Author Topic: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Breckenridge Decadynasty (Graveyard Please)  (Read 10087 times)

Offline lepapillonrouge

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Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Breckenridge Decadynasty

Starring -
Constance Shelley/Hal Breckenridge as our Ancestors
Their children as our Heirs
Riverview as our City of Choice

It also includes: No cheats, no mods, a ten day lunar cycle, celebrities, occults, pets, horses, and seven day seasons!
Edit: The first five entries are from my first and second attempts. If you want to read from the current third attempt, click here: Entry 6 - Snow Daze (Part 2)

Entry 1 – The Watchers

For all those who have started reading this little online blog, welcome.

My name is Constance. Constance Shelley.

Originally from the ever crowding suburbs, I've finally found peace in a small heartland town called Riverview. I live in a lovely place called the Cherry Blossom House. It has all the books, smallness, and country feel that I've always wanted in life. My parents never understood that I just wanted a place to myself, where I can just read my books, write novels, and talk to the least amount of Sims possible. So why would a girl like myself open a blog then, right? Because I needed some way to fill my social void? For my job experience? Because I wanted to? No! Because the first day I entered Riverview, she came. The 'Watcher'.

From my quick research (via Simipedia) -  Watchers are defined as 'godlike characters from the fourth dimension' who have the horrifying ability to 'control Sims as they wish. They often utilize Sims to partake in activities such as max skilling, Immortal Dynasties, and even purposely set them on fire. Sims, for unknown reasons, are unable to resist their control, although Absent-Minded Sims are more likely to try, simply because they forget their commands. Sims are cautioned to not rebel those commands lest they wish to become ghosts, toads, Tragic Clowns, and other unfortunate transformations.'

Basically, I have become a slave.

It all started with this scene. You see that little green diamond shaped thing on top of my head? That's their control and communication device. They call it a 'Plumbob'. When I was attempting to write my newest novel, 'Pride and Dr. Frankenfurter', I felt it above my head. Here's a transcript of my first conversation with her. Forgive me for putting it in third person. There are some things that I unfortunately cannot control ever since she entered my life.

The Watcher: 'sup Constance.
Constance: Who is that? Who's there?
The Watcher: Oh, I'm just a normal, run-of-the-mill Watcher, attempting to stab this whole Sims challenge business. After reviewing the challenges, I thought a Townie Decadynasty would be the most fun. I'm not really fond of dealing with elders for generations.
Constance: I'm not sure I understand what this whole 'Townie Decadynasty means', although I assume it has something to do with the number 10, and a dynasty. A dynasty of what?
The Watcher: A dynasty that includes you and your future husband, whoever that may be.
Constance: Excuse me? When I moved into Riverview, I specifically wished not to be romantically involved with anyone. I don't see why I have to just because some green diamond told me to.
The Watcher: 'fraid that just won't work, Ms. Shelley. Actually, I chose you because you didn't want to romance anyone. It's funny to me. There's nothing to be scared of other family in Twinbrook work just fine with me. They just started writing out their own dynasty. I'll give you free reign to write as much as you want about this dynasty as long as you're alive. You do want to become a Professional Author, don't you?
Constance: H-How did you know that? Your Watcher Technology does not scare me!
The Watcher: Also, your favorite color is pink, you like classical music, your favorite food is French Toast, you're a Bookworm with Neurotic tendencies, your Absent-Mindedness causes you to fall over things, a Perfectionist to the core...
Constance: Stop, just stop! You shouldn't be called 'Watchers', stalkers are more like it!
The Watcher: That's not very nice. Also you just recently turned into a Young Adult, you're from this high sch--
Constance: If you stop being creepy, will you leave me alone?
The Watcher: Oh, Constance. We'll be getting to know each other very intimately in our time together, and I will know your children, generations to come.
Constance: Did you not hear me? I don't even want children! I just wanted to read and write books in peace!
The Watcher: Don't worry, you'll get to do a lot of that soon. Your happiness is important for this challenge.
Constance: Isn't there any way I can escape this fate?
The Watcher: Well, when you have a child and he or she finishes certain requirements, you'll get the freedom you so desire. I'll leave you alone, you don't have to write this blog thing anymore, but your first born child will be under my control.
Constance: I just won't have children then. Fail if you want.
The Watcher: If we fail, you're just going to have to do it all over again.
Constance: Again? You wouldn't!
The Watcher: I would.
Constance:  ...fine. As long as you let me write, Ms. Watcher. That's all I ask. Writing, and some alone time.
The Watcher: That's fine with me. Now c'mon, you really need a new makeover my dear.

