Thanks for the congratulations, saltpastillen and ladybug53. I'm also open for comments, because it's always good to know what people like best and least.
saltpastillen, I really liked the shape of your main house, and the brown siding. It looked perfect in Hidden Springs. If I would have changed anything, it woud have been to add some more detail to the outside of the storage bulding, maybe using some of the barn-style paneling to add wooden edges to the stone, or something like that. (That's a really minor thing, though.) I did also think a couple of the patterns clashed too much for my own particular taste -- especially in the bunkbed room.
ladybug53, I also really liked your entry, and loved the interior colors. Very nice. If I had to change something, I would have tweaked the roof a little. Those two towers are too close in size and height, maybe... they don't really work well with the tall gable in my opinion.
Neashaleigh, I loved your kitchen, and I really loved the shape and layout the house. Very pretty and practical too. I might have tried to vary the interior colors some more (though I know that was tricky when we're limited!). Mostly though, for me the colors look overly saturated and sometimes too dark or bright, so it's hard to see details. The living room has got that issue the most for me -- might be that my monitor renders them differently than yours.
Thanks again, and congrats to everyone on such a great contest.