A breakdown on points gained and lost
A note on points:
Following instructions is important. Usually there are reasons for certain instructions. In the case of houses uploaded to the Swap Shop, the guidelines to follow make it easy for people to see at a glance, basic information about the house. It was pointed out in the instructions to follow the guidelines set out by Carl for uploading houses. Those guidelines are as follows:
Lot Size:
Cost when placed on X lot:
Cost when placed on X lot unfurnished:
Requires expansion/Sims 3 store content:
This is a simple straight forward layout and easy to follow. Points were deducted for any information that was not included in this format. #Note that originally I did deduct points if the number of bedrooms and bathrooms were not listed, however, this became a little confusing because some people listed these in the format above (the preferred way) while others listed them in the description of the house (a little harder to find the info, but it was still there)so I refunded any points for those items that I had deducted.
Points were also deducted if things could not be used as they were placed.
Bonus points were awarded for a number of things including Albert having his own space Albert is a technophobe, grumpy and hates children. It was important that he have somewhere to retreat to with something to do, so his own space could just be his bedroom as long as there was something like a bookcase or a radio in it. Note that a tv or computer in his space would have resulted in a lost point.
Having a storage room gained a bonus point, and being able to fit all the decorations in there gained an extra point. There was mention of decorating the house for other holidays besides Christmas, so having other decorations in the storage area also gained a point.
Entries Winter contest (in the order they were submitted)
1. Dellena Memory Lane
1) Points 31
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 27, Interior score: 25.5, Overall score: 32
3)Voting points: 5
Grand total 120.5
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for a space for Albert
+1 for decorations in the front yard
+1 for storage room
+1 for decorations fitting into storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for having a crib for the coming baby
+1 for garden for Andy
-1 for not listing unfurnished price
2. ladybug53 The Louten House
1) Points 31
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 33, Interior score: 28, Overall score: 32
3) Voting points: 1
Grand total - 125
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for outside decorations in the front yard
+1 for storage room
+1 for decorations fitting into storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for nursery (note that a nursery could just be the inclusion of a crib)
+1 for an outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for garden for Andy
-1 for being over budget
3. Neashaleigh Winter Special Comp House
1) Points 28
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 28, Interior score: 20.5, Overall score: 25
3) Voting points: 3
Grand total 104.5
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for storage room
+1 for decorations fitting into storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for crib
+1 for garden for Andy
-1 for unusable stairs (stairs going to basement storage room )
-1 for unusable fireplace (upstairs lounge area rug or coffee table blocking the use of the fire place)
-1 for not listing unfurnished price
4. saltpastillen X-mas X-travaganza
1) Points 32
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 34, Interior score: 31, Overall score: 34
3) Voting points: 2
Grand total 133
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for decorations in front yard
+1 for storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for crib
+1 for an outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for garden for Andy
5. Decima Maywood Lodge
1) Points 31
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 34, Interior score: 33, Overall score: 32
3) Voting points: 1
Grand total 131
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for a space for Albert
+1 for decorations in front yard
+1 for storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for an outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for crib
+1 for garden for Andy
-1 for not listing the unfurnished price
6. Micler Louten Family Home
1) Points 30
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 29, Interior score: 30, Overall score: 30
3) Voting points: 7
Grand total 1265
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for a space for Albert
+1 for decorations in front yard
+1 for storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for an outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for crib
+1 for garden for Andy
-1 for not listing unfurnished price
7. hazelnut Louten Lodge
1) Points 32
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 32, Interior score: 30, Overall score: 30
3) Voting points: 4
Grand total 128
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for a space for Albert
+1 for decorations in front yard
+1 for storage room
+1 for decorations fitting into storage room
+1 for extra holiday decorations in storage area
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for crib
+1 for garden for Andy
-1 for not listing unfurnished price
8. Alex Evergreen House
1) Points 31
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 29, Interior score: 32.5, Overall score: 28
3) Voting points: 6
Grand total 126.5
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for storage room
+1 for decorations fitting into storage room
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for an outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for crib
+1 for garden for Andy
9. Kochou1331 Festive Louten House
1) Points 32
2) Judges scores - Landscaping score: 31, Interior score: 31, Overall score: 34
3) Voting points: 4
Grand total 132
Bonus and deducted points:
+1 for storage room
+1 for decorations fitting into storage room
+1 for decorations in front yard
+1 for a computer for Jake
+1 for an outdoor play area for Zoe
+1 for crib
+1 for garden for Andy