Forgive me, fellow Sims. Her grip one me is as strong as...a hot glue gun. No, the gravity of the sun toward its planets? You understand.

This is my old self, which was perfectly fine thank you very much. A bookish secretary look = less people dealing with me. But then this happened:

The Watcher (who refuses to be called anything else) thought my old look didn't fit my age. She might give it back to me when I'm like, 70 days old! Do you know how long of a time that is? I look like one of those Bridgeport actresses, in fake geek chic. ...I do admit I like the color though. And that she kept my glasses.

My new formal, sleepwear, athletic, swimwear (how does one swim in a mermaid costume?), and outerwear clothes. I didn't really want to post it. She insisted.

Her second demand was to go to the library. I like the library. Books galore with other people silently reading. Unfortunately, she has other plans....

Fellow Sims, I hope these entries will serve as a warning. When you feel that Plumbob above you, you're about to be controlled by those horrible manipulators. As I learn more about Watcher culture, I'll be compiling a list of ways you can avoid being chosen for these 'Townie Decadynasties' and other challenges, and ways to deal if you do get chosen. If I'm really lucky,  I might be able to break free of this silly project once and for all.

Wish me good luck,


Offline lepapillonrouge

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Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - Breckenridge Dynasty Players
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2012, 12:05:28 AM »
Breckenridge Dynasty Players

Heir 1: Nick Breckenridge
 (Born Week 1, Day 4)

Honor Roll:
   Grade School: YES
   High School:

10 Different NPC Friends:

10 Best Friends:



10 BlackOps:



Adult Life Stage:


10 Items:

Heir 2:
 (Born Week (), Day () )

Honor Roll:
   Grade School:
   High School:

10 Different NPC Friends:

10 Best Friends:



10 BlackOps:



Adult Life Stage:


10 Items:

(more to be added later)


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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 1)
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2012, 05:44:04 AM »
Great start! It looks like you have a rebellion on your hands. ;)

Offline lepapillonrouge

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Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - Entry 2
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 12:15:35 PM »
@ Louise - It's okay. She's starting to become more tame to my commands (insert evil laughter here)
Entry 2 – Commitment Non-Issues

Thank you for all the comments! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who's been struck with the Watcher plague. In Riverview, no one ever believes me when I talk about their conspiracies! Many of you are from the Valley, apparently. I guess it'll be on my places that I should never venture...oh, and @ AnglerofSteel007, I am so sorry. I never realized that one Sim could be used by so many Watchers.

Anyway, my observations continue. As some of you have guessed, the Watcher has paired me up with a man named Hal Breckenridge, of the local police department. If I had any Free Will (which she insists is high), I wouldn't touch that man with a ten foot pole. But here I am, asking of his eligibility for marriage.

In a quick interview I do for work, I learn that Mr. Breckenridge is quite a heartbreaker. He's commented on his prowl for women are amplified by his flirtiness and, by his accounts, a great kisser. He schmoozes them until he gets what he wants, and then moves on to his next target. Talk about prime father potential, Watcher. Well, he's also a Coward, which makes absolutely no sense as to why he's in the Police Department, but he says that his father had wanted him to be one, to keep family traditions going. My Watcher says that he'll probably need a SWAP when he moves in, but I can't even imagine wanting to be in the same room with this disgusting Casanova, let alone ...children. It's not that I don't like children, believe me. Just not for long periods of time.

