I also want to extend to you all how impressive this site is. It is not an easy task to do, to moderate/mediate in a forum and have to make decisions at times if someone has to leave.
I speak from experience, I was a core member for six years and for two years I was moderator/mediator of an internet support group for families with special needs children; and by special needs, I mean with (and still deal with) emotional/psychological problems, ADHD, Bipolar, Aspergers, Conduct Disorder and several others. We had over 100 families from all over the world.
So, I know how hard this task is and I am very impressed with how this site is managed. It a task that I don't want take on again for a few more years, if ever, my life is too full right now to give the needed attention, which awes me at how ya'll are able to do such a good job along with your private life.