Paradox Box
Detailed Information:Lot Type: Residental Lot
Lot size: 40x40
Price: $125.856 (furnished)
$96.635 (unfurnished)
Build with only Vanilla Sims items. No Expansion, no Stuff Pack, no CC.
What you get:A home like non before: you can freely move everywhere where the stairs lead you and are free to move up and down, left and right, if you won't confuse these directions within the box.
A complete decorated living/study room, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, children playground and swimming pool.
There are 7 paradoxes ' hidden' inside this building. Who of you members will find them all first? You can copy/paste the picture and paint the parts you think is a paradox hidden and point them out. The moment all paradoxes are found, I will upload the house to this topic.
As to improve my building development I like to receive critique on my work. So feel free to post in commends things you find you don't like, you are missing, would like to see different or any other kind of improvement. How long you are on this forum doesn't even matter: if you have anything to bring in, just do.