In the last week, the Watcher has directed all of my attentions into wooing this man. I feel like there might've been better options (even my boss might've been better! Seriously!), and I kept wishing to work on my novel and read a book. But no, just woo, woo, woo.

She also told me to invite him over to my place. I think I may have failed to mention that this is a one bedroom house...

At least she allowed me the pleasure to rock my new Rocking Chair. After all that craziness, I needed to nod off and rest somewhere...

 I ended up having this bizarre dream that there was an Alien on my front yard. Note to self: finish that Sci-Fi novel asap.

It's Day 4 in my new house, and my Watcher's been kind of nervous lately.

The Watcher: You're not even romantic interests yet, Shells.
Constance: Well, his commitment issues don't exactly help with your crazy project.  And also, my house went on fire.

I'm just a little tired. 'sides, when you use your Watcher Technology or Power or whatever to force myself to flirt with him, he tends to dislike it. And Shells? Really?
The Watcher: Constance isn't the best name to make a nickname out of. It's kind of a joke in itself.
Constance: Is your real name any better?
The Watcher: better get to constant romancing, Constance, before we have to redo this whole thing all over again.
Constance: And when's my book time? I haven't finished Where's Bella? Or The Adventures of Raymundo! My backlog is heavily increasing, you know!
The Watcher: When you have that child, you'll have plenty of time. You've only got five days left to get him or her. Now get to it.

She never informed me there was a time limit to this baby making thing! We've gotten to be 'Good Friends', I suppose, though we've only known each other for a few days. The only thing we've got in common, I think, is that we're both new to Riverview. This is a match made in the ninth level of --

Constance: You want to live here? I need some, uh, roommates for rent.
Hal: As long as I got a separate room for me and my honeys.
Constance: (to I hate my life.
The Watcher: Maybe I should've researched my options first...
Constance: You think? You really think so?

There's also pesky, non-romantic things, like paparazzi, and zombies. They said the zombies came when the moon reinstated itself in the sky...but paparazzi are eternal. Eternal annoyances, I mean. They came because of Hal's celebrity status. I guess he's famous for being such a flirt...

Not sure why he's thinking about about my coworker, Hannah Jones, though.

I'll admit, he's pretty good. At flirting, I mean, since he's not really good at anything else. He's charmed me at points. But not because I wanted to be! He's ...good with words. And being a bookworm, I like a guy like that. But that's it. Okay? I'm only agreeing to do this because my life and well-being are at stake. 

As you might also have noticed, the Watcher looks over him sometimes. Thankfully. But most of the time, she uses me for romancing and...most things. But the main benefit I've got out of it is his celebrity status. The celebrity points help a lot, though I haven't gotten anything out of it yet. However, we've got to get down to business. We need that child and for that child to come we need was...enjoyable. Like I said, he's good at what he does. But if he leaves eventually, it'll probably not affect me one bit. I feel nothing. Really. I just want my books, all my books...and maybe one more night with him...I mean I did not mean to write that Watcher stop stop stooop

The Watcher: Hee hee.

Finally, on basically the last day this was possible (The Watcher: Actually, it wasn't!), a nooboo awaits. Finally. I can curl up and read and let Hal do whatever he wants...

I mean, after we do was totally the Watcher's idea...stability is good for children, you know? Not that I couldn't do it myself. Surprised he even agreed to marry in the first place. But he said something about how he always wanted to be friends first with a girl, and I was the first person who tried to respect him as a human and not some one to woohoo with. Guess he's more decent than I gave him credit for...

Since it's my 'dynasty', or whatever, Hal's actually changing his last name to Shelley. So I suppose welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hal and Constance Shelley to the married couples of Riverview. Breckenridge is just too clunky a name for me to have anyway.

