It seems that everyone is playing winter, just doing a quick glance at the other seasons.
I am hoping that there is somenone liike me that HATES winter. Dark, depressing, dreary, depressing, cold, depressing, damp, depressing; did I mention that I find winter time depressing?
I will admit that a lot it is due to having SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), lack of sunlight affects my mood - so, that means I fight depression more often, months here of Nov through Feb-March are, well, depressing for me.
Please, has someone played the other seasons enough to give a good idea of what it is like then? Spring, I LOVE spring, my favorite time of the year, bright, sunny, warm, sunny, inviting, sunny, clear skies; I don't even care when it rains, it make me feels so much better.
I know that there are special lamps to use for that time of the year, but they are expensive, and we just can't afford to buy any, especially right now. I'm not working, so income is sadly lacking.
So, Spring, Summer, anyone, some info of those seasons?