for a little while, and then he suddenly takes off!  I guess he's too tired or too hungry or too something to chat for one more second.  :-)



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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2012, 02:52:22 AM »
If their relationship is not too bad, let her invite him out. Most of the time he is unemployed, I think he is waiting for the dynasty spouses lol. :P

Offline JSBrantner

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2012, 06:44:01 PM »
Any new updates on Rosie coming soon? I'm really enjoying your story and look forward to seeing what kind of mischief she gets into next, lol

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #27 on: December 21, 2012, 03:22:47 PM »
Any new updates on Rosie coming soon? I'm really enjoying your story and look forward to seeing what kind of mischief she gets into next, lol

Yes, so sorry for the delay.  I got laid off from my job in early November, so I was job hunting during the day and playing at night.  Now I've accepted a job, but it's 6 hours away from my home.  My husband and teenage boys are staying here, and I have to get a place there and be ready to start just after the first of the year, and I'll be coming home a couple times a month.  It's been a little challenging getting that worked out, and combining that with the holidays, I just haven't had a lot of sim time - but I am planning to update by tomorrow end of day.

Thank you for your comments, and I'm really glad you're enjoying the story.

Offline JSBrantner

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #28 on: December 21, 2012, 11:10:08 PM »
Wow, Glazey, that's a heck of a commute. I thought my husband's two-hour drive to work was bad, lol. No worries on the delay, just hoping you weren't giving up on the story. Good luck with the new job and I hope you and your family get the logistics worked out so that everyone is happy. Enjoy your holidays!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Sprite Life State Dynasty Chapter 6
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2012, 11:12:44 PM »
Chapter 7.  Rosie Needs a House

“H-E-L-L-L-L-O-O-O-O!  Guardian!  I need to talk to you!”

“Sure, Rosie.  What’s up?”
“I need you to build me a house.”
“What, you don’t like your fairy house anymore?”
“I love my fairy house.  But I have a friend that I want to have move in with me.  And he’s not a fairy.  So I need a house.”
“You want to have a guy move in with you?   Did you read the notes I left you?”
“Yes, I did.  And I know that if he moves in, I have to keep him.  But I’m okay with that, because I really like him.”
“I see.  If you don’t mind my asking, what’s his life state?”
“Well, he’s human now.  But I want him to be a werewolf.  I read all those notes you left me, and I’ve done some research on my own, and I think a werewolf would be really cool.  He can get me insects and gems and metals and stuff like that for my alchemy.”
“Does this guy want to become a werewolf?”
“We haven’t really talked about it yet.  But I think after he moves in, he probably will want to.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“Well, he probably will.”
“Hmmmm. . . is this a guy you’ve told me about, or is it a new guy?”
“It’s a guy I told you about.  Remember that one day, at Aleister’s, when that guy just came up and asked me to dance?”

"It’s him.  His name is Gage Briody.”
“Well, that’s a surprise!  I thought you liked that Christopher Steel guy.”
“Yeah, talk about surprises!  Christopher Steel certainly did surprise me!”
“What do you mean?”
“He called me a few times, but he never asked me out!  So then I saw Gage when I went to pick up my award . . . oh, yeah, remind me to tell you about my award!  Anyway, I saw Gage and we started talking."

"And then, just like before, all of sudden he just left.  But I had some interactions already queued up, and so, much to my surprise, my broom just followed him without me even trying!  By the way, thanks for that broom!"

“Wait, I thought this was about Chris?”
“I’m getting to that.  So then we talked some more – me and Gage - until he took off again.  I was starting to think he was trying to get away from me, but then he told me he’s paparazzi, and he can’t help it.  Wherever he is, he just suddenly takes off and goes somewhere else.  And it sucks because there isn’t even anything for him to do!"

“He’s looking for celebrities, but there aren’t any.  He said celebrities must be turned off.  So all day long he runs from place to place, but when he gets there, he just hangs out with nothing to do.  But he still has to go.  It’s kinda’ sad really.”
“Sounds like it.”
“This one time, he was at Hogan’s Diner.  And a guy came up and just started a fight for no reason.” 

“And Gage isn’t really a fighter, so he got his butt kicked and he didn’t even do anything.  It’s just not fair.  One time when he came over, we were getting along so well we even had little hearts spinning above our heads.”

“What does this have to do with Chris?”
“That’s coming.  So I know Gage was just about to kiss me – my very first kiss – and all of a sudden, there he went, running off again.   I didn’t have anything queued up this time – I  was SO not expecting him to take off right then – so I didn’t really have a way to follow him.  And, anyway, I don’t want him to think I’m a stalker.  So I just tended my garden and then I went over to the science facility to harvest my books, and just as I was feeding one back, there was Gage!  He came there to find me!  Isn’t that sweet?  He even still had the little heart spinning above his head!  But as soon as he got there . . . boom . . . off he went again – I didn’t even get to talk to him!” 