...but you think that I haven't done rebelling? Thanks to you fine readers, I've learned that ugliness is a good way for Watchers not to choose your household. Although, I wouldn't know why people like TheHandsomestBunch would wish to be used by more Watchers. Unfortunately, ever since she made over my wardrobe, and Hal is, um, not the ugliest man in the world, my future Heir is probably going to suffer as much as me, if not more, due to those requirements she spouts on about.

Thanks for reading! And someone send me a key lime pie,
- C.S.


His name is Gatsby. Gatsby Shelley.

Offline ratchie

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 2)
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 02:11:56 PM »
This is really funny I like how you are writing it from the Sim point of view.

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 2)
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2012, 06:27:58 AM »
Congrats with the nooboo! Very funny update lol. ;D

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Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 2)
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2012, 03:17:12 AM »
Entry 3 – Disoriented Family

Hello readers. I know it's been a while since an update, but you've got to understand: Children are hard,  frustrating, excruciating work. Both Hal and I were taken back by the amount of things that children do. I can't imagine have twins or triplets either. We're both pretty tired every day.

But let's go back a bit, when I was still pregnant. As a kind gesture (I guess), the Watcher allowed Hal to have a change of wardrobe.

Due to his “Charismatic trait”, as the Watcher has put it, she has assigned him the duty of making friends. Why anyone would befriend a guy with a shirt with fake muscles is beyond me.

While he was doing that, I was busy being in labor.

Hal: “You know, you're a pretty cute lady--”
Off Screen Constance: “Hal. Pain. Baby. Coming.”

Hal: “Oh crud oh crud oh crud oh crud oh crud I'M COMING HONEY!”

As you can see, as much as I like Hal, he can be quite incompetent at times. But other times, he's, dare I say it, adorable.

We also get a limo to go home, because we're 'Celebrities'. I barely go out of my house, and we're dirt poor. Hal's reputation alone can't be the reason we get these perks...are you guys somehow finding my address and sending me weird gifts like double beds and hot tubs? You're all rich crazies, in my opinion. Well that's fine. I just wish the paparazzi would leave my family and I alone.

I was super tired, so I let Hal take care of the baby while I fell asleep upstairs.

I think he's rethinking his choices in life.

Watcher: Hey Hal, are you okay? You've been making the weirdest faces.
Hal: Nooboos...never thought I'd be with a woman long enough for...nooboos.
Watcher: There, there. It could be worse. You might've had quadruplets or something! Also, if you don't take care of him, we've got to do this over. Again. And then you really might have four!
Hal: ...I love you, Gatsby! Nooboo!

I told you guys Watchers were horrible creatures. But sometimes she lets us take breaks at festivals and stuff, which just started happening in Riverview recently. Back home, this always happened, so why has this town only started holding them now? Does it have to do with the reappearance of the seasons?

We left Gatsby with a babysitter and went to the Fall Festival. Normally these festivals are held at parks, but in Riverview they hold it in an indoor venue. It's pretty useful for Winter, I suppose.

We got some pumpkins, went through the Haunted House (cowardly Hal was scared out of his mind = instant entertainment), and for whatever reason, Hal wanted to join a pie eating contest.

He didn't win, but that was good enough for me.

After the festival, we carved up the pumpkins I to these weird witches Hal and I got from the Haunted House. You don't think we're cursed, are we? I wish these witches could summon Watchers away... I could have these little moments to myself where I'm intimate with my husband...

...or see my baby grow up in privacy.

But my research so far has gathered nothing, and the Watcher seems so determined for us to succeed in this 10 generation breeding challenge. Will death be my only way out of her control? ...yet, I have no time to think about things like that. I keep thinking more about my family and my wish to become a bestselling author, which, to be honest, is what the Watcher wants as well. Is this goal-oriented thinking the Watcher's doing, or that my own free will?