“He hates it, but there’s nothing he can do about it.  He said it’s story progression, and as long as he’s an NPC, this is how it will be.  And the only way he can be not an NPC is if he moves in with me.”
“Rosie, I think it’s great that you want to help him, but you read the notes.  If he moves in with you, you have to have your heir with him.  Are you sure Gage is the guy you want to have nooboos with?”
“Weren’t you listening?  Didn’t you hear about the little hearts spinning above our heads?  You don’t have to worry so much about me.  I AM a young adult, you know!  I know what I’m doing.  And you DID say it was my choice.  So will you build me a house or not?”
“It is your choice.  And of course I’ll build you a house.”
“YES!!  Thank you, thank you!”
“So are you going to tell me about Chris?”
“Oh!  Yeah, so he called me a few times, and we talked . . . well . . . one time I had to hang up to avoid getting my brains eaten.” 

“But the other times we talked for awhile and we got along well I thought, but he still never asked me out.  But I was really liking him. So one night Gage came over, but then he took off the minute he got here, and so I was feeling lonely because we didn’t even get to talk. So I called Chris and asked him to come over.  I probably should have just played some online social games or talked to my plants, though, because it was pretty late.  But he didn’t seem to mind.  He came right over.  I didn’t even see him get here.  Just all of a sudden there he was.  And we started talking, and I knew right away something was different.  Then he turned his head, and I saw it!”

“I was shocked, and boy did it show!  I guess I wasn’t very nice to him.”

“But, COME ON!  All those times we talked on the phone, and he never thought being a vampire was worth mentioning!?  I had a right to be upset.  But then he explained that it really wasn’t his choice, it was story progression, just like with Gage, and then I felt bad for being mean to him.”

“So we talked some more, and then he said there was a way for him to stop being a vampire.  He said he could be a werewolf or a human or anything I wanted, but only if he moved in with me because that’s the only way he could get away from story progression.  Just like Gage.  So I had to tell him about Gage and me and the little spinning hearts.”

“How did he take it?”
“Pretty well I think.”

“Okay, not well at all."

"But then we talked some more and now we’re friends.  He was really interested in my requirements.  Like how much more I had to do and when would I be having an heir, and how much stuff did my heir have to do to age up . . . stuff like that.  He said he hopes I have a baby girl heir just as beautiful as me, which I thought was really sweet.  So we’re friends now.”

“Interesting.  But I’m curious, Rosie.  You picked Gage before you knew Chris was a vampire, right?  So why did you pick Gage instead of Chris?”
“Don’t you know why, Guardian?”
“No, really, I thought you’d pick Chris.  Everybody picks Chris.”
“Because Gage asked me to dance when he didn’t even know me.  And fairies LOVE to dance!”

“So now I just have to get that married cheater guy to stop calling and asking me out!  You’d think he’d take a hint.  I’ve said no five times but he just keeps calling.  He’s so weird.”
“Yes, that attraction glitch can be very irritating.  But hey, you said something about an award?”
“Oh, yes!  I’ve been working really hard on my gardener career.  That magic plant thing was a great idea!  Thanks for that!  Anyway, I’ve gotten so many promotions that the City gave me a trophy!  It’s really cool, AND it means I get some more new clothes!”

“Ok . . . so let me get the magic dresser and you can have thirty minutes with it . . .”
“Thirty minutes??  That’s not nearly enough . . . besides . . . I’ve done other stuff, too.”
“Oh, well that’s great!  What else have you done?”
“Ok, so I also got three opportunities – the watermelon one, the one with Chris, and one called Uncommonly Good.  So that makes 4 new outfits counting the trophy.  I have one LTR so far – I picked Super Green Thumb, but after I picked it, I thought it probably wasn’t the best choice since I’m already a fairy with a green thumb, but, anyway, that makes 5.  And I got two 5k wishes – Master Gardening, and Grow a Perfect Life Plant.  So that makes 7 new outfits.”
“Wow, 7 new outfits.”
“I’m almost done with Master Alchemy, so that will be another 5k wish.  And if we can get Gage moved in, and get him out of that paparazzi job so he can stay around more than 5 minutes at a time, I might just pop a wish to marry him!  I also have some skill challenges done; I have Master Planter and Botanical Boss, so that’s two more outfits, and Master Farmer’s pretty close.  But I still have a lot of work to do on the alchemy skill challenges.”
“Well, I’m pretty impressed!  You’ve accomplished a lot in two weeks!”
“Yep.  I get 9 new outfits!”
“Nine new outfits, huh?  That’s going to take awhile . . .”
“Sure is!  I’ll probably have to try on about a thousand things!”
“Hmmmm . . . I really don’t have that much time . . .”

“Yeah . . . I know that look.  I was going to say . . . I really don’t have that much time, BUT I think I can trust you alone with the magic dresser for one night, so I’ll just pick it up in the morning.”
“AWESOME!  Good thing I learned Potent Invigorating Elixir, because I’m gonna’ need it tonight!”
“I’ll leave the magic dresser in the bathroom.  I think I better make the bathroom a little bigger so you’ll have more room tonight.  And I’ll get started on plans for the house.  Anything in particular you want me to include?”
“Yes!  I want a magic dresser to hold lots of clothes, and a kitchen with really good appliances, because I want to learn to cook.  I’m a little tired of eating fruit all the time.  And I want a great stereo and an open floor plan with lots of room for dancing!  We fairies really love dancing!”