Probably needing an aspirin soon,


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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 3)
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2012, 10:41:40 AM »
Poor Constance. I love how much she dislikes the paparazzi but still wants the free stuff.

Gatsby is adorable, I love the name too.

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 3)
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2012, 11:42:16 AM »
Gatsby definitely has Hal's jawline! Congrats on your first generation!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 3)
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2012, 07:01:07 PM »
He is . . .
The Great Gatsby!
The name makes sense, considering Constance's bookworminess (bookworminess?), now let's just hope there's a Tom Sawyer Shelley somewhere in the mix!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline lepapillonrouge

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Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 4)
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2012, 05:19:45 PM »
Thanks for all the comments, I really appreciate them! But, as you see, we have a bit of a problem...

Entry 4 – Driving Miss Daisy

I really did need that aspirin. But for totally different reasons.

Constance: What do you mean we already failed?!
Watcher: Yeah, well it's my bad more than anything else. I was playing ahead and...I think I failed to understand the definition of an Honor Roll...which Gatsby couldn't get in time. So yeah. Take 2?
Constance: Are you serious?! You've got to be kidding m--

Constance: --ow.
Watcher: As a consolation, I'll let you keep your librarian wear for a while?
Constance: Grr...

I guess this means I have new readers now? Let me tell you: I'm from another dimension. I'm here against my will to have descendants. I've done this before, but failed. Watchers are evil, evil creatures.
Watcher: As for my Generation H counterparts, everything is the same as last time, except there are 9 day Seasons, and a 10 day lunar cycle.

So this, I guess, is the sped up version of what I did last time...

Constance: What's your jo---I know, you're a police officer.
Hal: How'd you know that?
Constance: You also faint when you see dead people.
Hal: Are you a stalker?!

Constance: No, just a reporter who will soon become a full time author. I also forsee your future in business.
Hal: You're kind of cute.
Constance: ...thank you.

Constance: I don't remember doing this last time...
Watcher: I hadn't installed Generations the last time, and ...I forget to Water Balloon fight normally.
Constance: ...Watcher Technology has weird names.

Constance: And that over this is the Watcher who will soon be in complete control of your life.
Hal: That's a star, babe.

Constance: Please marry me or I'll be stuck in a time loop. Also I'm pregnant.
Hal: Okay---wait, what?

Constance: Finally, some time alone to write! But what's with all the annoying kids music?
Watcher: You'll see..

Watcher: Hey Hal, remember when I told you about the quadruplets if we failed? Well I spared you two, right?
Hal: Isn't it your fault that we're doing this again?
Constance: I'm glad to see some sense in this family.

Hal: I promise that I'll stay with you forever, in front of all these random strangers.
Constance: It's more because the Watcher's forcing you, right?
Hal: I really do love you, Constance.
Constance: You're embarrassing. ...but I love you too.
Hal: That's a good girl.

Hal: Happy birthday...uh...which one was this one...?
Watcher: That's Daisy.

Constance: And this is Jordan, to keep with The Great Gatsby theme we had last parallel universe.

Constance: Daisy's an excitable artist. Jordan's a grumpy little genius. Daisy's the heir, if it wasn't obvious by the title. They're both rather cute.

Constance: But cleaning up for two children is Stress City. Hal!
Hal: /pretends to sleep

(Watcher's Note: I'm pretty sad that I failed so early, but I too like the twins. Hoping for a spare boy though.)

Offline azokka361

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In my opinion, it's better to fail early than late--this way, you won't have to redo generations of work! Besides, you know what you're up against and everything is in hyper-speed. Congratulations on having the tenacity to try again! (And congratulations on the Great Gatsby theme.)
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty


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Congrats on the twins! Good luck this time around. :)

Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: Watchers, in Your Neighborhood! - A Shelley Decadynasty (Entry 5)
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2013, 10:02:53 PM »
Entry 5 – Snow Daze (Part 1)

Soon enough, Daisy and Jordan age up. The Watcher enlists Hal to tutor Daisy so that she can get this coveted honor roll. When I was growing up, honor roll didn't require all night tutoring sessions.

It's madness really. While Jordan's all fine and dandy sleeping, Daisy has to suffer for the sake of this whole dynasty business. Sometimes I'm forced to help out as well.

Watcher: You realize if she fails to get honor roll, you'll have to do this all, over, again, right?
Constance: But she hasn't had a decent sleep in two days!
Watcher: Tough luck.

At least she grew up to be a cutie pie.

Jordan's usually by herself, playing with Hal's chemistry set or playing with the blocks.

I've been mulling things in my mind. Daisy's become introverted and tired of learning. Jordan, although friendly with kids at school, hasn't been able to spend time with her older sister. This kind of tyranny – towards children, not less – has got to stop.

Hal: Then why not just 'accidentally' make sure that Daisy doesn't get the honor roll?
Constance: What do you mean?
Hal: Well, it's Winter isn't it? If it snows too much, there's a big chance that Snow Days will occur. Didn't you have Snow Days from where you came from?
Constance: ...I hadn't thought of that. But I don't understand what you're going with this...
Hal: Just pretend that we're tutoring her, going along with the Watcher's plans...and then if there's too many snow days, then we'll just say 'Oh well! Guess better luck next time!'
Constance: Come on, Hal, we've already done this before. She won't stop until she gets what she wants.
Hal: I'm not so sure about that. Even if we're stuck doing things over and over again, we can still defy her until she's tired of us.

I shrugged. If Hal was good at something, it's manipulating things in his favor. It's why he was in the Business career nowadays. So I went with it.

Hal kept tutoring Daisy. And occasionally, Hal 'tutored' me in ...other things.

Despite his bad traits, he's a pretty good guy. I might've underestimated Hal...

If the Watcher has given me something good, it would be him.
Hal's plan has been quite successful. Hearing the frustration of the Watcher was probably the most satisfying sounds I've heard in a long time.

Watcher: AGH! Why is this happening again!
Constance: Yes?
Watcher: Snow Day! There's always a Snow Day! And when I manually let the twins go to school, only Jordan goes in, and Daisy's stuck outside making an igloo by herself! I'll never get that honor roll ding dong thing! AGH!
Constance: I'm sure Daisy will get it eventually. Just relax in the snow.
Watcher: You don't even have that 'Loves the Cold' trait! Agh! I can't believe this! I'm going to fail again! I've only just started!
Constance: You could always just let us go. You know. Leave us be.
Watcher: I could. It's almost like you're doing this on purpose. But I didn't give you that device to control the weather so...I can't blame you...I think.
Constance: So what are you going to do then?
Watcher: Not sure. Break maybe. I've got other Dynasties to manage as well. I'm well ahead in playing time with the Valmonts, and I'm doing a story on an immortal songstress in Starlight Shores...I've also got this really fun backup file. It's about a Cinderella figure, a runaway princess, and a prince...
Constance: Sounds a lot like fun, Watcher! Why don't you do that?
Watcher: ...I guess. You guys are stressing me out big time after all.

So the Watcher left us be for a while, thankfully. I let the twins do whatever they want. Apparently they both wanted to be princesses.

Hal and I...well, this is the result of what we were doing.

It was all well and good, until everything went dark. Before I knew it, I, Constance Shelley, was sucked into a never ending vortex - until I landed in a very familiar place...

I almost cried.

But something was very different this time. The Watcher...where was the Watcher? Wasn't she going to torment me and talk about this Decadynasty for the third...fourth...not sure how many time? Was I actually free this time to do what I wanted?

I didn't really understand...until a certain someone walked toward my yard.

Hal: So I just smile like this and she'll fall in love with me like that? Awesome!
Watcher: Exactly Hal. Exactly.

That witch! She's manipulating Hal this time around?!

Befuddled and confused,

